1 minute read

Third North Nave Windows

Feast of All Nations


The Feast of All Nations windows foretell of the communion of Christ and His church now and in the life to come.

At the bottom, the Tree of Life emerges from the baptismal waters (detail A). The tree, hearkening back to the stump of Jesse, brings forth wheat and grapes. It forms the eucharistic table where disciples from all nations gather (detail B). No barrier of language, age, status or physical ability prevents the faithful from communing with Jesus in this world or the world to come.

Above the table, the four evangelists, (Matthew the angel, Mark the lion, Luke the ox and John the eagle) bring the proclamation of the Gospel to the ends of the earth (detail C). In the center of the earth stands a transparent cross. Tree-like in look, the cross reveals the living grace of God and reminds the faithful of the presence of Christ in the world, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The River of Life continues to flow through these windows, calling God’s people to celebrate now in hope of the New Creation. Such anticipation is seen in the eagle who looks toward the return of Christ and the figures whose robes begin to change to jewel-like tones. Indeed, all who gather around the eucharistic table participate in a foretaste of the feast to come.

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