Human Magazine - Issue #04

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___ DECEMBER 2018

















___the team

AM Editor-in-Chief Ian (IRV) Irving


Emily Perryment James Dutton

Creative Director Holly Rowlands-Hempel

Contributing Writers Angela Melling, James Dutton, Brad Jennings, Karin Bosman, Marcus Freeman, Bryce Main, Aiste Miseviciute, Samanah Duran, Kim McDonnell, Mike Chuter, Farouk Deen


All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reprinted, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recovering, or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers. Although the greatest care has been taken to ensure all of the information contained in Human is as accurate as possible, neither the publishers nor the authors can accept any responsibility for damage, of any nature, resulting from the use of this information. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Human. Rights owned by Kemosabe.


8-9 14-17 6-27 30-3

12_Authentic Engagement & 6 Outsta 20_Rise of the Wordjackers

26_In Support of Social Ent

32_People Change Th


46_Full Eng





anding Individuals That Could Aid You Achieve It





glish Indigo & Goods

havioural Science, an Advertising Legend, and the Man Who Spoke to Serial Killers

4-58 62-63 68-69 74-78

56_The Sushi Master Who "Climbed Mount Everest" 60_Palau Pledge


70_Acknowledging the Unsung Heroines 74_What We Are Reading

76_Some People Do Everything, and Some Poeple Do Fuck All



Editor's Note Well, here we are - Issue #04. I honestly didn't believe it was possible to deliver this as quickly as we have, and I certainly didn't think that we would be able to match the outstanding content of the last issue.‌ Well, not for the first time in my life I was wrong – very wrong. It appears that despite all the negative that is happening in the world, all the assholes who are either destroying lives, the planet or businesses (not to mention the world leaders who frankly couldn't lead a kindergarten), the world is still home to some amazing humans: people who say no, people who say #MeToo, people who fight for change and people who frankly give a shit. In this issue we will take a look at and hear from some of the awesome people who are fighting for and delivering change. We might also highlight some of those assholes we love to hate as well. I want to express my pride and gratitude to my amazing colleagues and every single contributor who has made the mag the powerhouse that it is. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a 2019 filled with prosperity and love. Enjoy guys.









Authentic Engagement & Outstanding Individuals That Could Aid You Achieve It

If you want to influence culture, grow your organisation, build and lead communities and engage in the marketplace, the key to successfully achieving these goals on a sustainable basis is authenticity, as it cuts through communication and monetary challenges. Without authenticity you leave yourself open to repeat the examples of the many high-profile missteps that brands and organisations have made with their choice of vernacular in modern marketing, advertising and communication. You also won’t see your competition coming nestled within the comforts of your bubble. In effect, you will have massive blind spots. In light of its significance, authenticity should always start at the decision-making table. You achieve authenticity by focusing on representation at the decision-making level, as once you get the balance of this (note: this should always be an on-going process as opposed to static) it will then afford you with an inbuilt range of life experiences and perspectives that will better place you to create an identity to be proud of. Sure, there will be backlash from those who don't agree, but if you think everybody loves you, you would be wrong. This is what the internet has taught us, there is no monoculture. Note: Diversity is not interchangeable with representation. In fact, the reality is that in terms of affecting real change, representation > diversity. So how can one test for authenticity at the decisionmaking level? Let’s say, for example, our objectives are


to either expand our current audience or connect with a new community. Now, have a good look around our decision-making table, ask ourselves, have the people making the decisions here on how money is being spent ever had any skin of their own in the game? Have they ever spent any of their own proactive time or, no less important, money within the community we look to build a relationship with? We are not talking about a VIP invite to an enclosed back stage area afforded access because of who they work for, no, we are talking about queuing up to get in and standing in the middle of the mosh pits. If our answers are a big fat “no” to all of the above, then we, I am afraid, lack authenticity at a decision-making level. Now, when it comes to authentic engagement, the following outstanding individuals should definitely be on your radar for consideration in some form. Meet them, give them hench budgets and unleash them to program, curate and, most importantly, represent. As I am nice like that, I have even provided suggestions as to how I would translate their talents in order to provide you with the inspiration on how you in turn could look to utilise them. Even more so, if you pay close enough attention you may discern additional solutions on how you can approach identifying new sources of talent that will sweep your competitors to the dark recesses of the market, never to darken one’s visage again.

Source: Twitter, @livlittle


Liv Little – BBC 3

I absolutely ardour people that complain through action, and Liv Little’s response to the lack of representation in mainstream media is Gal Dem, an online and print magazine where all of the content is produced by women and non-binary people of colour. The team Liv has built has produced content that is thought-provoking alongside doses of engaging humour and eye-catching visuals. Now imagine what kind of progressive impact someone like Liv could achieve programming within one of the world's oldest national broadcasting organisations. I certainly can.



Vane - Loos


Mainstream and I could changed. Va London, an that provide fashion, bea alongside co Vanessa, tas platform fo

XO Man – Beats By Dre Entertainment Marketing XO Man is a marketing man’s dream. As good a promoter, brand builder, communications director or marketing executive than you reading this right now, I promise. If an unsigned artist has the juice to have the likes of Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles appear in his music videos, attend Chris Brown house parties, and command centre page spreads in national newspapers because he was the ring leader at an after party for an awards show he never even went to, the magic his charisma would bring to a brand like Beats By Dre would revitalise the stardust lost post-Apple takeover.

Source: Facebook, @XoManFan


Source:, Photographer Fleur Britten

essa Sanyauke se Women

m daytime media has become homogenous dn’t think of a better time for the game to be Vanessa is the Founder and CEO of Girls Talk n online panel talk show for millennial women es inspiration and tips from leading experts on auty, careers, business, health and well-being, onversation on trending news. Commission sk her to produce, and go on to own the main or debate amongst women well into the future.



A leading source for cultural inspiration, particularly resonating with young adults, will emanate from African origins in the near future. From the very first footage I saw Meji, a London based Director, Filmmaker and Photographer, capture, he has always maintained a unique look and feel which has evolved even further over time, resulting in Meji becoming the number one Afrobeat music video director in the world. Book him and he will deliver the look and feel that will appeal to fans of many global mainstream brands, avoiding any culturally insensitive pitfalls, cough *Pepsi* cough.


Meji Alabi Advertising Director


5 Source:


René Daniella - Virgin Holidays Marketing and Customer Experience

Of both English and American heritage with a history that includes living in 9 different cities across 4 countries, 2 of which were not English speaking, travel is an integral part of René’s lifestyle. With her experience of building an audience to share travel experiences through Own By Femme and her co-host work on Passport Heavy, securing René’s unique tone and perspective of personal experiences, top secret travel tips, health & fitness challenges and recipes will resonate internationally with generations that see and feel no borders.


@chuckieonline Source:


Chuckie Lothian (The Word) A respected DJ and host of the highly accessible podcast Halfcast, Chuckie Lothian is all about real talk. What has been missing from our airwaves is a mad, pioneering, audacious show such as The Word. Bring it back, give it to Chuckie, and stick to the same magazine format which allowed for interviews, live music, features and game shows, with late-night scheduling providing plenty of fertile ground for guests to be controversial with no subject matter off consideration. Keep the “I'll do anything to be on television” section called "The Hopefuls" in which people ate worms, bathed in maggots, and kissed old people – in this day and age that would be dynamite and alongside Chuckie's nuance. Sit back and watch what will inevitably be TV gold and count the tabloid column inches and advertising spend. Farouk Deen Cellar Door Promotions Ltd




Rise of the Wordjackers

Words are at the root of humanity’s greatest achievements, but also at the root of its greatest atrocities. Words can be strung together to make us laugh, weep, or feel great joy. They can also be used to make us hate each other. Words have always been twisted to suit agendas, but there seems to be a growing trend of hijacking them to make perfectly reasonable and egalitarian positions sound nefarious and vice versa. ‘Feminism’ is a simple word to label a concept which advocates equality of the sexes. However, it doesn’t mean that to a lot of people. To those who have been indoctrinated by opponents of equality it implies a threat to the natural order of things, and the descriptor ‘feminist’ may conjure up a po-faced militant harridan, hell bent on dedicating their lives to the hatred of men. One of the most alarming aspects of this attitude is that many women have also become complicit in spreading this misinterpretation, to the point that they declare themselves not to be feminists, shuddering in horror at the thought. Well, here’s hoping you have some nice earrings to match that yoke, ladies, and do remember not to voice your opinions too much, as everyone will know you to be one of those ‘attention-seeking’ sorts. Similarly, people who now speak up about what they believe to be just are


decried as ‘virtue-signallers’ – a term originally apt in calling out high profile charidee do-gooders who are utter bastards in their private lives. People who are alarmed by vicious bigotry and casual racism are now known as ‘snowflakes’, easily ‘triggered’ and incapable of appreciating good ‘banter’. The word ‘anti-fascist’ has been shortened to ‘antifa’ to stop people thinking about what the word actually means as it is being utilised to create a menacing bogeyman out of anyone opposing a resurgence of Nazi ideology. Fear has long been known as a great influencer of public opinion. Back in 2013-14, supporters of Scottish selfdetermination recognised these tactics being used by the Unionists and dubbed it ‘Project Fear’. The often-repeated mantra was that Scotland did not have the resources to survive on its own and it would be kicked out of the EU if it gained independence. Of course, we all know how well being “better together” worked out on that particular issue. The ‘Yes’ campaigners retorted with the ironic riposte, “too wee, too poor, too stupit”, which was aimed at energising the stoic warrior-like self-image of the Scots. Now, we are seeing these tactics flipped and being used across our union of countries in the great Brexit

debate. Rees-Mogg, with the assistance of the majority right-wing press, has wordjacked the phrase ‘Project Fear’ and is utilising it to pooh-pooh post-Brexit disaster warnings given by experts in the fields of business, science, health, agriculture and education. The right wing is now pushing ‘Project Prosperity’ as the solution, emotionally appealing to the self-interest of voters, as well as exploiting the famous British Bulldog spirit, throwing out plenty of jingoistic rhetoric, such as, “taking back control” and “the will of the people.” And of course, we all know the people of the UK have had enough of ‘experts’. Meanwhile in the US, the orange hatemonger-in-chief is amplifying the confidence and escalating the fears of white supremacists to the point where they’re feeling justified in reporting black children to the police for looking suspicious whilst they are doing a paper round. The puppet masters and warped brains running the propaganda machine for today’s fascists have hijacked the word ‘alternative’ to rebrand themselves as the ‘alt-right’, intimating a cool indie band, as opposed to jackboot-wearing sieg-heiling Nazi fanboys. Ironically, they have also hijacked Orwell, twisting his themes to support their


march towards a bleak totalitarian future. Reading straight from the 1984 playbook, they are emulating Newspeak with the creation of portmanteau words such as ‘hatefact’, Trumpwave’ or ‘Weimerica’. And don’t get them started on ‘normies’ (anyone other than themselves), ‘femoids’ (a term to denote the sub-human attributes of women), or ‘warmists’ (yes, you guessed it! Those fools who believe global warming is a real phenomenon caused by human activity). The global adoption of the internet over 20 years ago has proved a boon for the spread of this ideology, and the flames are being fanned by some powerful people to suit their own agenda of pushing governments to the right, paving the way for deregulation. It is always easier for a movement of aggression to outgrow one of peace by the very nature of the methods deployed.

If we accept this new language without challenge, the dripping tap effect could make Nazis of us all. I hope, dear reader, that while perusing this article you recognised some of the emotive and sardonic devices that I have used in an attempt to get you onside with my opinions. After all, fact-based articles are so last century… But seriously, please question the motivation of everything, rather than accepting it at face value. For further reading, please see the following lexicons of far-right terminology: https://www.npr org/2017/09/06/548858850/-ghostskins-and-masculinity-alt-right-terms-defined

We owe it to ourselves and to those that we care about to familiarise ourselves with the language of hate, so that we recognise it when we see it, and make sure that we don’t further its spread or normalise it by using it ourselves whilst attempting to lazily shut down an argument.

Angela Melling 22







Social enterprises are businesses that exist solely to help others. Rather than pocketing their profits, they instead use them to create real social change; this may be locally or worldwide, on the high street or over the internet, from coffee to beer, socks to cinemas.

running in the UK, there are definitely some you’ll have heard of. The Big Issue, Eden Project and Divine Chocolate are just a few of vast array of social enterprises, which employ almost 1 million people in the UK, and contribute approximately £24 billion to the economy.

With just a small bit of research, it wouldn't be difficult to live daily life exclusively buying from and working with these social enterprises. They’re present in almost every sector, be it entertainment, consumer goods, energy, or more – and with over 80,000 social enterprises currently

Schemes such as Social Enterprise UK’s Buy Social campaign challenge everyone to consider what we buy, where we buy, and how we can do good with our purchasing choices. Here are some of our favourite, lesser known social enterprises.

“It’s business for good and when they profIt, society profIts”

Brewgooder “Drink Beer Give Water” – this is Brewgooder’s mission. Their Clean Water Lager provides drinking water for those that need it across the world, using their craft blend of Sorachi Ace and Saaz hops to drive profit, 100% of which is then donated to clean water charities. Beginning on World Water Day 2016 with 1,000 supports, Brewgooder have since helped over 33,000 people in dire need of clean drinking water.

Enabling Enterprise Established by teachers in 2009, Enabling Enterprise focus on closing the gaps in our educational system: they build essential skills into children, focusing on teamwork, leadership, resilience and effective communication. In 2017 alone, over 86,000 students took part in Enabling Enterprise programmes in over 275 schools. The social enterprise also works with over 120 businesses, such as Hamleys and Virgin, to offer real-life experiences to children in school.

Stand4 Socks "What if socks could change the world?". Stand4 Socks stand by this statement, and with all of us wearing socks on a daily basis, why couldn't they? According to Stand4, socks are the most requested item by homeless shelters. So, they created a social enterprise sock company, donating one pair of specially designed socks to homeless people for every pair of socks that they sell – one for one. Why not think about the difference your sock purchases could make when the time next comes to replace an old pair?

From Babies with Love When you purchase From Babies with Love, your money supports abandoned and orphaned children from around the world. They understand that children who have lost their parents through war, poverty, or disease need someone else to rely on, so they provide homes, healthcare, and education to support these children. With bespoke designs for babies clothing, gifts and toys, and partner charities such as Street Child and SOS Children’s Villages, your purchase turns a gift for one child into a gift for two.


Hey Girls Though many people may be unaware of it, a large number of girls in the UK miss school simply because they can't afford sanitary products. It’s this issue that Hey Girls seeks to fight, giving a girl or woman struggling in the UK one pack of products for every pack they sell. Their philosophy is that girls and young women should never have to compromise their wellbeing or their health because of affordability.

Change Please Homelessness has over doubled in the UK in the past 10 years, with over 4,000 people now sleeping on the streets every night. Meanwhile, the average Londoner buys two cups of coffee every day, creating a demand that requires over 100,000 jobs to keep up in the UK alone. Change Please pieced these two growing trends together and developed a way to solve both simultaneously. By training homeless people as baristas, employing them to run coffee carts and shops, paying London Living Wage, assisting with housing, and providing emotional support, they help the homeless feel welcome in society again. James Dutton Editor

“Good coffee doesn't just taste good - it does good too.” 28



changepleasecoffee 30



Online. Offline. We are your people.

Media People London

@TheMediaPeople 31

PE CH TH The world is changing faster than ever before.


EOPLE HANGE HINGS. Big business is investing billions to transform the way they do things. There is an explosion of incubators, accelerators, crowd funding platforms and shared offices, all ready to support people who want to solve problems or fix the things that frustrate them. While this new world emerges, the old world is dying - and it’s painful. 75% of the world’s employees are disengaged at a time when big businesses need their people to be their most engaged. At the heart of this Employment of Discontent is a dominant management mindset that sees people as a ‘resource’ or a ‘cog in the wheel’. It is an outdated world view that is tired, creaking, and a drag on progress.

Change is in the air Change is a natural process, but it also stimulates a conditioned response - a fear of the unknown. This fear is acute when you work inside a large organisation and go through ‘top down’ change. It’s not the fear of change that stops transformations succeeding. Rather, it’s the perceived loss of control that comes when we feel change is ‘done to us’.

There are two dominant conversations currently shaping the world of work, one rational and the other emotional. The rational conversation is about technology, machines, data and artificial intelligence. The emotional conversation is about humanity, compassion, diversity and inclusion, mental health and our planet. Both conversations are important. We just need to guard against the rational mindset squashing our natural desire to be human. The key that unlocks everything is people. Technology is the enabler, people change things. In the middle of 2018, I set out on a journey to discover people who are doing something to build a better world. I was open minded about what I’d learn, but at the same time I was looking for insight to add to the body of work on engaging people at work. It is still early days, but I have learnt a lot already. With every conversation I have I learn something new. Here are a few highlights...


Purpose and meaning Doing work that is meaningful is important to all of us and there has been a surge towards individuals and businesses having a clear sense of purpose. When we know why we are doing something it is more motivating. Purpose helps us feel part of something greater than ourselves. And there is a growing awareness that purpose isn’t just something you talk about – you have to take action. I found a good example of purpose in action when I spoke to Alan Mahon, the Co-Founder of Brewgooder. It is a craft beer label that donates 100% of its profits to clean water projects around the world. Around 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, yet only 3% of it is fresh and according to the United Nations, 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water. Alan’s passion for water as a resource can be traced back to when he was 21 years old. He was taking part in an international development project in Nepal when he got sick by drinking water from the local water source. Alan also has a passion for craft beer and, after many tasting sessions, he realised that there wasn’t a socially minded beer a beer where he could help another person just by drinking it. So he merged his two passions, beer and water, and co-founded Brewgooder. The focus of Brewgooder is not on the brewing process or the heritage of where the beer comes from. It’s about giving the consumer the power to provide 1 million people access to clear drinking water.

When I spoke to Alan I was inspired by the meaning he got from his work. He gets out of bed every day knowing why he does the work he does. He knows the contribution he’s making to people’s lives. “All you can do is live out your values and live out the impact that you’re promising.” Alan told me. Alan takes a progressive approach to brand building through his employees, “customers who buy Brewgooder expect to see results and they also expect to see the people who are driving the mission being at the forefront.” He has taken the team to Malawi to get up close and see the impact of their work. He told me that he doesn’t want the guys to work in a business that’s just got a nice story to tell their friends. He wants them to connect to the purpose of why the business exists, so they feel part of something greater than themselves. It’s a commercially astute thing to do too. When I reflect on the conversation with Alan, I think about a few things. Firstly, I need to stock up on Brewgooder beer. It’s great tasting beer and it’s an incredible feeling to enjoy a cold beer and know you’re doing good. I also think about big companies who want to bring their purpose to life. What can they learn from Alan? I would encourage leaders to be authentic when it comes to the purpose. Don’t use purpose as a marketing campaign. Protect it. Let it come to life through your products and services. And make sure your actions are in line with why you do what you do.

The power of narrative I met Christal Earle, the Founder of BraveSoles. Her story is incredible. When I caught up with Christal, I expected to have

The po


ower 35

a conversation about her start-up, which is an up-cycle brand that makes shoes with soles made from re-cycled tires. But what made her story really interesting is that while Christal was working in the Dominican Republic, she met her daughter, in a garbage dump. Her daughters’ birth mother passed away and so Christal adopted her. And now, as a mum, every two weeks she flies between Canada and the Dominican Republic so she can work and be with her daughter, who’s stateless and isn’t allowed to live in Canada. Christal made me reflect on how important it is to be aware of the stories we tell ourselves.She has taken control of her story and approaches life with a positive and optimistic mindset. Christal is determined to make change happen. If you ever feel like giving up on something, listen to Christal Earle's story first. My conversation with Christal made me think more carefully about the language I use to describe the world around me. What is the world I want to live in? And am I using words and images to make that world a reality?

Start Something If you have an idea to make change happen, start. That’s a theme that keeps coming up. Linkey helps homeless people in London and around the UK. It started as an Amazon wishlist before evolving to become an online shop. Natasha Langleban, the Co-Founder of Linkey told me, “you don’t have to start huge”. Her advice was to work out your idea. Take the first steps. Test it. And evolve as you go. So many of us have an idea that we want to see come to life. But it just stays as an idea. I love the moment when an idea begins to become something.


My conversation with Tom Gatzen and Rob Imonikhe, Co-Founders of Ideal Flatmate, touched on the same theme. One of their first challenges to get started was their lack of technical capability. As Tom explained to me, “neither of us are technical so we didn’t have any idea how to build a site, or to build algorithms.” Solution? They used Google to find a developer and found someone to help. And they are still working with them today. Listening to Tom and Rob describe how they got started was a good reminder to embrace the unknown. With confidence and conviction, you can make things happen. Rob also re-enforced Natasha’s advice to make a start if you have an idea, “don’t worry so much about getting every little detail right. You know there are so many ways you can test ideas and get feedback without building a Starship Enterprise.” We can all make positive change happen. From my vantage point I see a movement of people who have decided that change starts with them. When I spend time in the world of someone who is making change happen I feel energised and empowered. I’ve been inspired by stepping out into the unknown and surrounding myself with people who are unconstrained, adaptable and determined to make a positive difference in the world. My suggestion to you is – find people around you that are making a difference and spend time with them. You never know what might rub off. The People Change Things podcast is about people who are building a better world. You can listen here: Brad Jennings

C in

Changeis n the air. 37


The price of greatness is responsibility Winston Churchill



ASSHOLE-HEROES_ What an amazing and empowering title for this issue of Human Magazine: ‘People are Awesome’. But at the same time this title released mixed emotions, because are we really as awesome as we would like to think we are?


When I was asked to contribute to this issue with my view on #MeToo, I felt inspired and honored. I immediately started my research on the heroes, and with that, also on the assholes of #MeToo. The differences of opinion about the movement, with the topic sexual workplace harassment, suddenly made this article much more difficult than initially anticipated. Let me take you through the struggles, thoughts and insights in my search for the awesome people who actually made a difference.

I think we can agree upon the fact that #MeToo created a movement, a wake-up call which brought us the necessary attention on the behavior of men and women towards each other, not only in our work environment, but in general. A wave of personal experiences lifted the lid on this sordid cesspool. Further, we’ve seen that next to the sexual harassment, the movement also questioned equality between people – this hashtag created worldwide awareness. But now, one year later, did it transform the world or not? In other words: how many wake-up calls do we actually need to achieve permanent behavioral change?

Walk the Talk

With an army of survivors, Aly Raisman unmasked Larry Nassar, the monster who was also the architect of policies and procedures that were supposed to protect athletes from sexual harassment and abuse. Rosemarie Aquilina, the Michigan judge and absolute hero, sentenced Nassar with up to 175 years in prison. I think we can call them heroes when it comes to advocating against sexual harassment. Words have power but we need to translate these words into deeds, walk the talk. When it comes to the heroes of the #MeToo area, it seems that some of them celebrated a short duration. And again, the discussions about the definition of being a movementhero or asshole can be considered a divisive factor. For example, the behavior of Serena Williams (for some people a hysterical reaction) during the US Open-finale; empowered by #MeToo, she stated that she was unfairly treated, referring to the roadmap of equality between men and women. Issue was raised regarding referee Carlos Ramos and his tolerance-norm of emotions between men and women. Although this is a serious problem in sports,



Ramos is known for not turning a blind eye. Former tennis player Billie Jean King, who advocates for gender equality in sports since the 70s, issued that when men speak out they are called ‘pronounced’, whereas women standing up for themselves easily get labelled and stigmatized with ‘hysterical’. This discussion made sure that everyone forgot about Naomi Osaka, the winner of the US Openfinale. Was it not Carlos Ramos that was the victim of the circumstances (because of the acts of his collegue referees) and wasn't that the real reason Williams got upset when she recieved her three offical warnings?

Victim and Offender I felt disbelief and disappointment when the media revealed the fact that Asia Argento, who started the #MeToo movement, had paid off actor Jimmy Bennet (17) after having some adventures with this young adult. At the same time, I also realized that we can be both; victim and offender. That doesn’t mean that what Argento experienced with Weinstein is less important or that this should infect the movement negatively. Precisely the opposite is true; we learn from these facts and they make us question our own behavior.

Speaking about the media and integrity, this last year we have seen many journalists and their articles, mostly about victims and offenders, preferably celebrities. They’ve tried to create an overcrowded walk of shame, where heroes become assholes and assholes become heroes. The number of requests I received about juicy stories and contact information for victims of sexual harassment from the media were countless. As a survivor, I understand the importance of sharing stories, but speaking out is never without consequences or even risks, especially when it comes to non-disclosure agreements. So, within media we have also dealt with heroes and assholes. As we’ve already had one year of reading all those names, I choose to leave that for what it is and focus on the unseen. For this, we need to pose the right questions. When we are telling people how to behave we create a misguided solution. It’s simply impossible to define desirable behavior for every situation. Personal judgement and choices will always affect behavior and will be leading in their response.


"I have the right to offend you" My career started in the advertising business, and with 20 years of experience in that industry from the age of 20 I’ve experienced a lot of forms of workplace harassment, mostly sexual. It took me 20 years to realize that the behavior I was exposed to wasn’t always that friendly. I didn’t receive it as unwelcome because I was ignorant and, more importantly, not informed. Those who were in charge also determined how we were supposed to receive their behavior – 79% of harassment comes from superiors. Recently, I was thrilled about being invited to speak by an international ad agency in Amsterdam; the movement had also reached this industry due to the empowering campaign of Time’s Up, so this agency decided to inform and instruct their employees about workplace harassment. The session was well prepared (controlled) by their HR department and finally we were all set to start the session. They surprised me with an audience only consisting of board members, and although I felt a threatening lack of respect during the session, there was also an interesting statement made by one of the board members sitting in the back of the room. He felt confident enough to tell me that he has the right to offend me – referring to freedom of speech. Next to the fact that this agency wanted to control my content, and with that the information the employees would receive about workplace harassment – make them no more burdensome than necessary – the words “I have


the right to offend you” shocked me. I respect freedom of speech, but we have to discuss the purpose of freedom of speech when it comes to workplace harassment. The board member differentiated his statement with “actually, I can say everything that I feel is needed to say as a superior to make sure you will do your job in the best possible way.” In what way are boundaries of respect an influence when it comes to freedom of speech? Or as this gentleman stated, “the right to offend you”? Next to imbalance of power, lack of respect awareness, and ignorance, can we say that freedom of speech also is a part of this cesspool of failure when it comes to sexual workplace harassment. Or is this just another lame excuse for justifying the right to sexually harass people?

Powerful People I was asked to take a look at the great, the good, and the bad things people can do. For those who are famous, we’ve seen what they have done. The movement has put sexual harassment back on our agendas. The challenge will be to keep it there and address problem areas when it comes to an effective and structural approach. We have to be very careful with reappointing workplace harassment with overarching objectives like inclusiveness. Let us not pull wool over each other’s eyes, this will not help encourage people to speak and stand up against harassment. The need for renaming this taboo subject will only create a blind spot all over again. I know it’s hard to look at people crying because of what has happened to them or because what they have done, but

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it’s needed to fully understand the effects of harassment. Next to that, we must feel empowered by this movement created by all of us. To achieve an effective approach, we have to embrace all thoughts and insights brought to us by survivors, offenders, advocates, opponents and even from the men and women who think they have the right to offend us. Powerful people are needed – when power is not abused, power is empowering. Famous people can be powerful people; for #MeToo this strengthened the movement positively, but now it’s time to take it to another level. Because we know that 79% of the harassment comes from superiors, the ones who are most afraid and uncertain when it comes to doing the right thing.

At eight out of ten sessions I present internationally, someone starts crying. When they are able to share their story I often hear that it’s about someone who stood up for them in a harassment situation, or that they stood up for someone, with consequences. Left out by fellow employees, they’ve been treated like the company asshole. It’s time to realize that we have to make a culture change together, urgently. We have to let go of the fear and the shame, because recognition in the purest sense of the word leaves only room for asshole-heroes. So let us all be heroes for more than just one day. Karin Bosman About Workplace Harassment

Asshole-heroes For me, the unseen and undeservedly discarded real-life savers when it comes to sexual harassment are the bystanders that step forward, the witnesses that stand-up for those who have suffered from workplace harassment. During my personal case of sexual harassment, not one woman but four men stepped forward; they all lost their job after the trial.

many wake-up calls do ctually need to achieve nt behavioral change?



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Full English Indigo & Goods Within the rugged workwear scene there is a variety of brands who are run by some awesome individuals. The brand Indigo & Goods hits the nail on the head for me, and I had the pleasure of interviewing the man who makes it all happen, David Rix.

Marcus: Hi David, it’s good to finally grab a bit of your time – it’s almost as if 24hrs isn’t enough for you and the brand. It would be great to kick things off with a quick introduction; could you explain what role you play at Indigo & Goods?

a small collection of Indigo pieces. We first tried promoting through bands and musicians, and then quickly realised that most bands have 5 band members to dress… so this started to be quite costly!

David: Hi, I’m David, Founder and Creative Director at Indigo & Goods. I trained as a clothing designer and over the past few years I’ve drifted in to do the other things that running a brand requires. Out of college in London I was hired by John Varvatos to work for him in the States, and then later moved to Ralph Lauren as an outerwear designer there, then mens designer at Urban Outfitters before moving to Belgium to start a concept for VF, and then back to London to work on other things. The brand started because I wanted to work my own hours… little did I know they were ALL hours.

Marcus: As a marketing man myself, I can see how this could be a super effective penetration strategy, almost a cooler way of incepting an influencer method. What were your motivations when starting up?

Marcus: Wow, it seems like everything you’ve previously done has driven you to roll out something of your own. How did you get Indigo & Goods off the ground?

David: To be honest to your customers and try to make a great product. The brand must have integrity. Don't hide anything from your customers, as they will always find out. This is why we film behind scenes and at factories. To show the customers exactly where and how

David: The brand was launched at the Isle of Wight Festival in June 2017 with


David: Raw, honest, gritty, no bullshit brand.You have to do what makes you happy I guess. Being my own boss, I get to choose who I work with. Inevitably you try to only work with people you like or respect. Marcus: I couldn’t agree more. What were your key brand objectives from the start, and how have they evolved?

things are made. And to try give the best customer service. Marcus: What are the core values of your brand and how do you incorporate them in everything you do? And in what way do your values resonate with your target customer? David: Honesty. Full English made in England. What does “made in England" mean? For many larger brands to put this in a label or on a garment means the garment was finished here in UK. A lot of big ‘made in England’ companies abuse this meaning and cut the cloth in another country (for instance Tunisia) and then ship it here to be sewn or finished. We try to make a product where the garment AND cloth are made in England... and in our ‘ultimate’ garments the yarn is also spun here, in Manchester. So, we can trace the provenance of a garment as well as cutting down on the carbon footprint, ultimately providing a better garment to our customer. Style not fashion – masculine rugged clothing. Marcus: I couldn’t agree more. The whole made in England, spun in England and

well… pretty much everything Full English can only mean one thing. Top-notch quality. The new collection is looking impeccable if I must say so myself. Nice work David. Other than Indigo & Goods, what other things are you involved in? Personal passions, skills you have, anything creative? David: Haha! Not much really... No time at the moment other than the brand. Marcus: To be fair, it sounds like Full English means full time, a true working ethos from start to finish. Much respect to you and the brand. What level of marketing are you operating at this moment in time? David: Direct to customer. These become our friends and extended family. Marcus: Working closely with iconic figures in today’s menswear scene such as Ricki Hall and Jimmy Q has set the bar high. Compared to many other start-up brands, these gents have proven to be invaluable and as authentic as they come. You’re running a damn cool looking brand Instagram page teamed up with a hella


Raw, honest, gritty, no bullshit brand. portfolio of product and a smooth website. The images are sharp and the style is cool. Talk me through your iconic image posting as I'm a huge fan of the images you're throwing out, and I see them forming a personality for your brand? David: Thanks for the compliments! I work in partnership with Ricki Hall on the RH GYM and Full English lines, and this collaboration sets the tone pretty much. We work on the moods first. Then come the images. We always concentrate on building the environment and lifestyle first. Clothing is then the extension of this. Marcus: So, David, you have been building the brand for a few years, and what drew me into Indigo & Goods was the subtle nature of the brand. It's quality hardwearing goods, yet presented in a non-obtrusive stylish manner. Where do you see the I&G brand going in the near future? David: First and foremost, direct to customer. Building online presence. Second, working with a small amount of select retailers who respect a brand and are willing to work on fair payment terms. Marcus: How has Instagram and social media benefitted the brand? David: I would say it’s the future… communication and advertising direct to the customer.


Marcus: What are you most proud of since starting the brand? Have there been any outstanding campaigns you would like to give an overview of? David: I like them all… although best to keep pushing forward. Don’t stop or look back. Marcus: What’s next for I&G? David: Something in Japan maybe Marcus: David, it’s been an absolute pleasure chatting to you and getting to know a bit more about Indigo & Goods, but most importantly about the values you hold and how you’re creating something quite special. It’s clear the man behind the brand has a truly positive attitude, a no bullshit ethos, and a hell of a lot of creativity. And if an interview is going to end with the words “something in Japan”, then we can only expect a whole lotta quality, awesome design, and some damn cool sh*t in the future.

M The Brute Supply Co.

All photographs by Alexander Bather, Temple Studio




Behavioural science, an advertising legend, and the man who spoke to serial killers. When the FBI’s Behavioural Science Unit was born, there was a guy present at the birth who became a legend within the Bureau. His name was John E. Douglas. He became a legend not because he did things the way they were normally done, only better… but because he did things nobody in the Bureau had ever done before. He spoke to serial killers. Before him, the way law enforcement treated the worst of the worst ‘multiple’ killers and homicidal sex offenders was to lock them up and throw away the key. Or at least keep the key handy until it was time to execute them. Nobody bothered to find out WHY they did what they did. Nobody thought that knowing this might help them catch other likeminded killers. Nobody wanted to know. Nobody except Douglas.


Where others saw a case solved and a danger to society incarcerated until the flesh fell off their bones, he saw an opportunity. An opportunity to learn. So he began interviewing serial killers, as he dubbed them. He interviewed them all…from dear old Charlie Manson and John Wayne Gacy (the killer clown), to Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz. The list was long and bloody. And he interviewed them not in FBI-speak, but in their own language. A language they understood. A language they could relate to. A language they responded to. A language that got results. Douglas knew that the way you spoke to someone (even a serial killer clown) had a big effect on the way they reacted to you. And therefore, the more you could potentially learn about them. And the more you learned about them, the more you might be able to understand them. And the more you understood them, the more killers you might be able to catch. Because of the unit’s ground-breaking approach, the word profiler entered the language of modern crime detection and criminal apprehension. The number of murderers caught and convicted apparently went through the roof. So did the number of lives potentially saved. All because somebody saw the benefit in talking to somebody else. Society benefitted…and so did Hollywood. Jack Crawford, a major character in the Thomas Harris novels Red Dragon and The Silence of the Lambs, was directly based on Douglas. As were Jason Gideon and David Rossi, two of the major characters in the TV show Criminal Minds. Meanwhile, over in Adland, a guy called David Mackenzie Ogilvy, one of the most famous admen in the history of the business, had been thinking along the same lines. One of the most memorable quotes of his I’ve ever come across mirrors the beliefs of John E. Douglas.

The quote is this:

" I don’t know the rules of grammar... If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think. We try to write in the vernacular."” I don’t know if the pair of them ever met. Probably not. But if they did, I think they might have got on like a house on fire… Bryce Main Taken from his book Ad Hoc, available on Amazon.




I in 10 girls and women in the UK suffer from period poverty – Hey Girls gives a girl or woman one pack of products for every pack you buy. 55



had been curious to interview Mitsuhiro Araki ever since learning he had given up his 3 Michelin stars in Tokyo and moved to London, only to regain them all just three years later. What does it take to give up all and start all over again from scratch on a completely different continent, in a new city and culture? Surely more than just personal circumstances or a business decision? I’ve been going to The Araki in Mayfair since it first opened in 2014, but we only finally managed to arrange an interview two weeks ago thanks to his right-hand-man Marty Ryu, who is Chinese-British, a gaijin (which means “a foreigner” in Japanese), like most of the Araki staff. Having a mostly foreign staff is something else that makes Araki-san stand out from the rest of the top Japanese sushi masters. Those familiar with the Japanese way of thinking know how unimaginable it can be to hire a foreigner, especially when you have achieved the level of craftsmanship Mitsuhiro Araki has. For him, though, it was just another challenge he wanted to take on, and it didn’t make sense to work with Japanese apprentices only. “What’s the point in moving here then?” Mr Araki smiled. He feels the same about using mainly local, European ingredients. While some of the Japanese sushi chefs would fly their fish daily directly from Tsukiji as far away as to Hong Kong or even New York, for Araki-san it’s more about using his own abilities to make the best out of what he can source locally. “You train and you learn the fundamentals so that later you are able to test your abilities according to what you have before you,” he says. No, ikejime is not as widely available here, and Europeans don’t specialize in catching that one fish and sending it to the market to be sold at a huge price like in Japan. There may not be a Tsukiji fish market here, but Araki-san believes that every challenge can be overcome, and that is what drives him. Mr Araki certainly knows what he is talking about, as from 2000 until 2012 he was running his eponymous sushi restaurant in Tokyo (first in Setagaya, later in Ginza) and working with top notch


ingredients from Tsukiji market. Mitsuhiro Araki is originally from Kyushu, where he was exposed to his grandfather’s Western-style cuisine cooking since an early age. After graduating from high school, he decided to become a chef. At that time, there were not many places in Japan where it was possible to work as a chef specializing in Western cuisine. So, Araki-san began working as a chef in a hotel in Hakone, famous for its resorts. Japanese cuisine has never been his first choice, but he decided to give to give it a try. After training as a sushi chef in Hakone, he went to work at a tonkatsu (pork cutlet) restaurant, but still was not sure he wanted to cook Japanese cuisine. At that point he decided to broaden his horizons and moved to Sydney for one year, where he ended up working at a Japanese restaurant from 1990-1991. It was then that he realized Japanese cuisine was becoming the next big thing, and resolved to become a sushi master. While living in Australia, he found a book about a sushi restaurant in Shimomeguro called Izumi, where he worked until 2000, the year he opened his own restaurant in Setagaya and his daughter was born. From being completely unknown, Mitsuhiro Araki became one of the biggest sushi masters of his generation in a period of just over ten years. When asked what it takes to be a sushi master, he says first of all, “to really enjoy your craft and love creating.” He went on to say that making sushi is a completely hands-on job, something very personal that goes from one person’s hands to another person’s mouth. You can tell immediately if someone is enjoying the sushi or not and the person eating it can’t lie. To be a sushi master, to have people respect you and be able to look up to you, you have to be one with the craft; this shows in the amount of focus, attention, care, and love you put into it. Are you able to touch people? Are you able to attract attention? That kind of love for your job is the only thing that will give you the power to generate the kind of aura and power that captivates people.

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OUNT EVEREST” When asked if he moved to London because of his daughter’s studies, Araki-san answered that it was not just because of that, but also because he wanted to test local ingredients and take on a new challenge. When I commented how unique it is to regain 3 Michelin stars, Marty Ryu answered that it wasn’t a quick journey, and that his master had to work very hard for it. After closing Ginza, it took three years to set up in London. When asked if it was a difficult decision to give away his three stars in Tokyo, Araki-san said that of course it was something he was proud to attain and to maintain, but that it soon evolves into the desire for something more: “Once you reach the top of the top of mount Fuji, you see Everest and you say, my goodness, I want to climb Everest.” What is Araki-san’s next goal now that he has reached the top of Everest? He is leaving his options open and says he might open a restaurant again in Tokyo. He likes the idea of hiring only foreign apprentices and teaching them his craft just like he has been doing in London.

want to climb verest "

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ONE MESSAGE AT A TIME Saving the best slice for last


Creating awareness and providing education on how to achieve a workplace free from all harassment


Declare something worthwhile at customs. Palau is the first nation on Earth to change its immigration laws for the cause of environmental protection. Upon entry, visitors need to sign a passport pledge to act in an ecologically responsible way on the island, for the sake of Palau’s children and future generations of Palauans. Every tourist who takes the pledge needs to follow the sustainable tourism checklist or risk a fine. Palauans have also taken the pledge, from the president, the first pledgee, to traditional chiefs and residents. Education will play an important part in supporting the pledge as locals commit to protecting and celebrating the uniqueness of their sacred home. A new curriculum for primary and secondary school students and other programs will help build eco-awareness in tomorrow’s leaders and conscious business principles within the tourist sector.

Join the pledge community. Stand with Palau, the first nation on earth to only issue entry visas to tourists who sign an eco-pledge. “It is our responsibility to show our guests how to respect our island home, just as it is their duty to uphold the signed pledge when visiting.” - Tommy Remengesau, President of the Republic of Palau “What we hope is that the world will take notice.” - Keobel Sakuma, Director of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary


Coral is extremely fragile yet crucial to the ocean’s biodiversity. Walking, standing or even brushing coral can kill a whole colony.

Not only is it dangerous for you, it could also damage the health and behavior of sea life.

Rubbish poses a significant danger to wildlife and habitats. Plastics, which do not biodegrade, end up as ocean debris, entangling and killing thousands of animals every year.

Make a friend and ask about cultural etiquette, such as manner of greeting, respectful dress, eating customs and other local norms and values.

Dragging fins over reefs or stirring up sediment can damage the ocean habitat.

It is highly stressful and damaging to an animal’s health, and potentially dangerous for you. Touching some fish can remove their protective coating.

Do not throw cigarette butts in the ocean or on the beach. Throw your butts away in appropriate receptacles. Do not pollute others with your second-hand smoke.

While it may look free for the taking, that produce is likely from a local’s property. Buy your fruit at the store instead.

Let your tour group and fellow visitors know about Palau’s cultural traditions.

Taking coral, shells, small and protected fish, and other protected species (including turtles and sharks) damages the environment and threatens species with extinction.

Visit cultural events and festivals to enrich your experience and make your purchases as local as possible to give back to the village.




Zimbabwe-born and residing in Australia, Hazel Herrington has shown what it takes to be a positive force in a myriad of different directions. International speaker, serial entrepreneur, business coach, empowerment strategist, accomplished business leader and globally recognised philanthropist, her work has been praised for positively changing lives across the world, including tens of thousands of women and children in Zimbabwe alone. Not slowing down a bit, her energy is infectious, and level of work and commitment grows by the day. “Life is all about giving service,” commented Herrington.“And that’s what I try to do each and every day on one level or another. It could be working with one of my charities,


giving an inspirational talk, helping someone start a business or all-ofthe-above. The important thing is that we all do our best to try to make the world a better, more loving place.” Never forgetting her roots, in her native Zimbabwe, Herrington has empowered more than 20,000

people through Youth Empowerment Programs, Women Empowerment Workshops, Feeding Programs, and Prison Empowerment Programs with her Christian Non-Profit Organisations, ‘Destiny Arise’ and ‘I Am Bible Distribution’. She is very passionate about empowering youth


in Zimbabwe and works closely with the Ministry of education to encourage youth to stay in school. Part of this work involves her holding yearly youth empowerment programs to motivate, equip and empower youth to stay in school through hearing her personal message and seeing her own example of success, illustrating that they too can become the leaders they were born to be by adopting the right mindset and making the correct decisions. In the business world, Hazel Herrington is an in-demand speaker known for her actionable, reputable advice and infectious sense of humour, which she employs to help inspire entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses. She has shared the stage with the world’s most respected and well-known Global Entrepreneurs and Business Tycoons like Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, JT Foxx, and Africa’s first billionaire Patrice Motsepe, to huge audiences. Recently, this included Herrington speaking at the National Achievers Congress with Tony Robbins to over 8000 entrepreneurs sharing her own inspirational entrepreneurial journey, which has succeeded despite being faced with a great deal of adversity. Hey Hazel, can you introduce yourself to us? I am a Zimbabwe-born woman residing in Australian and a very proud mum to three children, Whitney, Warren, and Alyssa. My greatest passion has been my love for humanity, I have always been passionate about equipping and empowering others to come out of poverty and that passion led me to become a recognised Philanthropist in Africa and an Advocate for the empowerment of women and youth globally. I attribute a lot of my success to my faith and love for God, my love for humanity stems from him, without

him I am nothing and my desire is to please him. Can you take us through your journey to where you are now? My journey has been very difficult, but the trials have shaped me into successful global entrepreneur that I am today. My Entrepreneurial journey began in Zimbabwe in 2010, I started my first businesses with little and no knowledge of how to start a business. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, trying to do everything on my own in the business was a huge mistake. When I started my restaurant, I did all the human resources, accounting, stock control, cooking and overall management of the business on my own. I found myself burnt out, losing a lot of weight and struggling to manage my staff. I realised that in my attempts to save money and do things on my own I was not coping. I then hired an accountant, human resources manager and assistant manager and the business became a huge success for 5 years. At that time, I also realised that I had a burning desire to equip and empower women to come out of poverty and therefore I started two charities, ‘Destiny Arise’ and ‘I Am Bible Distribution’. The vision and mission of these charities are to inspire, motivate and encourage women to start their own businesses to become economically independent and to empower Youth to stay in school. In 2015 I relocated to Australia after a failed marriage, I realised I needed to increase my own knowledge and skills in small business and entrepreneurship in order to inspire and empower others. So I started my Business Degree at Griffith University majoring in ‘Small Business’ and ‘Entrepreneurship’ and hired a business coach “JT Foxx” to help me expand my career.


Destiny Arise is an that equips and em youth and entrepr knowledge and sk to start, grow and businesses globall 64

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Choose to be an original in a marketplace full of copies The results have been staggering and I was recently nominated as one of the Top 100 Women of Influence in Australia by the Australian Financial Review. What is a day in the life of you like? First thing I do is pray and spend quality time with God, I pray about my concerns, the events of the day and for divine intervention. I then have a protein shake, prepare my daughter for school and I am off to the gym, the rest of my day is spent going over business projects and meeting with clients. Can you tell us about your wonderful two charities, Destiny Arise and I Am Bible Distribution, that have been instrumental in the empowerment and education of more than 20,000 people in Zimbabwe through various business workshops you offer? I Am Bible Distribution is a Christian non-profit organisation that was started in 2010 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The organisations main purpose is to distribute Bibles and Christian literature globally for free, to people all over the world who would otherwise either not have the resources to buy a Bible or cannot access a bible in their own language of origin. We believe God has given us a mandate to fulfill the Great Commission in Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation, through the distribution of free bibles. I Am Bible Distribution also runs weekly feeding programs in Matabeleland feeding more than


500 people monthly. Destiny Arise is an organisation that equips and empowers women, youth and entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills they need to start, grow and explodes their businesses globally through the distribution of money and business workshops. Destiny Arise runs three programs: 1. Prisoners Empowerment Program. Giving prisoners a message of hope that they can still become the leaders they were born to be. 2. Youth Empowerment Program. Empowering youth to stay in school and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to become Job Creators instead of Job Seekers. 3. Women’s Empowerment Program. Equipping and empowering women to become economically independent and self-sufficient. Both organisations have empowered more than 20,000 people. How are you equipping your clients with the tools they need to get unstuck and overcome all selfsabotaging mindsets? It is important for clients to have a paradigm shift to overcome negative and self-defeating mindsets. They must change the way they think and overcome the poverty mentality. How you think is directly related to how you feel and how you act, negative thoughts breed negative emotions which lead to negative actions.

In your Business Development programme, you offer a step by step guide of how to start and grow a business. How would you say your methods of teaching differ from others on the market? The program equips entrepreneurs from scratch on how to start and grow your business; this starts from getting a business name, logo origination, business cards, website development, and marketing, branding and increasing your company’s brand awareness on all social media platforms. We hold your hand and equip you until the business has grown to its first customer. What 3 business building tips would you give to start-ups on a shoe-string budget? 1. Get a business coach 2. Get an accountant 3. Develop a mindset of low-cost and high profit. Who does the team involve behind you? I work closely with a team in Australia and Zimbabwe which includes an operations manager, MC, professional photographer, media, and marketing team, for all our charity work, business workshops, online businesses, and speaking events. I never compromise on media and marketing because branding is everything. What important factors are considered when looking at the scalability of your business model?

and rejects. Don’t spend too much money on the business in order to bring in a lot more revenue. Always have the mindset and goal of low-cost and high-profit.

Ambassador, a recent nominee for the Top 100 Women in Australia, an in-demand speaker, celebrity interviewer, property investor, and a successful business strategist.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

What outlets do you use to market your services?

A politician and global leader.

Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are all very powerful platforms I use to market my business. 70% of my leads come from Instagram compared to Linked In and Facebook.

The challenges of raising capital are higher than ever, even in fastgrowing sectors; the financial sector should invest and have more faith in millennials. Governments can also introduce starting capital loans for university students who leave University to launch their business ideas into reality.

Which methods are you using to build your own support network?

What is the best piece of advice you have received to date?

Aside from going to business conferences, women’s meetings, speaking events, I do a lot of networking over the internet, thanks in large part to social media platforms such as Facebook community groups, LinkedIn and Twitter, which offer a new, modern, faster and easier way to connect. I also use WhatsApp for my support networks in Africa.

When analysing a business opportunity, make sure you ask yourself three questions:

How are you planning to expand further? Increasing my brand awareness globally, empowering others, staying ethical and being coachable. Can you tell us what areas you have struggled in professionally? Being a woman of colour has some disadvantages, I struggle to get speaking engagements in countries and places where you are judged by your ethnicity. Have you ever had any other mentor? If so how has this benefitted you to grow? I have a business coach and mentor JT Foxx, who is the No. 1 wealth and business coach in the world. JT has taught me how to maximise my leadership potential, develop my entrepreneurial skills, improve my performance as a speaker, and become the leader I was born to be. I am so proud to have him as my mentor and coach. I have achieved the following this year with his guidance. I am a successful magazine editor for the African region with Business Booster, a Global Brand

What do you believe are the common misconceptions of being an entrepreneur? Firstly, that there is a misconception that you have more freedom than someone who has a regular job; entrepreneurship requires a lot of effort and time to birth and launch your business into a reality, especially in the starting stages. Another misconception is that an entrepreneur’s idea can give you a huge head start in business – this idea can have the potential to fail if not

executed or supported properly. What would you like to see changed for millennials in business?

1. What’s the best thing that can happen? 2. What’s the worst thing that can happen? 3. What’s most likely going to happen? If you can’t live with the worst thing that can happen, then don’t do the deal. What is the number 1 critical lesson you have learned in your career so far? If someone is unfaithful with little, they can’t be entrusted with much more.


How do you create an evenly balanced work and personal life?

What does your Podcast playlist look like?

Creating boundaries around quality time spent with family and time spent at work. Most importantly learning to turn your phones off when spending intimate moments with loved ones.

Dr. Creflo Dollar, Startup Hustle, Bill Winston, Ted Talks Business, Paula White and Join Up Dots.

The highlight of your career so far?

How do you measure your own terms of success?

Recent Nominee Top 100 Women of Influence Australia by the Australian Financial Review.

Success is not just about money, I measure my success by how healthy my relationships are, my mental and physical health in achieving success.

What gives you ultimate career satisfaction?

What does #BEYOUROWN mean to you?

Equipping others with the knowledge, skills, and finances to come out of poverty.

Be your own true authentic self, choose to be an original in a marketplace full of copies and rejects.

What challenges have been presented during the growth of your business?

Samanah Duran BEYOUROWN

People being intimidated by your success and not asking you for help when you know they need it. Which other leading entrepreneurs and pioneering game changers do you also admire and why? JT Foxx, he fears nothing, his work ethic eliminates fear. Ivanka Trump because of her passion for women’s economic empowerment. How would you say you are intending to use your voice to educate others in the world of entrepreneurship?


Empowering people to become economically independent and selfsufficient equips them to become a ‘voice’ in their communities. My voice is used to create future leaders and job creators. What is a good article or book you have read recently? The Man Who Took On eBay And Won by Jack Ma.


JAPAN’S LARGEST 5-STAR AIRLINE Allow us to transport you for a moment. You’ve just touched down in Tokyo with Japan’s largest 5-Star airline. You’ve arrived bursting at the prospect. The sights, sounds, mix of ancient tradition, cool innovation, mouthwatering food and spellbinding aromas. You could pinch yourself. Now imagine you are actually going. Not just going but going 5-Star with ANA, where you’ll start discovering Japan the moment you board.

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ACKNOWLEDGING THE UNSUNG HEROINES In a world that is divided by conversations of us and them, where horrible acts of violence destroy lives and economic doom and gloom is often being predicted, it is easy to understand why humanity is being questioned. How can we combat negativity and lift this dark cloud that seems to be hovering over us? How can we shift the balance back in the favour of positivity and hope?


Thankful is a social enterprise whose mission is to create a healthier, happier world by encouraging people to focus on the positive in their life. A global lifestyle brand that is supported by scientific research that shows thankfulness can increase optimism, motivation, and human connections while decreasing stress and anxiety. This innovative new model merges philanthropy and business to spread the power of gratitude via licensed products that give back, and activations that spark thankful thinking to harness the power of gratitude for good. We all need reminding that there is still more good than bad in this world, a reminder that the human spirit and resilience will prevail – acknowledging that there are heroes who are championing humanity, love, kindness and compassion. By shifting our focus to all that is good in our lives and the world, being thankful for what we can control and for the heroes who have the courage to make a difference, we can change our outlook. The bad won’t go away, but it will allow us to see the whole picture and shift our perspective. Recently, Thankful launched their Thankful4Women campaign, a global campaign with a call to identify,

acknowledge, and share a story of a woman you are Thankful for. These stories will be hosted on a new platform called So many incredible women have not received the recognition for their success or been recognised for their contribution to their families, community or society. will capture the stories of the farm workers, the caregivers, the scientists, the entrepreneurs and the well-known successful women we all admire, shining a light on the incredible women who are helping to change the world. Because of the success of #MeToo and #TimesUP, there are more women than ever who are realising their potential and their power. We are rewriting history and we need to ensure the stories of these everyday heroes are captured, their contribution acknowledged and recorded as an inspiration for the world, and for the generations that follow. will be an evolving anthropological record of womens’ role and contribution to the world, so share a story of an incredible women doing extraordinary things. We all know incredible women, and it is time to acknowledge them. We encourage everyone share a story of the women in your that you are thankful for at Kim McDonnell and Mike Chuter





The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro “What is the point of worrying oneself too much about what one could or could not have done to control the course one's life took? Surely it is enough that the likes of you and I at least try to make our small contribution count for something true and worthy.” As the winner of the Man Booker Prize 1989, and with its author Kazuo Ishiguro awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature last year, it may seem contradictory to refer to The Remains of the Day as a subtle, understated novel. However, as a sensitive reflection of unspoken choices and regrets, The Remains of the Day stands as a perfectly crafted glimpse into the life of a postwar English butler, Stevens, silently torn between his professional obligations, his moral compass, and his suppressed feelings.

Casting aside the overused and often over-egged trope of the unreliable narrator, Ishiguro favours a narrator in a self-imposed state of ethical and emotional blindness. His butler never admits to (or even speaks of) his unacted-upon love, sense of wasted life, or moral regrets, yet the novel’s reader slowly recognises an inner turmoil hidden within this eloquent and composed narrator. As The Remains of the Day reflects upon Stevens’ days serving the later disgraced Lord Darlington, a pre WWII Nazi sympathiser, his working life with housekeeper Miss Kenton, and his impersonal relationship with his father, Ishiguro conjures a profound comment on the nature of the individual. He challenges the symbiotic relationship between master and follower, questioning the notions of individual responsibility to both oneself and to others.




The Descent of Man – Grayson Perry Suicide is the most common cause of death for men aged 20-49 years in England and Wales. 70% of domestic homicide victims between April 2013 and March 2016 were female. And, as famous contemporary artist Grayson Perry writes in his 2016 book The Descent of Man, “most violent people, rapists, criminals, killers, tax avoiders, corrupt politicians, planet despoilers, sex abusers and dinner-party bores, do tend to be, well… men”. The Descent of Man is not, however, an attack on men – as Perry explicitly repeats, “I am one”. Instead, Perry states that the issue to attack is not the male gender, but instead the gender role forced upon men. Perry recognises that the traditionally masculine traits of competitiveness, stoicism and bravery are the root of the problem that men are faced with, damaging their relationships, their mental health, and those around them. He insists that it is now time to piece apart the shackles of masculinity, just as was done to imposed feminine roles in the past – as Matt Haig writes, “to see a man as distinct from the concept and construct of masculinity.” The answer that The Descent of Man offers is not to dismiss men or masculinity entirely, but instead to alter what masculinity means, creating a new ideal for men, one that allows them to express emotion, sensitivities and weaknesses without the fear of oppressive social consequences.


James Dutton Editor

"We need to rebrand vulnerability and emotion. A vulnerable man is not some weird anomaly. He is open to being hurt, but also open to love."



LE HING, I've had a very colourful life. I've travelled extensively, and I've worked in many roles and disciplines, from the military, to working on a beach, to being an electrician, then making music promos, and finally where I find myself today. So, I have met many humans, good and bad, in my life. Now, I pride myself on very little to be honest – sure, I've been involved in some great things in my career, I've achieved personal goals and I have a beautiful family – but if I'm honest, I'm riddled with flaws and I've made a ton of mistakes. But I live with that and press on because there is good and bad in all of us, and I feel more than ever that we are becoming a society that is taking control of celebrating the good and outing the bad in humans. Humans are a very complex species and we spend our lives splitting into groups – we stay in tribes, we mix in circles, and we have many different views. However, I can't help feeling that we have hit a point of the simplest of divides again: 'Good vs Evil'. It feels that not since Hitler have we seen such a global divide of humans (in my opinion), it's a big and potentially flippant statement I know, but Good vs Evil is the path I'm taking with this review. As it comes to a close, I think it’s fair to say that 2018 has been a year of disappointment and celebration in equal measure. With assholes like Trump, Putin,

Sorrell and May showing their true colours, the world is still dealing with the results of democracy and the results of various elections. Sporting legend Serena Williams loses her shit and pulls the race and sex card after she clearly broke the rules of tennis, and on the flip side we have other black sports stars taking to their knees in a solid protest and as a “fuck you” to all those that still hold no regard for black lives, despite the damage it could do to their careers in the future. Thankfully, the females of the world continue fighting back and putting the spotlight on the shits who think they are the higher species - long may the #MeToo movement continue. However, judging by the amount of scumbag stories coming to light, I can’t help feeling this is a very long battle – but it’s one we must continue. As for business and sustainability, thank the heavens that there are some amazing people bringing to light the damage we humans are doing to our home. Earth is in turmoil, and the supposed higher species is to blame. We are eating chocolate and using more palm oil products from brands like Mondelez and razing the habitats of the creatures we apparently love. We are pushing to extinction more animals than ever before just for the love of certain foods wrapped in unnecessary plastics.


AM I A YES, And amongst all of this, we find ourselves living in a society of frauds and killers, assassinations by global super powers, teenage gangs with knives murdering each other because of their postcode, mass shootings with automatic weapons sold in supermarkets, narcissists who care for nothing more than their 15 minutes of fame on a social media channel, bananas being thrown at black football players, and teenage girls who are too poor to have even the most basic of sanitary products. Am I angry I hear you ask‌ well, yes, I am – and I'm disappointed. But you know what, I'm also very, very optimistic for the future and extremely proud of the remarkable people I encounter daily who are making every effort to put shit right! Some of my personal heroes I have crossed path with recently include Laura Clarke, the Founder of Palau Pledge, who changed her entire career and life to help an entire island community. Kim McDonnell from Thankful is another human who has shifted everything for the belief that we can all do better for each other, the planet and all of its inhabitants. And then whilst brands and agencies like Mother and KFC parade every and any platform shouting their FCKin bullshit campaign, we have truly brave and inspirational marketers and agents such as Martina Poulopati, Global Brand Communications Manager, Essity


ANGRY, I AM Feminine Care and Nadja Lossgott Creative Partner, AMVBBDO changing the entire game, shattering every category convention, overturning bans, and changing rules forever with their utterly incredible campaign #BLOODNORMAL. These guys delivered a campaign for Feminine care brands Bodyform and Libresse, abandoning the blue liquid in favour of a real depiction of menstrual blood in their bold ad campaign that aimed to break period taboos. In this campaign a series of scenes shows reallife scenarios of women dealing with periods, from a couple having sex to a woman interrupting a dinner party to ask for a pad. The campaign will run globally and include specially designed period underwear by French lingerie company Dessu, as well as a range of pad-shaped lilos. The campaign is truly outstanding, but for me one of the standouts was the bravery of these ladies taking on this taboo, with Poulopati saying "I will lose my job if we do this, but let’s do it anyway and when we do there's no turning back". Good and bad comes in all shapes, sizes and forms, and the media is exposing both. But I can’t help feeling the balance is off – we need to parade the great far more and focus airtime on the efforts for good, saying FCK you and giving less of our precious time to the banal shit and shites of the world. IRV Editor-in-Chief



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___NEXT ISSUE: #5 The Art of Intelligence

Is our focus on Artificial Intelligence good for humanity? Is it making us lazy and demeaning human creativity? Will AI ever replace the human? And does data really drive everything it claims?



human. Brought to you by Kemosabe. 72-82 Roseberry Avenue London EC1R 4RW __FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT: Ian Irving - Emily Perryment - James Dutton -


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