Hatice Melike Özbek Undergraduate Architect Portfolio 2019

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Arch tecture Student I s t anbul T echn cal Un v er s  t y INFORM ATIONS 2 3 . 1 0 . 1 9 9 7

COMPUTER SKI LLS Aut oCAD Phot os hop I l l us t r a t or

0 5 0 76 3 1 6 0 9 7 h. mel  k e. o@gma l . c om Beyk oz /İ s t anbu l EDUCATI ON /I NTERNSHI P June 2018 /W orks t eI nt ernsh p at Beykoz Mun c pal  ty (3 d fferent works t e n d fferentprocesses) 2016 -. . ./I stanbulTechn cal Un vers ty -Facul ty ofArh t ecture / Arch t ecture (100% Engl  sh)Th rd Grade Student 20152016 /Engl  sh Preparat ory Cl ass(Fal lTerm)

Rh noc er os S k et c hup L um on Pr em er e

June 2016 -“Esk zl erl e Türk M mar s ”/İ stanbul Tasarı m Merkez I nstruct or:Serap Ek zl erSönmez (3 Month Course)

PERSONAL SKI LLS Cr ea t  v e Gooda t T ea mwor k Opent oL ea r n ng Punc t ua l

November2017 Bentl ey Cont extCapture /I stanbulTechn cal Un vers ty (2 Days W orkshop)

Res pons  bl e Det a  l or  ent ed

2015 -Graduat on From B l t ek Anat ol  an H ghschool




March 2019 -I sl am c Geometr c Patt erns/ I stanbulTechn cal Un vers ty /Amoud At el  er(2 Days W orkshop

Pl ay ngV ol  n

Turksh -Nat ve Speaker Englsh -C1 Level

Bout  quePas t r y Dr aw ng( Tr ad t  onalandD g t al )

August2018 Geometr c Patt erns/ Kal emdarSanatAt öl ye (3 MonthsCourse)


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