The Red Jet: Callum Finn Goes Flying Again

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The Red Jet Callum Finn Goes Flying Again by Ian McFarlane 1


The Red Jet Callum Finn Goes Flying Again

To Oliver, Callum and Maya, and the rest of my family, for their inspiration. And to Gatehouse Extraordinary.


The Red Jet: Callum Finn Goes Flying Again by Ian McFarlane © 2012 Illustrated by Ken Smyth ©2012


Shortly after Callum Finn’s 8th birthday, Daddy took Oliver, Maya and Callum Finn for a special trip to the old airfield. The airfield had been turned into a museum and had lots of interesting things to see and do. There was a wobbly simulator, oldfashioned planes and a whole hanger set up like a city during the war with food rations, shelters and sandbags. When everyone arrived at the ticket office, they were very surprised by the ticket lady who made quite a fuss. “Oh, I know you! You’re Callum Finn, and this must be Oliver and Maya and Daddy.” “Yes, that’s rights! How do you know who we are?” said Callum Finn, rather taken aback. “Oh, you’re famous. I read your book to my grandchildren and they loved it. They want to go flying in a plane too!” “You mean a seaplane,” said Oliver. “You mean a yellow seaplane” said Callum Finn. “And with yellow and red stripy parachutes”, said Maya. “Yes, and we loved the bit with Grandpa on the trampoline!” “Well, we all like aeroplanes and adventures”, said Daddy. “That’s why we have come to visit the museum. Can we have four tickets, please?” 5

“You can have four special tickets”, said the ticket lady. “Because it is you, you can be the first children to see our new exhibit, the Red Jet. Captain Boggles is here and I am sure he will be very happy to show you around. If he can get himself organized that is!” she added with a chuckle. “Cool”, said Callum Finn. “Hurray!” said Maya. “What do you mean ‘if he can get himself organized’?” said Oliver. “Oh, don’t worry. Now that his friend sent him a new version of the cellularal receptor, he is practically back to normal. Why don’t you go through that door, turn left, and you will see his office at the end of the corridor. Mind the cups of tea!” Off everyone went through the door and down the corridor. There was a rather strange noise coming from the office, like a crackling old radio, and a voice saying “Red leader..Bandits at three o’clock! Then ‘tarataratara..” I’m hit! Blinkin’ bobcats! Time for a swim, Rodney old bird! Hold on to your feathers!” Callum Finn, Oliver, Maya and Daddy peeped round the door. There was a man in an old-fashioned flying jacket with headphones on, talking into a lollipop. There were several cups of tea on the desk in front of him, and a large wardrobe with its doors open. “Hello”, said Daddy rather tentatively. “Are you Captain Boggles? The ticket lady at the front desk....” “All present and connected, sir!” Splendid. New recruits. Pop down your kitbags and mind the tea, chaps. Sortie at 1400 hours. Scramble your eggs. “I like scambled eggs”, said Maya, “and sausages.” “I think he’s a bit cracked”, whispered Oliver to Daddy. “I think it’s time to get ready”, announced Callum Finn. 6


Everyone, including Captain Boggles, stared at Callum Finn who had a big grin on his face. “Right you are, young man!” Splendid. Have you got your headphones?” “ but we have got these great hats from Nepal that cover your ears”, said Oliver. “Perfect! Let’s saddle up then. “Rodneeey!”, shouted Captain Boggles. “Rodneeey!” “Who’s Rodney?” asked Maya. “Cup loads of tea. Cup loads of tea.” Came a screech, and a red and green parrot cocked its head up from behind the old radio on the Captain’s desk. “Blimey!” said Callum Finn. “Follow me, chaps!”


Out on the runway stood a sparkling red jet. It had a very pointed nose. It’s wings sleaked backwards. It looked light but also it looked like it could fly very fast. “Wow!” said Callum Finn, Maya, Oliver and Daddy. “It’s just like my model,” said Callum Finn. “except this one is real!” I suggest Callum Finn in front, Oliver next. He can navigate. Then Maya and Daddy sit at the back.” “What about you Captain Boggles?” asked Callum Finn. “Where are you going to sit?” “ think it’s best if you have this adventure by yourselves. I got this cellularal receptor from a pal of mine. Very fancy name, but not much good to me. Can’t seem to get it to work etc. Rodney will go though, won’t you Rodney.” “Cup loads of tea. Cup loads of tea.” The children and Daddy looked at each other. “Well... as long as he doesn’t poop.” giggled Maya. We had an adventure once and the seagulls were a bit messy.” “Oh don’t worry about Rodney. He’s well trained. Now get your headphones on... I mean those warm woollen hats from Nepal, and when you’re ready just press that button with the picture of the parrot on it.” “Where’s the lid?” asked Callum Finn. “Shouldn’t there be a cover that we pull down or something?” 9

“Ah... yes... well... seems that didn’t come with the kit actually. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Now this plane can take off and land without going along the runway like a normal plane. It just goes straight up and down. That will make it easier for landing on the island.” “Island?” said everyone. “Cup loads of tea. Cup loads of tea.” screeched Rodney and he hopped into the cockpit. “Are we ready for the adventure?” shouted Callum Finn. “Hats on! Chocks away!” and he leaned forward and pressed the button with the parrot on it. In a mass of steam, a great shuddering and a few more excited screeches from Rodney, the red jet rose majestically from the runway. It hovered for a moment and then woooooosh. The children had never flown so fast! They had to tie their hats on very firmly. It was even faster than when they had gone skiing down the mountains in Spain. The speed took their breath away, but they all had big smiles on their faces. In no time at all, they were flying out of the clouds and over the sea. And in the distance they could just make out a tropical island. As they got closer, they could see there was a pyramid


sticking out of the dense jungle. Rodney was very animated and jumped up and down on Callum Finn’s shoulder. “I think that’s where we are going.” pointed Oliver. “Can you see anywhere to land?” Callum Finn steered the red jet towards the island and spotted a space at the edge of the jungle where he could land the plane. The red jet seemed to almost know where it was going and with the same shuddering and steaming it came down with a bit of a bump on the sand.


“Let’s explore the pyramid!” said Callum Finn. The children and Daddy took off their hats and climbed out of the red jet. Rodney hopped ahead of them towards the edge of the jungle. He was very excited and even managed a rather impressive somersault. They entered the jungle along a sandy path, surrounded by all sorts of bird noises and buzzing insects. Maya held Daddy’s hand and the boys tried to keep up with Rodney. All of a sudden the jungle stopped and there they were in front of a massive pyramid. “Let’s see if we can find the way in.” Said Callum Finn. “Ok”, replied Daddy, but stick together. Let’s start walking round this way.” “Maybe we will find a secret passage”, wondered Callum Finn out loud. 12

“And buried treasure!” suggested Oliver. “And we might even meet a princess too!” added Maya, rather hopefully. It wasn’t long before they got back to where they had started, having walked all the way round the pyramid. They sat down on the first big step, and sighed. “When are we going to get there?” asked Maya, as she often did whenever they were going somewhere. Oliver, Callum Finn and Daddy smiled, and Oliver took Maya’s hand. Rodney was hopping up and down behind Oliver, screeching his usual “cup loads of tea”. “I could do with a cup load of tea.” Said Daddy. “Hang on”, said Callum Finn, “he’s not saying ‘cup loads of tea’, he’s saying ‘look under me’. “What’s this picture on the stone?” said Oliver. “It looks like the picture of the parrot on the button in the red jet. Do you think if I press iiiiiiiiit...” “Yes!” said Callum Finn. Daddy jumped up to catch Oliver as he fell backwards into a gaping hole. “Steps! The secret passage! Come on!” cheered Callum Finn. “I think I’ll be careful what I press in future.” said Oliver, smiling 13


after the others. “Daddy,” he added a bit louder, “why don’t you use the small torch on your mobile!” “Great idea!” replied Daddy. “Can you show me how to use it? I feel a bit like Captain Boggles and his cellularal receptor!” With Callum Finn and Oliver lighting the way, and dodging Rodney, they walked carefully down the passage. It seemed to get wider as they went. “That’s really weird!” said Oliver and Callum Finn together. “Look at those paintings on the wall. They are just like the ones we drew in Windsor! There’s Maya’s princess, and my knight, and my face! They shouted out. “Somehow I think we were meant to be where we are.” Mused Daddy. Rodney came flapping back and behind him, they could see that the secret passage had led to a large chamber. In the middle of the chamber were four tall candles, and in the middle of the four tall candles was a chest. It had two gold handles on it, shaped like lion’s paws. “We found the treasure!” shouted Maya. “Cup loads of tea!” screeched Rodney. “Let’s open it and see!” said Callum Finn They approached the chest. Callum Finn and Oliver took hold of the handles. The lid of the chest came up, not without a bit of dust, and a bit of a grunt from the boys. Daddy pointed his mobile torch. Inside there was a tiny package, wrapped in gold paper. Callum Finn picked it up very carefully and unwrapped the paper. “Do you know what it is?” he asked the others with a smile on his face. “Look, it’s the missing piece from my model red jet. The plastic cover that goes over the cockpit. Now I can finish my model. That’s amazing!” 15

“That’s amazing.” Said Maya. “That’s seriously amazing.” Said Oliver. “Look! There’s something else shining in the chest. It’s a key!” pointed Maya. “I wonder what it opens?” “Cup loads of tea. Cup loads of tea!” screeched Rodney. And he flapped about and then flew to the corner of the chamber. “It’s a wardrobe!” said Oliver. “Let’s see if the key fits.” Said Callum Finn. The shiny key was a perfect fit, of course. And when the children opened the wardrobe, can you guess what they saw? Or rather, what they could hear? “Red leader..Bandits at three o’clock! Tarataratara..” I’m hit! Blinkin’ bobcats! When they stepped through the wardrobe door, there they were back inside Captain Boggles’ office, and there he was, still with his headphones on and still talking into a lollipop! “Captain Boggles!” They all shouted. “All present and connected, sir! Welcome back! I wondered when you would get here. Did you find the cover for the cockpit? Splendid. Let’s have some tea! “Can I have some sausages?” asked Maya. “Let’s all have some sausages - that was quite an adventure!” proposed Oliver. “Absolutely!” laughed Callum Finn. “And then I’m going to finish my model red jet! Woooosh!”






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