Gatehouse News Spring 2011

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Gatehouse News


New Season at the Mill A new season gets underway at the Mill on 28th March with the opening of the Information Centre and Exhibitions. The café has been open since mid-February and we are delighted to welcome back Chris and his team. The Mill is looking forward to building on the successes of last season when visitor numbers went up again, to 35K, and following an inspection the Mill is now a 4-star attraction with Visit Scotland. A varied temporary exhibition programme gets underway with ‘The Solway and its Birds’, an exhibition presenting the work of artists who have worked around the Solway, and who, while painting and drawing birds, at the same time give a sense of the place in which they live. In the Bookshop Gallery we start with pastels by Mavis Atkinson Smith. Other artists exhibiting during the season include Lizzie Farey, Hugh Bryden, William Spurway, and Jane Exley. In the Faed Gallery, following on from the Birds, we have exhibitions on Cally Gardens and its Inspirations, on the Dark Skies Project, and on James Faed. At the beginning of August we hold an open painting exhibition celebrating the 80th anniversary of Dorothy L Sayers’ ‘Five Red Herrings’. Professional and amateur artists are invited to submit work which celebrates the landscapes and locations of the novel set in and around Gatehouse and Kirkcudbright. Our popular Mill Sessions music events, run in partnership with the Gatehouse Festival Group, have already started, with concerts in January, February and March. April brings Farino, in May we have Marilyn Middleton-Pollock run in partnership with DGArts and the Bakehouse, and for the Bank Holiday weekend a return visit from the very popular Mambo Jambo. For full details of what’s on at the Mill see

Gatehouse of Fleet takes leading role in “Day of the Region” Gatehouse of Fleet Community Council and Development Initiative will lead Gatehouse of Fleet’s participation in SW Scotland’s “Day of the Region” programme which offers a range of celebratory opportunities involving as many people as possible in the local community and giving individuals responsibility for organising events during 2011. The project will be launched at a Community Fayre to be held on March 25th in the Community Centre Funding support will be available for specific activities and the process will come together on a final weekend in October. Projects planned or in the making cover a wide spectrum including house histories, family history, a “ten years on” photographic project, a

school project, a community orchard, walks, a children’s variety show, musical events, drystone dyking, sporting group activities, a James Faed exhibition and many others. This is a wonderful opportunity for the many voluntary groups which energise the life of Gatehouse of Fleet to display what they are made of, so come and join in!

Gatehouse Market now Weekly The Market is now firmly established as a weekly event in the main car park. Regular producers taking part are William Lindsay Butcher: local meat, and sausages and pies made on his premises in Creetown; Wigwam Bakery: handmade bread, vegetarian pizzas, pies , cakes and cookies. Mainly organic ingredients or locally sourced and made in Creetown. Solway Smokehouse: wild smoked salmon, caught by Karl and smoked by John, plus smoked game, cheese, pâté and a variety of smoked fish; McGhee’s: fruit, vegetables ( locally grown whenever available) and flowers; Jens Eggs: free-range eggs from Kirkcudbright.

The Kiosk Re-opening Alongside the market is the Kiosk which will open again in April showcasing local arts and crafts. This year it is hoped to work more closely with Galloway artists and makers to provide an opportunity to view and purchase high-quality work from around Galloway and to help signpost visitors to the workshops and studios where they can view larger pieces than the Kiosk can handle or to place orders with the artists themselves.

Around the Community YMCA Drop-in Centre

The future of our Drop-in Centre is as assured as any organisation can be, thanks to the host of volunteers – Charity Shop, Youth Workers, Management Board – plus a strong group of supporters who provide regular donations to our funds. We do enjoy great local support. The young people who regularly attend the Centre can once again look forward to a variety of events and activities over the next few months, including for some a visit to a YMCA in Northern Ireland for a long weekend. Some of the Pool-playing members have already taken advantage of the newly formed Snooker Club in the refurbished Community Centre, and this looks like becoming an extra regular activity as the Club is keen to attract young players to improve their skills at a fascinating game. The Duke of Edinburgh Award group will be starting again soon for any local young person who would like to work towards an award – it is challenging but not too much so! And of course the Drop-in is open and available for young people of secondary school age on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7.00 to 9.00 pm. There is a range of games and equipment to enjoy, as well as plenty of stimulating conversation, so call in or contact Josephine King on 814704 or Denis Samways on 814095.

Gatehouse Development Initiative reports Reporting on progress with recently completed projects Dr David Steel stresses the guidance set out in the far-reaching Community Study commissioned in 2007. This set out the priorities for community development which have since been followed. Housing shortage, particularly affordable housing, was highlighted. The Community Council set up a housing working group which contacted the South West Scotland Small Communities Housing Trust. Although agreements with the National Trust for Scotland restrict the areas available for building, the main landowner has now sub-

mitted proposals for development sites to the local planners. The lack of suitable small business premises was also highlighted. Work has been done to renovate the Fleetside workshops to provide support for start-up businesses. Renovation of the Community Centre was another priority and this has now been carried out thanks to grant-funding from a number of sources including the Climate Challenge Fund. Gatehouse of Fleet now has a Community Centre of which it can be justly proud with a number of popular new facilities such as a Snooker Club. A commitment to sustainability for Gatehouse enabled participation in energy efficiency improvements funded by the Climate Challenge Fund. Although some of the results will be longer-term, there is slowly growing interest within the community in the savings to be made from improved insulation and low carbon energy projects such as solar- and wind-generated power. The Community Survey emphasised the need for action to maintain a tourist information service after the closure of the Tourist Information Centre. This service is now very successfully offered in a rejuvenated Mill on the Fleet, and the previous Centre has become a social enterprise showcase for local arts and crafts and an office for the Carbon Centre project as well as the supporting base for the weekly Saturday Country Market. The building is also a showpiece for efficient insulation and solar energy production, having been fitted out with new air-source heat pumps, PV panels on the roof, new double glazed units, and full loft insulation. The Community Survey emphasised the need for respect for the natural and the built environment. The Cally Walls and the Old School have been restored, there have been tree-planting projects and over £400 has been raised by local residents for a real Community Orchard. Improved communication and sharing of knowledge within the community was highlighted, and we now have an extensive well-produced website and this regular Newsletter.

Community Council report Provost Pat Jacques’ Report on the past year’s activities covers a wide range of issues and shows how energetic the Council has had to be in defence of the Community’s vital interests. The Provost would like particularly to draw readers’ attention to the Common Good Fund and encourage proposals from community groups to apply for funding for causes which, as the Fund’s name makes clear, can be seen to benefit the wide interests of the community. A matter of particular recent concern to the Council and special interest to readers of this Newsletter is the future of the former Woodside Garage site The present owner of the site, Southvale Homes, has lodged a planning application for the building of 20 houses on the site, and the Community Council has submitted a number of observations to the Planning authority on the flooding risk which is of great concern to several residents of Ann Street and Woodvale Terrace. There is also considerable doubt over the affordability of the houses proposed, among other issues. The outcome will be known shortly. Other matters of immediate concern are the proposal for changes to the bus stops adjacent to the main car park, and the future of the library which has been under local authority pressure on cost grounds. However thanks to the vigorous campaign by the CC and others the Local Authority has decided to keep the library open! Ways of reducing the running costs are being explored. Residents are reminded of their right to attend Community Council meetings, and to keep abreast of current matters by reading the minutes of Council meetings which are displayed on the High Street Notice Board and in the Library. CC and GDI Meetings are open to all. COMMUNITY COUNCIL 2nd Tuesday of every month, 7pm, Community Centre GATEHOUSE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE Last Wednesday of every 2nd month, 7.30pm, Community Centre. Meetings: 30 March, 25 May, 27 July


Open Daily: Mon-Sat 7am-6pm, Sun 8am-4pm

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Sport Gatehouse Curling Bonspiel

After the success of the outdoor Gatehouse Curling Bonspiel in January 2010, hopes were high for a repeat performance this year. The ice had just reached the required depth by Boxing Day just as milder weather arrived and all plans were shelved until the next time ... However, Stanraer Ice Rink came to the rescue and the Gatehouse Bonspiel was played indoors on Saturday January 22nd. Forty keen participants of all ages gathered for the fun competition. Divided into 10 rinks of mixed ability, great fun was had by all. After a tight final the rink of David Steel, Robin and Lorna Colquhoun and Grace King beat Keith Maughan, John McCulloch, Fiona Hannay and Ellis Hayes. The John Russell salver was presented by Laura Durling (née Russell). It was a great family day out and thanks go to Stranraer Ice Rink for their assistance and to organisers Keith Kemp, Shaun Burnie and Douglas McDavid.

Galloway Cricket Club

Members of the Galloway Cricket Club were able at their Annual General Meeting in January, chaired by George Creyke, to look back on a satisfying and successful season, with good omens for further positive developments for cricket lovers in the forthcoming year. Details of matches are to be found in the Community Diary and supporters will be made very welcome at the Cally ground, undoubtedly one of the finest cricket venues in Scotland. Fund-raising at the Gentle Jazz evening in November provided a rousing and most enjoyable finish to the 2010 season and helped the Treasurer Dennis Coombs to report an encouraging financial out-turn for the year. The 1st XI owed its success to some good all-round performances with special contributions by Sourish Mukherjee (overseas amateur), Pat Druce, and juniors Fraser Conn, Anthony Hullat and Dean Penrose. Especially encouraging was the highly successful performance of the Under 11s, losing only one match, and contributing several players to the Dumfries & Galloway under 17 side, together with Fraser Conn playing for Scotland under 17s.

The Club’s future looks particularly promising in the light of the growing enthusiasm for cricket among younger players, a tribute to the development efforts of the Club’s officers. A number of further improvements to the facilities at the ground are planned, and in the longer run, subject to obtaining a long lease for the ground from the Murray Usher Foundation, the building of a new Clubhouse remains an objective. See the Community Diary for the summer fixtures and a special Gatehouse of Fleet Cricket Week between July 31st and August 5th.

Gatehouse of Fleet Snooker Club

Opened in January, Gatehouse of Fleet’s new Snooker Club adds a new dimension to sporting life for the community, and for visitors. Thanks to the generous donation of an immaculate full-size snooker table by Mr Paul Gysin of Borgue (now the Club’s first Honorary member), and to the strong support of a growing membership, snooker is now played regularly by enthusiasts of all ages in the Club’s premises in the newly refurbished Community Centre. Full membership of the Snooker Club is now approaching 25 and it is to be hoped that greater awareness of the excellent facilities on offer will result in further increases. For visitors or residents who would enjoy short term access, temporary monthly membership is on offer at only £5 a month; several family visitors around Christmas in particular were able to take this up. The Club is particularly keen to attract younger membership, which for under 18’s is available at half the adult membership fee, and a special regular evening has been introduced for interested members of the Drop-in Centre to gain snooker experience or to teach their elders a thing or two! Minor difficulties over levelling the table accurately have been overcome, thanks to Jack Donald, and additional heating has been provided to boost the temperature on cold winter evenings. Snooker is frequently boosted by the golfing community when the golf course is unplayable or the weather inclement, and our proposal to have a Club

evening on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm is attracting regular support . Plans are advanced for a Snooker League competition between members. The favoured formula would be for participants to pay a small competition entry fee to fund prizes, and depending on the number of participants to divide into groups limited to 4 in a group with a requirement that each member plays one 3-frame match against each of the other members within a specified time limit. The winner in each group would then play off for the Club championship. Scores would be recorded and could then be used to develop a handicapping system. Later in the year we hope to be able to organise an evening of Sponsored Exhibition Play for spectators and players alike to view a demonstration of quality snooker by Paul Jameson, a former Scottish Masters Snooker champion and many times the leading Snooker player in Dumfries & Galloway. Paul is well known to us and has given us great encouragement and help in establishing the Club in Gatehouse of Fleet.

Green Bowling

The opening of the green on Saturday April 16th marks the start of the season which runs through to September 24th Sweep nights start at 6.50pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. New members are welcome, membership costs £45, and a few club bowls are available. See the Community Diary for the dates of special events.

Fleet Star Football Club

The season has been somewhat stop/start – there were no matches between November 20th 2010 and January 15th 2011 thanks to “Arctic Ice Age”, Christmas and New

Sport Year break and then waterlogged pitches. Training was also very difficult due to lack of available venues. The last few games have been promising, with wins in the last two league games moving the Club to a healthy 8th position in the league; the Club also narrowly lost a couple of cup ties. The Pavilion refurbishing will take place in the summer, probably in May/June. With the large number of postponed matches, catching up will.take place when the longer evenings come in. The Club would welcome donations of items of memorabilia to adorn the walls of the revamped rooms (contact Irvine Hannah on 07745 903610). The Club is also looking to revive the “Youth Section” which ceased a number of years ago, and is looking for a suitable person to run the Section. The Youth Leader would receive all the assistance the Club can give in training, attaining coaching badges, administration etc. – again, contact Secretary Irvine Hannah.

Golf Club Notes


Midweek House Groups meet regularly in Gatehouse district (Wednesdays). Please telephone Pastor for details.

Church of Scotland Gatehouse Parish Church Rev. Val Ott 01557 814233 Sundays: 10.30am Morning Service. (2nd Sunday of each month: a short Communion service is held afterwards.) Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, Riverbank. Father William McFadden 01557 330687 Saturdays: Vigil Mass at 6.00pm Holy Days: Vigil Mass at 7.00pm Scottish Episcopal Church St. Mary’s Church, Dromore Road. Rev. Roger Cutler 01557 330146 Sundays: 9.30am Sung Eucharist. (5th Sunday of month a joint service is held with Greyfriars, Kirkcudbright - see notice board) Weekdays: 9.30am on Wednesday. Assemblies of God Gatehouse Christian Fellowship, Gatehouse Community Centre Pastor Malcolm Macpherson 01557 814894 Sundays: 10.30am Morning Service & Children’s Church (Communion 1st Sun in month.)

Gatehouse Golfers are looking forward to the forthcoming season, with the Opening Competition, the Auchenlarie Cup scheduled for Saturday April 10th, strokeplay over 18 holes with a shot-gun start at 9am. Dates of the major Open Competitions are featured in the Community Diary. Membership subscriptions for 2011 are now due and as always we welcome new Members to the Club. Application forms are available in the Clubhouse, or contact the Membership Secretary on 814884. Last year we had 40 Junior members and look forward to them re-joining this year. Coaching sessions are planned during the school holidays and new members are welcome. Subscription rates for juniors have been held at the same level as last year. This year we plan to hold a Thursday Sweep, entry fee £1, open to all members, 9 holes strokeplay to be played at any time each Thursday. There will also be a “magic

Gatehouse Churches Together

Wed 16th, 23rd, 30th March, and 6th & 13th April: Lent Ecumenical groups looking at different denominations in Small Parish Church Hall. Friday 22nd April: Ecumenical Good Friday Prayer Walk, 12 noon - 1.00pm starting at the Church of the Resurrection, then going to the Community Centre (Gatehouse Christian Fellowship), St. Mary’s, Church of Scotland and finishing in the garden behind the Town Hall. Full details of Easter services on the Gatehouse website:

If you would like to contribute an article or other content for future issues of the Newsletter, contact the editor: Willie McKie, 51 High Street, 01557 815008. e-mail:

twos” competition, entry fee £5 for the season; details of these and other competitions will be displayed in the Clubhouse. In a change from last year the prize-giving for the Sunday competitions will be held at 1pm on the day of the competition, venue to be notified on the day. Gatehouse Golf Course is recognised nationally as a “Little Gem” and for those who haven’t played the course it is well worth a visit. Our green fees are amongst the lowest in the South of Scotland: all-day golf for £20 or 9 holes for £15. Visitors are always welcome.

Useful Opening Hours Post Office Monday to Friday 9.00-5.00 Saturday 9.00 -12.30

Library Monday Wednesday Friday

2.30-5.00 10.00-12.30 10.00-12.30; 2.30-5.00; 6.00-7.30

Bank of Scotland Monday Wednesday Friday

9.15 – 4.45 10.00 – 4.45 9.15 – 4.45

Spar Shop

Monday to Saturday 6.00 – 10.00 Sunday 6.00 – 9.00

Keystore Shop Monday to Saturday 7.00 – 6.00 Sunday 8.00 – 4.00

Entertainment, Leisure & Culture Community Centre under A fresh year at Cream o’ new leadership Galloway! Following the completion of the refurbishment and face-lift programme the Community Centre has a new committee with Paul Jacques as Chairman, Rosemary Paul as Secretary and Michael Fairney as Treasurer. Work on roof maintenance and a new kitchen is in hand, and the Centre is now ready to host gatherings, parties and celebrations of all kinds in addition to providing premises for regular users. Contact 07563 758533.

The Riverside Café

A gentle stroll down to the Mill on the Fleet, through the Tourist Information Centre, will bring you into the bright and welcoming Riverside Café, where Chris Smith and his team run what is fast becoming a memorable venue for residents and visitors alike looking for refreshment and a freshly prepared variety of snacks and light meals. The Riverside Café, as its name indicates, opens onto a delightful terrace which offers, on fine days, alfresco eating and drinking in a peaceful setting overlooking the river Fleet, where kingfishers, dippers, moorhens, herons and other water birds abound. The space and quietness of the Café make it ideal for family get-togethers of all ages, or just for a quiet cup of coffee or tea. The Café is open between 10am and 5pm Wednesdays to Sundays up to March 27th, thereafter at these times seven days a week throughout the season. The Menu draws on locally-sourced supplies and ranges from snacks, salads, and a good selection of hot dishes, to mouth-watering sweets, teas, coffees, and wines and beers. The kitchen area where Chris himself prepares the dishes is adjacent to the service counter so your chosen dish never has to travel far, and the service is informal and friendly. The Riverside Café team are also busy putting together plans to launch a new evening restaurant within the Mill where their aim will be to provide a new and exciting dining experience, with a menu intended to reflect the quality of local produce available in abundance during the season. As the launch date approaches, Chris and his team will advertise locally and look forward to welcoming their customers back in the evening to enjoy the same quality of produce and service they strive for during the day. Phone 814977 to book.

Cream o’Galloway ice cream travels around the world! The luxury local ice cream is now exported to South Korea where demand for it is exploding. Closer to home, Cream o’Galloway continues to attract new customers and the company even makes ice cream for other brands. If you head to Yorkshire this year, pay a visit to Betty’s Tearooms in Harrogate … you might recognise the taste of their ice cream! If you haven’t made it to the Visitor Centre yet, it’s open from 10am every day until the end of October. Enjoy a gentle walk around the nature trails and then revive yourself in the tearoom – along with the ice cream, Cream o’ Galloway now has a reputation for fantastic coffee too. And if you visit outside UK school holidays, it’s free entry for adults … That means you can climb the viewing tower and play in the adventure playground without the children getting in the way! Entry for under 3’s is always free and there’s a new feature, a Tree House in level one, ideal for the younger children and the young in heart! You’ll be pleased to know that the Community wind Turbine is working again at last. It has been set to continue turning in lower wind speeds and as a result more electricity is being produced overall. Meanwhile at Rainton Farm, the home of Cream o’Galloway, a new dairy building is under construction. The new shed is part of a big 2-year project which will be complete by the end of 2012. By that time it is anticipated that the dairy herd will have increased in number to 120 cows and the calves born in autumn 2012 will be the first to be introduced to the new system. The plan is that the calves will stay with their mothers who will be milked just once a day instead of twice as they are at present. There’s a lot more to the story – the Cream o’Galloway farm tours are the place to find out about the details. When the Visitor Centre is open, places can be booked for the farm tours each afternoon starting at 2.45pm.

Re-launch of the Masonic Arms

While the building remains the same and still flaunts itself as Gatehouse of Fleet’s best example of the great British pub, new management is putting a fresh look on the face of the Masonic Arms. Mark Maclean and his young team are determined to exploit the natural social advantages

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of a warm and friendly meeting place; they aim to complement these by sticking to the welltried formula of willing service delivered with a friendly smile. While bar food will come second to atmosphere and will concentrate on familiar offerings of wholesome and popular pub dishes, a “table d’hôte” restaurant-style menu in the dining area and conservatory is now on offer . Familiar pub-evenings with the weekly quiz on Wednesday evenings and festival music on Thursdays will continue, and given some warm summer days the walled garden will remain an attractive feature for families. It should come as no surprise to residents and visitors alike that Gatehouse of Fleet’s most traditional watering hole is located in the attractive surroundings of Ann Street.

The Bakehouse

2011 saw the launch of our “Homelands” series, with Bashabi Fraser from India, Tawona Sithole from Zimbabwe and (on Sunday March 27th) Kei Miller from Jamaica. Continuing our innovative overseas theme, next season (April-November) will feature “Thoughts from Abroad” - a series of readings and associated workshops with Scottish poets who have translated or adapted work by writers from other cultures. The Bakehouse will also be bringing Shakespeare’s Globe to The Crichton campus again on June 6th and 7th with As You Like It, one of the Bard’s most popular comedies. Keep your eyes on our website for further news.

Gatehouse of Fleet Burns Club

The Club held its 58th annual Burns Supper on January 29th in the Murray Arms Hotel. The haggis was piped in by Dr David Hannay, then addressed by his grand-daughter, Jessica Hannay, aged 12, with enthusiasm and great skill. After a good supper the audience were entertained by a recital of poetry by the winners of the Gatehouse Primary School Annual Burns Poetry Recitation Competition. The Chairman, Mike Duguid, proposed the toast to HM the Queen and introduced the speakers, three eminent Burns scholars. Professor Ted Cowan, a noted historian and expert on Burns, recently retired Director of the Glasgow University Crichton Campus, proposed “The Immortal Memory” and spoke of Robert Burns’ place in history, his life and many of the tales (some doubtful) about him.

A humorous “Toast to the Lassies” was proposed by Jim Shields, current Senior Vice-President of the Robert Burns World Federation and Secretary of the Edinburgh and District Association of Burns Clubs. A well-known folk singer, he had earlier led the audience in singing “Scots wha hae” and other songs. Josie Neill responded with the “Reply to the Toast to the Lassies”. A published poet, she has won first prize in the Scottish Section of the Scottish International Open Poetry Competition as well as the Robert McLellan Tassie for the best short story in Scots. The supper ended with a hearty rendering of “Auld Lang Syne”. For the 2012 Burns supper, contact Mrs. Pauline Logan at 16 Fleet Street, 814667.

gathered pundit’s plaudits like jam gathers wasps and his rot-stopping folky/indy/rocky contribution is sure to be a knockout! Preceding the King - it’s an age before beauty thing - comes the equally remarkable John Otway. This entertainment by-word from Buckinghamshire has bestridden the (lunatic) fringe of punk, funk and diddley-dunk since the 1970’s and, having survived an excursion into the Top Ten with his “(cor baby, that’s) Really Free” remains as hilarious/moving/insane as ever. Ribs won’t need any tickling as Otway ensures an uproariously frenetic Friday finale. And in support, the two night’s concert will feature festival favourite Cameron O’Hagan’s new band The Inflictors (CD just out), local indie/folk trio The Geese (CD just out) and young thrusters Sweet Relief. Look out too for pub sessions with country blues duo Jellyroll Gumdrop, Susi Woodmass and elements of Carrifran. Add the milder attractions of buskers and a food and craft market, Saturday’s popular open-mic Music Café (with Ted’s funny buns) and that’s the basics of it. Watch the Festival grow on www. and See you there!

U3A University of the Third Age

Meetings listed in the Community Diary are held in the Gordon Memorial Hall, St.Ninian’s Church, Castle Douglas. Contact Anne Levi 814378.

Stewartry Flower Club

Stewartry Flower Club celebrates the art of flower arranging with a programme that includes practical sessions, demonstrations, talks and garden visits. With guidance from experienced flower arrangers, the practical sessions provide ‘hands-on’ experience as well as valuable hints and tips on technique. There are demonstrations by floral experts and four trophies are awarded during the year. See the Community Diary for the dates of forthcoming events.

Gatehouse Scottish Country Dancers Gatehouse Singers

Under their Conductor John Duncan and Accompanist Susan Smyth, the Gatehouse Singers will offer an entertaining programme of popular light songs in their Spring Concert in Gatehouse of Fleet Parish Church at 7.30 on April 15th.

Gatehouse of Fleet Music Society

The April Concert will be given by the flute and harp soloists who were supposed to perform in December but the snow and ice meant that the harpist could not get her harp out of the house! No doubt many of the audience would have been unable to get to the concert anyway, so we are pleased that they will be able to come in April instead.

There are no classes during the summer. We will be dancing after the crowning of the new Gala Queen in Garries Park on Sunday 31st July, so do come along to support us and join in if you wish. As our contribution to the Day of the Region activities, we are holding a “Toon Ceilidh” in the Gala week at the Community Centre on Friday 5th August between 7pm and 10pm, entry and refreshments are FREE. The programme is family friendly with entertainment and well known ceilidh dances easily picked up by beginners.

Mid-Summer Music

It’s the Otway to Creosote! There’ll be Creosote a-plenty in Gatehouse this summer. June 17th to 19th are the dates for this year’s Mid-summer Music for which your Festival Group has engaged the highly acclaimed King Creosote (aka Kenny Anderson) to headline the weekend’s Saturday night. Long-standing member of the Fife-based Fence Collective (and mentor to K T Tunstall), King Creosote has 44 The High Street Gatehouse of Fleet DG7 2HP

Horticultural Society

The Schedule for the 2011 Annual Show which will be on August 27th will be published in April and will include 3 new classes in the children’s section aimed at encouraging younger members to grow vegetables. The Garden Competition will be judged in the first week of August.

Bookings 01557 814175 07891 803027

The Bakehouse : Literary Arts Live

Hatterick’s House Design Your Local Gatehouse Design Service Website Design u Graphic Design u Brochures u Flyers t: 01557 814458


Business in Focus

Each issue we feature an in-depth interview with a local business to highlight individual contributions by the business sector to the local economy. This issue our choice is The Franca Bruno Company. As a business banner “small is big” is written large in Franca Bruno’s approach to the business life that she has built from very small beginnings in Gatehouse of Fleet. This year she celebrates 25 years of life in the area which began when she applied for and was successful in filling the post of registrar in the Council in Kirkcudbright, after completing an apprenticeship and obtaining an HNC qualification in electronic engineering. This seems a far cry from the special skills which now lie at the heart of her very successful business as a producer of handmade jewellery. She draws inspiration from an eclectic range of design influences including Celtic, Scottish tartan, Italian among many, and martials the skills learnt in engineering to marry together beads, crystal, sterling silver and rolled gold into necklaces, earrings, brooches and rings. The beginnings in 1992 were small and sparked into life by one customer. Many years of hard work followed, by attending Trade Fairs, calling on retailers and department stores and many other smaller outlets throughout the UK and abroad Her customer base now spans the globe, and all from a small workshop in Fleetside, Gatehouse of Fleet! She describes what she produces as being in the middle-range of jewellery of quality handmade pieces for which demand still thrives in spite of the rapid growth of mass-produced products mainly manufactured in the Far East. The Franca Bruno brand resonates in many parts of the world today. Among her customers are Jenners in Edinburgh, Barbours in Dumfries and a number of Scottish castle visitor centre shops. including Bute and Traquair. For

internet access, all you need to do is go to www. for an inside view of her attractive range of products. A major step in the up-front development of the business was taken 6 years ago when Franca leased the shop premises

that she now occupies in the Old Rutherford Hall building, which originally in the 19th century was built as the Free Church of Scotland place of worship following the breakaway founding of the Free Church in 1843. Under the present owners it has been modernised with two flats on the upper floors and the conversion of the ground floor through a modest doorway into warm and welcoming shop premises, stocked with a veritable Aladdin’s cave of artwork, hard-

wood furniture and Indian fabrics and, of course, an extensive display of Franca’s jewellery. The shop development has widened the base of the business and given it an air of permanent sustainability which bodes well for the future. As an active member of the Gatehouse of Fleet Community Council (and formerly the Provost for 5 years) Franca has a strong civic influence and champions the interest of small businesses in Gatehouse. She would like to see continued growth in the sector, not merely to serve the limited local market, but to follow her example in marketing a distinctive product range which appeals to customers all over the world. She is optimistic and positive about the potential for businesses to grow and prosper in small communities.

Clubs, Societies & Voluntary Bodies Gatehouse Community Council Provost Mrs Pat Jacques 01557 814425

Gatehouse Development Initiative Chairman David Steel 01557 814226

Gatehouse Gala Committee

Chairman Mrs P Logan 01557 814667

Gatehouse Community Centre

Chairman Paul Jacques 01557 814425. Bookings 07563 758533

Mill on the Fleet

Chairman Ken Smyth 01557 814458 Front Desk & Information Centre 01557 814099

Murray Usher Foundation

Cally Estate Office 01557 814361

Anwoth & Girthon Curling Club Secretary Mr Keith Kemp 01557 814152

Bunkeroo (Young theatre & talent group) Sarah-leigh Cain 01557 814627

Earl Haig Poppy Fund

Mrs Wadsworth 01557 814349

Fleet Star Football Club

Secretary Mr A I Hannah 01557 814829

Galloway Cricket Club

Captain Pat Druce 07881585431

Gatehouse Bridge Club Mr G Swann 01557 814663

Gatehouse Burns Club

Pauline Logan 01557 814667

Gatehouse Carpet Bowling Club

Mrs Annie-Margaret Johnstone 01557 814059

Gatehouse Drop-in Centre (YMCA)

Chairman Denis Samways 01557 814095 Josephine King 01557 814704

Gatehouse Family History & Archives Margaret Torrance 01557 814620

Gatehouse Festival Music Ted Percy 01557 814461

Gatehouse Golf Club

Clubhouse 01557 814766 (messages will be dealt with by a Committee member)

Gatehouse Green Bowling Club

Mrs Annie-Margaret Johnstone 01557 814059

Gatehouse Horticultural Society Mrs Suzette Harris 01557 814511

Gatehouse Investment Club (”Spend a Penny”) Caroline Taylor 01557 814716

Gatehouse Lions Club

Secretary Andy Chappell 0780 9891714

Gatehouse Monday Club Mrs P Benney 01557 814134

Gatehouse Music Society

Mrs Helen Keating 01557 814376

Gatehouse of Fleet Pre-School Under 5’s Group Sally Dunlop 01557 814242

Gatehouse Scottish Country Dancers Carol Clark 01557 814259

Gatehouse Scouts, Cubs & Beavers Mark Grieve 01557 814763

Gatehouse Singers

Chairman Peter Carpenter 814432

Gatehouse of Fleet Snooker Club Willie McKie 01557 815008

Gatehouse Women’s Rural Institute (WRI) Kathleen Gilligan 01557 814462

Royal British Legion Gatehouse Branch Chairman Willie McKie 01557 815008

Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Barbara McFarlane 01557 814205

Stewartry Flower Club

Angela Paul 01557 870202 or Val Hunter 01557 814944

University of the Third Age (U3A) Anne Levi 01557 814738

Community Diary: Spring - Summer March 6th 17th 25th 26th 28th

Music Society 3pm Parish Church: “Auricle” mixed ensemble U3A: Mike Kneeshaw – Training the Police in Africa & Asia “Day of the Region” – Community Fayre – Community Centre Football – Garries Park: Fleet Star vs. Threave Rovers Riverside Café open for the season, daily between 10 and 5

April 2nd 10th 14th 15th 16th 16th 20th 20th 22nd 23rd 24th 30th 30th

Music Society 3pm Parish Church: “Hoot” flute and harp duo Golf: Opening competition for the season: Auchenlarie Cup 1.30pm Church Hall: Stewartry Flower Club: demonstration: Irene Parker 7.30pm Gatehouse Singers Spring Concert, Parish Church Golf: Jubilee Greensomes Open Competition Green Bowling: opening of the Green U3A: Cedric Davies - Travel in the Atlas Mountains. Mill Sessions: Farino: Jazz, flamenco duo. 7.30pm Mill on the Fleet Good Friday Cricket at Cally: Galloway vs. Kilmarnock Easter Sunday Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs. Hamilton Palace Bakehouse evening – call 01557 814175 for information.

May 1st 2nd 7th 7th 12th 14th 21st 21st 24th 28th 28th 28th 30th

Green bowling: Open Pairs Bank Holiday 10.30am Green bowling coffee morning: plant stall, produce stall & raffle Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs.Inverclyde 1.30pm Stewartry Flower Club Church Hall – AGM competition “Seascape” Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs. Cavaliers Golf: Cally Cup – Open Competition Cricket at Cally: Galloway vs. GUSCC Bakehouse at the Mill on the Fleet: singer Marilyn Middleton-Pollock Cricket at Cally: Galloway vs. Glasgpw Accies Mill Sessions: Mambo Jambo: Virtuoso musical duo, Mill on the Fleet Bakehouse: French artist Benoit Hapiot: poetry, painting, performance & film Bank Holiday

June 4th Green bowling: Open mixed pairs 4th Cricket at Cally: Galloway vs. Prestwick 5th Golf: Ladies Cally Cup – Open Competition 6th-7th Bakehouse: Shakespeare’s “As you like it” – Globe Theatre, Crichton Campus 9th Stewartry Flower Club garden visit to Glen Sone, Caulkerbush 11th Cricket at Cally: Galloway vs. GHK 15th U3A: David Steward - Honey Bees & the Beekeeper 17th-19th Mid-summer Music Festival 18th Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs. Cavaliers 19th Mill Sessions: Midsummer Music at the Mill: various artists 25th Armed Forces Day 25th Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs. Windyedge 25th Stewartry Flower Club Coffee morning - Church Hall July 2nd Cricket at Cally: Galloway vs. St. Michaels 14th Green bowling: Ladies open pairs 15th Mill Sessions: Qiku, Japanese/Scottish group, upbeat and summery 16th Cricket at Cally: Galloway vs. Helensburgh 17th Green bowling: Invitation triples 23rd Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs. Whiteinch 24th Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs. Hamilton Palace 30th Cricket at Cally: Gatehouse of Fleet vs. Ardrossan 31st-Aug 6th GALA WEEK 31st-Aug.5th Gatehouse of Fleet Cricket Week 31st Green bowling: Open mixed pairs Editor’s note: If your club or group is not listed or you wish to advertise your event, please provide details to the editor and I will make sure it features in the next issue of the Newsletter. Tel. 01557 815008.

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