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Gatehouse News

Summer 2010

From the Editor Welcome to the second issue of the Gatehouse Newsletter, when we aim to cover the summer and early autumn months to the end of October. We aim to improve coverage of the town with more thorough distribution of the Newsletter. Once more, we are grateful for the continuing support of our growing number of advertisers. I have received comments and advice on a number of ideas for improvements. In particular, a suggestion to provide space for “small ads”, where buyers, sellers and service providers could get their message across at low cost. So, in the next issue, I will accept small ads at a cost of £5 per issue for an entry of up to a maximum of 25 words. An example might be: “For sale, now that summer is over: Complete barbecue set with lighter fuel and bag of charcoal. Phone 923012” Book your space by calling me at 51 High Street or phone 815008. In our next issue to be published in late October. This will cover the Christmas and winter period. There will be seasonal features on Remembrance Sunday, the Gatehouse Burns Club, Music Society and Concerts and (perhaps!) even on the establishment of a Snooker Club in the Community Centre. The highlight will be our Business Focus feature on Fleet Fish, Mary and Eric Cowan’s travelling fresh food enterprise, a lifeline for so many of us healthy and hungry local residents.

Gala Week 1st - 8th August Summertime is here again, and holiday time in Gatehouse of Fleet would not be complete without the annual spectacle of the Gala. Now in its sixty first year of production the Gala never fails, come rain or shine, to keep locals and visitors amused, entertained and coming back, year after year, for more. This year’s programme begins on the first of August with the traditional opening ceremony, and the crowning of this year’s Gala queen, who, accompanied by the Queen’s consort, page boy and attendant will oversee the day’s activities and entertainment in Garries park. Throughout the week Gatehouse will be host to days full of entertainment and activities, from old favourites to new ventures. Amongst the highlights will be: Two treasure hunts – one on foot around town and one in cars through the surrounding countryside, adult and children tennis tournaments, a pub quiz night, competitions galore, country dancing, the great Gala raffle, guided town walks, accompanied hill walk, the fabulous ‘Roon the Water’ race and fun run, and not forgetting the famous Wednesday night Torchlight Procession. Plus lots and lots more for everyone.

The Gatehouse Riding of the Marches will also take place during Gala week. Gala Saturday, the seventh of August, sees the climax of the week, with a full day’s programme of events. The ever popular Gala grand parade will start at the school and wind its way along High street and into Garries Park, where the afternoon will be filled with a full programme of entertainment which will leave everyone wanting more. Full details of the week’s events, with times, can be found in the Gala programme which will be on sale from selected outlets throughout the town, prior to and during Gala week. As usual the Gala would not happen without the skill, dedication and never ending input of the Gala Group. Chaired by Pauline Logan, the group puts enormous hours of organisation and hard work into producing the yearly spectacle. Everyone should be extremely grateful to the Group for helping to keep Gatehouse of Fleet a ‘must visit’ place for so many tourists. The Gala Group is always looking for help, however large or small, and anyone interested in lending a helping hand should contact Pauline on 814667.

Community Projects Unique Feature of Cally Walls

Work has begun to conserve a unique feature of the Cally Walls, the sunken dyke near Laundry Cottage. It was in 1821 that James Conlin and Edward Murphy were contracted to dig out a trench and build a wall in it, which was covered in turf on top. The Forestry Commission have cut down a

number of trees which were growing into and beside the wall and Ian Brown and the National Scenic Area volunteers have worked very hard to clear away the scrub which was growing up near the wall. The fine view across the field towards Cuffieton has been re-created and the professional dykers have begun to restore a section of wall. The scene will soon be similar to that which Mr Murray of Cally would have seen nearly 200 years ago. Work has also begun to restore a section of dyke which can be seen from the Gatehouse by-pass and work to restore the whole boundary dyke from Enrick to Gatehouse should soon be complete. Later in the summer there will be a volunteer work camp and there will be another school project this autumn. To ensure that all the work is done on time we still have opportunities for volunteers. If you would like to help please contact Ian Brown on 07824 708110

Cally Old School

Work is progressing on the scheme to consolidate the walls of what was the old school in Cally woods. A contractor has been selected and work on site will start shortly with the work completed by the end of July. The ivy has been removed from the walls and brambles from the surrounding area. This work has opened up the area and

revealed a structure which is quite substantial and well worth conserving. The external stone lintels are in place, however, the internal timber lintels are no longer there and the stonework above has collapsed. New green oak lintels are being provided by the Forestry Commission. Stonework above will be rebuilt using existing stones recovered from around the building. Inside the building there is a substantial amount of debris on top of the timber floor and it consists of brambles, roof slates, timbers, stones, wellington boots, plastic bags and the general build-up of leaf litter and soil. The Fleet Valley Countryside volunteers are removing all this material prior to the contractor starting work on site. The floor was a suspended timber floor of joists and boarding supported by stone walls. An interesting feature is the long narrow slots in the walls at roof level on all sides of the

building. It is assumed these were to accommodate the roof trusses/ceiling joists. The building was clad externally in half round timbers. We know this as some were still attached to the walls and there are very many fixings still there. Does anyone have a photograph of the building as it was? The GDI would be pleased to receive any information about the building no matter how insignificant it may seem, photographs would be a great help. We are short of information on the roof structure, pitch of the roof and did it have large overhanging eaves? What was the finish to internal surfaces - was it plastered? We understand the girl guides used to meet there in the early part of the 1900s; do any of our older residents have memories or information about the building during this period?

Support your Community Centre

Great things are happening. Structurally, the building is being made watertight, new windows will be installed, the roof will be thermally insulated and vented. We have solar panels fitted so that we can produce our own electricity and we have very efficient heat exchanger based air conditioning / heater units. The toilet block has been gutted and is being rebuilt whilst the rest of the building is being painted inside and outside. Because the ‘old’ community centre was cold and ‘tired’ it was under-utilised. Hopefully within weeks now it will be freshened up and comfortable for one-off and regular gatherings for people with interests of all types. We need the building to be used. The more it is used the more we can reduce charges for its use. Also the more we use the building the more we engender a community spirit about the building and the easier it should be to obtain grants for improving facilities on a continual basis. There are proposals to open a snooker club in one of the corner rooms, so if you are a budding Stephen Hendry or other hasbeen who is interested, please contact Willie McKie on 815008. He needs to know the level of interest before final plans and commitments can be made. Although this room will be ‘dedicated’ to snooker there will be occasions when the room can be made available for other functions where more space is required – a table cover will be available so the room can still be used for Flower Show exhibits. If you would like to make a booking (or even a suggestion about future plans) please ring our new booking phone 07563 758533. Leave a message about which room(s) you would like, when and for how long, but don’t forget to leave a phone number so someone can call you back to discuss or confirm your booking. When we get our own website we would like to transact as much business as possible by email.

Sport Golf Club Notes

The season is well under way and we have been blessed with some fine spring and early summer weather, making the green fee of £15 for a day’s golf extremely good value. The course has been in excellent condition, thanks to the hard work put in by Charlie and Steve Pickthall. The Cally Club, played over the week-end May 29th/30th enjoyed good fields for both Ladies and Men. Winner of the Men’s was Stuart Brown from Brighouse with a net 57; the Murray Usher Shield was won by Graham McMillan with a course record of 62, the second time he has achieved this score. Winner of the Ladies was Mrs. Thelma Pollock, who also won the Murray Usher Shield. The 9 hole competition was won by Mrs. Audrey Stanford. On July 24th the Club will stage the Golfability Cup, an 18 hole Stableford for ladies and men, to be followed by a social event and raffle in the evening – venue to be confirmed. The event is to raise money for charity and the proceeds will be divided between the Leonard Cheshire Homes and the Golf Club. We look for a good entry from members for what should be an enjoyable day, and hope that they will bring partners and friends along to the social event in the evening. Membership numbers are holding up reasonably well with a dozen new members so far. We are hoping to sign up more junior members with the summer holidays approaching; names should be given to Junior Convenor Steve Groome. Members are reminded that the Club presentation night and Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday October 2nd.


Although not an outstanding season for Fleet Star, the team ended the season with the award of the Fair Play trophy, a just reward for discipline on the field. The 2010/11 season kicks off with the first home game in Garries Park on July 31st.

Green Bowling

To celebrate the Club’s 175th anniversary, there will be a special Invitation tournament on July 24th.


The Club held its AGM and dinner at the Murray Arms Hotel during April and competition winners were presented with the trophies and medals they had won for the 2009/10 season. Summer seems a strange time to be considering the coming curling season but preparations are already well in hand, with ice time booked and inter-club competitions entered. This is also the time to be thinking about curling yourselves. Have you ceased working, or moved into the area, wondering what you will do as the nights draw in? Maybe Curling is for you. We would like to invite you to our first practice of the new season to be held at Stranraer Ice Rink on Sunday October 3rd. If you are interested in joining us for the up-coming season please call Keith Kemp on 814152. We look forward to seeing old and new faces for the new season.


The future development of the Snooker Club concept is dependent on progress with the improvements to and refurbishment of, the Community Centre. Some progress on this is reported elsewhere in this Newsletter. Interested potential Snooker Club members are invited to register their names with Willie McKie at 51 High Street on 01557 815008 or by e-mail to Although it is too early to sketch out plans for the range of Club activities, engaging the interest of younger members of the community in learning and building skills in the game should be an important element in the life of a future Snooker Club. Something constructive and entertaining for lengthening winter evenings perhaps?


In a clearing in the Cally Woods is a little known gem known as the Cally Ground where cricket is played throughout the season. Owned by the Murray Usher Foundation, this has been the home of cricket in Gatehouse of Fleet for many years, with the first recorded match played in 1907. Today the First X1 plays in the Western Union Division One and the Second X1 in Division Five. Regular fixtures are arranged

for the juniors and a number of these players have progressed to the District and Scottish Academy levels and regularly feature in our league games. The club realises that it must continue to develop for future success in the knowledge that cricket has to compete with a number of other sports and activities. It needs to make the game appeal to young people and their parents and therefore has to be enjoyable as well as teaching young players the correct technical approach to the game. To promise this the club needs to make cricket fun, safe and accessible to all who wish to play, work with local primary and secondary schools, provide coaching experience and build confidence and self-esteem. Players come from all over Galloway and in recent years junior coaching at all levels has become an important feature of the club. Home matches take place on Saturdays throughout the season (see details in the Community Diary), junior coaching under the supervision of our Indian player Suresh Mukherjee on Wednesdays 6-7.30 pm and training on Mondays 5-7.30 pm on the Cally ground. All who are interested are welcome to attend. Coaching also takes place at various schools throughout Galloway. Further information from Dennis Coombs on 814404 or just come along.

Gatehouse Tennis Club

Club nights at the Tennis Club are on every Monday evening at 6.00 p.m. Contact Barbara McDavid on 814505 for membership details.

Gatehouse Hospital Car Service – S.O.S Gatehouse Hospital Car Service is running out of volunteer drivers.; the service aims to provide transport to and from local hospitals or Dumfries Royal Infirmary for those with appointments but without the means of getting there. Volunteer drivers receive remuneration for their fuel costs. If you can help, please contact Derek Budd on 01557 814257.

Entertainment, Leisure & Culture Gatehouse Drop-in Centre

A lot has been going on and being organised for the young people of Gatehouse. In March a group of girls had a night of skating at the Ice Bowl in Dumfries. In April and May seven young people completed the expedition section of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. They had to map-read whilst carrying all the tents, stoves, food and water for the overnight camp. These two weekend hikes took place in the Dalbeattie forest and Loch Whinyeon areas.

In May, a group of young people went to Laggan Outdoor to enjoy some of the fantastic activities which they have on offer. They took part in archery, grass sledging and mountain boarding, as well as having a go at driving a Reverse Steer Jeep around an obstacle course – not easy whilst blindfolded! Recently the young people spent some of their own Drop-in funds on new nets for the smaller football pitch in Garries Park. A match was played on June 8th between Gatehouse Youth and members of Dumfries and Galloway Police. The young people were widely complimented for arranging their own team without needing help from adults – including arranging substitutions etc during the match. The final score of this exciting game was six all, before the police won on penalties. Some of the money for the above activities was raised through the fantastic work of the Volunteers at the Charity Shop in Gatehouse. The shop, at 49 High Street, has some really great bargains in stock, as there is a constant supply of generous donations. Do call in and have a look. The Drop-In Centre is having an open day on Monday 23rd August from 4pm – 7pm for everyone interested in seeing inside,

particularly those who might be interested in volunteering. Refreshments will be on offer for everyone... For more information, visit

Gatehouse Festival Music Group - Summer These Days!

Yes, we got the weather and thanks to the generosity of Fiona Hesketh we offered camping (with qualified custodian Luke), all of which made this the friendliest midsummer music so far. Friendly music too – highlight Mike Heron and band wove a gently harmonious Saturday night tapestry with fever from dazzling guitar duo Farino. Home-grown groups CARRIFRAN and The Geese popped up everywhere in all manner of roles, and Michelle’s Music Café served up an ever changing melodic menu and sold out of funny buns. Blues lovers were hugely delighted by Jellyroll Gumdrop’s ecstatically received Sunday session, while solo spots from Nicola Black, Sean Flanagan and Susi Woodmass added extra delicacies to the Festival mix. Sinuous Kurdish fiddle blended with full-bodied vocal style from the spectacular Zagros and then there was Cameron O’Hagan – this boy just gets better, maturity suits him! Spontaneous sessions erupted in the Masonic and the Bank, with Martin Smith, Maurice Sutherst and “Macclesfield Marvel” Tom Kitching among the stars –these sessions constitute the base of the musical pizza that this festival provides.

A “thank you” list would demand a supplement to this newsletter – there’s been huge generosity and work effort – you know who you are, so many thanks, and most of all to that geezer up there who organised the sunshine. “Talk to me, someone” sang Cameron, and everyone did – a really friendly week-end.

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Gatehouse Horticultural Society

Forget Chelsea, the highlight of the gardening year in Gatehouse is the Gatehouse Horticultural Society’s 107th Annual Show on August 28th, to be opened at 2.30 pm by Mr. Geoff Swann. There will be prizes for Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables, Baking, Preserves and Handicrafts and a special prize for the competitor under 21 gaining the most points in the Horti-

cultural and Industrial sections, together with trophies and prize monies in the children’s section. To reflect changing trends, classes have been added for the first time for Cherry Tomatoes, Hens Eggs, Homemade Liqueurs, and Painting. So come along and have a go, the entry fees for classes is only 20p! Entry fee to the show costs £1, or enter free as a member as your membership will help to keep the show going for another 107 years! As you read your Newsletter, there is just time to enter the Gatehouse Garden and Window Box competition, to be judged by Mr. Michael Wickenden of Cally Gardens. There are five categories and prizes for each, and two Trophies, the Beatrice and Tom Clark Memorial Trophy for the Best Kept garden, and the Mrs. M. Robertson Decanter for the Best Overall Window Box. The judging will take place in the first week of August, so have a go; there are so many garden gems in our town! Full details and schedules are available from the Show Secretary, Mrs. S. Harris, 12 Bakers Dozen, 814511, or any committee member. The Society would like to record its thanks to subscribers of funds and donors of Prizes and Trophies.

The Masonic Arms

For many years the focal centre of pub social life in Gatehouse, the Masonic tradition for hospitality is today in the hands of James and Danielle. The Masonic’s location in Ann Street, coupled with the cosy bar interior, the conservatory restaurant and an attractive enclosed walled garden make it the ideal venue for gatherings of family and friends. . The menu offers variety, much of the food drawing on local sources. The Masonic supports Cream o’ Galloway, Solway fish and Galloway game: see the Community Diary for July 16th and September 12th. Mid-week entertainment in the bar is a feature. Tuesday evenings offer an opportunity to join a poker school, Wednesday is pub quiz evening (a special Carbon Action team quiz on the first Wednesday of every month) and Thursday provides a setting for some free-wheeling musical entertainment. The pub also offers a pool table. A highlight of this year’s Gala programme will be the Gala Quiz in the evening of Tuesday August 3rd. Don’t miss it!

Lions Club

Under the leadership of President Arthur Brown, Gatehouse of Fleet Lions Club members dedicate themselves to raising funds to help support the local community through financial help and other means. The Lions Club helps both national and international causes – no doubt many of you will have seen the “old spectacle collection bin” in the Gatehouse Health Centre. These are sent to Lions International collection depots where they are renovated, then sent on to third world countries under monitored and controlled distribution programmes – just one example of the great work Lions Clubs do. Anyone is welcome to come to a Lions meeting, to join, just to see who we are, or to find out what we do. Meetings take place at the Murray Arms every month. Why not come along to our annual all day BBQ at Anwoth caravan park on Sunday August 8th (10.30 to 5.00) and support your local Lions supporting you! For further details of regular meeting dates contact Andy Chappell on 0780 9891714.

Scottish Week). The Society supports and contributes to dance and music traditions as promoted by the Scottish Cultural Minister. The branch is taking part in Dance for Pudsey Children in Need at DG1 on October 23rd. and hopes to be sponsored locally to raise money for this charity.. The Annual Dance will be on October 30th. in Gatehouse Primary School; all are welcome. Contacts Barbara McFarlane 814689, Christine Ashworth 814819 or Judy Samways 814095.

Gatehouse Scottish Country Dancers

The weekly 2010/11 dancing class season begins at 7.30 on Monday August 30th. in Gatehouse Primary School Hall with two initial free nights aimed at beginners. Following classes cost £2.50 per night and the membership fee is £10. Classes are run by experienced teacher Willie Little, with a pianist and accordionist, and there is a good mix of experienced and beginner dancers who benefit from the exercise and the fun atmosphere. All are welcome. Contact Carol Clark 01557 814259 or Ute Weber 01557 814476.

Gatehouse Singers

Rehearsals for the Christmas Concert under the direction of John Duncan begin at 7.30 on Wednesday September 22nd. in the Parish Church Hall. New members will be particularly welcome, with a special emphasis on soprano voices. Contact Peter Carpenter 01557 814432.


Bunkeroo, Gatehouse’s performing arts group for children aged 3 to 16 is still pleased to welcome new starts at meetings every Tuesday evening during term time at the Murray Arms 6.00 to 7.30pm. Contact Sarah-Leigh Cain 01557 814627

Gatehouse (WRI)

Meetings of the “Rural” take place at 7.30 on the third Wednesday of each month in the Church of the Resurrection Hall and are well attended. There is an afternoon drive to the Mull of Galloway on July 21st. New members are welcome to join. Contact Kathleen Gilligan 01557 814462.

Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

The season begins on Monday Sept. 20th, runs until December 6th, and in 2011 from January 10th until March 28th. Charges for the season are £50 or 2 x £25; this includes magazines, books of dances, opportunities to attend Summer School and many other courses and events (for the first two weeks new dancers may join free of charge to celebrate International Dance

If you would like to contribute an article or other content for future issues of the Newsletter, contact the editor: Willie McKie, 51 High Street, 01557 815008. e-mail:

Laggan Outdoor Now in their third year, the team at Laggan Outdoor are hoping for another busy season this summer. Since they set up in July 2007, the activity company, based just outside Gatehouse, have developed a wide range of land based adventure activities for all the family. There really is something for everyone at Laggan Outdoor, be it Archery & Grass Sledging for the younger members of the family or Mountain Balling & Boarding for the adrenaline fuelled visitor. Or perhaps you would rather navigate their Reverse Steer Jeep around an obstacle course blindfolded? Don’t worry, one of the Laggan Instructors can take over the controls at any time! Clay Pigeon Shooting has become a popular activity at Laggan Outdoor. You can have one to one tuition with one of their instructors, or go along with your friends for a competition. There are 5 fully automated traps in the shooting ground, which means that there is something for all abilities. Laggan will soon be offering Water Balling in their brand new ball “Mountain Spring” when in arrives in early June. Instead of being harnessed into the ball as you are with Mountain Balling, this is more similar to a washing machine cycle, where you and a friend can slosh around in 5 gallons of water as you trundle down the specially made track – may be something for a warm summers day! Let the team at Laggan look after you this summer and you’re sure to have a superb day to remember.


The Kiosk

Church of Scotland Gatehouse Parish Church Rev. Val Ott 01557 814233 Sundays: 10.30am Morning Service. (2nd Sunday of each month: a short Communion service is held afterwards.) Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, Riverbank. Father William McFadden 01557 330687 Saturdays: Vigil Mass at 6.00pm Holy Days: Vigil Mass at 7.00pm Scottish Episcopal Church St. Mary’s Church, Dromore Road. Rev. Roger Cutler 01557 330146 Sundays: 9.30am Sung Eucharist. (5th Sunday of month a joint service is held with Greyfriars, Kirkcudbright - see notice board) Weekdays: 9.30am on Wednesday. Assemblies of God Gatehouse Christian Fellowship, Church of the Resurrection, Riverbank, G of F, until further notice. Pastor Malcolm Macpherson 01557 814894 Sundays: 10.30am Morning Service & Children’s Church (Communion 1st Sun in month.) Midweek House Groups meet regularly in Gatehouse district (Wednesdays). Please telephone Pastor for details.

An agreement has been reached with Visit Scotland to lease the former TIC building in the main car park to the Community on a long term basis. The lease to the Gatehouse Development Initiative is for 10 years at a peppercorn rent and will allow much greater freedom to develop the Kiosk as a shop window for Gatehouse businesses and community projects, for local arts and crafts makers, and as a focus for the Gatehouse Market. The long lease will allow the Initiative to secure funding to improve the building which will include new energy efficient doors, insulating the building and installing an efficient heating system allowing the building to be used year round. Negotiations are also ongoing with the Council to level the area of ground adjacent to the Kiosk to provide a permanent home for the Country Market. This will keep stalls and shoppers clear of the car park itself. While the monthly market on the first Saturday of each month will continue, it is hoped that the smaller weekly market on Saturday mornings may be able to expand slightly. Through until next March, the Kiosk will continue to provide a contact point for the Gatehouse Carbon Action Project. The Kiosk are also happy to provide an outlet for local residents with surplus produce - vegetables, fruit, plants and flowers, which we are happy to sell through the Kiosk, a service which proved very popular last year with freshly picked lettuces, soft fruit and cut flowers selling almost as soon as they arrived. The Kiosk has its own phone number now: 01557 814927.

Gatehouse Carbon Action needs YOU

Gatehouse Carbon Action has been running now for several months and members of the community have readily volunteered to have their carbon footprints measured. The project is one of three currently taking place in Galloway, other similar projects are taking place in other parts of Scotland and across Britain. The survey project aims to help householders look at aspects of the contemporary lifestyle and learn which bits have the biggest effect on carbon emissions. The surveys involve a short questionnaire

44 The High Street Gatehouse of Fleet DG7 2HP

Bookings 01557 814175 07891 803027

The Bakehouse : Literary Arts Live

carried out by one of the local survey team. Anyone interested in taking part should contact the survey team on 07702 206735 or at the Kiosk on 01557 814927. Householders should be assured that all the questions are straightforward and noninvasive. The most sensitive info we require is how much you spend on electricity and gas. Other questions deal with travel and eating, how well your house is insulated, what type of boiler you have etc. The surveyors will come to your house, or if you prefer you can meet them at the Kiosk. At the end of the process you will have an idea of where you stand compared with the national average, and what you could do, if you wish, to improve your footprint. The team can provide information on different energy options, of grants available for insulating your house, or for installing new equipment. The practical outcome is that for relatively little effort, and often with grants available, households can make significant savings on their annual fuel bills. The project runs until next March by which time we need to have surveyed a good proportion of Gatehouse households. To encourage households to come forward and be surveyed we are offering a prize draw each month to win a case of wine, and meals out. Once you are surveyed you will be entered in the next draw, and for every friend or neigbour you persuade to be surveyed too, we’ll give you an extra ticket!

A Lost Heritage

A remarkable collection of rare central asian textiles goes on show at the Mill on the Fleet from 24th July until 5th September. This is an opportunity to see the beautiful workmanship, designs and colours of cultures now overtaken by the 21st century, by political instability and war. The collection which was gathered by a local collector in the 1960s includes rugs, clothing and decorative embroideries from the region.

Hatterick’s House Design Your Local Gatehouse Design Service Website Design u Graphic Design u Brochures u Flyers t: 01557 814458


Business in Focus

Each issue we plan to feature an in-depth interview with one of our local businesses to highlight individual contribution by the business sector to the local economy. This issue our choice is Thirtyfour Salon. Probably few Gatehouse residents know that the longest-serving business presence on the High Street today is the successful hairdressing and hairstyling service provided at the Thirtyfour Salon, whose name dates back as far as 1973. The business owes its long life to the commitment and determination of Josephine McCreath (nee McGivern) who left school in 1968 at the age of 15 to begin a lifetime’s career as a hairdresser, initially as an apprentice with Corrie McGibbon at salons in Kirkcudbright and Dumfries, one of a family of three hairstylist sons whose father was also in the trade. Apprenticeships in those days required a payment of £250 as a starting fee which was returned to you if you finished the course. In 1971 Josephine left the McGibbons and went to work in a salon on Great Western Road in Glasgow, also attending college in the evenings to gain her City and Guilds qualification. For her 21st birthday present from her parents in 1973 Josephine was given the rental for what became the Thirtyfour Salon. The premises had previously been occupied by D C Cochran’s Butcher’s shop and was then purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Blakey who ran it as a locksmith’s before conversion to a hairdressing salon. Josephine then became the tenant and built up the existing business; by the 1980’s her success enabled her to purchase the premises from the Blakeys, and it remains her property to this day. Many Gatehouse juniors and stylists have gained hairstyling work experience in Thirtyfour Salon, among them Betty Taylor, Tracy Hannah, Mandy Chambers and Fiona Burns. Josephine’s redoubtable mother, Mrs Jane McGivern (also for many years the Gatehouse Town Crier) acted as receptionist and part-time shampooer, and in Josephine’s own words, helped to “entertain the clients”! Today Josephine remains proprietor and owner of the premises and the business, and has handed over the management to Donna Moffat as her highly qualified Salon Manager, supported by Daniel Ferries as Senior Stylist, Haley Brown and Carly Nixon. Thirtyfour Salon is today the only hairstyl-

ist in Gatehouse, with a strong client base among Gatehouse residents, holiday visitors and, surprisingly, people from far afield throughout SW Scotland and even into the Borders. It is a Wella-branded business, with all shampoos and other materials bought in under the Wella brand. Thirtyfour Salon’s Manager, Donna Moffat, has all the qualities which make it likely that the business will continue to be a prosperous feature of Gatehouse’s High Street for many years to come. She aims to broaden the customer base by attracting a wider clientele; as a step in this direction she has already extended salon hours on a Wednesday evening, convenient for working customers. She spends several hours every week under contract to Dumfries and Galloway Council teaching hairstyling skills at Dumfries College; this enables her to be fully in touch with the latest styling developments, health and safety issues, and to spot potential talent among her students. Senior Stylist Daniel is qualified at Level 2 and is now nearing completion at Level 3 (Advance hairdressing). To achieve this he must demonstrate a public show of ad-

vanced hairdressing skills which has to be presented in the very near future. He has settled in really well since joining the team. Josephine is now pleased and confident and feels she can relax, knowing that the Thirtyfour Salon is in the very capable hands of her young, talented and highly qualified team.

Useful Opening Hours Post Office Monday to Friday 9.00-5.00 Saturday 9.00 -12.30 Library Monday Wednesday Friday

2.30-5.00 10.00-12.30 10.00-12.30; 2.30-5.00; 6.00-7.30

Bank of Scotland Monday 9.15 – 4.45 Wednesday 10.00 – 4.45 Friday 9.15 – 4.45 Spar Shop Monday to Saturday 6.00 – 10.00 Sunday 6.00 – 9.00

Fleet Gallery

7 & 9 Fleet Street, Gatehouse of Fleet DG7 2JT 01557 814228

Open daily 10am - 5pm A wide range of art and gifts from Scotland and the Borders. Plus exclusive baby clothes.

Clubs, Societies & Voluntary Bodies Gatehouse Community Council Provost Mrs Pat Jacques 01557 814425 Gatehouse Development Initiative Chairman David Steel 01557 814226 Gatehouse Gala Committee Chairman Pauline Logan 01557 814667 Mill on the Fleet Chairman Ken Smyth 01557 814458 Front Desk and Information 01557 814099 Friends of the Mill Chair Hilary Hawker 01557 814249 Gatehouse Community Centre Secretary Rosanne Macpherson 01557 814894 Bookings 07563 758533 Murray Usher Foundation Cally Estate Office 01557 814361 Anwoth & Girthon Curling Club Secretary Keith Kemp 01557 814152 Bunkeroo (Young theatre & talent group) Sarah-leigh Cain 01557 814627 Fleet Star Football Club Secretary A I Hannah 01557 814829 Gatehouse Bridge Club G Swann 01557 814663 Gatehouse Carpet Bowling Club Annie-Margaret Johnstone 01557 814059 Gatehouse Golf Club Clubhouse 01557 814766 (answerphone) Gatehouse Green Bowling Club Annie-Margaret Johnstone 01557 814059 Gatehouse Family History & Archives Margaret Torrance 01557 814620 Gatehouse Festival Music Ted Percy 01557 814461 Gatehouse Horticultural Society Suzette Harris 01557 814511 Gatehouse Lions Club Andy Chappell, 01556 680440 Gatehouse of Fleet Music Society Helen Keating 01557 814376 Gatehouse Scouts, Cubs & Beavers Mark Grieve 01557 814763 Galloway Cricket Club Captain Pat Druce 07881 585431 Gatehouse Scottish Country Dancers Ute Weber 01557 814476 Gatehouse Singers Chairman Peter Carpenter 814432 Gatehouse Tennis Club Secretary Barbara McDavid 01557 814505 Gatehouse of Fleet YMCA Drop-in Centre Chairman, Josephine Cameron 01557 814675 Josephine King 01557 814704 Royal British Legion Gatehouse Branch Chairman Willie McKie 01557 815008 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Ann Wilson 01557 814689 University of the Third Age (U3A) Anne Levi 01557 814738 Womens Rural Institute Secretary Kathleen Gilligan 01557 814462 Editor’s note: If your club or group is not listed above, please provide details to me and I will make sure it features in the next issue of the Newsletter in July.

Community Diary: Spring - Summer JULY 3rd. Cricket – Gatehouse vs. Hamilton Palace. 3rd. - 5th. Scouts outing to Londonderry. 7th. Carbon Action team quiz - Masonic Arms 8th. Stewartry Flower Group 1.30 Parish Church hall 10th. Cricket – Galloway vs. Glasgow Accies 10th. Golf – Fleet Valley trophy 16th. Fish themed evening – Masonic Arms 17th. Cricket – Gatehouse vs.Bute 21st. WRI – Drive to the Mull of Galloway 24th. Mill Exhibition “A Lost heritage” opens (runs to September 5th.) 24th. Cricket – Gatehouse vs. Home Park 24th. Golfability Cup – 18 hole Stableford for ladies and men 24th. Green Bowling – 175th Anniversary Invitation Tournament. 31st. Cricket – Gatehouse vs. Inverclyde 31st. Football Season opens: Fleet Star home match – Garries Park AUGUST 1st Gatehouse Gala – Opening Ceremony 3rd Masonic Arms – Gala Quiz evening 4th Gatehouse Gala Torchlight Procession & Fireworks 7th Cricket – Gatehouse vs. Garscube 7th Golf – Junior Cally Cup 8th Gatehouse Gala Parade & Garries Park programme Lions Club Annual BBQ – Anwoth caravan park 8th Bakehouse 7.30 – The Ben Bryden Trio – benefit gig for Jazz Saxo phonist Ben Bryden 12th Stewartry Flower Group 1.30 Parish Church Hall 14th Cricket – Galloway vs. Helensburgh 21st Mill Exhibition “Landscape & its Mythologies” opens (runs to Sept. 19th) 21st Cricket – Galloway vs. Titwood 23rd Drop-in Centre Open Day – Digby Street 4pm to 7pm 28th Horticultural Society Annual Show 30th Scottish Country Dancers season begins SEPTEMBER 1st Carbon Action team quiz – Masonic Arms 9th Stewartry Flower Group 1.30 Parish Church Hall. 11th Mill Exhibition “Stones of Galloway” opens (runs to October 31st) 12th Local Game Season evening – Masonic Arms 20th Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society programme begins 22nd Gatehouse Singers: 7.30 pm Rehearsals for the Christmas Concert begin 25th Mill Exhibition “Slow Making Fast” opens (runs to October 31st) 28th Bakehouse 7.30 Poetry of Northumberland: poet Andy Croft OCTOBER 2nd Golf Club - Presentation & Dinner 3rd Curling Club – Stranraer Ice Rink: first practice of the new season. 6th Carbon Action team quiz – Masonic Arms 14th Stewartry Flower Group 1.30 Parish Church Hall 23rd Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Dance for Pudsey 29th Golf Club – Ladies AGM & Dinner 30th Bakehouse 7.30 Brian Johnstone performing with Trio Verson, jazz & poetry group 30th Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Annual Dance – Primary School

If you would like to contribute an article or other content for future issues of the Newsletter, contact the editor: Willie McKie, 51 High Street, 01557 815008. e-mail:

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