Gatehouse News

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Gatehouse News


From the Editor This issue completes a successful first year for the Newsletter. The festive season approaches, and good wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year will be ringing out. We will have a new Citizen of the Year. Features in this issue to be highlighted are Fleet Fish, Gatehouse of Fleet Surgery, the modernisation of the Community Centre and the start of a Snooker Club, together with a wide range of leisure and entertainment activities for those long winter evenings. The next issue will be in March 2011; the deadline for the submission of material will be February 15th.

A New Snooker Club for Gatehouse With the refurbishment of the Community Centre and the unexpected donation to the community of a full-sized snooker table in excellent condition, the prospects for inaugurating a snooker club in Gatehouse of Fleet have been taken several steps further. By the time you read this the snooker table should be in position in its new premises, although completing all the necessary ancillary work (redecoration, electrics etc.) may take a little longer. Our thanks are due to Paul Gysin of Knockbrex for the gift of the table and accessories, and to Paul Jameson of the Dumfries snooker club for his advice, assistance and promise of support for the club in future in teaching the finer points of the game to beginners and to younger members of the community. Interest has been shown by a large number of Gatehouse of Fleet residents in playing snooker and in due course a club and membership structure will be developed. Watch this space! For further details contact Willie McKie on 815008.

Community Centre face-lifted! The cold winter of 2009/2010 dealt a severe blow to the Gatehouse of Fleet Community Centre building following pipe bursts and flooding, but this disaster marked the start of a turnround. The results can be seen today in a Community Centre of which Gatehouse of Fleet can be proud. Insurers made good the damage to the fabric and the water supply systems, and thanks to Gatehouse’s participation in the benefits of the Climate Challenge Fund and Carbon Reduction programme, other improvements have become possible and implemented. By the time you read this Newsletter the renewed Community Centre will have opened its doors at an Open Day on October 16th, and the AGM will take place in mid November. Roof insulation, new double-glazed windows and external doors, and the installation of modern remote controlled heaters throughout the building will provide users with a warm and comfortable atmosphere. New floor coverings have been installed in passage-ways, notice boards installed, new curtains hung and a new kitchen is in the process of being fitted.

The floor of the main hall is to be sanded and revarnished. The installation of solar panels on the roof will ensure that the costs of heat and light provision are kept to a minimum. These improvements have, among other things, made it possible for a room to be let to a Snooker Club with a full-sized snooker table Redecoration of the building inside and out has raised its profile and good looks. Although much of this work has been funded and completed by external contractors it would not have been possible without voluntary effort, and the Gatehouse of Fleet community owes a great deal to Graham Wright and his team of helpers who have given hours of their time and spent volumes of energy on the project. So come and have a look and see for yourself! And use the New Community Centre! And perhaps volunteer, even in a small way, to take on one of the many ongoing tasks that need to be done if it is to prosper as it should. Meeting rooms (including an excellent conference room) and the lounge can be hired at £10 per hour, and the main hall at £12 per hour. More information on access arrangements and facilities from 07563 758533.


M c C U L L O C H K E Y S T O R E : Te l 0 1 5 5 7 8 1 4 7 8 3 S P O N S O R S O F T H I S E D I T I O N O F T H E G AT E H O U S E N E W S

Around the Community Gatehouse of Fleet Surgery From Dr Phil Downs. After many years in the planning, Gatehouse of Fleet’s new Surgery opened in July 2008. The previous Surgery gave good service over many years, but was not large enough for the modern NHS and would certainly not have been warm enough for the cold winter of 2009/10! What are the benefits? Here are two examples from the first week of being open. An elderly gentleman had recurrent severe nosebleeds. I was able to keep him in a quiet clinical room for two hours. While seeing other patients, I was able to go to him while we first stopped the current bleed, then I cauterised the nose, and kept him under close observation until we were both happy. He could then go home; previously I would have had to send him to the Infirmary in Dumfries. Much nicer for both patient and doctor. The other patient had been troubled with back pain for a few days. Although unpleasant, backache is almost always nonserious. But I felt uneasy and asked the patient if he would stay for observation, impossible in the old Surgery. I gave him a clinical room to rest in and this gave me time to think and then discuss my concerns with the specialist. Admission to the Infirmary was arranged and he required same day surgery for an Aortic Aneurysm. In a less dramatic way there is benefit every day. Confidentiality and privacy is easy to provide, and there are better conditions for the staff, a large enough waiting room and a spacious car park. Some services can now be provided here such as Chiropody, smoking cessation, self-help counselling, diabetic education and retinopathy screening, among many. We can host professional study groups and multi-disciplinary meetings. We hope to incorporate more. The help that we receive locally towards medical care in Gatehouse of Fleet (not just with the new Surgery) is a tribute to the strong sense of community that there is here. The Stewartry Spinners and Weavers made for us the lovely medically themed tapestry that brightens up the

waiting room. Donations have come from all quarters, including: the Post Office; darts nights; retiring collections at funerals; the St.Cuthbert Kilwinning Lodge; and the League of Friends of Kirkcudbright Hospital who have been exceptionally supportive. These funds go on things which the NHS does not provide to GP practices such as 24-hour blood pressure monitors, the cardiac defibrillator, nebulisers for asthmatics, emergency oxygen, vaccine fridges, waiting room chairs, examination couches, the electric ear syringe and many more. This support, from both the authorities and the community, makes me feel that we are very fortunate.

Galloway Mountain Rescue Covering SW Scotland from the Nith to Stranraer and as far north as Carsphairn, the 35 call-out members (4 from Gatehouse of Fleet) can be summoned by the police to search for missing people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year not just in the hills but on farmland and even around local towns. Call-out members are trained to keep skill levels up to par with knowledge of navigation, emergency first aid and a mix of skills using all the teams’ other equipment, i.e. Stretchers, Flares and Ropes. High fitness levels are vital. Galloway Mountain Rescue has relied for years on the good will of its volunteers but we are now introducing another level of Support membership: you are invited to join the team and support us in many ways. Fund-raising (an ongoing task), casualty acting during first aid and hill training, and vehicle and equipment maintenance are three of the areas needing extra help, so if you are interested and have some spare time call David McNicol 07789902430 for information.

Remembrance Sunday Remembrance Sunday this year falls on November 14th, preceded by 3 days by the moment of silent remembrance on the 11th hour of the 11th day which marked the end of the Great War of 1914-18. In advance of Remembrance Sunday the Earl Haig Poppy Fund will distribute stocks of poppies by house calls and at shops and hotels: please support the cause! And by no means least, your local branch of the Royal British Legion will be holding its annual Remembrance week-end Bingo at the Murray Arms from 7.30 on Friday November 12th. Do come along! In accordance with established custom the Gatehouse of Fleet & District Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, in conjunction with the Churches will hold an ecumenical service of Remembrance in the Parish Church at 10am. on Sunday followed by the parade and march led by the Legion standard-bearer and the Deputy Lord Lieutenant to the War Memorial for the Act of Remembrance, laying of wreaths and playing of the Last Post at 11am. Similar proceedings at Twynholm and Ringford are supported by the local Branch of the British Legion. To round off the day’s programme there will be a lunch at the Murray Arms from 12 noon; tickets for this will be on sale at the Hotel desk by the end of October and all those who support and care for the interests of our Armed Forces will be made extremely welcome. So if you would like to support our Armed Services (you don’t have to attend meetings!), please join us by contacting Willie McKie on 815008.

Fleet Gallery

7 & 9 Fleet Street, Gatehouse of Fleet DG7 2JT 01557 814228

Open daily 10am - 5pm A wide range of art and gifts from Scotland and the Borders. Plus exclusive baby clothes.

Sport Golf Club Notes

We have had another successful season at the Club; entries for competitions have held up and there have been some closely fought matches. Congratulations to Club Champions: Ladies Mrs Toni McAllister; Men’s “A” Graeme McMillan; and Men’s “B” Ian Pickthall. In the latter part of the season we have seen a good number of visitors, including many younger golfers, some of whom have joined the Club for the first time. Thanks are due to our Greens keepers, Charlie Pickthall and his son Stephen for maintaining the course in excellent condition throughout the year in spite of a difficult winter. The course remains open for 12 months of the year and we are now welcoming Winter members who can join for £50 with a view to becoming full members in the spring. Senior Members play on Tuesdays and Thursdays, whatever the weather! Anyone thinking of joining us will be made most welcome. The Winter Pairs competition starts on November 14th and Monthly Medals continue on the first Sunday of each month. Visitors are always welcome to play 9 holes or a full 18 if they wish for £15. Members are reminded that the Ladies AGM and Dinner will be held on Friday October 29th, and the Club AGM on Monday January 10th 2011.


The start to the season has produced some mixed results so far with wins in three out of eight matches by mid September, but with some encouraging signs in the most recent performances, in particular David McKie’s 4 goals in 18 minutes ‘fest’ in the second half of the 4-0 win over Abbey Vale on Sept. 11th. The management team of Barry Pickthall and Gary Neill have recently swapped roles with Barry taking over as Manager and Gary dropping down to the Assistant role. The squad of 18 to 20 train twice per week on Monday and Wednesday evenings, and matches are played on Saturday afternoons, alternately home and away. Barry and Gary are doing an excellent job and signs are looking good for the season.

The Club has recently been granted planning permission to refurbish and enlarge the Home and Away Changing Rooms at the Pavilion in Garries Park without increasing the overall size of the Pavilion. The work is expected to be carried out in the closed season in March/April 2011. The Club’s week-end draws – the “3 from 20” and the “Super 7” remain popular and the jackpots continue to rise when the prizes are not won. If not already participating in these and you would like to join either or both, please contact Irvine Hannah (07745 903610) or any Committee Member, and you would be warmly welcomed.

Galloway Cricket Club

The Club has had a successful season, with the first XI achieving six wins with some dazzling performances from captain Pat Druce, overseas amateur Suresh Mukherjee and international Scottish under-17 player Fraser Conn. The Club’s concentration on the development of youngsters has been rewarded and many have excelled by being selected for 1st and 2nd XIs. Fraser Conn, Anthony Hullat and Dean Penrose have been frequent performers in the Western Academy teams. The Club’s coaching policy aiming to bring cricket into the schools of Galloway, backed by parental enthusiasm, has resulted in the Under-11 side winning all their games, aided by the coaching of Howard Bradley and Suresh Mukherjee. Sessions are attended by up to 25 youngsters and coaching is to continue through the winter in three venues in the Gatehouse catchment area. Thanks are due to everyone involved throughout the season: parents, tea organisers, coaching staff, players, the local community, patrons, businesses, schools, the Murray Arms, the backing for coaching from Nick Van Zwanenberg, the Cally Hotel and Howard Bradley for the superb condition of the ground. The Club welcomes new players, visitors, patrons, supporters and sponsors at the Cally Cricket Ground. Fund-raising activities continue with a “Gentle Jazz” Concert on Friday November 19th (see Community Diary). Contact George Creyke 815085 or Dennis Coombs 814404 for details.

Carpet Bowls

The new season runs from October through the winter to the end of March, every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. There are 5 Open Tournaments, dates to be notified, and new members will be made very welcome.

Curling Anwoth & Girthon Curling Club The new season is already under way with the skips, Steve Groome, Graham Statham, Annie-Margaret Johnstone and Bobby Carson hoping their rinks do well in the upcoming competitions. We are seeking new members, you don’t have to be experienced as we arrange coaching and a warm welcome. This is an ideal opportunity for those who have recently moved into the area to meet new folk and become part of the local community. Phone Keith Kemp 01557 814152 if you are interested and he will provide details of forthcoming practice sessions. Gatehouse Bonspiel After the success of the Bonspiel on Bush Moss last January, arrangements are in hand for a similar event next January. Weather permitting again on Bush Moss, but otherwise at the alternative venue of Stranraer Ice Rink, which is booked for January 22nd. If you curled on Bush Moss, or would like to take part, this is an invitation to register an interest in this forthcoming event. Phone Douglas McDavid 814505, Keith Kemp 814152 or Shaun Burnie 814288.

Entertainment, Leisure & Culture The Charity Shop

The Charity Shop run by the Gatehouse of Fleet YMCA at 49 High Street is now a well-established Gatehouse of Fleet landmark. What is perhaps less widely known is that the income generated by shop sales supplies 82% of the funds required to run the Drop-in Centre – indeed without the shop, the Drop-in Centre would be faced with a serious survival problem. The shop is run entirely by a team of dedicated volunteers, presently managed jointly by Jo Bradshaw and Janet Myers, is open 6 days a week between 10.30 and 1.00, and between 2.00 and 4.30 (4.00 in the winter months), and is closed for around 3 weeks over the Christmas and New Year holidays. All goods sold in the shop have been donated, as befits a charitable body, and while shop policy is to raise funds, pricing policy aims to turn the goods on sale over as quickly as possible, as space is limited and needed to house new stock as it comes in. Bargains galore are to be had, and the shop is now attracting regular customers from outside Gatehouse of Fleet and competing very effectively with other charity shops in Castle Douglas, Newton Stewart and Kirkcudbright. At the same time, shop volunteers have a keen eye for potentially valuable items and have access to external advice (often of experts) to ensure that prices for such items are realistic. Cash takings are secured in a safe bolted to the floor at the back of the shop; the safe is cleared frequently. While the shop, in common with other charity shops, owes its life to donated goods, considerable work is involved in sorting and pricing during opening hours. While there is, in theory at least, some value for anything, the variable quality of donated goods inevitably results in some that are deemed unsaleable and therefore dumped. This applies particularly to clothing and donors are to be encouraged to be sensibly selective in what they bring in, and to make sure that they have been laundered. Bulky electrical items are not accepted, and smaller electrical goods are not offered for sale before they have been checked for safety by a qualified electrician. With Christmas approaching there will be a raffle of attractive prizes and a prize for guessing the weight of the Christmas cake, so come along and enjoy the fun!

Fleet Valley National Scenic Area

If you are in need of exercise, don’t go to the gym – join the Fleet Valley National Scenic Area Countryside Team. Each week the Volunteers go out with the local Ranger to carry out environmental work around Gatehouse. During the summer we have been working on the Cally Walls Project, clearing back vegetation so that the drystone dykers can get in to renovate them. Other work has involved clearing vegetation from footpaths, constructing gates and bridges and helping local schoolchildren to build a garden at the school. No special skills are needed and you do as much or as little as you wish. Contact Ian Brown (the Ranger), on 01387 260180, mobile 07824708110 or e-mail

Gatehouse of Fleet Burns Club

The Gatehouse of Fleet Burns Club will be holding its 58th Burns Supper on Saturday 29th January 2011 in the Murray Arms Hotel. This will take the traditional format of a taster of haggis, duly celebrated with Burns’ “Address to the Haggis,” followed by a main course and dessert. After the meal the audience will be entertained by the winners of the school poetry reciting competition and by songs and recitations of Burns’ works. The toast to the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns will be proposed by renowned speaker Professor Ted Cowan, followed by the Toast to the Lassies and the Reply from the Lassies. The evening will be chaired by our President Mike Duguid who for the past year has also been the President of the Robert Burns World Federation. This has involved worldwide travel, multiple Burns Suppers and many prestigious cultural events associated with the special Year of Homecoming celebrating the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Poet. It has been a great honour for him and also for the Gatehouse of Fleet Burns Club. If you would like to attend please contact the secretary of the Burns Club, Mrs Pauline Logan, 16 Fleet Street, Gatehouse of Fleet, DG7 2JT, 01557 814667, who will send out booking forms in December. Tickets will cost around £20.

Jazz it up for MacMillan!

With the help of local Arts Initiative GAEL FORCE, Jack Wilson, accomplished reedman and Solway Jazz guru brings his Dixie-

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land Jazz Roadshow to Gatehouse of Fleet on Nov. 12th. Venue is the Masonic Arms Conservatory where Jack will present three bands plus guests delivering traditional jazz of a high order from Blues to Swing. Music starts at 8.00pm with two 60-minute sets either side of an interval, and, as Jack says, “Gael Force have given us the chance to put Dumfries Jazz Club on the road and offer our joyful music to a wider audience than our usual Sunday night crowd. It’s all about smiling faces and happy hearts, and the more of those the better!” Highly affordable tickets £6, under 16’s £3 from Ted Percy 01557 814461. And the good news is that all the proceeds will go to MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT to further their invaluable work. As cancer touches all sorts and ages, so this music’s broad-spectrum appeal will gladden us all.

Dorothy L. Sayers Society to meet in Gatehouse of Fleet

Next year will see the 80th anniversary of the publication of the celebrated murder mystery The Five Red Herrings, set in Gatehouse and Kirkcudbright. To mark the occasion the Dorothy L. Sayers Society will be holding its annual meeting in Gatehouse of Fleet between August 12th and 15th 2011. There will be a full programme of events and visits including talks and walks on the book and a bus tour to explore the sites connected with the story. For more information, contact the conference organiser at

Gatehouse of Fleet Music Society

For a small town, Gatehouse of Fleet has a flourishing Music Society. The season opens on November 7th with a concert by “Dieci”, a Scottish-based vocal group, finalists in the 2008 BBC Choir of the Year competition. Their programme includes music from the 16th century to the present day, and includes arrangements of 20th century classics. This is followed on December 5th by a concert by “Hoot”, a prize-winning duo of flute and harp; their programme will include a newly commissioned work by Scottish composer Helen Grime, who may be present at the performance. On to February 10th, at 7.30pm for a concert by the Benyonnes Quartet, former number one string quartet at the Royal

Northern College of Music, which will include quartets by Haydn, Beethoven and Ravel. This outstanding quartet played for local musician Geoff Keating’s lectures at Rothay Manor, Ambleside, reducing many of the audience to tears with their moving performance of a late Mendelssohn quartet. Since they left the College they have been studying together in Switzerland and Paris. The final concert of the season on March 13th will be something of a special occasion. The mixed ensemble group “Auricle” will be performing the whole of William Walton’s “Façade” Suites, including some movements rarely heard. They will have with them speakers who are well-known on Scottish television as the work is for music and speakers who declaim poems by Dame Edith Sitwell. Some of you may already be familiar with the often-performed ‘Popular Song’ but this will be a unique opportunity to hear the whole of Walton’s famous and amusing work. All concerts are given in Gatehouse Parish Church at 3.00pm (with the exception of February 10th, which is at 7.30). Season tickets for the four concerts are £26 (from Chairman Shirley Massey, 01557 815088, or Secretary Helen Keating, 01557 814376), or individual concerts (tickets at the door) are £9, accompanied school children free.

Royal Scottish Dance Society


Keep fit! Have fun! Let’s dance it! The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society holds regular classes on Monday nights in the Catholic Church Hall, Riverside, between 7.30 and 9.30pm from September 20th to the end of March. The Society’s Annual Dance to George Meikle’s Band will be on October 30th at Gatehouse Primary School where dancers of all levels and spectators are welcome, come along and have fun and enjoy the social dancing experience. Please feel free to turn up or contact Barbara McFarlane 814205, Christine Ashworth 814819 or Judy Samways 814095. We are a Scottish Charity ensuring the future of our Scottish traditions.

Gatehouse Singers

Rehearsals at 7.30pm every Wednesday evening have now begun. While there is a good overall balance of voices within the group, we are looking for one or two more sopranos, so if you are interested, come along to the Parish Church Hall on Wednesday evenings at 7.30 This year’s Christmas Concert will be at 7.30 pm on Friday December 10th.


Gatehouse of Fleet’s performing arts group for children will stage their pantomime “Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs” in conjunction with Gatehouse Christian Fellowship at 7.00pm on December 22nd in the

Community Centre. Further information from Sara-leigh Cain 01557 814627.

Stewartry Flower Club

Stewartry Flower Club usually meets every second Thursday of the month in Gatehouse Parish Church Hall at 1.30pm. All are welcome whether experienced or a beginner: our motto is “friendship through flowers”. Further information from Val Hunter 814944 or Angela Paul 870202.

Gatehouse Monday Club

Are you retired and not looking forward to those long winter days? If so, come and join the MONDAY CLUB which meets every other Monday throughout the winter in the Church Hall between 2.00 and 4.00pm (starting November 1st). Why not come along and enjoy a chat, some entertainment, a game of cards or dominoes, and a great afternoon tea!

University of the Third Age U3A

There was a short mention of the University of the Third Age (U3A) in the spring Newsletter with a promise of more information in future issues. U3A appeals largely to the retired population and offers learning opportunities in an informal atmosphere. There are no exams and the learning process is enhanced by sharing with others with common interests in a wide range of subjects. The Stewartry group first met in January 2009 and there are now increasing numbers of members from Gatehouse of Fleet. An annual series of 8 talks take place in the Gordon Hall at St.Ninian’s Church, Castle Douglas, normally at 2.00pm. Annual subscription is £15. There are 21 interest groups ranging from bird-watching to philosophy, history, art appreciation, French, Spanish, photography, walking, lunching etc. All are organised by the members themselves. For dates of future meetings see our Community diary or contact Anne Levi 01557 814738 or Linda Woods 01644 450244.

teed to get your feet tapping. Tickets are only £8 for dancers and £4 for spectators with buffet supper included. Why no join us for some dancing as it’s good for the brain as well as the body and above all it’s fun. Contacts: Carol Clark 814259 or Ute Weber 814476.

Gatehouse Investment Club (“Spend a Penny”) At 8.00pm on the third Sunday of most months throughout the year, a group of investments gurus meets at the Murray Arms. Led by Chairman Robert Graham the club, at present of 15 members, discusses and decides on the buying or selling of parts of its portfolio of shares in the club’s maximum of 25 quoted companies. Each member contributes £25 a month to enhance the value of the club’s portfolio, and there is space for a maximum of 5 new members under Investment Club rules, so if you are a keen investor and enjoy sharing information in a fun atmosphere with others about stocks and shares, why not join us? Contact Caroline Taylor 01557 814716.

The Mill on the Fleet

The Mill closes at the end of October after another successful season. One of the new ventures for this season was Mill Sessions which has involved a fruitful partnership between the Mill and the Gatehouse Festival Group and has brought a succession of excellent musical events to the Faed Gallery including internationally renowned artist Jane Siberry. The Gallery has excellent acoustics, ideal for solo performers and acoustic instruments and we look forward to an expanded programme during 2011. In the meantime there may still be further perfomances in the Mill during the closed season, and we hope to continue to use the venue for recording local artists, a scheme piloted successfully last winter.

The Bakehouse

The Bakehouse will provides its usual menu of cultural delights throughout the coming winter. Dates are in the Community Diary and on the website or phone 01557 814175.

Gatehouse Scottish Country Dancers We have recently enjoyed dancing at the Gala and at the Mill on the Fleet.. We are dancing on Monday evenings at Gatehouse Primary School from 7.30 to 9.30pm with class fees of £2.50 per night, annual membership £10 in a popular and friendly class. Our annual dance at Gatehouse Primary School with Kenny Thomson’s Band is at 7.30pm on December 11th and is guaran-

Ewan McLennan performing at the Mill

The Kiosk

Following the agreement of a ten-year lease of the former Tourist Information building in the main carpark from Visit Scotland, work will start soon on upgrading the building. The exterior will be tidied up, new double-glazed doors installed and the remaining single-glazed windows also double glazed. With funding from the CARES project, the building will be properly insulated and air-source heat pumps will be installed. PV solar panels will be added to the roof and take advantage of the generous feed-in tarif available for this green energy source, significantly reducing the electricity costs in the building and making it usable year-round. It is hoped this will allow the craft shop to remain open for more of the year. The former Police office has also been renovated to provide improved office space for the Gatehouse Carbon Project in what will shortly be an excellent example of an energy efficient building. Members of the community who have not yet taken advantage of the Carbon Project to have a home survey done should contact the team who can also help with advice on grants and systems available to reduce your home energy costs too. Tel: 0770 220 6735 or 01557 814927 for further information.


Church of Scotland Gatehouse Parish Church Rev. Val Ott 01557 814233 Sundays: 10.30am Morning Service. (2nd Sunday of each month: a short Communion service is held afterwards.) Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection, Riverbank. Father William McFadden 01557 330687 Saturdays: Vigil Mass at 6.00pm Holy Days: Vigil Mass at 7.00pm Scottish Episcopal Church St. Mary’s Church, Dromore Road. Rev. Roger Cutler 01557 330146 Sundays: 9.30am Sung Eucharist. (5th Sunday of month a joint service is held with Greyfriars, Kirkcudbright - see notice board) Weekdays: 9.30am on Wednesday. Assemblies of God Gatehouse Christian Fellowship, Church of the Resurrection, Riverbank, G of F, until further notice. Pastor Malcolm Macpherson 01557 814894 Sundays: 10.30am Morning Service & Children’s Church (Communion 1st Sun in month.) Midweek House Groups meet regularly in Gatehouse district (Wednesdays). Please telephone Pastor for details.

Gatehouse Womens Rural Institute (WRI)

Meetings of the “Rural” take place at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of every month in the Community Centre. New members are welcome to join. Contact Kathleen Gilligan 01557 814462.

Citizen of the Year Award With this Newsletter you will find a voting form for the Gatehouse of Fleet Citizen of the Year Award which has been won previously by Mary Cowan, David Dougan and David Steel. Make sure that you record your vote this year for the Gatehouse personality who, in your opinion, has done most to make Gatehouse of Fleet a good place to live in. Voting forms must be with Chris Walker at Hope Dene, Woodside Terrace by December 1st. If you need additional forms, they are available at the Post Office and the Library.

If you would like to contribute an article or other content for future issues of the Newsletter, contact the editor: Willie McKie, 51 High Street, 01557 815008. e-mail:

Useful Opening Hours Post Office Monday to Friday 9.00-5.00 Saturday 9.00 -12.30 Library Monday 2.30-5.00 Wednesday 10.00-12.30 Friday 10.00-12.30; 2.30-5.00; 6.00-7.30 Bank of Scotland Monday 9.15 – 4.45 Wednesday 10.00 – 4.45 Friday 9.15 – 4.45 Spar Shop Monday to Saturday 6.00 – 10.00 Sunday 6.00 – 9.00 Keystore Shop Monday to Saturday 7.00 – 6.00 Sunday 8.00 – 4.00

44 The High Street Gatehouse of Fleet DG7 2HP

Bookings 01557 814175 07891 803027

The Bakehouse : Literary Arts Live

Hatterick’s House Design Your Local Gatehouse Design Service Website Design u Graphic Design u Brochures u Flyers t: 01557 814458


Business in Focus

Each issue we plan to feature an in-depth interview with one of our local businesses to highlight individual contribution by the business sector to the local economy. This issue our choice is Fleet Fish. “Not so much a business as a way of life” is the best way to introduce the mobile fish and fresh food services provided by Eric and Mary (nee McCulloch) Cowan. The fish vans are and have been for many years a feature of life not only in Gatehouse of Fleet but throughout the Stewartry. It all began in the early 1980’s after Eric and Mary had returned from what nearly became a successful attempt to settle in Australia, but they were drawn back to Scotland by family developments. After spells at Auchenlarie and in running the old Anwoth Hotel providing fish suppers to a large and enthusiastic local clientele, it was in 1985 that Fleet Fish was born with the purchase of a small van to bring fresh produce (with the main emphasis on fish) to the widespread outlying resident communities, many of them farmers, spread across the Stewartry from Creetown in the west, Dalry in the north to Borgue and Kirkcudbright in the south. The early venture carefully avoided Gatehouse and its immediate surroundings as in the 1980’s there was a flourishing fish and vegetable business in the High Street. The concept of delivering fresh produce to a wider community also soon spread, often through family connections, to other areas, firstly in Ferry Fish (west of Gatehouse), then to Hawick, and later to Argyllshire where Aray Fish and Fynest Fish now service the local communities. The business grew. Bigger vans were needed, and the supply system involving twice weekly overnight trips to the markets in Glasgow backed up by the installation of refrigerating facilities in Eric and Mary’s house in Fleet Street laid the foundation for the service that is given today. To fresh fish straight from the market have been added a wide range of quality fruit and vegetables, and some locally sourced pork products (Ayrshire bacon and sausages feature). The vans are designed with double doors at the back to ensure an attractive display of produce, and are maintained by an expert self-employed mechanic friend in Kirkcudbright. As time has moved on, adjustments

have been made to the areas covered which still extend to far reaches of the Stewartry from Dalry, the Glenkens and parts of Castle Douglas to Tongland, Carrick and Borgue. The caravan sites on the coast are covered and changes to the High Street in Gatehouse have now made it possible and necessary to service a growing clientele in the town itself. What is the secret of Eric and Mary’s success? Long hours, extremely hard work and a determined commitment (rooted in family ties and long-standing friendships) to the welfare of the communities of Gatehouse and the region are the foundation. Fleet Street residents are familiar with the sight of Eric and Mary unloading their vans after 6 o-clock of an evening to transfer produce to cold storage overnight and loading up again before 8 in the morning. Do they never sleep? A comment from Eric on McCulloch family sleeping routine: “They sleep with one eye open and one leg on the floor!” Many hours are spent on the road, not only on the daily round but including the long supply trips to Glasgow. Fuel and transport costs (vans typically have a life of around 150000 miles) are high and increasing and have to be recovered from the margins on the sale of produce. In return for this tre-

mendous output of energy, Fleet Fish customers, especially those in remote and isolated areas, see Eric and Mary as a lifeline, not only for the quality of goods that they supply but for the friendship and contact that their regular calls provide, sometimes in a life-saving capacity. Orders are placed in advance, messages are left and exchanged, bets are placed(!), plans for parties and family get-togethers are discussed and arranged, gossip is traded. The arrival of the mobile phone network has improved the quality of life for isolated communities and helped to expand Eric and Mary’s business.Fleet Fish has become a very personal business and its future is inevitably bound up with the future of its owners who are still as young and vigorous as the years allow. Mary and Eric have always been keen to engage the interest of young folk in their enterprise, as Arron, Charles, Ben, Sam, Edward and Carly would testify. Perhaps from among these youngsters will emerge a successor to Fleet Fish; who can tell? If there is to be a successor to Eric and Mary’s enterprise they will need boundless stocks of energy, commitment and determination. Gatehouse has been a better place for their good humour, hard work and service to the community that they love and that loves them.

Clubs, Societies & Voluntary Bodies Gatehouse Community Council Provost Mrs Pat Jacques 01557 814425 Gatehouse Development Initiative Chairman David Steel 01557 814226 Gatehouse Gala Committee Chairman Pauline Logan 01557 814667 Mill on the Fleet Chairman Ken Smyth 01557 814458 Front Desk and Information 01557 814099 Gatehouse Community Centre Bookings 07563 758533 Murray Usher Foundation Cally Estate Office 01557 814361 Anwoth & Girthon Curling Club Secretary Mr. Keith Kemp 01557 814152 Bunkeroo (Young theatre & talent group) Sarah-leigh Cain 01557 814627 Earl Haig Poppy Fund Mrs. Wadsworth 01557 814349 Fleet Star Football Club Secretary Mr.A I Hannah 01557 814829 Galloway Cricket Club Captain Pat Druce 07881585431 Gatehouse Bridge Club Mr. G Swann 01557 814663 Gatehouse Burns Club Pauline Logan 01557 814667 Gatehouse Carpet Bowling Club Mrs. Annie-Margaret Johnstone 01557 814059 Gatehouse Drop-in Centre (YMCA) Dennis Samways, Chairman 01557 814095 Josephine King 01557 814704 Gatehouse Family History & Archives Margaret Torrance 01557 814620 Gatehouse Festival Music Ted Percy 01557 814461 Gatehouse Golf Club Clubhouse 01557 814766 (leave a message-your call will be returned) Gatehouse Green Bowling Club Mrs. Annie-Margaret Johnstone 01557 814059 Gatehouse Horticultural Society Mrs. Suzette Harris 01557 814511 Gatehouse Lions Club Secretary Andy Chappell 0780 9891714 Gatehouse Music Society Mrs. Helen Keating 01557 814376 Gatehouse Scottish Country Dancers Carol Clark 01557 814259 Gatehouse Scouts, Cubs & Beavers Mark Grieve 01557 814763 Gatehouse Singers Chairman Peter Carpenter 814432 Gatehouse Snooker Club Willie McKie 01557 815008 Gatehouse Women’s Rural Institute (WRI) Kathleen Gilligan 01557 814462 Laggan Outdoor – D McConchie 01557 840217 Royal British Legion Gatehouse Branch Chairman Willie McKie 01557 815008 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Keith Stacey 01557 339308 University of the Third Age (U3A) Anne Levi 01557 814738

Community Diary: Autumn-Winter October 23rd – 10.30am Churches Together: One World Week coffee morning, Parish Hall. 23rd – 7.30pm Community Centre, Festival Music : “Fireside Hoolie” 29th – Golf Club – Ladies AGM & Dinner. 30th – Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Annual Dance, Primary School. 30th – 7.30pm Bakehouse: Brian Johnstone with Trio Version, jazz & poetry group. 30th – Bank of Fleet: Halloween disco. November 1st – 2.00-4.00pm Monday Club fortnightly meetings begin in the Church Hall. 3rd – 9.00pm Eco-Quiz, Masonic Arms. 7th – 3.00pm Music Society concert by “Dieci”, Parish Church. 9th – 6.00pm British Legion branch meeting, Murray Arms. 11th – 11.00am Silence in memory of the fallen. 11th – 1.30pm Stewartry Flower Club, Lynda Fraser “Fantastically Festive” 12th – 7.30pm Murray Arms – British Legion bingo. 12th – 8.00pm “Dixieland Jazz” Roadshow, Masonic Arms. 14th – Remembrance Sunday – 10.00am Parish Church Service & Parade. 17th – 2.00pm U3A AGM, Gordon Hall, St.Ninian’s, Castle Douglas, followed by talk on the circumnavigation of S. America by road. 19th – “Gentle Jazz” concert, Primary School Hall, Fund-raising for Cricket Club. 27th – 7.30pm Bakehouse: The poetry of Adam Horovitz. December 1st – 9.00pm Eco-Quiz, Masonic Arms. 1st – Citizen of the Year: closing date for your vote. 2nd – Senior Citizens Christmas Meal, Murray Arms. 5th – 3.00pm Music Society concert by “Hoot”. Parish Church. 5th – 5.30pm Christmas lights switch on outside Murray Arms. Mulled wine, mince pies, carol-singing. 10th – 7.30pm Gatehouse Singers Christmas Concert, Parish Church. 11th –7.30pm Scottish Country Dancers – Annual Dance, Gatehouse Primary School. 14th – 6.00pm British Legion Branch meeting, Murray Arms. 22nd – 7.00pm Pantomime “Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs”, Community Centre. 25th – Christmas Day. Christmas lunch, Murray Arms. 25th – 12.00 to 3.00pm Bank of Fleet: Christmas Lunch. 26th – Hunt Breakfast, Murray Arms. 27th – Charity Ball, Murray Arms. 31st – Hogmanay Ceilidh, Murray Arms. 31st – Hogmanay – Farewell to 2010 at the Clock Tower 11.59pm. January 2011 1st – Murray Arms – New Year’s Day buffet lunch. 5th – 9.00pm Eco-Quiz, Masonic Arms. 10th – Golf Club Annual General Meeting. 11th – 6.00pm British Legion AGM, Murray Arms. 13th – 1.30pm Stewartry Flower Club – New Year’s Party: contact Val Hunter. 22nd – Community Curling Bonspiel at Bush Moss or Stranraer Ice Rink. 22nd – Bakehouse Burns night. 29th – Gatehouse of Fleet Burns Supper, Murray Arms. February 2nd – 9.00pm Eco-Quiz, Masonic Arms. 8th – 6.00pm British Legion branch meeting, Murray Arms. 9th – 2.00pm U3A Gordon Hall, St.Ninians, Castle Douglas, talk on Organic Farming. 10th – 3.00pm Music Society concert “Benyounes Quartet”, Parish Church 10th – 1.30pm Stewartry Flower Club. Carolynne Sorrell: “Arrangements for tables” 14th – Valentine’s Day. 26th – Bakehouse event, details to follow, see March 2nd – 9.00pm Eco-Quiz, Masonic Arms. 10th – 1.30pm Stewartry Flower Club. Addie Clarkson: “Back to basics”. 13th – 3.00pm Music Society concert by “Auricle”. Parish Church. 17th – 2.00pm U3A, Gordon Hall, St.Ninians, Castle Douglas, talk on training of the police in Africa and Asia. 26th – Bakehouse event, see

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