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Lampe & Malphrus Goes With USNR End Dogging
Lampe & Malphrus Lumber Co., Smithfield, NC, is installing a new end dogging carriage line from USNR, including several new machines:
—Log infeed using belts, chains and ending screws
—Pinnacle feeder
—USNR carriage optimization with LASAR
—Reciprocating EDC with rotation
—Conical chip heads with board and cant separators
—Single pass resaw
—Inertial separator to separate the split cants
—Numerous belted and chain transfers
This comes on the heels of another significant investment for Lampe & Malphrus, a new optimized edger line slated for installation in early 2023.
“The new primary breakdown will allow us to meet our customers’ growing demand for quality lumber while im- proving recovery and the health and safety of our team members,” comments Will Lampe, president & CEO.