7 minute read
Harrigan Will Install Automated Grading
Harrigan Lumber of Monroeville, Ala. is updating its line with the Transverse High Grader (THG) system, featuring Deep Learning technology. The mill produces SYP dimension lumber. Harrigan joins more than 150 other mills worldwide that have installed USNR’s vision grading systems, many of those now equipped with Deep Learning technology. Governor Visits Hurst Boiler
As part of an ongoing tour to highlight products made in Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp visited Hurst Boiler & Welding Co. Inc. in Coolidge, Ga. in early December. MACHINERYROW
Brian Jackson, Hurst Boiler operations manager, says the company began small and has grown through the years. “I think the governor is interested in highlighting those types of businesses, and we’re excited about showing our success story,” Jackson says.
Hurst Boiler employs more than 350 and its manufacturing facility is 314,000 sq. ft. The visit was part of the governor’s quarterly Made in Georgia Tour designed to bring attention to and highlight products made in the state.
Veteran Filer Joins Oleson Saw Team
Oleson Saw has added Matt Tulleners to the Oleson Saw sales team as West Coast Territory Manager. Tulleners brings decades of experience in band and circular saws. He has served key roles at Idaho Forest Industries, Weyerhaeuser, Stimson Lumber and Idaho Forest Group. Contact Tulleners at mtulleners@olesonsaw.com or call him at 208-290-1645.

Friday-Saturday May 1-2, 2020

Richmond Raceway Complex 600 E. Laburnum Ave. Richmond, VA 23222
Make plans today to participate in the 37th East Coast Sawmill & Logging Exposition and take in the East Coast’s largest array of sawmill, pallet, logging, biomass and related machinery, supplies and services. Invest in your future and grow your business.
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● See machinery in action!
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● 1 entry fee, 2-day admission
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Visit www.ExpoRichmond.com to register before April 17, 2020 to receive the special rate of $10. After April 17th, admission is $20 per person. Spouses and children under 18 are admitted with paying adults.

■ Canada

■ Ontario
Next closing: July 6, 2020
■ United States
■ Georgia
Beasley Forest Products, Inc. P.O. Box 788 Hazlehurst, GA 31539 beasleyforestproducts.com
Manufactures Kiln-Dried 4/4 Red and White Oak, Poplar, Ash and Cypress Contact: Linwood Truitt Phone (912) 253-9000 / Fax: (912) 375-9541 linwood.truitt@beasleyforestproducts.com Pallet components, X-ties, Timbers and Crane Mats Contact: Ray Turner Phone (912) 253-9001 / Fax: (912) 375-9541 ray.turner@beasleyforestproducts.com
■ Kentucky
HAROLD WHITE LUMBER, INC. MANUFACTURER OF FINE APPALACHIAN HARDWOODS (606) 784-7573 • Fax: (606) 784-2624 www.haroldwhitelumber.com

Ray White Domestic & Export Sales rwhite@haroldwhitelumber.com Cell: (606) 462-0318
Green & Kiln Dried, On-Site Export Prep & Loading
Complete millworks facility, molding, milling & fingerjoint line
■ Minnesota
■ North Carolina

We produce quality 4/4 - 8/4 Appalachian hardwoods • Red Oak, White Oak, Poplar • Green Lumber: Air Dried, Kiln Dried Timbers & Crossties • Hickory, Sycamore, Beech, Gum & Elm • Custom Cut Timbers: Long lengths and wide widths Sales/Service: 336-746-5419 336-746-6177 (Fax) • www.kepleyfrank.com Buyers & Wholesalers
■ Tennessee

AIR-O-FLOW profiled & FLAT sticks available Imported & Domestic DHM Company - Troy, TN 38260 731-446-4069 Fax: 707-982-7689 email: kelvin@kilnsticks.com www.KILNSTICKS.com
WANT TO GET YOUR AD IN OUR NEXT MARKETPLACE? Call or email Melissa McKenzie 334-834-1170 melissa@hattonbrown.com
Recruiting Services
Executive – Managerial – Technical - Sales JOHN GANDEE & ASSOCIATES, INC Contingency or Retained Search Depending on Circumstances / Needs “Your Success Is Our Business” Serving the Wood Products and Building Materials Industries For more than 26 years. 512-795-4244 Call or Email me anytime! john@johngandee.com www.johngandee.com Austin, Texas 3220
Top Wood Jobs Recruiting and Staffing George Meek geo@TopWoodJobs.com www.TopWoodJobs.com (360) 263-3371 3779

Experienced Band Saw Benchman/Saw Filer Opening Oleson Saw Technology, a division of York Saw & Knife Company, has a Benchman opening in our new Post Falls, Idaho facility.
Applicants should possess all necessary skills and knowledge of the proper benching techniques for bandsaws. A minimum of 3 years experience is preferred.
This is a full-time position with growth potential. Base hours are 7:00AM-3:30PM Monday thru Friday.
Email resume to dmyers@yorksaw.com or call 717-767-6402. 9961
Contact Us Cell: 541.760.7173 Office: 770.364.0917 www.acculine-rails.com chris@acculine-rails.com A Proven Process • Rails straightened & ground in-place at a fraction of the cost of rail replacement • No down time for the mill • Restores carriage rails to optimum sawing efficiency •Precision Laser Alignment • Machining and Grinding • Carriage and Bandmill Alignment WORN OR MISALIGNED CARRIAGE RAILS? 489
Importers and Distributors of Tropical Hardwood Kiln Sticks GREENWOOD KILN STICKS Importers and Distributors of Tropical Hardwood Kiln Sticks
“The lowest cost per cycle” GW Industries www.gwi.us.com Dennis Krueger Jackie Paolo 866-771-5040 866-504-9095 greenwoodimportsllc@gmail.com jackie@gwi.us.com “The lowest cost per cycle” GW Industries www.gwi.us.com Dennis Krueger Jackie Paolo 866-771-5040 866-504-9095 greenwoodimportsllc@gmail.com jackie@gwi.us.com 127

FEBRUARY 4-5—Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen’s Assn. Convention & Exposition, Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, Indianapolis, Ind. Call 317-288-0008; visit ihla.org.
19-23—Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers annual meeting, Naples Grand Beach Resort, Naples, Fla. Call 336-885- 8315; visit appalachianhardwood.org.
27-March 2—IndiaWood 2020, Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, Bangalore, India. Call +91-80-4250 5000; visit indiawood.com.
MARCH 4-5—Ohio Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Marriott Columbus University Area, Columbus, Ohio. Call 614-497-9580; visit ohioforest.org.
4-6—National Wooden Pallet & Container Assn. Annual Leadership Conference, Naples Grande Beach Resort in Naples, Fla. Call 703-519-6104; visit palletcentral.com.
8-10—2020 NAWLA Leadership Summit & WWPA annual meeting, JW Marriott Desert Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, Calif. Call 503-224-3930; visit wwpa.org.
10-11—Wood Bioenergy Conference & Expo, Omni Hotel at CNN Center, Atlanta, Ga. Call 334-834-1170; visit bioenergyshow.com.
12-13—Panel & Engineered Lumber International Conference & Expo (PELICE), Omni Hotel at CNN Center, Atlanta, Ga. Call 334-834-1170; visit pelice-expo.com.
16-18—Dubai Woodshow, Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Call +971 4 39 23232; visit dubaiwoodshow.com.
25-27—Hardwood Manufacturers Assn. 2020 National Conference & Expo, JW Marriott, Nashville, Tenn. Call 412-244-0440; visit hmamembers.org.
25-27—2020 SLMA & SFPA Spring Meeting & Expo, Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, La. Call 770-631-6701; visit slma.org.
APRIL 7-9—Kentucky Forest Industries Assn. annual meeting, Brown Hotel, Louisville, Ky. Call 502-695-3979; visit kfia.org.
26-28—American Wood Protection Assn. annual meeting, Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe, Incline Village, Nev. Call 205- 733-4077; visit awpa.com.
MAY 1-2—Expo Richmond 2020, Richmond Raceway Complex, Richmond, Va. Call 804-737-5625; visit exporichmond.com. 12-15—Southeastern Dry Kiln Club annual meeting, NC State University, Raleigh, NC. Call 919-515-5581; visit research.cnr.ncsu.edu/blogs/wpe/southeastern-dry-kiln-club-2.
15-16—Loggers’ Expo, Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, Vt. Call 315-369-3078; visit northernlogger.com.
26-29—Xylexpo 2020, Fieramilano Rho Fairgrounds, Milan, Italy. Phone +39-02-89210200; Visit xylexpo.com/index.php/en.
SEPTEMBER 30-October 2—Timber Processing & Energy Expo, Portland Expo Center, Portland, Ore. Call 334-834-1170; visit timberprocessingandenergyexpo.com. Listings are submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with contacts prior to making plans to attend.
● I
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