four wines. 1000 bottles. limited. 2012
They are limited The new wines from GIANT STEPS & INNOCENT BYSTANDER is our way of celebrating another successfull year of wine producing. We’ve been hiding this from you for the past ten years, just waiting for the stars to align and the grapes to absorb the essence of a rich, wooden barrel. Why? Because they’re Limited. You regret the things you don’t do a whole lot more than the things you actually do. The grapes have been squized one by one, by naked virgins from Sicily. Bottled by men of God-like stature and labelled by machines so shiny you’d be blinded by your own beauty.
Blanc This awesome wine taste like the gods and will do you good.
Shiraz This awesome wine taste like the gods and will do you good.
Chablis This awesome wine taste like the gods and will do you good.
That’s a lie. But the taste however is pure, rich on flavour with a scent of peach-flavoured grass, and that’s a fact.
We gathered all this flavour into 250 bottles. Why? Because they’re Limited.
This awesome wine taste like the gods and will do you good.