Haunted Portland Magazine

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Haun t ed P ort l a nd Haunted hosford middle School p.22

Dedicated to the

Ghosts of the Pacific Northwest

The Case of the Tree Spirit Ghost Hunting the Telepathic Way! Brief history of the White Eagle Saloon by Jefferson Davis

ghost noun \ˈgĹ?st\

The soul or specter of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. Based on the notion that the spirit is separable from the body and can continue its existence after the death of the body. The traditional visual manifestations of haunting include ghostly apparitions, the movement of objects, or the appearance of strange lights; auditory signs include disembodied laughter and screams, knocking, or footsteps.


Haunted Portland Magazine

Haunted Portland Magazine Volume 1 Issue 1

The Case of the Tree Spirit

February 2013

from the book All Spooked Up


by Teresa L. Carol

Š 2013 HauntedPortland.net All Rights Reserved



13 Ghost Hunting the Telepathic Way! by Chad Stambaugh

C. Mullan

Contributors David Walker Noelle Cecil Haley Smith Peggy Richardson Jason Hawthorne Albert B. Jones Zach Kelly

17 A History of the White Eagle Saloon by Jefferson Davis



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Haunted Portland Magazine

The Case of the Tree Spirit from the book All Spooked Up by Teresa L. Carol


sat entranced across the table from the golden-haired lady who was explaining to me in detail the unusual occurrences she had witnessed at her home. I was surprised at how extremely beautiful she was. It was not the normal beauty that many women have, rather it seemed almost supernatural. Her hair was like spun silk which shimmered in the bright light of the coffee shop. Her skin seemed to glow with soft dew-like moisture. She was small in frame and light in body. I guessed that she was around fifty years of age. “Your skin is so lovely,” I interrupted, “Do you mind if I ask what you use.” “Oh!” she fluttered her hands. “It’s really quite simple,” her soft, pink, perfectly formed lips separated into an amazing smile. “I make it myself using rosewater and honey.” She looked a little embarrassed. “Since I moved to Steilacoom I became interested in all kinds of salves and teas. It began when I kept discovering new herbs in my garden and at the same time I would come across a recipe using those herbs. I began experimenting. I still find a new plant from time to time and almost daily I come across a recipe

for everything from healing burns I nodded. to removing warts. It’s wonderful how well these natural ingredients “Well, about ten years ago, my work!” ex-husband was working for this construction company in I stared at her. “You mean you Steilacoom. They had begun a new have a magical garden that provides housing project where they were you not only ingredients but also cutting down some of the old growth recipes?” forest and were building about a dozen homes. He fell in love with She tittered, very self conscious, the area, so we bought one of the “Yes, I call it my Findhorn after lots and he designed and built our the place in Scotland where the home. The kids were 11 and 13 at angels and divas help the Findhorn the time and kept telling us that they Community grow the extraordinary saw things in the house. large vegetables in barren soil. I nodded being familiar with the “What kind of things?” project founded by Eileen and Peter Caddy at a garbage dump in “My daughter said there was a Findhorn, Scotland. little stickman. She claimed he lived in her room and sometimes “I study everything I can find on followed her to the bathroom. He Findhorn and use it in my garden. made chirping sounds like a cricket I talk to the faerie people and the and if she left anything shiny lying plants,” she smiled. “It works! around, he would take it. She said I’ve always had a fabulous, low if she asked him really nice and left maintenance garden.” She sighed, some candy or trinkets, pennies or “one day I would like to visit the buttons, often he would return the original Findhorn.” I was looking item. We just thought she was being forward to seeing her garden. a “kid.” “Tell me about your Ghost.” redirected to the task at hand.


“Yes,” she hesitated, “I’m not sure what it is, but there definitely is some sort of spirit in the house.”

“For awhile she slept in my son’s room as she really got quite paranoid.” She tittered, “I spent several nights in her room, but I never saw anything. The counselor said it was her way of getting

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attention because my husband and “And,” she leaned closer, “I hear I were starting to go through our music, kind of soft and tinkly, like divorce at that time.” chimes and flutes. Faerie Music was what my son used to call it. He Her brother claimed that he saw claimed he heard it all the time.” faeries dancing on the lawn and twice he woke me up in the middle “Tell me about this little man.” of the night to take me outside to the garden to see them, but I never saw “Like my daughter said, he’s very anything. thin and angular, like he’s made of sticks. It’s more like looking at a There were other times when I would shadow, he’s dark and wispy. He come home to find a miniature hops about.” “No,” she said giving bunch of flowers on the back porch it more consideration, “it’s more steps. In fact, it still happens every like he bounces about.” six to nine weeks and is always the same. I find a little pile of tiny, wild “Are there any cold spots in the flowers in a cluster. The bouquet house?” is normally three inches tall and an inch-and-a-half wide. None of “Not really. But there are a couple these flowers grow in my garden or of places that smell fresh, like the the neighbor’s, as far as I can tell. I outdoors. Sometimes I smell flowers used to think the kids picked them or trees. Most times it just like crisp at school and put them there to add mountain air, but it’s not cold. It’s to our “faerie” myth. “Only thing always very peaceful.” is, the kids have been gone for over six months now and the flowers A few days later I stood at the pickeep appearing. They both live too ture window in the front room. As far away to just stop by and leave a I looked directly out at the Sun, it tiny bundle of blossoms.” brightly lit the front yard and shone reflectively onto the outside surface “It sounds like your family has been of the living room window. Inside seeing unusual activity for years, so the room, shafts of light angled what changed that you decided to downward as if filtered, yet, there call me?” were no trees or overhang that would have caused the front room to be “My daughter moved into her own shaded. I stepped out onto the front apartment last June so I finally porch next to the picture window turned her room into my office. and the Sun beamed unobstructed Since I did, several unusual things onto my upturned face. Stepping have happened.” back inside to stand in front of the double-paned glass I was amazed I arched my eyebrows to indicate that, although I could see the bright that I was listening. Sun through it, it appeared not to allow light to pass except in small “Well,” she hesitated. rays. “Go on,” I encouraged. “I saw a little man-like-thing; he was “Is there a special treatment on this about 18 inches high, run across the glass?” I asked. room and into the main bathroom.”


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“None that I know of,” she answered looking into the Sun and back into the shaded room. “Oh!” she said obviously startled, “I never noticed that before! This has always been such a peaceful, calm room. I normally only come in here in the evenings, mostly after work to read.” I halted abruptly as I entered the office, her daughter’s previous bedroom. The light pine paneling seemed studded with hundreds of watching eyes. “Wow!” I gasped taking in the room. Each knothole in the wood paneling seemed to exactly resemble an eye. I was positive I saw a couple of them blink. As I examined them closer they seemed to have eyelids, lashes and even tear ducts. “Did you paint these?” I asked a little confused. “Paint what?” she replied not clear of what I was asking. “The eyes, it’s like every knothole has been detailed into an eye. “Oh, yeah,” she replied looking closely at a few of the knotholes. “I didn’t notice these when we first moved in, but a couple of months after, they began to darken. My exhusband said that as wood ages it often changes color and that, as the pine bleached out with the sunlight, the knots, because of the sap, might become darker in contrast.” It was eerie to observe. I would have sworn some eyes opened and others closed. It must have been the play of light through the window.

This room was to the right of the front room and the rooms’ window shared the same wall as the large living room picture window. Like the other window, little direct Sun light seemed to enter the room. I doubted if the Sunlight had ever touched the wall. “My daughter always claimed that they were alive and watching her. She called them her guardians and said that this was how the angels watched over her.” The homeowner wandered around touching the surface of the walls and studying the details. “I never remember there being so many, I thought there was only five or six. This is amazing! There seems to be hundreds!” When I closed the bathroom door I was startled to see an image in the wood grain. It looked exactly as the lady of the house had described. It was a silhouette of a small person approximately 18 inches tall. It appeared along the right hand side of the back of the door. It looked as if it was standing partly behind a screen of wood. I examined it closely; the head leaned out to the side as if peeping from behind the panel. One arm and a leg were partly exposed. The hair was spiked and the foot appeared booted. As I looked closer I could make out details in the hands and face. Touching the door, it was smooth. These details, just like the eyes in the bedroom, were under a thick coat of varnish. “Looks like your little man left his image here.” I said opening the door to let the owner into the bathroom. “Oh!” she gasped. “I don’t remember that being there before! Yes! That’s

what the little stick thing looked tree appeared to form the image in like.” She looked at me, a sign of perfect silhouette. amazement on her face. The lady of the house had finished After much discussion we decided her phone conversation and was that she should call her daughter and picking her way towards me in the verify how long the silhouette had garden. been on the back of the bathroom door and how many eyes she had “Did your ex-husband have the seen on the bedroom wall. bathroom door made from part of this tree?” I traced the silhouette I continued to walk through the with my hand noticing the details home. The energy of the house was of the feet and hands formed by the clean and bright. I saw no indication tree’s grain. of a haunting. There were no dark, chilly areas, nor were there any “No.” she replied coming to stand places that I had negative feelings or across from me. uncomfortable reactions. Whatever was happening in the home was not “He brought this slice home a few caused by a Ghost. months after we moved in.” She pointed across the road to where a While she made the call I decided large two-story modern home stood. to investigate outside. The garden “When they cut the large tree on that was nothing less than splendid. It lot, he asked them for a crosscut. He looked as if a Master Gardener had had planned to make a table top or mixed the natural undergrowth of stand it up in the front yard, but he the Pacific Northwest with a flower never got around to it. I remember and herb garden. Slim pathways the image really excited him. He lead to different water features. She used to spend hours fussing over had a miniature fountain at the back it. That’s why the image is so clear. of the property and a nice sized koi He sanded it and might have even pond near the trellis covered patio. put some varnish on it.” Everywhere green healthy plants stood highlighted in rock circles. It She walked me through her herb truly was a very pretty garden. garden pointing out the different plants and telling me a little of what I was drawn to the metal shed at the she knew. In the far back she had an far back of the property. For some exceptional collection of wild roses unknown reason I worked my way and a beehive. “I never have been through the underbrush to the back much of an outdoor person, but since of the shed. Leaning against the I’ve lived here I love working in the exterior wall was a large round-cut garden and cultivating the plants.” from an extraordinarily big tree. It must have measured a good four I recognized the sword ferns feet across. and Oregon grape mixed in with lavender and shamrocks, rocks Flabbergasted, I looked at the were piled everywhere, and moss image of the stickman embedded and other lichen carpeted the path. in the center of the tree round-cut. It was lovely. The coloration and grain of the

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“Yes, yes. I went into the office and asked him who he was and what he wanted. I thought one of the eyes blinked, so I got stern, like I used to with the children. I told him I knew he could hear me and that I expected “They move about,” the daughter an answer.” continued, excited that her mother finally believed her. “Look closely I sat there for a moment wondering and you’ll see a pencil circle of what to do. And then he spoke, he where they once were and now said, “Lithen, called Lithen.” are gone. Oh, yeah, I have some photos that show an area that was I was so surprised, I just repeated, once clear and now has several new “Lithen?” knotholes.” And he said, “Yes, momma.” As for the silhouette on the back of the bathroom door, she had never “He called me momma, just like the seen it, but would be over that kids always did. He told me he lives weekend to take a look. in my house as they took his home; the tree, the one across the road. He I left that afternoon assuring her says that my house is his home as that there were no Ghosts or bad he needs to live in big wood and spirits in her home. Everything I my home is the only place with big had witnessed was peaceful and in wood.” line with nature. I told her I would be in touch. That I needed to do I talked to her on numerous other some research on earth spirits as I times and she seemed content. She was sure that her little stickman was had seen him several times since some form of nature spirit. but had not talked with him. She decided it was okay to share her Since it had caused her no mischief home with Lithen and she had told in ten years I felt confident that it him so. intended no harm. Apparently, Lithen had lived in the As I pored over volumes of lore, I old growth forest in the largest tree found many references to the little and when it was cut down he sought people and faeries but nothing out the largest wood structure he factual. The more that I dug the could find in his immediate area, more I felt certain such beings which was the lady’s home. existed, but there was nothing I could find to prove my theory. He’d been quietly living with them for the past ten years. A week later she called. “He spoke to me!” she gasped. “He just spoke I suggested that she plant another to me!” tree of the same species that Lithen had previously occupied. “Your She was excited but did not seem house may stand for years, but it fearful. would be good if he had somewhere to go when your home is eventually Her daughter had told her that at last count there had been 77 knotholes on the bedroom wall compared to the 15 that she had originally counted as a child.


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torn down. There’s no guarantee that a future owner won’t cut down the tree, but if it’s far enough away from the house and adds to the landscaping, hopefully it would be left standing.” In the spring I was invited back to a tree planting ceremony and met the son and daughter. They were delighted that their momma was not living alone. They told me countless stories of Lithen and the faeries and I was a little surprised that their mother had not looked for someone to checkout their home years earlier. The new tree was exceptionally large for transplanting, but the location had been well thought out. A moss covered path circled around the tree and a massive wooden chair had been positioned four feet in front of the Douglas Fir. The bench had been constructed using the old crosscut to form the back of the massive seat. The silhouette of Lithen that was embedded in the round-cut appeared to stand on the varnished rough, wooden bench. As I started to sit-down on it, I swore one of the knotholes in the seat, blinked. I stood back up and the daughter, who had been watching me, tittered and nodded. I distinctly heard a chirping sound, similar to a cricket, but not exactly. A small brass plaque had been screwed into the crosscut. It read, “This tree is gifted to Lithen Guardian of this Forest.” --All Spooked Up is now available for purchase at the Crystal Voyage in Tacoma, WA, or Amazon.com (available paperback & Kindle)

In PDX, get it at Powell’s Books http://ow.ly/gwYbu

ISBN 9781453806906 Author: Carol, Teresa L. Publisher: Createspace Subject: General-General Publication Date: 20101231 http://www.powells.com/biblio/61-9781453806906-1

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Paranormal Insights Presents

The NW Haunted Hot Spots

The Old Wheeler Hotel


aranormal Insights is proud to bring you special classes in some of the Pacific Northwest’s most haunted locations. These extended classes will give participants the opportunity to develop their psychic talents in fantastic locations around the Northwest. Location: Wheeler, Oregon Join me for a special class and psychic based investigation of this magnificent, and very haunted, wonder of North Oregon Coast history. The building has been a brothel, a speakeasy, the tuberculosis sanatorium and an arthritis treatment center.

class and an investigation focusing on psychic research with scientific backup at the hotel for Saturday, April 13th. Overnight space at the hotel is limited. There are 8 guest rooms. 5 have king sized beds and private baths, one has a queen bed, private bath and parlor with sofa sleeper, and some have room for a sleeping palate or a Murphy bed. 2 have queen beds and European style bathrooms down the hall. For those that may not be able to stay at the hotel, a class/dinner package will also be available. This class is perfect for people with any level of psychic ability - from the beginner to the most advanced. Contact William at william@westcoastghosthunters.com

Time: FROM : Saturday, 13 April 2013 15:00 UNTIL : Sunday, 14 April 2013 01:00

Details, reservations and payment information on my web site: http://www.paranormalinsights.net

We have set up a Haunted Hot Spots 10

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Portland Paranormal Investigations http://www.portlandghosts.com/ E-mail: info@portlandghosts.com http://portlandghosts.wordpress.com/ http://www.twitter.com/Portland_Ghosts https://www.facebook.com/pages/Portland-Ghosts/131392216970064 In 2011, PPI conducted over 30 official investigations, as well as a handful of short investigations and walk-through’s. About Portland Paranormal Investigations was founded in 2010. To date we have conducted well over 70 investigations in 3 states, provided research and articles for Occam’s Enigma, and are currently working on the Spirits, Shadows and Secrets International Symposium to be held on the 19th-25th of August, 2013 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Portland Ghosts Portland Ghosts is the research side of PPI. The focus is more defined than a typical investigation. Instead of looking for proof of a spirit presence, Portland Ghosts focus’ on specific areas such as whether or not time exists for them, how they see or perceive us, how they see or perceive each other, where they go when they are not communicating with us, what level of detail they can ‘see’, how they communicate and their preferred method of communication, how an EVP is imprinted on a recording device, how they are able to affect electronics, how an EVP can be changed after it has been recorded, what light spectrum they reside in and much more. Portland Paranormal Investigations PPI is the investigative branch and exists to help an individual (or individuals) gain confirmation that what they have been experiencing is not a figment of their imagination. The goal is not only to prove the existence of spirit energy in a location but also get get names and other information in regards to why it is taking place and if there is anything we or the client(s) can do to assist them in any way. What PPI Does Our main purpose is to create a dialogue and relationship with spirits in order to learn from them. The focus is on creating a student/teacher relationship with us as the students. We have a variety of different equipment to gather evidence but over time have learned to scale back on just how much equipment we need in order to accomplish this. For the most part we arrive with far less equipment than your average investigators. What PPI Does Not Do PPI does not ‘cleanse’ a space. We do not ‘cross anyone over.’ We respect their free will to be where they choose to be. We are there to validate, document, communicate and learn from them. If it turns out there’s something very negative that is not wanted or someone who seems to be lost, stuck or confused, we have resources to refer you to. If the spirit in question won’t listen to suggestions or reason then we will assist you in speaking to someone that is experienced in handling such matters.

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PPI never has or ever will use flash photography. Flash photography offers nothing but false results and is something we simply do not use in any manner. Any photographs are taken in infrared or ultraviolet and in complete darkness. We also will never charge any fees associated with our research or time. Investigative Style We believe we bring a unique style of investigating and that this is well received by most spirits we encounter. We are a small group (usually 1-2 researchers) and each member focuses on the number one thing that the spirits can pick up on, intent. We believe that with the proper intent and respect, it allows us to be more successful when it comes to communicating with spirits. Our method is to sit and invite the spirits to come speak to us as opposed to walking around all night stalking them. Our goal is to take paranormal research to another level. We are not satisfied with simply taking photos and obtaining EVP’s. Our ultimate goal is to gain a true understanding of what happens to a person once this life ends by opening up a dialogue and communicating with the spirits that we come into contact with. We are not ‘ghost hunters’ and never use that term which we view as a sign of disrespect. Intent This is one of the key differences between our group and other groups. As stated, we do not use the terms ‘ghost hunter’ or ‘ghost hunting’. We put ourselves in their place and ask how we would want to be treated if the tables were turned. We do not arrive with a large group and make a lot of noise or walk around demanding that they interact with us. We allow them to come to us if they wish. We do not show up wearing the same shirt and creating an atmosphere of chaos. If you base your style on what you see on television you’re already doing it wrong. We feel that most groups don’t think about what it is they are actually doing, but instead simply emulate what they see on TV programs designed to sell advertising space. Just as you wouldn’t want 7 strangers barging into your house barking demands and walking all over the place, we feel they see it the same way. By being polite and respectful we have already proven we can communicate with spirits at locations where others have failed. General Information http://www.portlandghosts.com/ http://www.youtube.com/PortlandGhosts http://www.soundcloud.com/PortlandGhosts - The founder of PPI/Portland Ghosts is currently residing in the state of Illinois. Inquiries for either location can be sent to the email address above as we are currently conducting research in both states.


Haunted Portland Magazine

Ghost Hunting

the Telepathic Way! by Chad


ith so many questions pertaining to the paranormal, it’s hard to grasp what the truth really is. The mystery of the glowing orbs in photos, the ominous electronic voice phenomena, why ghosts are seen wearing clothes and the ultimate question of why on earth do these deceased earthly patrons cling to the mortal realm. It’s easy to understand why so many living individuals are frightened, and sometimes petrified, by these anonymous unknowns.


For the majority of the population, the question of whether or not these mysterious anomalies actually exist is still up for debate. But for most ghost hunters, we’re pretty convinced they exist. Too many unexplained experiences occur for us to simply cast them aside as imagination or coincidence. Far too many eerie and bizarre events have happened that we inevitably cannot logically explain with rational and scientific probabilities. Passionately, we ghost hunters march forward into dark and unknown territory. With flashlights blazing and sweaty palms clutching our recorders, we stumble through poorly lit domains. Hearts pounding, eyes scanning the environment diligently and ears set to sensitive. All senses are heightened and ready to catch that all important and desired moment of glory. We brave cold weather, long nights, cramped closets and damp basements, all in the name of paranormal science.

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Then, in the darkness, a light of hope emerges. There is movement, there is an ominous figure standing just a few feet away. We cling to our camera, we call to our crew, we reach for the recorder to catch any unearthly whispers of EVP (electronic voice phenomena). It’s just hovering there, waiting. Question is…now what? The moment you’ve been waiting for all your paranormal investigating life and you don’t have a clue what to do or say. This is where science and the paranormal may clash a little. True, you could ask questions and hope that the electronic voice phenomena will capture the secrets of the dead. You could attempt to speak to the apparition verbally and hope that the lines of communication have good reception that day and they will be able to be heard audibly. But the most effective way to communicate is through telepathy. I know, that sounds like unscientific mumbo jumbo, but we are not dealing with an exact science here are we? This is where your intuition, your dusty, rarely used sixth sense is going to have to kick into gear. There are a few ways that ghosts communicate at a telepathic level. They can verbalize words through thoughts. Just like a radio wave, they send out the thought and the intuitive part of your brain can ‘hear’ it. It is a very primitive form of telepathy, but yes, you have it. We all do, most of us just never use it. The challenge with this form of communication is that it


is difficult to determine what is imagination, your own thoughts or the actual spirit’s words. Quite honestly, the spirits voice and thoughts are vastly different from your own, so it’s not as difficult to distinguish once you recognize the difference.

advantage, one might hypothesize that the reverse would also be effective. If one could adjust the frequency to the opposite end of the spectrum of what the ghost uses to imprint their voice, we may be able to have a two way radio effect with the other side.

Another way that they may communicate is by sending waves of pictures into your consciousness. Flashes of places, people and events may involuntarily dance into your thoughts. Don’t ignore these, trust your rusty sixth sense. These images may hold clues as to what the spirit wants from you or to tell you. They are on this realm for a reason; for what were not sure; but they are trying to help you to understand what they need to say.

Controlling one’s fears and apprehensions are crucial when attempting communication. Spirits are essentially concentrated psychic emotion. Every minor or major emotion that courses through you, they are acutely aware of. Their realm differs than ours in that respect because without a dense and allencumbering human body, they are pure thought energy. They have no concern with hot, cold, tired or sick. They simply exist in an element of pure intuition.

Thirdly, communication can occur with intense sensations. They can impress physical sensation onto you possibly explaining what caused their death. This can be unpleasant, but not intolerable. You may just feel a tingling or light pain where the ghost incurred injury in life. So this is how they may communicate with you, how do you communicate in return? Oddly enough, speaking out loud can be effective, but even more effective is writing out what you are speaking. When writing, a subconscious area of the brain is activated and can enable the spirit to better interpret what you are attempting to articulate. Considering that spirits can utilize EVP recordings to their

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Considering all of these aspects, there is still one last task to complete once you have your correspondence cleared up. The puzzle of what they desire. They would not attempt communication if they truly didn’t desire a resolution of some sort and being the good paranormal citizen that you are, you of course wish to help. Don’t be afraid to return to a location several times if you feel that help is needed and it may take several tries to develop an understanding of what the entity needs. There is a place of better rest and joy for them once they feel they have succeeded in tending to their earthly concerns. Chad is the Western Regional Director for United Paranormal International.

West Coast Ghost Hunters Part of ever expanding web-based community dedicated to ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts. We aim to provide a venue that will allow those interested in the spirit world an online meeting place to form local teams and share experiences and information. Membership in this site is open to anyone with a respectful interest in the spirit world. The only requirement for those involved is to conduct themselves in a moral and professional manner and with consideration and respect toward other members. We encourage those interested in the paranormal to become knowledgeable and involved in the research and science of this field. It is to this end that West Coast Ghost Hunters is committed. Have a paranormal book or product that you would like featured on our website? Contact William at william@westcoastghosthunters.com http://www.westcoastghosthunters.com/ Haunted Portland Magazine



Haunted Portland Magazine

Local Haunts

A Brief History of the White Eagle Saloon by Jefferson Davis ne of Portland’s most famous haunts is the White Eagle Saloon, located in what was the town of Albina, on the east bank of the Willamette River. In those days, many day workers took the Albina ferry from the east side of the river, and commuted to the west side for work, then returned at the end of the day. Many of them developed a terrible thirst during the day and wanted to do something about it in the evening. Russell Street had a reputation for being the tough part of Albina, with thirty saloons lining Russell Street, from the ferry slip, east to what is now Martin Luther King Way.

foundation follows wooden flooring. This suggests that a smaller building stood on the same site before the current building was built and they enlarged the basement for the new The present brick bar and café one. was built between 1905 and 1906. Surviving Liquor Board records for The White Eagle has a separate the White Eagle go back to 1906. entrance and staircase to the right It was known as the B. Soboleski of the main entrance. It is original & Company Saloon. In 1914, construction, not an add-on. One the Hryszko brothers apparently question about the White Eagle is, became sole owners. The White when did they started letting out Eagle’s entryway has a Navaho the rooms on the second floor? pattern tile floor laid over a concrete According to existing records, in slab, which runs about half the 1909, one of the Hryszkos roomed length of the White Eagle. The rest on the top floor of the White Eagle. of the White Eagle floor is made of The report also shows that Bruno wood joists and sub flooring. In the and Bronislaw Soboleski either The White Eagle’s basement, the cement that makes up worked there, or lived in the upper Construction the walls was cast in two phases. story in 1914. This suggests that the One part of the concrete runs the second floor was finished, and open According to Chuck Hughes, who same length as the slab floor above, for rent by that time. owned the White Eagle in the while the second half of the concrete 1980s and 1990s, there has been an eating and drinking establishment on the site of the White Eagle since the 1850s. This seems unlikely, since Albina was not laid out until the 1870s. According to Hughes, the original saloon was built of wood. Building lots were so small; buildings were built touching each other, with no alleys or fences between neighbors. The


architecture of the current White Eagle Saloon supports Hughes claim, if not the year the older bar was built.

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Local Haunts In 1917, the tax rolls show the White Eagle went from a saloon, to selling soft drinks. At least on paper. This is probably due to the beginnings of Prohibition, which some states enacted before Prohibition became the law of the land. In 1933, with the repeal of Prohibition, it proudly became a beer parlor and restaurant. Under continued Hryszko ownership, the saloon changed names several times, becoming the White Eagle Café in 1949. In 1956, the name Hryszko changed its spelling into Riscoe, and the family continued ownership for many more years. When Chuck Hughes bought the White Eagle in the 1980s, he moved the bar to create a seating section for minors. When Hughes did that, he hid an interesting historic feature. In its early days as a saloon, the White Eagle was definitely a place where men were the only customers allowed inside. The owners built an open urinal at the base of the bar. Customers had only to open their pants to relieve themselves, avoiding leaving a drink, or losing their spot at the bar. There was a system of water pipes to flush the urine out of the building. Some of the historic photographs of the White Eagle show the urinal, even after the place became as a sandwich shop during Prohibition. The White Eagle’s Darker History? There is disagreement about some darker phases of the White Eagle’s history. Some stories say that the White Eagle was a den of prostitution, as well as a working man’s bar. In these legends, the


second storey of the bar was used as a combination bordello and boarding house. The prostitutes allowed in the upper floors were white, while Asian or black prostitutes were confined to the basement. This operation was run by an Asian bouncer, who kept order in the bar, as well as the basement. Again, as in many other Portland drinking establishments, there were rumors of Shanghai tunnels in the basement. When the McMenamins purchased the White Eagle, their historian interviewed one of the Riscoes. Mr. Riscoe stated that his parents would have never allowed prostitutes inside their building, much less maintained a brothel. How does this compare with the legends? It seems likely that the real history is somewhere in between. I have seen the basement. There was a coal chute and freight opening into the sidewalk above and a solid concrete foundation around the building. . There was no sign of a vast Shanghai tunnel network. When looking back at the historic nature of the Albina neighborhood, it is likely that some of the White Eagle’s customers had dealings with prostitutes. These men worked hard, drank hard, and lived hard. While the owners probably did not operate a brothel, if the staff at the White Eagle had not turned a blind eye, or at least winked when one of their customers wanted a room for himself and a girl, their patrons would have drank somewhere else. The history of White Eagle employee Sam Worek is also hard to separate from the myth.

Haunted Portland Magazine

According to one legend, Sam Worek was abandoned near the tavern when he was a child. He had a cleft palette and may have been mildly mentally retarded. The Hryszko family more or less adopted Sam. He worked at the saloon, helping where he could in return for room, board and a small salary. According to others, Sam was an adult when he came to the White Eagle. He had a weakness for the bottle. When he went on a "bender, he disappeared for days or weeks at a time. When he returned, he would go back to his kitchen, until the next time the bottle called. He was in his 60s or 70s when he died According to legend, in the 1950s, the Hryszkos were closing off the upper floor. Sam was worried about finding a place to live. He thought he had found a place, and that night before he moved, he went to bed and died in his sleep. The Hryszkos left his possessions in his room, where future ghost hunters found them. According to some tax documents, Sam Worek lived in the upper storey of the White Eagle (at least) between 1950 and 1956. So this much must be true. White Eagle Ghost Stories It is hard to separate fact from fiction, and witness reports from urban legends when it comes to the White Eagle. In the 1980s, a crime story author TV spot on the White Eagle, and wrote a fictional story about a detective who visited the White Eagle and witnessed a ghostly repeat of a murder there. Her story was published as fiction,

Local Haunts the White Eagle being haunted. Both kind of agreed there were no such things as ghosts. As soon as Bill finished talking about the ghost, the toy began to work. It no longer sits on the bar, but is kept in a cabinet behind it.

but has been republished and posted it on the Internet without the note that the story was fiction. Despite this, there is a long history of other ghost stories, which may well be true. Or, at least the people who report them are honest.

went there to adjust the heating plant. Many times, he claimed that the doors to some of the rooms would be open and unlocked. Sometimes he noted that Sam Worek’s closed moved from room to room.

I can only summarize some of the older stories from the White Eagle here. I am afraid that to learn more, readers will have to read my earlier works. In the ladies bathroom, customers using the stalls got into toilet paper fights with the person in the adjoining stall. When the customer opened the door to the next stall, it was empty.

After the McMenamins bought the White Eagle, one man was carrying supplies in the basement. He walked by the large freezer with his arms full of food. As he passed the freezer, one of the doors opened and hit him in the back.

One of the employees was standing at the head of the basement stairs, when she felt something push her. The woman fell to the foot of the stairs; well half fell, half floated and landed unhurt. When she looked up, she watched a mop bucket float down the stairs toward her. Before the McMenamins bought the White Eagle, the top floor was condemned. Chuck Hughes only

Several years ago, I rented the top floor of the White Eagle and everyone who stayed there was interested in the paranormal. Many people identified a cold spot near the front of the building, on the second floor. It was not a breeze, but seemed centered in one area, and it did not move. Others smelled strong floral perfume, like your grandmother used to wear. In years since, there always seems to be a new story from the patrons and staff at the White Eagle Saloon. Disturbances have happened in the bathrooms, the bar and second floor. I recommend that people visit with an open mind and even if nothing happens, you will enjoy yourself at the McMenamins Rock and Roll Saloon. ### More from Jeff Davis at http://www.ghostsandcritters.com/

Someone added a new fixture at the bar in 1991. It was a 12-inch mechanical bartender toy from the 1950s. It was designed to raise one arm holding a martini mixer, shake the arm, then pour the martini into a glass held in the other arm, and finally raise the glass. Although there were batteries in the toy, it had not worked since it was brought to the bar. One of the bartenders, Bill was speaking to a skeptical customer about

Haunted Portland Magazine


Join us at the Oregon Ghost Conference! This paranormal event will take place in Oregon City, Oregon Friday March 8th thru Sunday March 10th 2013. Northwest Ghost Tours and Paranormal Insights are pleased to be holding the 2nd annual Oregon Ghost Conference the 2nd weekend in March - the 8th 10th. The Rivershore Hotel has given us the same great rates as last year and we have some incredible speakers. Information and Vendor Table applicaton forms are available on my website: http://www.paranormalinsights.net Hope to see you all there! P l e a s e v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e f o r m o r e i n f o r m a i o n . h t t p : / / o w. l y / h a B V d h t t p : / / w w w. w e s t c o a s t g h o s t h u n t e r s . c o m / c o m m u n i t y / e v e n t s / v i e w e v e n t / 1 0 3 Oregon+Ghost+Conference.html


Haunted Portland Magazine

Spirit Photography

Spirit Photography Fact or Fiction... This month features Clinton street

Here are photos and stories sent to HP from readers in the area. These are generally centered around the Hosford Abernathy neighborhood in the SE Clinton Street area.


Spirit Orbs

Unintentional Hoax


These photos illustrate some of the most common types of spirit photographs readers may encounter. Haunted Portland Magazine


Haunted Hosford Located at 2303 SE 28th Place, two blocks off SE Clinton St.

Hosford Elementary School school in SE Portland has been at its present location since 1925 however, the school’s life dates back to 1919. Who is the man in this picture? (lower right)

Spirit Photography

This photo taken with full spectrum camera at dusk just after Christmas. It was reported to HP that almost 1500 photos were taken over a 78 day period during dusk thru 1:30am. This was the only photo that contained anything unusual.


Haunted Portland Magazine

Spirit Photography

Haunted Portland Magazine


Spirit Photography

THE UNVERIFIABLE Many so called spirit photographs will seem 100% authentic but offer no verifiable source. When a photo arrives with a seemingly real story, but no one to verify it’s authenticity....what happens? In this case, some people will swear it is real and some will swear it’s a fake picture. There is no way to verify the photos origin and no photographer to question. The unverifiable may always remain a mystery. We believe this one to be authentic. The man’s identity remains a mystery.

Do you have a great photo of something paranormal? Send it to us along with your story and an email.

carl@hauntedportland.net 24

Haunted Portland Magazine

Spirit Photography

Above We blew up and enhanced the image slightly but were still unable to determine that anything was faked. Who is this man?

Right Same door, daytime, no enhancement, regular camera, different date. No man!

Haunted Portland Magazine


Spirit Photography

SPIRIT ORBS Orbs....dust, water, reflections, lense tricks, mosture or.... the energy of actual spirits? In October of 2012, near Halloween, some friends and I went on the Beyond Bizarre Ghost Tour presented by Portland Walking Tours. This was the second time I had been on the Beyond Bizarre tour and for some of my friends, it was their third or fourth time. This portion of the tour was led by renown phychic Martina Baker from the Pacific Paranormal Research Society http://www.nwpprs.com We visited the White Eagle Saloon and Hotel. As we were led down the hallway, she explained how she sees often see the spirit of an older woman in the hall and also entering this number 7 room. As we got to that door, everyone’s K2 meter lit up. I began to snap photos. (above) In this first photo the meters were lighting very strong, however as I began to snap more photos, the alerts from the K2 meters faded off and they became silent. As I continued to snap photos far into the night, no more “orbs” were spotted in any other pictures. We could not see the orbs with our naked eyes. I did not know know I had captured anything till the next day when I reviewed the pics. Orbs were present when the meters went off and they appeared to move from the hallway into the room. The meters went silent after this shot. I’ve taken thousands of photos both inside and outside over the years and NEVER captured an orb. What are orbs?


Haunted Portland Magazine

Spirit Photography

One Block off Clinton Street This charming Victorian home was built in 1883 and recently had some work done on it. With nobody home and no children living in the house, how does this strange child’s face sometimes appear in the attic window? Neat photo, taken a about a block off SE Clinton. Upon closer examination, the face appears to be a mask or doll. While it is sometimes in the window and sometime not showing, clearly this is not a ghost. This could have been confirmed by zooming in! Was this in “unintentional hoax”?

Unintentional hoax Is your Portland neighborhood haunted? Send us your photos and stories. If we publish them in our monthly magazine, we’ll pay you for it! carl@hauntedportland.net

Haunted Portland Magazine


Spirit Photography


Unintentional Hoax Easily disproven Haunted Portland Magazine

Spirit Photography

The Clinton Street Treeman

MISIDENTIFICATION The Clinton Treeman is a reported tree spirit and the photo was sent in by a reader riding down SE Clinton in a car. The “spirit” image was said to have been discovered later that week after reviewing the photos. While we believe that tree spirits exist and they have been recorded throughout history, this is not one of them. We searched the blocks around Clinton and did find the actual tree but the visible face is simply a metal plate. At a distance it’s a great picture, but up close the screws holding the plate are obvious. Just as a precaution, we did ask the tree some questions, but got no response from the metal plate :-)

Misidentifications are very common. Beware the misidentified object. Haunted Portland Magazine


Spirit Photography

Are there strange people living in tunnels beneath the Hosford Abernathy neighborhood? A “story�, article and several photos as received by HP. Last summer, 2012, while completing scheduled repairs, city workers on SE Clinton Street replaced an underground water pipe. The heavy equipment dug down into the asphalt street about 25 feet to uncover and replace a 3 foot wide water transmission line. During the nineteen-day repair local workers on the dig said they uncovered several collapsed tunnels that did not appear on the city's maps. One city worker stated that "the two large unknown tunnels ran deep underneath Clinton Street and appeared to head east and west off into the neighborhood and under homes." By the time the digging had reached the tunnels, the entrances were collapsed. The Portland water Bureau had no official comment. Workers on the scene stated to a local newspaper reporter from the Oregonian that several tunnels had been uncovered and appeared to have been recently used. As the repair progressed, city workers were told to fill in the tunnel areas with gravel and pave over. They did. It was a brief article in the Oregonian regarding the repair and it does mention collapsed tunnels found and filled in. (see attached article)

Photo of someone looking out from under the sidewalk, 2700 block of SE Clinton? 30

Haunted Portland Magazine

Spirit Photography This may have been believable if Steven King had written it, but we’re not falling for it. This is what we call an “intentional hoax”. A made up story, faked photographs and phony evidence all brought together to try and “con” the reader into believing in something scary or paranormal. Yes, there are tunnels beneath the city of Portland, famous tunnels, but no one lives in them. We’ve yet to find any evidence of tunnels in any SE neighborhood. The person or persons that create these stories generally have some motive for faking the evidence/ story like fame, money or publicity. Have you been conned? Do you know of an “intentional hoax”? Drop us an email and let us hear about it. carl@hauntedportland.net

Intentional Hoax Haunted Portland Magazine


Pacific Paranormal Research Society http://www.nwpprs.com For over a decade, Martina and Todd Baker have been investigating haunted locales in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. The Bakers are a paranormal investigative team that have been actively investigating ghosts and spirits in the Pacific Northwest and beyond since 2001. With almost 200 investigations under their belt, this “Psychic and Scientist” have made a name for themselves with both the living and the dead. Over the years the couple has been featured in numerous newspapers, books and magazines and have appeared on local and national radio, television and film. Being large supporters of education, Martina and Todd were the first team in the Pacific Northwest to teach non-credit classes at three of Oregon’s largest community colleges. They also enjoy working with other paranormal groups & teams. The couple continues to lecture and make appearances at Universities, private schools, bookstores, libraries and radio and television programs especially during the Halloween season. At this time, Martina and Todd are not accepting any new clients as they focus their time and energy on other paranormal projects. What are these projects you ask? You’re just going to have to wait and see! They are proud of being the first group in the Pacific Northwest to have taught “Ghost Hunting 101” at many community colleges. Their specialty has been capturing very clear EVP’s as well as being very successful interventionists between the living and the dead. The knowledgeable and approachable couple is sought out during October and the rest of the year for speaking engagements and appearances at radio stations, haunted houses, colleges, bookstores, libraries and paranormal conferences to regale their theories and experiences in the paranormal field. Over the years, Martina and Todd’s specialty has been the investigation of private residences and businesses. A sampling of some more of the locations we’ve investigated are: Willard Library

Evansville, IN

Camp Adair

Corvallis, OR

Area 51/Groom Lake

Rachel, NV

The Denali

Privately owned Yacht

The Whaley House

San Diego, CA

Lenora's Ghost Tavern

Independence, OR

Klondike Restaurant & Bar

St. Helens, OR

Fort Stevens/Battery Russell Hammond, OR

McMenamins Chapel Pub

Portland, OR

Spouting Horn Restaurant

Depoe Bay, OR

McMenamins Edgefield

Troutdale, OR

Wildflower Cafe'

Lincoln CIty, OR

McMenamins White Eagle

Portland, OR

Mission Mill Museum

Salem, OR

McMenamins Grand Lodge

Forest Grove, OR

Silver Salmon Restaurant

Astoria, OR

Rutherglen Mansion

Longview, WA

Dammasch State Hospital

Wilsonville, OR

Capitol Theatre

Olympia, WA

The Brownsville Saloon

Brownsville, OR

Tokeland Hotel

Tokeland, WA

The Bijou Theatre

Eugene, OR

Old Regal Tigard Cinema Tigard, OR

Washington Square Mall,

Cathedral Park

Portland, OR

13th Door Haunted House

Beaverton, OR

Joe's Cellar

Portland, OR

Scream at the Beach

Jantzen Beach, OR

Speakeasy Steakhouse

Independence, OR

Harmony House Restaurant

Clackamas, OR


Haunted Portland Magazine


http://unitedparanormalinternational.ning.com/ United Paranormal International’s mission is to provide a site that is free from drama, cyber bullying and malicious attacks. We believe the paranormal community can grow stronger, advance it's knowledge and improve it's reputation through uniting against drama, intolerance and disrespect! UPI further strives to advance our knowledge through increased standardization of documentation, advancements in equipment, technical knowledge, application of scientific and non scientific methods and training. We stand that all beliefs, practices and philosophies have something to offer and as such are to be respected. http://unitedparanormalinternational.ning.com/group/oregon-state-chapter

Portland Oregon Paranormal Society Founded in July 2010 Phone (503) 610-3519 Email paranormalpdx@gmail.com http://www.paranormalportland.com http://www.facebook.com/portlandoregonparanormalsociety http://twitter.com/paranormalpdx Mission We seek the truth. Always. Company Overview The Portland Oregon Paranormal Society-- or P.O.P.S. for short-- is an evolving team of individuals from all walks of life. Although we have varying levels of belief and skepticism in the paranormal, one thing is for certain: we all share a passion for investigating the strange and the unexplained, with an enduing goal of either proving (or disproving) its paranormal nature. Our investigators have many years of combined experience in the paranormal, employing an holistic approach to our cases including effective use of a wide variety of high-tech gadgetry coupled with intuitive methodologies. We provide paranormal investigation services free of charge to homes, businesses, and locations that may be experiencing activity that may appear paranormal.

Haunted Portland Magazine


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