Haus Publishing, Autumn 2019 Catalogue

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Founded in London in 2003 by Barbara Schwepcke and inspired by the Monographien of the German publishing house Rowohlt, Haus began publishing the Life & Times biography series with a translation of Sebastian Haffner’s Churchill. In recent years our list has broadened substantially to include history, politics, current affairs, memoir, art and photography. Since 2005, we’ve published travel writing under the Armchair Traveller imprint and, since 2008, literary fiction in translation. Begun with the aim of bringing works of contemporary German-language literature into English, our international list of authors includes Siegfried Lenz, Markus Werner, Thomas Mann, Clarice Lispector, Érik Orsenna, Alex Capus and many others. Our well-established series include: Haus Curiosities, political pamphlets edited by Peter Hennessy; Makers of the Modern World, a 32-volume history of the Paris Peace Conferences after the First World War; and Armchair Traveller’s Histories. Publishing 20 books a year, we keep over 250 backlist titles in print.




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THE DICTATORSHIP SYNDROME Alaa Al Aswany Translated by Russell Harris ÂŁ12.99 NOVEMBER 2019 POLITICS HBK, TRADE | 160 PP 978-1-912208-59-3

A fascinating work on the nature of dictatorship, how it takes hold and how it survives, from the author of the international bestseller The Yacoubian Building The study of dictatorship in the West has acquired an almost exotic dimension. But authoritarian regimes remain a painful reality for billions of people worldwide who still live under them, their freedoms violated and their rights abused. They are subject to arbitrary arrest, torture, corruption, ignorance, and injustice. What is the nature of dictatorship? How does it take hold? In what conditions and circumstances is it permitted to thrive? And how do dictators retain power, even when reviled and mocked by those they govern? In this deeply considered and at times provocative short work, Alaa Al Aswany tells us that, as with any disease, to understand the syndrome of dictatorship we must first consider the circumstances of its emergence, along with the symptoms and complications it causes in both the people and the dictator. Alaa Al Aswany’s The Yacoubian Building has sold over a million copies worldwide and his work has been published in over a hundred countries. Al Aswany was named by The Times as one of the fifty best authors to have been translated into English in the last fifty years.


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AN EXTRAORDINARY SCANDAL The Westminster Expenses Crisis and Why It Still Matters Emma Crewe and Andrew Walker ÂŁ20 OC T OBE R 201 9 P OLIT IC S | C URRE NT AFFAIRS HBK | ROYAL | 320 pp 978-1 -91 2208-75-3

An insider/outsider account of the expenses scandal of 2009,examining its legacy for the relationship between politicans and the electorate Featuring interviews with the MPs, journalists, and officials close to one of Britain’s biggest political crises, this is the story of what really happened during the expenses scandal of 2009. Emma Crewe and Andrew Walker bring a fascinating insider/outsider perspective to this account. An Extraordinary Scandal explains how parliament fell out of step with the electorate and became a victim of its own remote institutional logic, at odds with an increasingly open, meritocratic society. Charting the crisis from its 1990s origins to its aftermath in 2010, the authors examine how the scandal aggravated the developing crisis of trust between the British electorate and Westminster politicians that continues to this day. Their in-depth research reveals new insight into how the expenses scandal gave us a taste of what was to come, and where its legacy can be traced in the new age of mistrust and outrage. Emma Crewe is a Principal Investigator at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at SOAS. She is the author of Commons and Lords: A Short Anthropology of Parliament. Andrew Walker was a senior official at the House of Commons and board member responsible for the Fees Office until 2010. He is now an adviser on finance and HR issues. ................ NEW


BEALPORT A Novel of a Town Jeffrey Lewis £8.99 NOVE M BE R 201 9 FIC T ION P BK | B-FORM AT | 31 2 pp 978-1 -91 2208-79-1

‘… a hugely satisfying read.’ — Evening Standard ‘ Highly accomplished... a moving and humane portrait of small-town contemporary America, a vision of Trump’s republic in miniature.’ — Mail on Sunday An old shoe factory in a coastal New England town is up for sale again. When it’s bought by a venture capitalist with a fondness for the factory’s products, a story with profound implications is set in motion. Norumbega (Makers of Fine Footwear Since 1903) is a hobby for Roger Keysinger. For the residents of Bealport – whose livelihoods, self-respect, and interconnectedness hinge on its survival – it is something infinitely greater. Unsparing, comic, tragic, and universal, Bealport is a portrait of a town, of towns like it across America and beyond, and of a way of life that is passing. Jeffrey Lewis’s previous novels include The Inquisitor’s Diary and Berlin Cantata. An omnibus edition of his first four novels, The Meritocracy Quartet, appeared in 2015. Lewis won two Emmys and the Writers Guild Award as a writer and producer of the landmark television series Hill Street Blues.


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INTEGRITY IN PUBLIC LIFE Vernon White Claire Foster-Gilbert and Jane Sinclair £7.99 AUGUS T 201 9 P OLIT IC S | S OC IAL S C IE NC E P BK | A-FORM AT | 90 pp 978-1 -91 2208-70-8 HAUS C URIOS IT IE S S E RIE S

A critique of and an essential guide to integrity in public life Good governance is one of the UK’s fundamental values, and citizens are entitled to expect that public officials behave according to the highest ethical standards. This new Haus Curiosities volume, published in collaboration with Westminster Abbey Institute, looks at the place and meaning of integrity in the individual public servant, in public service institutions, and in the wider public they purport to serve. It addresses the fundamental questions of what integrity means in public life and why it has such a critical part to play in the constitution of Britain. The book also explores how people in public service institutions can cease to behave with humanity when those institutions deny the individual human spirit. The authors argue for the critical importance of institutions in upholding values when fallible humans forget them. Vernon White is an Anglican priest and theological scholar. Claire Foster-Gilbert is the Founding Director of Westminster Abbey Institute, the Co-founder of the St Paul’s Institute, and a current member of numerous medical and theological ethics committees. Jane Sinclair is Canon of Westminster and Rector of St Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey. ................ NEW


THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF DEMOCRACY John Major and Nick Clegg Edited and with an introduction by Claire Foster-Gilbert ÂŁ7.99 S E P T E M BE R 201 9 P OLIT IC S P BK | A-FORM AT | 90 pp 978-1 -91 2208-73-9 HAUS C URIOS IT IE S S E RIE S

Essays on the state of democracy from those who occupied positions at the heart of British politics Democracy operates on consent. That means politicians have to argue their causes and win consensus. But democracy has its flaws, not least in the lack of efficiency in the decisionmaking process. In this new book, two figures of the British political establishment, John Major and Nick Clegg, share their thoughts on where democracy is heading and how it can survive in the 21st century. Major writes of the qualities on which a healthy democracy depends, as he deplores the coarsening of political exchange. Clegg writes of the ways in which political language has always involved trading insults, and argues that compromise is not betrayal, but the very substance of our politics and our democracy. This balanced analysis of the state of UK democracy is a clarion call to the electorate and politicians to nurture and protect the values on which that democracy depends. Nick Clegg was Leader of the Liberal Democrats for eight years from 2007 and Deputy Prime Minister from 2010 to 2015. He is currently Vice-President for Global Affairs and Communications at Facebook. John Major was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1997.


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GUTENBERG Stephan Füssel Translated by Peter Lewis £9.99 OC T OBE R 201 9 BIOGRAP HY | HIS T ORY P BK | B-FORM AT 1 40 pp | 60 C OLOUR ILLUS T RAT IONS 978-1 -91 2208-67-8 LIFE & T IM E S S E RIE S

The first biography of Gutenberg written in English that is both rigorous and accessible to a general audience Named ‘Man of the Millennium’ in 1999, Johannes Gutenberg was the creator of one of the most influential and revolutionary inventions in Europe’s history: a printing press with mechanical movable type. This invention sparked the printing revolution and represents one of the central contributions to the development of modernity. Yet despite Gutenberg's significance in shaping the world we know, a rigorous and accessible biography has not yet been published in English, until now. Written by one of Europe's leading experts on Gutenberg, this short life brings together rigorous scholarship and historical detail in a highly readable text that conveys everything readers need to know about the man who changed printing, and the world, forever. Stephan Füssel is the Gutenberg Chair at the University of Mainz and member of the board of the International Gutenberg Society. Peter Lewis is the translator of such works as Roger Willemsen’s The Ends of the Earth and Jonas Lüscher’s Barbarian Spring.

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ROMMEL The End of a Legend

Ralf Georg Reuth Translated by Debra S. Marmor and Herbert A. Danner £9.99 AUGUS T 201 9 BIOGRAP HY | HIS T ORY P BK | B-FORM AT 1 40 pp | 60 B/ W ILLUS T RAT IONS 978-1 -91 2208-22-7

‘A brilliant book’ — Independent

Erwin Rommel is the best-known German field commander of the Second World War. Repeatedly decorated for valour during the First World War, he went on to lead the German Panzer divisions in France and North Africa. To his British opponents he became known by the sobriquet ‘Desert Fox’. But how should he be judged by history? To many he remains the ideal soldier, but as Reuth shows, Rommel remained loyal to his Führer until forced to commit suicide, and his fame, to a great extent, was the creation of the master propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Stripping away the many layers of Nazi and Allied propaganda and myth, Reuth argues that Rommel’s life symbolises the German tragedy: to have followed Hitler into the abyss, and to have considered that to be his duty. Ralf Georg Reuth is a German journalist and historian. He has written several books on German history, including major biographies of Hitler, Goebbels, and Rommel, and was the editor of the Goebbels' diaries.


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KAFKA'S PRAGUE Klaus Wagenbach Translated by Ewald Osers and Peter Lewis

£9.99 S E P T E M BE R 201 9 BIOGRAP HY | T RAVE L P BK | B-FORM AT WIT H FLAP S 1 60 pp | 40 B/ W ILLUS T RAT IONS 978-1 -909961 -65-4 IM P RINT: ARM C HAIR T RAVE LLE R

‘A useful addition to any thinking person’s library...’ — New Statesman ‘This is easily the best guide to his life and work: succinct, handsomely produced, and endlessly informative’ — New York Sun Almost a century after Kafka’s death, his works continue to intrigue and haunt us. Even for those who are only fleetingly acquainted with his novels, or his stories, diaries, and letters, ‘Kafkaesque’ has become a byword for the menacing, unfathomable absurdity of modern existence and bureaucracy. Yet for all its universal significance, Kafka’s writing remains inextricably bound up with his life and work in Prague, where he spent every one of his forty years. Klaus Wagenbach’s account of Kafka’s life in the city is a meticulously researched insight into the author’s family life, his education and employment, his attitude toward the town of his birth, his literary influences, and his relationships with women. The result is a fascinating portrait of the 20th century’s most enigmatic writer and the city that provided him with so much inspiration. Klaus Wagenbach is a publisher and a leading authority on Kafka. He was the first Germanspeaking researcher to access the author’s papers and other primary sources in the Czech Republic and Israel. His published works on Kafka include Franz Kafka: The Early Years.

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£9.99 D E C E M BE R 201 9 T RAVE L P BK | B-FORM AT WIT H FLAP S 1 60 pp | 20 B/ W M AP S & ILLUS T RAT IONS 978-1 -909961 -67-8 IM P RINT: ARM C HAIR T RAVE LLE R

‘A small, delightful book’ Literary Review ‘A rich and wondrously informative book’ — Library Journal Few novelists have written so intimately about a city as Charles Dickens wrote about London. A near-photographic memory made his contact with the city indelible from a very young age, and it remained his constant focus. Virginia Woolf maintained that ‘we remodel our psychological geography when we read Dickens’, and that he produces ‘characters who exist not in detail, not accurately or exactly, but abundantly in a cluster of wild yet extraordinarily revealing remarks’. But the ‘character’ Dickens was drawn back to throughout his novels was London itself, from the coaching inns of his early years to the taverns and watermen of the Thames; these were the constant cityscapes of his life and work. Basing his text on five walks through central London, and exploring ‘The First Suburbs’ as they feature in Dickens’s writing, Peter Clark illuminates the settings of Dickens’s life and his greatest works of journalism and fiction. Peter Clark is a writer, translator, and consultant who was Director of the British Council in Syria (1992–1997). He has written books on Marmaduke Pickthall and Wilfred Thesiger, and has translated fiction and non-fiction from Arabic. His Churchill's Britain: Politics and Place is forthcoming from Haus in 2020. 11

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Barnaby Rogerson with photographs by Don McCullin £1 1 .99 NOVE M BE R 201 9 HIS T ORY | T RAVE L P BK | B-FORM AT 480 pp | 1 2 B/ W P HOT OGRAP HS 978-1 -91 2208-78-4

‘By helping to bring North Africa’s past to vibrant life, he has encouraged and enlivened both the present and the future’ — Country Life ‘A worthy tribute to places and the stories of that ancient past. The reader will be carried off in their imagination and feel the desire to visit many of the sites’ — Literary Review For forty years, Barnaby Rogerson has travelled across North Africa, making sense of the region’s complex and fascinating history as both a writer and a guide. Throughout that time there have always been a handful of stories he could not pin into neat, tidy narratives. This book is a journey into the ruins of a landscape in an attempt to make sense of those stories through the lives of six historical figures, five men and one woman: Queen Dido, King Juba II, Septimius Severus, St Augustine, Hannibal, and Masinissa. In between these life stories, Rogerson explores the ruins of ancient sites, which tell their own tales, and reveals the multiple interconnections that bind the culture of this region with the wider world, particularly the spiritual traditions of the ancient Near East. Barnaby Rogerson is an author, critic, television presenter, and publisher. He has written extensively about the Muslim world, including a biography of the Prophet Muhammad and numerous travel guides. He is the publisher of Eland Books. ................ NEW IN PAPERBACK



NO. 10 The Geography of Power at Downing Street

Jack Brown ‘A fascinating biography of one of the great political survivors: Downing Street.' — Matt Chorley

£ 18 .9 9 HI S T O RY, P O L I T I C S JU LY 2 0 19 | HAR DBACK , RO YAL

Written by No. 10’s first-ever ‘Researcher in Residence’, with unprecedented access to people and papers, this book sheds new light on unexplored corners of Prime Ministers’ lives. Both fascinating and extremely revealing, No. 10 is essential reading for anyone interested in British politics.

2 4 0 p p | 9 7 8 - 1- 9 12 208-01-2

REFLECTIONS Conversations with Politicians, Volume II

Peter Hennessy and Robert Shepherd Foreword by Melvyn Bragg ‘This is an unusual politics book. It takes the reader inside the heads of some of the towering politicians of our age. Compelling stuff.’ — Robert Peston

£ 16 .9 9 POLITICS JU LY 2 0 19 | HAR DBACK , TRADE 3 8 0 p p | 9 7 8 - 1- 9 12 208-57-9


‘The art of the interview is to caress, coax and cajole your subject into revealing more about themselves than they ever planned to do. Peter Hennessy does just that with verve and panache.’ — Nick Robinson


28 June / Sharp, Alan (editor) / £30 / 9781908323-75-0 / History / hbk. Adam the King / Lewis, Jeffrey £8.99 / 9781-906598-66-2 / Fiction / pbk. Admiral Togo / Clements, Jonathan / £14.99 / 9781906598-62-4 / Biography, History / pbk. African Exodus, Asserate, Asfa-Wossen / 14.99 / 9781910376-90-4 / Current Affair / pbk. Aleksandur Stamboliyski: Bulgaria / Crampton, R. / £12.99 / 9781905791-77-4 / History, WWI / hbk. Alexander the Great / Cawthorne, Nigel / £9.99 / 9781904341-56-7 / Biography / pbk. Alfonso Costa: Portugal / Meneses, Filipe R. / £12.99 / 9781905791-87-3 / History, WWI / hbk. Almost Like Spring / Capus, Alex / £7.99 / 9781908323-33-0 / Fiction / pbk. Along the Ganges / Trojanow, Ilija / £7.99 / 9781906598-91-4 / Travel Lit. / pbk. Along The River That Flows Uphill / Starks & Murcutt / £12.99 / 9781906598-32-7 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Apulia, An AT History of / Seward & Mountgarret / £9.99 / 9781907973-76-5 / Travel, History / hbk. Ascension to Death / Azzam, Mamdouh / £12.99 / 9781910376362 / Fiction / pbk. Asian Absences / Buscher, Wolfgang / £12.99 / 9781906598-76-1 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Asquith / Bates, Stephen / £9.99 / 9781904950-57-8 / Biography, History / pbk. Bach / Geck, Martin / £9.99 / 9781904341-16-1 / Biography / pbk. Baldwin / Perkins, Anne / £9.99 / 9781904950-60-8 / Biography / pbk. Balfour / Green, Ewen / £9.99 / 9781904950-55-4 / Biography / pbk. Balzac’s Omelette / Muhlstein, Anka / £12.99 / 9781907973-22-2 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Banker, Traitor, Scapegoat, Spy? Speyer / Lentin, Antony / £14.99 / 9781908323-11-8 / Biography / pbk. Barbarian Spring / Lüscher, Jonas / £9.99 / 97819083238-3-5 / Fiction / pbk. Bealport,Lewis, Jeffrey / £14.99 / 9781912208-00-5 / Fiction / pbk. Beijing, An Armchair Traveller's History of / Clements, J. / £12.99 / 9781909961-27-2 / Travel / hbk. Bel Canto Bully / Eisenbeiss, Philip / £30 / 9781908323-25-5 / Biography, Opera / hbk. Benes & Masaryk: Czechoslovakia / Neville, Peter / £12.99 / 9781905791-72-9 / History, WWI / hbk. Berlin Cantata / Lewis, Jeffrey / £8.99 / 9781907822-43-8 / Fiction / pbk. Bhutan, The History of / Phuntsho, Karma / £30 /97819083235-8-3 / History / hbk. Bible Hunter, The / Gottschlich, Jürgen / £16.99 / 9781908323-47-7 / History, Biography / hbk. Bismarck / Ullrich, Volker / £12.99 / 9781910376-09-6 / Biography, History / pbk. Blair / Temple, Mick / £9.99 / 9781904950-73-8 / Biography / pbk. Black Earth / Mühling, Jens / £16.99 / 9781909961-60-9 / Travel / hbk. Bonar Law / Taylor, Andrew / £9.99 / 9781904950-59-2 / Biography / pbk. Breaking Point / Gibbon, Gary / £7.99 / 9781910376-62-1 / Politics / pbk. Brendel’s Fantasy / Freitag, Günther / £8.99 / 9781907822-53-7 / Fiction / pbk. Brexit and the British / Green, Stephen / £7.99 / 9781910376-71-3 / Politics / pbk Britain in a Perilous World / Shaw, Jonathan / £7.99 / 9781908323-81-1 / Politics / pbk. Britten / Matthews, David / £9.99 / 9781908323-38-5 / Biography / pbk. Brunel / Gillings, Annabel / £9.99 / 9781904950-44-8 / Biography / pbk. Budapest / Clapton, Nicholas / £10 / 9781909961364 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Buddha and Dr Fuhrer, The / Allen, Charles / £9.99 / 9781906598-90-7 / Biography, Archaeology / pbk. Building a New World Order / Müller, Harald / £9.99 / 9781906598-16-7 / Sustainability / pbk. Cabinet's Finest Hour / Owen, David / £12.99 / 9781910376-89-8 / History / pbk. Callaghan / Conroy, Harry / £9.99 / 9781904950-70-7 / Biography / pbk. Calligrapher’s Secret, The / Schami, Rafik / £14.99 / 9781906697-28-0 / Fiction / pbk. Cambridge, An AT History of / Tames, Richard / £12.99 / 9781907973772 / Travel, History / hbk. Campbell-Bannerman / Hattersley, Roy / £9.99 / 9781904950-56-1 / Biography / pbk. Caravaggio / Hunt, Patrick / £14.99 / 9781908323-23-1 / Biography, Art / pbk. Casement / Mitchell, Angus / £9.99 / 9781904341-41-3 / Biography / pbk. Central America / Streeter, Michael / £12.99 / 9781906598-25-9 / History / hbk. Chamberlain / Macklin, Graham / £9.99 / 9781904950-62-2 / Biography / pbk. Chamberlain Litany, The / Marsh, Peter T. / £20 / 9781906598-63-1 / History / hbk. Che Guevara / Niess, Frank / £14.99 / 9781904341-99-4 / Biography / pbk. China Rediscovered / Manginis, George / £25 / 9781910376-58-4 / pbk. China: The Culture and People / Strittmatter, Kai / £7.99 / 9781907973-17-8 / Travel / pbk. Churchill / Haffner, Sebastian / £14.99 / 97819043410-7-9 / Biography / pbk. Clem Attlee / Beckett, Francis / £10.99 / 9781908323-77-4 / Biography / pbk. Cleopatra / Jones, Prudence J. / £12.99 / 9781904950257 / Biography / pbk.

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Climate Change / Latif, Mojib / £9.99 / 9781906598-14-3 / Sustainability / pbk. CLR James / Renton, Dave / £16.99 / 9781905791-01-9 / Biography / pbk. Colonel, The / Dowlatabadi, Mahmoud / £9.99 / 9781906598-89-1 / Fiction / pbk. Commons and Lords / Crewe, Emma / £7.99 / 9781910376-07-2 / Politics / pbk. Conference of the Birds, The / Lewis, Jeffrey / £7.99 / 9781906598-79-2 / Fiction / pbk. Consequences of Peace, The / Sharp, Alan / £25 / 9781905791-74-3 / History, WWI / hbk. Cornflower Blue / Schünemann & Volic / £12.99 / 9781908323-96-5 / Fiction / pbk. Costing the Earth? / Meyer, Bernd / £9.99 / 9781906598-12-9 / Sustainability / pbk. Crossing Jerusalem / Woodsworth, Nicholas / £10 / 9781906598-82-2 / Travel Lit. / pbk. Curie / Dry, Sarah / £9.99 / 9781904341-29-1 / Biography / pbk. Dali / Salber, Linde / £9.99 / 9781904341-75-8 / Biography / pbk. Damascus Nights / Schami, Rafik / £12.99 / 97819066973-5-8 / Travel, Memoir / pbk. Damascus, Taste of a City / Schami, Rafik / £10 / 9781906598859 / Travel Lit. / pbk. Dark Side of Love, The / Schami, Rafik / £9.99 / 9781906697-24-2 / Fiction / pbk. David Lloyd George: Great Britain / Sharp, Alan / £12.99 / 9781905791-61-3 / History, WWI / hbk. de Beauvoir, Simone / Appignanesi, Lisa / £14.99 / 9781904950-09-7 / Biography / pbk. Decision, The / Böhler, Britta / £14.99 / 9781910376-13-3 / Fiction / hbk. Dickens: London into Kent / Clark, Peter / £9.99 / 9781907973-80-2 / Biography, Travel / hbk. Dostoevsky / Freeborn, Richard / £9.99 / 9781904341-27-7 / Biography / pbk. Douglas Home / Dutton, David / £9.99 / 9781904950-67-7 / Biography / pbk. Drawing the Line / Gibbons, Ivan / £7.99 / 9781912208-29-6 / Politics / pbk. Duke Ellington / Bradbury, David / £9.99 / 9781904341-66-6 / Biography / pbk. Dvorak / Honolka, Kurt / £9.99 / 9781904341-52-9 / Biography / pbk. E A Poe / Morton, Brian / £14.99 / 9781905791-52-1 / Biography / pbk. Earth, The / Schmidt-Bleek, Friedrich / £9.99 / 9781906598-09-9 / Sustainability / pbk. Eden / Wilby, Peter / £9.99 / 9781904950-65-3 / Biography / pbk. Edward William Lane / Thompson, Jason / £25 / 9781906598-72-3 / Biography / hbk. Einstein / Smith, Peter D. / £12.99 / 9781904341-15-4 / Biography / pbk. Eleftherios Venizelos: Greece / Dalby, Andrew / £12.99 / 9781905791-64-4 / History, WWI / hbk. Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart / Muhlstein, Anka / £18 / 9781904950-85-1 / History, Biography / hbk. Ellen Terry / Melville, Joy / £18 / 9781904950-14-1 / Biography / hbk. Elsewhere / Rabinovici, Doron / £12.99 / 9781908323-49-1 / Ficiton / hbk. Energy / Wagner, Hermann-Josef / £9.99 / 9781906598-08-2 / Sustainability / pbk. Ends of the Earth, The / Willemsen, Roger / £20 / 9781909961-02-9 / Travel / hbk. English Garden, The / Trotha, Hans von / £9.99 / 9781906598-20-4 / Travel / hbk. Epitacio Pessoa: Brazil / Streeter, Michael / £12.99 / 978-1905791-86-6 / History, WWI / hbk. European Identity, The / Green, Stephen / £7.99 / 9781910376-17-1 / Current Affairs / pbk. Farewell to Salonica / Sciaky, Leon / £12 / 9781909961-23-4 / Travel, History / pbk. Feeding the Planet / Hahlbrock, Klaus / £9.99 / 9781906598-11-2 / Sustainability / pbk. Finland, An Armchair Traveller’s History of / Clements, J. / £12.99 / 9781909961-00-5 / Travel / hbk. Finding England / Ehling, Holger / £12.99 / 9781907973-24-6 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Florence Nightingale And The Viceroys / Mowbray, Patricia / £16.99 / 9781905791-23-1 / Biography / hbk. Friedrich Ebert: Germany / Harmer, Harry / £12.99 / 9781905791-63-7 / History, WWI / hbk. From Cape Wrath to Finisterre / Larsson, Björn / £7.99 / 9781907973-18-5 / Travel Lit. / pbk. From Midnight to Glorious Morning? / Bose, Mihir / £12.99 / 9781910376-69-0 / History / pbk From the Sultan to Atatürk: Turkey / Mango, Andrew / £12.99 / 9781905791-65-1 / History, WWI / hbk. Gandhi / Gandhi, Rajmohan / £9.99 / 9781910376-26-3 / Biography / pbk. Geckos of Bellapais, The / Sartorius, Joachim / £9.99 / 9781907973-91-8 / Travel / hbk. General Smuts: South Africa / Lentin, Antony / £12.99 / 9781905791-82-8 / History, WWI / hbk. Geometry of God, The / Khan, Uzma Aslam / £12.99 / 9781906598-65-5 / History, WWI / hbk. Georges Clemenceau: France / Watson, David / £12.99 / 9781905791-60-6 / Hsitory, WWI / hbk. Glory of Life, The / Kumpfmüller, Michael / £14.99 / 978-1-908323-54-5 / Fiction / hbk. Goethe / Boerner, Peter / £12 / 978-1-908323-51-4 / Biography / pbk. Gold Dust / al-Koni, Ibrahim / £12.99 / 9781906697-02-0 / Fiction / pbk. Golden Step, The / Somerville, Christopher / £ 10 / 9781907973-34-5 / Travel / pbk. Good Old Drawing / Hodgkinson, Holder et al. / £15 / 9781907822-40-7 / Illustration, Art / pbk.


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