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The Show Must Go On: Vanessa Hudgens

As she enters her third decade, Vanessa Hudgens talks adulting, the next phase of her career and returning to rent.





The name “Vanessa” means “butterfly” in Greek and in Latin, “of Venus.” Vanessa Hudgens is living up to both definitions as she bids farewell to her second decade and emerges from a cocoon of uncertainty to embrace a new era of career clarity and self-love.

When we first chat, her 30 th birthday is still a month away. Most women—especially in fickle, flighty Hollywood—would be stressing (and fearfully Botox-ing). But not Hudgens. Her 20s were both the best of times and the worst of times, and she’s truly ready to put them behind her.

“At 25, I felt like I had life figured out. Like, ‘I’ve got this, I’m great at life; I understand how to do it.’ And then, at 27, I woke up on my birthday and felt like I had no idea who I was, what I stood for, what I was doing with my life. I felt kind of lost,” she admits.

A further epiphany: Adulting is legit hard business. “I realized, ‘I am not a child anymore. I am not a teen. I am fully an adult, and there are so many responsibilities that come with that.’ I felt extremely overwhelmed,” she adds.

And then, in 2016, she lost her father to cancer… just a day before one of the biggest and most stressful moments of her career, performing as Pink Ladies leader Rizzo in Fox’s Grease Live. “My 20s were such a roller coaster,” she sighs. “I had so many high moments, but I lost my dad. My [boyfriend of seven years, actor Austin Butler] also lost his mom. We dealt with a lot of death.”

But instead of plummeting into a dark hole of despair, Hudgens embraced the power of being powerless and walked away feeling stronger and more resilient. “I felt like [the death of my father] really pushed me to expand and grow as a person, whether I liked it or not,” she says, noting that as time passes, so has her perspective. “I [now] feel like those moments are really great to have because they force you to reassess your life, what you believe in, what you stand for, who you want to be.”

In a word, she’s been “found.” She has no doubts as to the woman she hopes to be. “The last year of my 20s was very informative as to the woman I am becoming,” she notes. “I feel very empowered and very scared because I know there are big things ahead of me. [On the flip side], I feel like I’m grounded, I’ve gotten rid of my baggage, so to speak, and have made way for myself to go into my 30s just a bit more streamlined, leading with love and light.”

image. She’s done so with diverse and distinctly non-Disney roles such as an exotic dancer in Zack Snyder’s pulpy Sucker Punch; a brothel worker in Robert Rodriguez’s Machete Kills; a party girl in Harmony Korine’s risqué Spring Breakers; and a runway pregnant teen in Ronald Krauss’ Gimme Shelter, among others. What these films have in common is that they have nothing in common with High School Musical.

While her career perspective has shifted, personally, she maintains that she’s still the same girl she always was, with the same sense of fun. She may be an adult, but she’ll always have that part of her that’s still a kid, too (kind of like Britney Spears’ “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman”). “I feel like the way that I live my life has remained the same,” she declares. “If anything, I’ve come out of my shell more, and I feel more comfortable with myself, my voice and my choices. Even though I am [now 30] and turning into a woman, I still always have a childlike wonder. I love that about myself, seeing the world through my eyes. There’s always a sense of playfulness that I have. I don’t think I will [ever lose it]; if I’ve come this far, and it hasn’t gone away, I think it’s going to be here forever. Life’s hard, and the world’s a crazy place, but you’ve got to be able to see magic in it somehow.”

Signing on to star in Fox’s live version of Rent is, without a doubt, both a strategic and a personal choice. Hudgens, who earned rave reviews for her performance in Fox’s 2016 Grease Live, was asked by producer Marc Platt to play bisexual performance artist and activist Maureen Johnson in Fox’s January 27 live reimagining. While this isn’t her first time appearing in Rent, it is her first time playing Johnson: She played HIV-positive erotic dancer Mimi Marquez at the Hollywood Bowl back in 2010. R&B singer Tinashe will play that part on Fox. Other co-stars include Dancing with the Stars winner Jordan Fisher, R&B singer Mario, Tony nominee Brandon Victor Dixon and The X Factor competitor Brennin Hunt. Plus, The Greatest Showman show-stopper Keala Settle will join in on “Seasons of Love,” arguably the musical’s most famous tune, and one that’s performed by the entire cast.

“When Marc approached me to play Maureen, I thought, ‘This is interesting, granted that I did this show almost 10 years ago, and I’m at a different place now that I was then,’ and ‘It’s exciting to learn the show through a different character’s eyes,’” Hudgens recalls. “I loved playing Mimi—it’s such a fun character—but it almost felt too easy to do Mimi again. I thought it would be a fun challenge to play Maureen, and one that I hadn’t done yet.”

If she’s being honest, Hudgens—who has been acting since she was 8 years old, appearing in local productions of Cinderella, The Wizard of Oz and The King and I in her hometown of Salinas, Calif.—has always preferred the unknown to playing it safe. “I feel like I wouldn’t have the career that I’ve had if I only wanted to do the same thing,” she says. “I’m always pushing myself and challenging myself because that’s the only way you grow, and if you’re not growing, you’re dying.”

She’s certainly big on keeping things fresh. From a rom-com to a live musical to her upcoming Netflix action-noir-comic adaptation Polar with Mads Mikkelsen, no two projects are even slightly in the same wheelhouse.

“That’s what I try to incorporate into my work ethic,” she maintains. “I try to push myself, to work on new things and to be working on new accents [as she did recently for Netflix’s 2018 Christmas rom-com The Princess Switch]. I allow myself to feel like I can’t be held back by any limitations, to kind of lean in to everything I’m interested in, so that when the time comes, I’ll be prepared.”

In addition to film and TV work, she’s dabbled in other fields, making her Broadway debut in 2015 with the musical Gigi; released two albums—V and Identified—through Hollywood Records; and designed her first clothing line, Suistudio, a collaboration with Suitsupply, this year. Eventually, she hopes to include all of her passions in her life plan: She’s seriously considering starting her own events company (prompted by gleefully planning her annual over-the-top Halloween bash) and, at one point, toyed with the idea of becoming a makeup artist.

That said, Hudgens is all about acting, as much to honor the legacy of a father who gave his all for her career—moving her entire family south to Los Angeles—specifically for her talent. “My dad sacrificed so much of his time and money in order to get me to the place I am now… He gave so much for me. I think I will continue to always honor him in everything that I do,” she admits.

Her resolve to become a serious actress is as much for herself as it is her father, though. With her newfound clarity, she can make no mistake—this is what she wants, too. “I’m at a place where this isn’t just fun or a hobby, this is my career, part of my livelihood, and I need to nurture and take care of it with kindness and grace. I need to be a little more strategic and have more of a plan [for my future],” she notes.

Right now, she’s focused as hell. “It’s incredible how you can manifest things for yourself,” she marvels. “Manifestation is a real thing. If you’re really, really specific and have your mind set on something and are doing the work, you get there. [Right now I’m doing a lot of] selfreflection, cleaning up in all different areas of my life and getting myself to a place where I feel very confident in all the decisions I’m making, and that they’re aligned with who I am.”

Who she is—or “what,” rather—is an anomaly. She’s confident, secure and likes herself, which is a rarity for any young woman in Hollywood. She loves life, loves her life, and has no qualms about admitting it.

“I’ve always been able to look in the mirror and think, ‘I feel great. Thank you, God, for making me the way I am,’” she maintains. “That’s always been something that’s rooted in my DNA. It’s carried me quite far and I’m very, very grateful for it.”

She trusts her gut implicitly. Despite getting some solid career advice from Jennifer Lopez, it’s the advice she gave herself at age 8 that’s really shaped the person she’s become. “[The best advice I know is to] trust your intuition, especially as a woman,” she says. “Whether that’s in life, whether that’s with people, whether that’s with career choices, to really listen. I feel like a lot of the times, we know the answers but we get too busy and the noise becomes too loud and we can’t hear it. Listen to what your gut and your heart is telling you because your gut and your heart have the answers.”

When we express surprise that she was so enlightened and yet so little, she laughs. ”I was always a wise little kid. Starting off in this industry, you have to be a little more tapped in and tuned in than the average 8-year-old. When I was going to auditions, I’d tell myself, ‘No matter what happens, it’s okay because the next thing that comes along will be bigger and better.’ That kept me going. It carried me through, and it still carries me through to this day.”

Hudgens reminds us of the butterfly she’s named for when she says, “There’s something empowering about pushing through something extremely uncomfortable and surviving it. I love getting into my beast mode. For me, that’s the moment when you’re working out and you feel like you’re going to collapse. But then you open up that secret, special compartment that holds your reserve energy. Whenever I tap into that, I feel like I can conquer the world.”

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