1 minute read
Mediumship Tutoring
Pam Trott
Learning and understanding how to use our own abilities and senses to connect to spiritual energies, life after Earth death, soul journey. Living true spiritual, loving and giving with fellow Earth people. Learning our own purpose of life on Earth. How to give comfort to fellow people through spiritual message and healing.
w Alternate Thursday evenings 7pm-10pm
Contact Pam on 07949038550 or email pamtrott@hotmail.com
With Virginia McGowan-Brown w Wednesdays 9.15am-10.15am And 10.30am-11.30am
A regular Pilates class will improve your health and wellbeing. Classes are fun and friendly and you can try a class for £5 before signing up for a regular place. The classes consist of low impact yet strong mobilising and lengthening exercises that improve posture, release tension, boost energy and strengthen your body. Your mobility and strength will improve noticeably after just a few weeks.
For enquiries and bookings call Virginia 07766528216, email virginia@acclaimpilates.co.uk or visit www.acclaimpilates.co.uk