New Funding Opportunities
Funding to Provide EarlyYears Education forArmed Forces Families (UK)
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, a grant-giving charity supporting projects that help improve the lives of Armed Forces families, has announced that it is offering grants of between £5,000 and £80,000 to support early years education for children from Armed Forces families. The funding is being made available through the Armed Forces Families Fund: Early Years Programme.
Projects can run for up to 2 years.
Applications are invited from:
Early childhood education and childcare providers operating where armed forces families live or work and must offer group-based childcare and have at least 50% of service children on roll (unless under a cluster, see below).
Local authorities who wish to supply specific training to early childhood education and childcare providers supporting service children aged 0-5 years and provide a shared resource working across multiple settings.
Setting that have less than 50% service children on roll, could still apply as a cluster. This means submitting a group bid on behalf of two or more setting with smaller numbers of service children.
The grants can be used to:
Increase capacity at the setting to allow more service children to attend
Provide better learning environments for service children
Provide appropriate training and development of staff to support service children
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on the 4th June 2025.
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Grants Available to Help Support Armed Forces Day 2025 (UK)
The Ministry of Defence has announced the opening of applications for its Armed Forces Day Grant 2025, which falls on the 28th of June 2025. The grants aim to support events that honour and thank the Armed Forces community. Eligible organisations such as local councils, voluntary and community organisations, schools, ex-service organisations, and individuals can apply for match-funded grants of up to £10,000, covering up to half of an event's total cost.
The funding can be used for
road closures required to hold an event, including to allow for parades and marches.
decorations, flags and banners (where possible please consider use of sustainable options and avoid using single-use plastics)
local or national newspapers/social media/radio advertisements to promote the event
marshalling, security and first aid arrangements for the event
PA and communications systems such as hand-held radios or other forms of communication for event organisers
However, it cannot cover hospitality, entertainment, military assets, transport costs, or VAT.
Eligible events must include "Armed Forces" in their title, provide free access to members of the Armed Forces community (with limited exceptions), and focus on thanking rather than fundraising or recruitment. Applicants are required to provide detailed plans and supporting documentation, including photographs of the event.
Organisations must first register their event on theArmed Forces Day website to apply. Once approved, a link to the grant application will be provided via email.
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War Memorials Grant Scheme (UK)
The War Memorials Trust provides grants for repairing and conserving free-standing war memorials in England.
These grants are intended to help those who are responsible for the upkeep of war memorials. The grants support the care and preservation of war memorials to a high standard, and to prevent the decay of this important part of our built heritage. Grants will normally be for between 25% and a maximum of 75% of eligible costs. The maximum grant is £5,000 for non-freestanding war memorials while freestanding, non-beneficiary war memorials may be considered up to a maximum grant of £20,000.
The fund is open to anyone to apply; individuals or organisations, including councils.
The next closing date for applications is the 30th June 2025.
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Match Funding Campaign to Support Vulnerable & Underrepresented Women & Girls (UK)
The Big Give is to open a match funding campaign to support charities working to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls in the UK.
The Women and Girls Match Fund is making up to £10,000 in match funding available to enable charities that are led by and for women and girls to run their own match funding campaign during one week in October.
Priority will be given to applications from charities that are led by:
Black and minoritised women and girls
LGBTQI women and girls
Disabled women and girls
Charities wanting to participate in the campaign have from the 7th March 2025 until the 30th May 2025 to submit their application.
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Funding for Projects that Address Severe Learning Disabilities (UK)
UK charities, parent-teacher Associations, and schools can apply for grants to help children and adults suffering severe learning difficulties, including autism.
The funding is being made available through the Baily Thomas General grants programme and can be used to purchase equipment, support capital works, and cover project and core costs.
Previous grants have been used to support:
capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools
employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture
play schemes and play therapy schemes
day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs
support for families, including respite schemes
independent living schemes
support in the community schemes
Snoezelen rooms
The Fund does not currently accept appeals from Community Interest Companies.
There are two funding programmes.
The main programme for grants of above £9,000 and a small grants programme for appeals below £9,000
The next deadline for applications for the main programme is the 1st August 2025. Applications to the small grants programme can be made at any time.
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Grants of up to £5,000 Available to Increase Employment Opportunities for Disadvantaged Adults (UK)
Grants of up to £5,000 are available to registered charities to support projects that equip people (18 or older in order) from disadvantaged groups with the communication skills necessary to gain employment
Priority will be given to projects that target people experiencing multiple deprivation or other groups facing major hurdles to employment, especially women, people with physical, mental, or learning disabilities, refugees and asylum seekers.
The funding is being made available through the Thomas Wall Trust and to be eligible, applicants must:
Be a UK charity that has been registered with the Charity Commission for at least 3 years
Be a project or running costs for a charity that equips people (aged 18 and over) with the skills ready for employment
Have an annual turnover of between £25,000 - £500,000
Beneficiaries must gain at least one accredited vocational qualification during delivery or within two months of project completion.
The deadline for stage 1 applications is the 5th May 2025. Applicants who are successful at this stage will be invited to submit a stage 2 application.
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Funding of up to £5,000 Available to Tackle Problems within Families (UK)
Registered charities whose activities support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members can apply for grants of up to £5,000 through the Kelly Family Charitable Trust.
Higher grant amounts can be awarded at the discretion of trustees.
Both capital and revenue grants are available, and the Trust welcomes requests for core operating costs in addition to project-based funding. Newly established organisations are encouraged to apply, as the Trust seeks to help charities grow and establish their services.
Initiatives supported by the Trust focus on preventing the fracture of the familyunit through interventions such as practical support, relationship counselling, or mediation. Proposals addressing sexual abuse, domestic or physical violence, alcohol or drug misuse, and support for prisoners and their families are also supported
Although the Trust prefers to fund charities with annual incomes below £500,000, it may consider applications from larger organisations presenting pioneering pilot projects.
The Trust has supported charities like Mosac, which assists non-abusing parents and carers of sexually abused children, and Westminster Befriend a Family, a group that trains volunteers to befriend and regularly visit families under stress in their homes.
Grants are awarded twice a year, and the next application closing date is the 1st September 2025. Interested charities are advised to consult the Trust’s application criteria document for details on how to apply.
Useful Documents:
Application Criteria
Application Hints and Tips (AI Generated)
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Grants of up to £5,000 Available for Social Welfare Projects (UK)
The Inman Charity makes grants of around £350,000 per year. They support a wide range of UK Registered Charities.
The directors are particularly interested in supporting the following areas of charitable work:-
Medical research
Care of the elderly
General welfare
The Deaf and Blind
Care of the physically & mentally disabled
The Armed Forces
Applications must be received by the end of August 2025 to be considered at the Spring meeting.
Useful Links:
Grants awarded May 2023
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Grants Available for Community Energy Projects (UK)
Community energy groups across the UK can apply for grants of up to £3,750 to support projects that deliver positive social and environmental outcomes within local communities.
Funded by Younity in partnership with Your Co-op Energy, the Powering Communities Fund aims to help groups and organisations deliver social impact projects, such as creating community resources, running events for young people, or starting a community garden.
Projects focusing on the following themes are welcome:
community engagement (outreach and participation)
environmental impact
educational and awareness-raising initiatives
collaboration and partnerships
innovation and creativity
The funding can be used to cover the costs of:
local events or workshops
staff costs
volunteer training
additional activities to expand an existing project
support for an organisation to achieve a quality or other standard, relevant to their activities
developing a local service or venue
To be eligible, organisations must have a current or upcoming Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Younity or have utilised their Kickstart Loan facility.
Applications close at 5pm on the 28th March 2025.
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One Stop Community Partnership Programme Re-opens for Applications (UK)
Convenience store operator One Stop has announced that its Community Partnership programme has re-opened for applications. The programme provides grants of up to £1,000 to community groups and other not-for-profit organisations operating within a two-mile radius of a One Stop shop.
The grants are available to support projects and initiatives that are:
Tackling food poverty
Supporting the vulnerable
Supporting the elderly
Supporting low-income families
Running youth sports teams
Reducing / recycling waste
Improving the environment
In addition to the grant, the One Stop Community Team and One Stop Store Team create a long-term tailored support programme for successful applicants. Grant recipients then partner with the One Stop Store Team at their local shop to deliver this programme.
Applications will be welcomed from various organisations including voluntary/community organisations, registered charities, schools, health bodies, Parish/Town councils, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies.
The closing date for applications is the 31st March 2025.
For further information, please contact:
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Grants of up to £3,000 Available for Community and Education Projects (UK)
Registered charities, not-for-profit organisations, and schools/PTAs can apply for grants of up to £3,000 for projects that are of benefit to their local community.
The funding is made available by the Ford Britain Trust to support a range of projects focusing education, environment, children, the disabled, youth activities and projects that provide clear benefits to the local communities.
Applications will be considered from all UK locations. However, organisations based in Essex (including East London), Bridgend) including South Wales), Southampton, Daventry, Manchester and Liverpoolareas close to Ford locations – will be given priority.
Funding will support capital projects such as refurbishments or expenditure on items such as furniture, equipment or computers.
There are two types of grants to apply for:
Small grants of up to £250. Small grants application will re-open on the 1st April and closes on the 30th June 2025
Large grants for amounts over £250 and up to a maximum of £3000. The large grants programme is currently open and will close on the 31st July 2025.
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Funding for Transformative IT Projects (UK)
Registered charities, educational establishments, community interest companies, and other not-forprofit organisations can apply for grants of up to £15,000 for IT projects that benefit communities and people across the UK.
The funding is made available by the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists through their IT4Good Grant Programme, which aims to support innovative and scalable projects and activities that use information technology (IT) to create positive impact through:
IT for Charities
public understanding of IT
This could include the development and delivery of innovative new:
accessibility features/hardware
Larger grants may be made in exceptional circumstances.
Applications can be submitted at any time until 5pm on the 7th May 2025.
Useful Links:
Application Guidelines
Application Hints and Tips (AI Generated)
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Funding Towards Data Protection Consultancy Services (UK)
The DPO Centre, a leading Data Protection Officer resource centre that delivers expert data protection and privacy advice, is inviting applications to its Charity and Community Fund. The Fund provides charities and not-for-profit organisations with access to its data protection consultancy services at an 80% reduced rate.
Applicants will receive support from subject matter experts and data protection professionals to help decrease the potential for compliance failure across their organisation, leading to fewer data breaches.
Organisations can apply for funding of up to £10,000 to support a range of consultancy services, including data protection training, policy drafting and reviews, data sharing, impact assessments, and gap analysis.
The DPO Centre has set aside a £150,000 funding pot, split into 3 application periods throughout the year. The closing date for this application period is the 1st May 2025.
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Funding to Support the Development of Songwriters & Composers (UK)
To support the development of outstanding songwriters and composers of all genres at different stages of their career, the PRS Foundation is inviting applications to the latest round of the Open Fund for Music Creators.
Grants of up to £5,000 are available to:
songwriters, composers, or artists, bands, producers and performers who are writing their own music or commissioning others to support the creation, performance and promotion of outstanding new music in any genre,
to enable the UK’s most talented music creators to realise their potential
and to inspire audiences.
The funding can support activities such as touring, music creator time and fees, equipment or software costs for online content, and recording and release costs, etc.
The closing date for applications is 6pm on the 31st March 2025.
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Free Support to Expand Classical Studies in Schools (UK)
Classics for All, a UK-based educational charity that promotes the teaching of classical subjects, is offering free support to UK state schools that want to introduce or expand classical studies. This can be done either as part of the curriculum or as an enrichment/club activity.
Schools will receive mentoring, initial advice, and contributions toward training costs to help them introduce or develop a classical subject sustainably.
The support will enable schools, particularly those in areas of high deprivation, to study Latin, Ancient History, Classical Civilisation and Ancient Greek, often for the first time.
Teachers can receive training in both subject knowledge and pedagogy. 6 hours of training is typically offered for primary schools, Key Stage 3 teachers, and training for extra-curricular clubs; and 6 to 12 hours training for GCSE and A-Level teachers. Training can be spread throughout the year and can be arranged during the school day or completed as twilight sessions.
Schools must submit their applications by the 1st June 2025 to receive training in the Autumn term.
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National Churches Trust Announces Changes to Small Grants Programme (UK)
The National Churches Trust has announced a change to its Small Grants Programme, which has now been merged into the Medium Grants Programme.
Under the updated programme, grants of up to £10,000 will be available for urgent maintenance work and repairs costing up to £80,000 at listed and unlisted Christian places of worship of any denomination across the UK.
Funding can also support investigative works, surveys, project development, and preparations for approaching major grant funders.
Grants cannot exceed 50% of the net project costs.
Applications must be submitted via the Medium Grants Programme by the 15th April 2025.
Useful Links:
Medium Grant Guidance
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The Ouseley Trust (England, Wales & Ireland)
Cathedrals, choral foundations, parish churches, choir schools, and other relevant institutions that promote and maintain the choral services of the Church of England, the Church in Wales, and the Church of Ireland can apply for funding from the Ouseley Trust
Grants are available in the following areas:
Courses for individuals or groups
Endowment grants for scholarships or bursaries
Fees for individual choristers having places at recognised choir schools
Purchase of liturgical music
Other projects (e.g. outreach) of an innovative kind are that are likely to further the object of the Trust directly and effectively. In very exceptional circumstances, these may include music commissions.
The closing date for applications is the 30th June 2025.
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Grants of £100,000 Available to Local Partnerships that Address Critical Social Issues (England and Wales)
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has launched its Local Collaborations Programme. The programme aims to empower small charities to work with other local organisations to drive local or regional changes in critical social areas.
Applications need to align with at least one of the Programme’s key themes. These are:
making the social security system work better for those facing the greatest challenges;
making sure people facing complex issues have access to suitable accommodation;
improving support and services for asylum seekers and refugees.
Eligible collaborations (networks and partnerships), led by small charities with annual incomes between £25,000 and £1 million, can apply for grants of £100,000 spread over two years, with the possibility of an additional £50,000 extension in the third year.
The Foundation plans to award grants to approximately 15 collaborations in this funding round.
The funding is designated for influencing activities rather than direct service delivery. Supported initiatives may include empowering individuals with lived experience to engage with local decisionmakers, gathering and presenting data to advocate for change, and developing strategic partnerships to address systemic issues. Collaborations must involve at least three organisations and focus on one or more of the programme's key themes.
Interested parties must submit an Expression of Interest by 5 pm on the 30th April 2025. Shortlisted applicants will engage in discussions between the 14th July and 22nd August 2025, with final applications due bythe 22ndAugust 2025. Funding decisions are expected byOctober 2025.Applicants should consult the Foundation's official website for detailed eligibility criteria and application guidance.
Useful Links:
Guidance Document
Initial Eligibility Quiz
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Grants for Community and School Gardening Projects (London)
Community organisations and schools in London can apply for small gardening grants awarded by the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (MPGA), a charity that preserves and improves gardens, neglected sites and green public open spaces in all 33 London Boroughs.
Grants of up to £1,500 can be used for various projects, including planting, equipment purchase, benches, and churchyard refurbishments.
In the past, grants have been awarded to Libraries, Churchyards, Parks and Gardens, street Scenes, Hospitals and Hospices, Allotments, Community Gardens, Museums, Schools, and Community Centres, many of which benefit the disadvantaged.
The Executive Committee meets four times a year to consider applications. The next application deadline is at the end of May.
Useful Links:
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Funding Reminders
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust Seeks Applications to Support Bereaved Military Families (UK)
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust has launched the Empowering Bereaved Military Families Programme, offering a single grant of up to £1.8 million. This initiative aims to achieve long-term, transformational change in the non-statutory support provided to bereaved military families. The programme seeks to build a strong, collaborative network to meet the needs of those who have given the most.
Registered charities with experience in supporting bereaved communities are eligible to apply. TheTrust encourages applications from organisations that may not have substantial experience working with the Armed Forces but possess expertise in bereavement support. The successful applicant will lead a portfolio of support, working collaboratively with other organisations to achieve the programme's outcomes.
The application process consists of two stages. Stage One requires the submission of an expression of interest by midday on the 2nd April 2025. Successful applicants will then be invited to submit a full application in Stage Two, with a deadline of midday on the 6th August 2025. The awarded project is expected to commence by autumn or winter 2025.
This funding opportunity has been made available in response to research commissioned by the Trust, which explored the needs, experiences, and priorities of the bereaved Armed Forces community. The findings highlighted the importance of facilitating partnerships across the bereavement sector and increasing the provision of mental health support for adults and children. The programme aims to address these needs by supporting projects that offer holistic, equitable, and inclusive support to bereaved military families.
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Grants to Support Animal Welfare Charities (UK)
Charities registered in the UK that work to provide sanctuary, rehoming, and rehabilitation for animals both domestically and/or internationally are invited to apply for grants of up to £35,000.
Organisations involved with wildlife conservation, the rescue, rehabilitation and (where possible) release of animals are also eligible to apply.
The funding can be used for general running costs or capital purchases.
This funding opportunity is provided by the Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust, which welcomes repeat applications from charities, subject to funding availability.
Preference is given to smaller animal welfare charities.
The next deadline to apply is the 1st April 2025.
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Funding to Encourage Young People to StudyScience Subjects (UK)
In response to the much publicised skills gap in the British engineering industry, the Ironmongers’ Foundation wishes to support initiatives that encourage talented young people under the age of 25 to study science subjects at school and go on to pursue STEM-related further education or vocational training; particularly in the area of Materials Science.
The funding is available to registered or exempt charities within the UK, with a preference for urban areas outside London and particularly areas in the north and midlands with a manufacturing presence. Grants are made to registered or exempt charities only. Applications will not be accepted from schools.
Activities must be additional to those funded by government or other sources e.g. covered by school budgets. Applications will not be accepted from schools.
The Foundation prefers to support smaller projects where it is the sole funder or its contribution makes a real difference. Most grants are below £10,000.
The Foundation Committee meets three times per year in January, May and September. The deadlines for receipt of applications are 1 December, 1 April and 1 August respectively.
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Small Grants for Summer Playschemes (UK)
Grants of between £500 and £1,000 will soon be available to charities across the UK to fund summer playschemes for disadvantaged children between the ages of 5-16 years.
Charities with an annual income of less than £100,000 can apply for funding to run playschemes for a minimum of two weeks or ten days during the summer holidays.
Preference is given to:
small local playschemes that provide a wide-ranging programme of activities. Trustees prefer activities that are relatively inexpensive such as crafts and cooking, as well as outdoor activities and sport.
schemes that involve a large number of children.
schemes where past users are encouraged to come back and help as volunteers.
The funding is available to registered charities, CICs, CIOs or exempt charities. If the applicant is not a registered charity, then a registered charity may apply on the scheme’s behalf.
The funding is being made available through the Woodward Charitable Trust’s Summer Playscheme.
Around 35 grants are awarded every year.
The closing date for applications is 4pm on the 4th April 2025.
A total of 33 grants for summer play schemes were approved in 2024.
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Peter Harrison Foundation Opportunities Through Sport Grant Scheme (UK)
Charities and CommunityAmateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) throughout the United Kingdom can apply to the Peter Harrison Foundation Active Lives grant scheme. The scheme aims to provide opportunities for sport and physical activity at a grassroots level that enable people who are physically, mentally, socially, or economically disadvantaged to develop personal and life skills and fulfil their potential.
The grants can be used for a variety of purposes, such as funding new sports programmes, improving existing sports facilities, or providing training and support for sports coaches.
The Trustees welcome applications for physical activity initiatives that:
Provide a focus for skills development and confidence building
Have a strong training and/or educational theme
Provide specialised sporting equipment or facilities required to open opportunities
Have a high degree of involvement from beneficiaries and those with lived experience
Have a plan for sustainability and seek to deliver a lasting legacy
The Foundations provide two levels of funding:
Major grants: between £5,001 and £30,000.
Small grants: up to £5,000
Priority will be given to organisations with an annual turnover of up to £500,000.
The Foundation will close to applications until further notice from the 2nd April 2025.
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Grants of up to £300,000 Available to Help Reduce Veterans’ Homelessness (UK)
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, on behalf of the Office for Veterans’ Affairs (OVA), is offering grants through the Reducing Veteran Homelessness Programme.
The programme seeks to enhance the capacity of supported housing services to meet the diverse needs of vulnerable veterans. Supported activities include providing temporary supported housing, offering holistic support services such as mental health counselling and employment guidance, and fostering community integration. Projects are encouraged to collaborate with other organisations to deliver comprehensive support.
Eligible organisations, including registered charities experienced in veteran housing, registered social housing providers, and local authorities can apply for up to £300,000 for projects lasting up to nine months.An additional EnhancedAward of up to £200,000 is available for projects addressing significant unmet needs. The total funding available under this programme is £8.5 million, aiming to reduce veteran homelessness and end rough sleeping.
Applications must be submitted by 12 noon on 31 March 2025. Interested parties should consult the programme guidance available on theArmed Forces Covenant Fund Trust's website to ensure eligibility and understand the application process.
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Schools Can Apply for £500 of Free Equipment to Deliver Outdoor Learning (England, Scotland & Wales)
Early Years, Infant, Primary and Secondary school settings in England, Scotland and Wales can apply for up to £500 worth of free outdoor resources and two hours of professional outdoor training to deliver outdoor learning and play.
The funding is being made available through the Learning through Landscapes’ Local School Nature Grant Programme and is funded by the players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Applicants must be employed by the school. Learning through Landscapes is unable to accept applications on behalf of the school from PTA’s, Governors, ‘Friends of’ groups etc.
The next closing date for applications is the 4th April 2025.
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