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Gates and fences and bollards Car Parks Hard surfaces Play areas Sports and recreation areas
3.2 Parks Protection Service
The Parks Protection Service (PPS) was established in 2010. The early structure of the team, at the time, allowed for Parks Protection Officers (PPOs) to be engaged for the role, employed as agency workers. A ‘pool’ of staff were therefore recruited, chosen on experience, training and competency. Four of the more competent workers were frequently used to cover shifts with others, being used as ‘reserves’.
In 2012 full-time posts were established to replace the need to use agency workers as core staff. The team now have five senior permanent staff (one manager and four officers) and use a ‘pool’ of reserves renamed Parks Protection Support Officers (PPSOs) when necessary, e.g. essential staff-cover and specific operations.
In 2016 the full-time officers were attested as constables to assist with effective byelaw enforcement in parks. A copy of the byelaws can be found in Appendix 5.
The Parks Constabulary