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Cash Flow Statement

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The Cash Flow statement shows the changes in cash and cash equivalents of the Authority and the Group during the reporting period. The statement shows how the Authority / Group generates and uses cash and cash equivalents by classifying cash flows as; operating, investing and financing activities. The amount of net cash flows arising from operating activities is a key indicator of the extent to which the operations of the Authority / Group are funded by way of taxation and grant income or from the recipients of services provided by the Authority. Investing activities represent the extent to which cash outflows have been made for resources which are intended to contribute to the Authority’s future service delivery. Cash flows arising from financing activities are useful in predicting claims on future cash flows by providers of capital (i.e. borrowing) to the Authority.

2019/20 2019/20 Authority Group £000 £000 Note 2020/21 2020/21 Authority Group

£000 £000

9,644 9,014 Net surplus on the provision of services

62,264 77,306 Adjust net surplus or deficit on the provision of services for non-cash movements

(44,360) (44,360) Adjust for items included in the net surplus or deficit on the provision of services that are investing and financing activities

27,548 41,960 Net cash flows from Operating Activities

(90,090) (103,658) Investing activities 36,405 40,171

26 3,889 2,746

26 (35,287) (35,287)

5,007 7,630

27 (28,645) (27,062)

62,628 62,628 Financing activities 28 4,749 4,749

86 930 Net increase /(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (18,889) (14,683)

26,664 26,930 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 20 26,750 27,860

26,750 27,860 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 20 7,861 13,177

Authority Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement 2020/21

TheComprehensiveIncomeandExpenditureStatementshowstheaccounting cost in theyearofprovidingservices in accordance with generallyacceptedaccounting practices,ratherthantheamount to befunded from taxation (orrents). Authorities raise taxation(andrents) to coverexpenditure in accordance with statutory requirements;this may bedifferent from theaccounting cost. Thetaxationposition is shown in boththeExpenditureandFundingAnalysisandtheMovement in Reserves Statement.

1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020 £000 £000 £000

Gross Expenditure Gross Income Net

Gross expenditure, gross income and net expenditure of continuing operations

35,930 (4,166) 31,764 Corporate Budgets 43,629 (26,801) 16,828 Neighbourhoods 42,609 (65,153) (22,544) Housing 3,565 (1,510) 2,055 Regeneration Programme Delivery 81,451 (19,197) 62,254 Adult Services 212,404 (147,390) 65,014 Children’s Services 10,257 (10,654) (397) Public Health 82,095 (74,444) 7,651 oneSource Non-Shared 24,012 (4,012) 20,000 oneSource Shared

535,952 (353,327) 182,625 Cost of services 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 £000 £000 £000 Notes Gross Expenditure Gross Income Net

33,397 (2,410) 30,987 44,302 (22,666) 21,636 25,863 (65,693) (39,830) 7,448 (1,692) 5,756 97,547 (32,956) 64,591 205,731 (151,409) 54,323 15,588 (19,710) (4,121) 84,844 (70,193) 14,651 24,790 (6,309) 18,481 539,509 (373,037) 166,472

12,688 Other operating expenditure 11,159 Financing and investment income and expenditure (216,116) Taxation and non-specific grant income

(9,644) (Surplus)/Deficit on provision of services

11 12 13

16,162 12,900 (231,939)


8,555 (Surplus)/Deficit on revaluation of property, plant and equipment assets 25a (127,831) Actuarial losses/(gains) on pension assets / liabilities 25e

(119,276) Other comprehensive income and expenditure (128,920) Total comprehensive income and expenditure

*The Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement has been restated to show the Housing Directorate separate.

(99,572) 119,593 20,021 (16,384)

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