SLIDE No. 10 - Hawa magazine in Englisch

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No. 10

slide Magazine for Architecture, Design, Retailer, Trade

Faces  Hawa – from people for people


Faces Faces It should come as no surprise that we have dedicated this issue of SLIDE to the topic of «faces». The production and use of highquality hardware systems is not only about products, but also about ideas and creativity, emotions and needs, in short: about the people behind the products.

Smiling faces A holiday chalet for three generations


People are a source of inspiration; they initiate developments and drive processes forward. Hawa AG works with materials and expert knowledge, but first and foremost with and for people. It is not our products that fire our imagination, but rather the contented faces of those who work with them. Retailers, architects, tradesmen and you. We will introduce some of you in this tenth edition of SLIDE. There is a connection between them and you, dear reader, and countless others across the globe: our Hawa products.

Gregor and Heinz Haab Managing Directors Hawa AG Sliding Hardware Systems

Topic «I know that face!»


Faces in

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Vaud alps Zurich Doha Gstaad Vienna, Dallas, Zurich/Barcelona Worldwide Mettmenstetten Nuremberg Lucerne Paris French Antilles Los Angeles Dallas Baar, Tauberbischofsheim, Pfarrwerfen

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Agenda, Legal notice


14 Expressive hardware systems How Hawa products see the world

The young architect Franziska Flückiger, architect and winner of the Hawa Student Award, Lucerne

Swiss doers Who is behind HAWAFrontego 30/matic



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Tell me your name and I’ll tell you who you are. Well-known people become a part of society’s collective memory. They are linked to events, ­become the expression of a mindset or the symbol of an era. Not remembering a name although the face is familiar can push the memory to outstanding performance. We are interested.

Solutions From left to right: Stan Laurel, Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth II, Roger Federer, Mahatma Ghandi; Donna Leon, Sean Connery, Lana Del Rey, Lex Barker, Christine Lagarde; Helmut Schmidt, Barbra Streisand, Michail Gorbatschow, Aung San Suu Kyi, Lionel Messi 4  slide No. 10

«I know that face!» There is a particular, small area of the human brain, the «Gyrus fusiformis». It has a single, exclusive job: to recognise faces. That makes it one of the most important tools for ­people living and working together. You are standing in a foyer, lobby, restaurant, anywhere in the world. Interesting people at the bar, small talk, laughter. Suddenly you see a face a few yards away. A thought flashes through your mind like a bolt of lightning «I know that face!» It is been known since the 1960s that the human brain recalls nothing faster than human faces. It knows in less than half a second whether it has registered the face before. Even if the last occasion was many years ago. Putting a name to the face is more difficult. But that happens in a different area of the brain – or maybe not.

Your eyes meet. The man smiles. He walks ­towards you with a glass in his hand. Your brain works furiously: who is he, where and when did we meet? He comes closer. Five seconds that feel like eternity. Faces create the strongest memories. Cor­ porations and parties of all colors exploit this fact. They link their products and services not only to company logos or advertising slogans but also to faces. Customers are better at remembering personified offers.

It comes to you a split second before you shake hands: you were talking shop with him at a trade show a few years ago. At the ­Hawa AG stand after he had shown you a sliding hardware system. You shake hands when he reaches you and you both laugh: neither can remember the other’s name – it happens to us all, doesn’t it? You introduce yourselves for the second time. A pleasant encounter continues. Putting a stamp on one’s own company, ­giving it a face and taking care of it is one thing. Orienting one’s focus and actions on the customer is another. After all, it is the ­customers and their demands, interests and needs that lead to innovations. Hawa AG has grown continuously over the past decades. Yet the credo of founders Karl and Otto Haab is as valid as ever before: Hawa employees don’t have «markets» in mind when they are at work, but rather people. Companies do not meet. People meet each other, characters and faces. And that is why some of them are at the center of attention in this tenth edition of SLIDE.

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Faces Vaud alps, Zurich

The holiday chalet for many faces The conversion of the Chalet Chantemerle in the Vaud alps has turned it into a familyoriented retreat for three generations. «The ladies are the owners», says Patrick. His wife Anne spent her holidays here as a child. And he, living nearby Lausanne, later renovated the first floor with the help of his son «for the pure joy of working with wood.» The couple left the refurbishment of the ground floor to the professionals. Their

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task was to create more space for the growing clutch of grandchildren. As always, they were asked whether they had anything particular in mind. «We said no. That is the architects’ job.» The architects were pleased and brought with them photos of glacier caverns and mountain meadows. The result: a glacierblue bathroom, an alpine green bedroom, and a fiery red staircase cleverly concealed

behind sliding walls. «Fantastic», say both the lady and lord of the house. There is now space for all the generations to be in the chalet at the same time. The variable concept has created more room to play. «The sleeping arrangements on the three floors are different each time.» Sometimes the grandchildren sleep on the top floor, sometimes on the ground floor, more often not at all: there is always something going on at the family haven.

The city apartment with many faces Cynthia Bissegger and Jens Jung have only just moved in together. They live in a loft and can feel the pulse of Zurich city. A large room and a fantastic view over the rooftops of the Langstrasse district on three sides. This apartment is sophisticated and special. «The layout is perfect», says Jens Jung. The junior boss of Jung Bakery grew up in the city. He moved to the countryside for a while, but has since relocated to Neufranken-

gasse with girlfriend Cynthia Bissegger. And, although things were quieter out in the country, even Labrador Odin has settled in to the apartment near the railway lines.

bathroom into the bedroom. That is the only fixed space for withdrawal. «We are both uncomplicated. We couldn’t live like this otherwise», says Cynthia Bissegger.

The loft-like room concept by architect Vera Gloor suits the young couple. «We wanted to live in modern surroundings, not in nested rooms.» You step out of the goods lift into a generously sized room. When the sliding doors are open, you can see through the

Occasionally the large apartment is transformed into a party space for family and friends to hold celebrations. The large kitchen sees a lot of use as the couple share a love of cooking. The apartment is no doubt a moving experience – in more ways than one.

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Faces  Doha

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Big and beautiful The St. Regis Doha hotel is setting new ­standards. Not only with the ballroom of some 1850 m².

The luxury hotel in Qatar’s capital city has outshone many a magnificent building since it was opened in 2012. Its 336 rooms and suites are majestically furnished and offer a splendid view of the Persian Gulf. The bay offers guests a pool of Olympian dimensions, private beaches and ten restaurants and clubs with well-known hosts. The «Grand Ballroom» at The St. Regis Doha measures 1850 m² and therefore certainly lives up to its name. It has room for 1100 guests to dine and dance in style, or for 1500 concert-goers to attend a performance.

The ballroom can be divided into two halves despite its dimensions thanks to two HAWAVariotec 150/H sliding hardware systems. They enable the elements of the 38 metre long and 5.4 metre high wood partition wall to be pushed to one side and stacked in parallel. Three other HAWA-Variotec 150/H provide the same flexible service in the hotel’s two striking residential towers. The sheer size of the rooms was not the only critical point when planning and installing the partition wall. «Sound-damping played a decisive role», recalls Iyad Nasser, manager of the Hawa subsidiary in D ­ oha. «The challenge

was to make the solid wall elements sounddamping when closed yet nonetheless easy and quiet to move», confirms Maher Al Saudi, the responsible construction manager of local general contractor CDC Qatar. Indeed, a partition wall is all the more expedient when celebrations can be held on both sides without any mutual disturbance. Engineer Maher Al Saudi is satisfied: «The sliding walls work very smoothly.» He considers The St. Regis Doha as his «doubtlessly most important project». As he says: «It is simply ‹the place to be› in Doha.»

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Faces  Gstaad

Team spirit and ­grandeur Federica Palacios and Dona Bertarelli have worked together for more than twelve years. Their paths cross time and again in Gstaad. Federica Palacios has a lot to do. The designer from Geneva provides the interiors for exclusive private homes. She is currently managing projects in Dubai, L ­ ondon, Megève and Monaco. She likes to take care of customer contact herself, which is why she is often on the road. «My parents were also enthusiastic travellers», says Federica Palacios. She grew up in Argentina and today holds four passports. ­She finally decided to settle down in Geneva. «I wanted a permanent home, and that is why my heart is in Switzerland.» Federica Palacios has been a regular visitor to Gstaad for some time. Of the five projects she completes each year, one is usually located

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«Technology is important to the extent that I have to be able to rely on it.» Federica Palacios, designer and entrepreneur

there. Gstaad is also where her cooperation with Dona Bertarelli began. Her first project was the interior design for ­Dona Bertarelli’s chalet. It was followed by the Grand Hotel Park Gstaad that Dona Bertarelli acquired in 2003 and restored to former splendour in collaboration with architect Herbert Gnägi. Things have come full circle, said a happy Dona Bertarelli at the opening of the dignified hotel in 2010: «We call the largest suite in the hotel ‹My Gstaad Chalet›, as it looks very similar to my chalet. In fact, it is like an extension to the same.» Dona Bertarelli and Federica Pala­cios have developed a smooth-running partnership after so many years of collaboration. Mutual trust has always been of great importance to the Bertarellis, Dona Bertarelli once confided in

an interview with a regional Swiss newspaper: «Our upbringing was very down to earth. Family was always important to us. That doesn’t just mean family members, but everyone who has earned our confidence.» This confidence is reflected in the results. Dona Bertarelli nearly always agrees with her suggestions, says Federica Palacios, «I would say in 99 per cent of all cases.» The designer does, however, prefer to delegate the more technical details such as sliding hardware systems: «To be honest, technology doesn’t really interest me that much. But it is important to the extent that I have to be able to rely on it.» That is why she leaves the practical aspects to professional craftsmen and focuses on the aesthetic implementation – enabling all involved to bring their strengths and passion to the project.

«Family was always important to us. That doesn’t just mean family members, but everyone who has earned our confidence.» Dona Bertarelli, hotel proprietress and entrepreneur The renovation of the Grand Hotel Park Gstaad in 2010 strengthened the hotel’s position in the top league of Switzerland’s hotel industry. The pivot/ slide-in hardware system HAWAConcepta 25/30/50 helps guests feel at home in their rooms.

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Faces  Vienna, Dallas, Zurich/Barcelona

Architects slide Architects and designers give houses and rooms a face and expression. Renowned architects around the world specifically opt for sliding elements. Three of them explain why in the following.

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Vienna My colleague Franz Sam and I both stem from the Coop Himmelblau school. During our time there as employees in the 1980s, Coop Himmelblau made excessive use of tracks and sliding elements. The philosophy was: everything must be on the move, architecture must fly. For us, sliding has remained a basic element of room design and partitioning. Sliding makes it possible to achieve maximum room use and variability, especially in «one room» premises and tiny apartments. The school centrer and

community hall in Waidhofen are prime examples. The city council wanted a range of utilization options in a density that almost meet Japanese standards. Sliding solutions are virtually obligatory for that type of variability. The philosophy again proved its worth in this particular case. In a culinary sense, sliding is a basic recipe to us architects. And that would make sliding hardware systems a staple food.

Irene Ott-Reinisch sam ottreinisch, Vienna

Dallas We moved our Dallas office to Bryan Tower, a contemporary downtown Dallas landmark in October 2012. We specifically designed our studio to bring natural light and the expansive view of downtown into the entirety of our office space. A frameless, seamless glass system installed at all perimeter conference rooms and private offices successfully incorporated our goals and helped creating an open environment that encourages team collaboration. We first planned conventional hinged doors, but we opted for a more elegant

sliding door solution provided by the HAWA-Puro 100–150 hardware system. Although the glass doors are heavy and extend from floor to ceiling, they slide with ease due to the quality of the sliding hardware. For me, the most exciting aspect of the HAWA-Puro 100–150 is that the technology is completely concealed. The only thing you are able to see is glass and the spectacular view beyond.

Jaime Fernandez-Duran WDG, Dallas

Zurich/Barcelona Sliding is a guiding concept in our work. New room constellations arise when a component slides to one side or one element glides ­into another. That is why we often use sliding elements to conceal bathrooms and kitchens. They ­offer more options than just open or closed. The transition is flowing, and the degree of openness is finely adjustable, so to speak. To slide is to communicate.

Gus Wüstemann Zurich and Barcelona

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Faces  Worldwide

The façade ­designer The HAWA-Frontfold 20 operates on an international basis as a ­designer specializing in modern building façades. The HAWAFrontfold 20 folds sliding shutters together and stacks them to one side at 90° to the window front. It can create completely different views of a building’s façade depending on its position. It brings more life to the shells of terraces, houses, commercial premises and complete residential complexes than virtually any other sliding hardware. HAWA-Frontfold 20: hardware for wood, metal or ­aluminium folding sliding ­shutters.

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Two that like to hide away They have a certain innocence about them, the HAWA-Aperto 60/H and 60/GL, when they look at you with their big round eyes. But they are actually quite clever. They slide wood and glass partition walls to one side and stack them in small spaces, at a 90° angle or in parallel to the sliding axis. They can do the former with any wall with a standard length of 8.5 m or more, and the latter even with walls measuring a standard 13.5 m or more. And they can do it in rooms with virtually any layout and doors weighing up to 60 kg each. Once fitted, the HAWA-Aperto 60/H and 60/GL put on a convincing performance with the strengths of a mature sliding hardware system that is at home the world over. HAWA-Aperto 60/H and 60/GL: hardware system for stackable wood and glass sliding walls.

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Faces  Worldwide

The elegant relatives The history of the HAWA-Junior 40-80-120-160/GP begins back in the mid-1980s with the global breakthrough of the HAWA-Junior 80 hardware for sliding wood doors. This is the founding member of the HAWA-Junior family, which includes the system for all-glass sliding doors weighing 40, 80, 120 or 160 kg. Its origin is undeniable: it follows the same principle for top tracks, rollers and bumpers. The system attaches value to ­discretion and elegance. Its form-fitting patch attachments and suspension disappear behind elegant cover caps. Glass is all that remains. From floor to ceiling. The members of the ­HAWA-Junior family with patch suspension have long since been gliding on all five continents. But their reliability and durability are always remindful of their origin: namely Switzerland. HAWA-Junior 40-80-120-160/GP: hardware with patch suspension for all-glass sliding doors. 16  slide No. 10

The design artist Whether Italian kitchen manufacturers or Vietnamese holiday resorts: HAWA-Concepta 25/30/50 likes them all. It is young and ready to explore every corner of this earth. Corners are its speciality. It stacks doors made of wood and glass in cabinet bodies and recesses, saving space yet never compromising the air of generousness. The doors can be up to 50 kg in weight, 900 mm wide and 2850 mm tall. You slide and pivot them to one side and see with amazement that the bedroom conceals a home office. Or the kitchen an additional row of cabinets. Or the bathroom a washing machine. Then you pull the doors from the recess and across the front and everything is nicely hidden away again. Living a tidy life is fun. HAWA-Concepta 25/30/50: hardware system for slide-in furniture fronts and partition doors made of wood and glass.

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Faces  Mettmenstetten

HAWA-Frontego 30/matic

The new boy and his father Markus Schacher

Peter Moos

Hans Wüthrich

Product Management

Head of Production Planning

Project Management Research and Development

Innovative people are behind every well-conceived new development. Such as the new HAWA-Frontego 30/matic. Available as of 1 April 2013. HAWA-Frontego 30/matic is the name of the new flush-front hardware system for auto­ matic folding sliding shutters weighing up to 30 kg. The system folds wood, metal or t­extile shutters, slides them to one side and parks the package at a 90° angle to the sliding axis. All at the touch of a button. HAWA-Frontego 30/matic is notably suitable for screening building shells with a large proportion of glazing, that offer little parking space for opened shutters. «It is particularly interesting for structures such as industrial premises, large residential buildings, hotels

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and hospitals», says Markus ­Schacher, product manager and project leader for metal construction. The system can be controlled via central building management; sun and wind monitors can be integrated. The new hardware system is extremely installer friendly. The drive and control systems are completely integrated in the hardware system and can be installed in the top track at the factory. Top tracks and guide channels can be fitted to the façade from the outside and inside, on ceilings, lintels, walls and the façade itself. The components remain accessible.

Hans Wüthrich of the development team is pleased with the variety of uses for the HAWA-Frontego 30/matic: «The system is suitable for various dimensions and materials with regard to the shutters. The architect has a huge amount of freedom for façade design. And commissioning installers will be pleased that the system automatically detects how many panels the installation has.» The controls, system recognition and certain core mechanical features have been registered for patenting. This will increase the number of patents held by Hawa AG to over 100.

Gregor Haab

Nejib Yezza

Werner Kollbrunner

Technical Managing Director

Head of Development ­Standard Products

Head of Development Drive Technology

HAWA-Frontego 30/matic: one system, many potential applications

«The new HAWA-Frontego 30/matic grants the architect ­extensive freedom with regard to façade design.» Hans Wüthrich, Project Manager Research and Development, ­Hawa AG

• Automated hardware system for flush-front folding sliding shutters made of wood, metal or textile weighing up to 30 kg • Designs with 2, 4 or 6 panels left or right, or in any combination with the symmetrical and asymmetrical variants • Shutter height up to 3200 mm, width up to 600 mm and thickness up to 32 mm • Ceiling, window lintel, wall or façade installation • Completely integrated drive and control units • Screens areas of up to 12 m2 with a 6-panel system • High wind resistance: certified wind resistance Class 6 in accordance with DIN EN 1359; tested for wind resistance Class 8 (this is not a standard class). Certified by ift Rosenheim. Resistance to wind load/dynamic wind load as per test report 11-002875-PR01 dated 21.12.2012 • Based on DIN EN 12453, DIN EN 9227

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Faces  Nuremberg

Certified Reimund Heym is Head of Furniture Testing at TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH in ­Nuremberg. Its parent company, TÜV Rheinland Group, dates back to a small testing institute for steam boilers from 1872. Today, the Group’s companies operate as leading test and ­certification providers in 65 countries. TÜV is the abbreviation of the former historic name «Technische Überwachungsvereine». 20  slide No. 10

Reliability and confidence Reimund Heym and his team at TÜV Rheinland test furniture in their test laboratory in Nuremberg: from materials to ergonomics. Hawa sliding hardware systems for rooms and furniture count among the test objects. Reimund Heym, what do you look for when testing a sliding door? For instance, whether it represents a hazard if incorrectly used. That is our specification with regard to product safety.

How can a sliding door represent a hazard? By jumping out of its guide rails. The weight of a sliding door can injure people and damage objects.

And you test that 1:1 in your laboratory? Correct. All of the safety requirements are founded on precise technical specifications. In Germany, the standard DIN EN 1527 for sliding door and trap door hardware prescribes appropriate tests. We also test additional criteria.

Why additional criteria? Because we want the certificate that we, as TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH, issue to our customers to declare a degree of quality that goes beyond the standard’s requirements. We want to certify more than just the achievement of the bare minimum.

Do you test aspects other than safety? Yes, for instance the ergonomics of a hardware system. We see that in the broadest sense as how people deal with their technical surroundings. Furniture and hardware are a part of our surroundings.

What is important in this regard? The ergonomic aspects of a sliding door are the forces required to operate it. A sliding door should be easy to move, quiet and generally adapted to the user’s requirements with regard to convenience.

How do you test that? With endurance tests. We measure the operating forces before and after the test. This shows whether wear and tear or other processes cause key values to change to the ­user’s disadvantage.

So a prototype cannot go into serial production until it is passed your tests? No, it is actually the other way round. As a neutral and independent test laboratory, we have to test samples from serial production. The user does not want to know whether or not a prototype is certified but rather whether the serial products meet the high requirements. That is why we have to test the series standard.

You usually carry out your tests at the laboratory in Nuremberg. Hawa AG has, however, proved to be an exception on occasion when you have incorporated the results of Hawa’s internal tests in your own results. Why these exceptions? Only a few companies have such professional laboratories as Hawa’s. That is why we were able to take some of the company’s own laboratory test results into consideration. It is, of course, prerequisite for us to be able to check the results exactly.

Can a manufacturer test his own product with objectivity? Absolute reliability is of course imperative. We have witnessed various tests carried out at the Swiss factory and laboratory. That was the only way for us to verify that the respon­ sible employees at Hawa’s test laboratory have the right qualifications and are familiar with the standards and test specifications. This gives us the certainty that Hawa’s inhouse tests would have produced the same results as at our own laboratory in Nuremberg.

Where do the differences lie between high quality products and cheap products? For instance in the fluctuations in material quality. On some continents it appears to be difficult to obtain metal of a consistently high quality. But that is crucially important for hardware as these components are often precision parts.

What do you mean by that? These parts need to be precision-engineered with regard to dimensioning. They also need to fulfil very high demands on material quality.

«We want to certify more than just the bare minimum.» Reimund Heym, Head of Furniture Testing, TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH slide No. 10  21

Faces  Lucerne

Very exciting and educational Franziska Flückiger, winner of the Hawa Student Award 2010, has arrived at the job of her dreams. She is managing her first project in Lucerne. And enjoying the free weekends. She just «got lucky» once again, says Franziska Flückiger. Having completed her studies of architecture in 2011, the young woman from Ober­aargau soon found a job with L ­ ischer Partner Architekten Planer AG in Lucerne. She was originally penned in to work on the «Bellevue» project in Rigi-Kaltbad, above Lake Lucerne. But then the project manager terminated his contract while she was on holiday, and when she came back she found herself not only working on the project but actually managing it. The «Bellevue» is under construction near the village square and Mario Botta’s mineral spa; it is a building with 18 holiday apartments, six storeys made of wood, glass and concrete with a basic square shape. The building site can only be reached by cog railway. Franziska

Flückiger spent the best part of an entire year intensively preparing the construction project and is now working on its implementation hand in hand with an external construction management company. «I have personally benefited significantly from the project and have learned a huge amount. The project is extremely exciting.» Franziska Flückiger completed her first professional training as a textile designer. She acquired her university entrance qualification through home study and went on studying architecture at Lucerne University. She recalls those years as being very intensive, and still sometimes finds it hard to believe that she is off during weekends. «Just going outside, by bike or with my foster child, meeting friends, simply wonderful.» Franziska Flückiger applied for the Hawa Student Award whilst she was still studying hard and says it was due to its appeal: «The competition was a chance to develop a project based purely on my own ideas.» Her initiative was rewarded in 2010 with a Hawa Student Award.

Hawa Student Award 2014 – Temporary Homes Hawa AG has launched its third sponsorship award, this time on the topic of «Temporary Homes – New Living Concepts for Students». The initiators are looking for innovative approaches leading to a new type of student accommodation that is more than a classic apartment-sharing com-

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munity. Creating affordable and attractive living space depends decisively on ­efficient and flexible space utili­sation. That is why there are no ­limits to the use of sliding solutions.

For more information (in German and French) see the topical website ­

Franziska Flückiger

«The competition was a chance to develop a project based entirely on my own ideas.»

Student of architecture Franziska Flückiger­ and her fellow student Kevin Jans were among the first winners of the ­Hawa Student Award in 2010. ­The award was presented for their «PLAN B» room concept for a holiday home. A year later she completed her study course at Lucerne University with a ­Bachelor of Arts in architecture and shortly afterwards took on a job with ­Lischer Partner ­Architekten ­Planer AG in Lucerne.

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Faces  Paris

Cousins François (left) and Richard (right) Bouy are the fourth generation to manage the French trading house LMC. They have shared a keen sense of quality with Gregor and Heinz Haab of Hawa AG for many years.

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Top brands to touch and feel François and Richard Bouy have created an area of encounter in Paris in the form of the «LMC Module», where professionals can try out and get to know high-quality brand products. Such as sliding hardware systems from Hawa. What do you hope to achieve with your «LMC Module» concept? François: We want to support our customers’ further development so that they can extend their lead. We want to make complex systems accessible to them. At a place of discovery where tradesmen can touch things and try them out and then show them to the customers who buy their furniture.

What do tradesmen think of «LMC Module»? Richard: They think it is brilliant and they like trying out interesting systems with colleagues and learning something new whilst doing so. The difficulty lies in convincing these busy professionals that it is worth their while to pay us a visit and get up to date with the latest technology. Many of them experience a ‘Wow!’ effect when they do.

What brands do you present? Richard: Brands of our key partners who lead with regard to inventive genius, quality and design. People we like to listen to and develop something with because we make joint progress. Heinz Haab was the first representative of our suppliers to react to our idea. He was immediately willing to help develop the «LMC Module». To get cracking with that sort of partner is simply brilliant. François: Products, factory, catalog, service – everything at Hawa is top quality. There are only a few companies that demonstrate such professionalism at every level.

Do you recall how the business relationship between LMC and Hawa began? Richard: My father Pierre Bouy discovered Hawa products at the SASMIL trade show in Italy more than 20 years ago. He was impressed because they were technologically superior to anything else available at the time. They were beautiful, and they were quiet. François: Today, when someone in France speaks of high-quality sliding door systems, everyone immediately always thinks of HAWA-Junior.

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Faces  French Antilles, Los Angeles

Stylish interior wood furnishings are very much in demand in the French Antilles. Didier Rouxel likes to use sliding hardware systems from Hawa, especially in beautiful villas.

The wood specialist in paradise Didier Rouxel furnishes beautiful villas with exotic wood. Far away in the Caribbean. When a connoisseur wants to enjoy a moment of inner peace, he will take off his shoes and walk barefoot on parquet flooring; after all, «wood has an influence on our lifestyle», says Didier Rouxel full of conviction. He is the wood expert who refines the homes of connoisseurs with wood. Rouxel hails from northern France, but 25 years ago one of his first assignments took him to the island of St. Martin in the French Antilles. He liked it there and decided to stay. Today, his company SMPM Woodwork supplies kitchens, bathrooms, doors, windows and living rooms throughout the Caribbean: Antigua, Nevis, St. Kitts, Saint Barthélemy, the British and the American Virgin Islands...

«The market in the Caribbean stretches over vast distances, but everybody knows each another», says Didier Rouxel. Recommendations also travel far. Rouxel ships his wood from West Africa and Brazil to the picturesque harbour of St. Martin, which is also a popular port of call for private yachts. Didier Rouxel has made a name for himself, be it in villas or hotels, not least through the use of sliding doors. He likes to work with ­sliding hardware systems from Hawa as his discerning customers expect only the best quality. That is something Didier Rouxel has to offer, and that is why recommendations spread from island to island. His excellent reputation in ­wide areas of the Caribbean is founded on his u ­ nfailing commitment to customers and his talent for elegant interior designs.

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Fine glass art from California Designers like to be creative. Transforming their ideas into reality is often a job for experienced professionals. For professionals like Bernard and Lynda Lax of Pulp Studio, Inc. in Los Angeles. «The Swiss can sometimes be a bit of a challenge», says Bernard Lax with a smile. «Their pace is very different to ours here in California, but it is reflected in the quality of their products.» The glass expert from California and Heinz Haab of Hawa AG share more than just a good business relationship: «We have become friends over the years – through the debates we have had with each other.» The collaboration with Hawa began nearly 14 years ago. «There are many sliding hardware systems out there. We needed a partner who

was able to meet the demands we place on quality. And Hawa simply has the best products.» Bernard und Lynda Lax's Pulp Studio makes every conceivable idea in glass a reality, internal and external, in any shape and any color. The company ships its tailor-made glass products to customers around the world from its base in Los Angeles.

Glass specialists Bernard and Lynda Lax of Pulp Studio, Inc. in Los Angeles: «We don’t sell glass, we sell decors.» Bernard Lax has participated in training events at Hawa in Mettmenstetten.

Bernard Lax is proud that he earmarked the first H ­ AWA-Puro 100–150 for a project even though the hardware was only available in the form of a sketch at the time. His confidence was rewarded: the longest serving HAWAPuro 100–150 glides in Los Angeles. It is installed in a unique solution for continuous glass walls whose seamlessness emphasises the line of the corridor and interrupts it as soon as the sliding doors are opened.

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Faces Dallas

Transparency The demand for glass is growing in the USA, says Keith Duckett of Hawa Americas Inc. That is why he likes to draw the attention of architects and building owners to the HAWA-Puro 100–150. And will do so to the new HAWA-Purolino-PLUS 80 as of mid-2013.

HAWA-Purolino-PLUS 80, designer hardware for all-glass sliding doors with new combination options and sophisticated technology that remains invisible because it is fully integrated in the top track along with the soft closing mechanism.

Sliding elements for façades, as room partitioners or for furniture are less of an everyday feature in North America than they are in Europe. They still have an aura of avant-garde about them. That is something Keith Duckett and his team at Hawa Americas Inc. in Dallas want to change through training events at their showroom or on site with processors, and in further education courses on all things that slide. «The important thing is for everyone to be convinced of the sliding solution – from customer to architect, from general contractor to tradesman.»

Transparency is in demand The National Sales Director at Hawa Americas Inc. is fortunate insofar as «transparency» is an important criterion of every modern corporate philosophy. And many corporations want

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«In the USA, we want to further strengthen the awareness of the advantages that make highquality Hawa products stand out from technically less sophisticated and inexpensive systems.» Keith Duckett, National Sales Director, Hawa Americas Inc.

to express their transparency through architectural effects. With glass. The HAWA-Puro 100–150 is a particularly interesting solution for design-oriented glass construction projects as it is invisible. Its technology is concealed in the top tracks, which in turn can be integrated in concrete or lightweight suspended ceilings, fully concealed and flush. The glass glides directly in the ceiling with no visible hardware.

In trend Glazing professionals and architects around the world will have another hardware system for all-glass sliding doors to work with alongside the HAWA-Puro 100–150 in the second half of 2013: the new HAWA-Purolino-PLUS 80. This hardware is suitable for both ceiling

mounting and ceiling integration, as well as for wall mounting. Keith Duckett is looking forward to it. «The HAWA-Purolino-PLUS 80 with soft closing mechanism gives my customers access to additional interesting solutions with glass.»

Quick and easy Installers fitting the HAWA-Purolino-PLUS 80 hardware will again first install the top track and then conceal the trolleys and track bumpers together with the optional SoftMove 80 soft closing mechanism inside it. An additional profile is available to integrate fixed glass elements if desired. The elements remain accessible from underneath and are therefore easy to dismantle. Even the trolleys are accessible from underneath without first having to remove constructional ceiling elements.

User friendly The pronounced installer and user friendliness is another important reason for Keith Duckett in conversations with building owners, architects and installers. After all, the high standards of Hawa products with regard to user friendliness are very accommodating towards the strict requirements of the American market. Keith ­Duckett appreciates this bonus that Hawa places exceptionally high demands on the «usability» of its hardware systems. «In the USA, we want to further strengthen the awareness of the advantages that make high-quality Hawa products stand out from technically less ­sophisticated and inexpensive systems. It is not fortunate coincidence that some heavy all-glass sliding doors glide reliably year in, year out.»

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Faces  Baar, Tauberbischofsheim, Pfarrwerfen

Das HAWA-Junior Schiebebeschlagsystem: Eine Familie stellt sich vor.

The winners of the HAWA-Junior Game Many carpenters and cabinetmakers tried their luck playing the HAWA-Junior Game at Fortune shone on three of them. A compilation of 30 HAWA-Junior sets for each country was raffled among the participants from Switzerland, Germany and Austria at the end of November 2012.

Machen Sie mit beim HAWA-Junior Game!

Swiss winner Leo ­Hagmann from Baar received 30 HAWA-Junior sets from Gregor Haab.

Das HAWA-Junior Schiebebeschlagsystem: Eine Familie stellt sich vor.

Managing Director Gregor Haab visited the winners and took the prizes with him. In Switzerland he visited Leo Hagmann of carpentry firm Albert Speck AG in Baar. The winner in Germany was Thomas Dürr of Dürr Schreinerei GmbH & Co. KG in Tauber­bischofsheim, Baden-Württemberg. The prize for Austria went to Peter Wirnsperger, a self-emMachen Sie mit beim ployed carpenter in the Austrian town of Pfarrwerfen, around 50 kilo- HAWA-Junior Game! metres south of Salzburg. Leo Hagmann, Thomas Dürr and Peter Wirnsperger are three of many wood specialists around the world who use sliding hardware systems from Hawa on a regular basis as a matter of course.

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Carpenter Peter Wirnsperger from the Austrian town of Pfarrwerfen is pleased with the 30 HAWA-Junior sets.

The winner of the HAWA-Junior Game in Germany is Thomas Dürr, a wood specialist in Tauberbischofsheim.

Agenda The HAWA-Systemplanner The HAWA-Junior family is the first choice for modular solutions for sliding doors made of wood and glass. The HAWA-Junior product range is now easy to configure in the planning aid HAWA-Systemplanner for a clearer overview of the rich choice of potential uses.

Interieurbouw en Hout & Kunststof 13 Trade show for interior design, wood and plastic.

19. – 21.3.2013

Evenementenhal Hardenberg, Netherlands

10. – 13.4.2013

Messezentrum Salzburg, Austria


Hall 1, Stand 207

25. – 26.4.2013

Kortrijk Xpo, Belgium Stand 250

BWS 13 Trade show for production requirements, wood processing, ironware, tools, locks and hardware.

Architect@Work 13 The practical planning aid for day-to-day work: the HAWA-Systemplanner

National trade show for architecture, construction and interior design.


interzum 2013 Leading international trade show for suppliers to the furniture and interior design industry.

13. –  16.5.2013 Hawa

Messe Cologne, Germany Hall 7.1, Stand D 039

Architect@Work 13

Specialists can use the HAWASystemplanner in the Products section at and configure the ideal sliding solution from a selection of room situations with variable parameters. The system ­visualizes the installation and provides technical drawings, assembly instructions and a bill of materials with all of the components as downloads. The HAWA-Systemplanner makes it easy to configure and calculate an installation. It also visualises new possibilities.

National trade show for architecture, ­construction and interior design.

15. – 16.5.2013 Hawa

Messe Zurich, Switzerland Stand 85

Interieurbouw en Hout & Kunststof 13 Trade show for interior design, wood and plastic.

24. – 26.9.2013

Evenementenhal Gorinchem, Netherlands

Legal notice Magazine for Architecture, Design, Retail, Trade

SLIDE, No. 10, march 2013, is published twice per year Published by/Copyright Hawa AG Sliding Hardware Systems, 8932 Mettmenstetten, Switzerland,, subject to modification Project ­responsibility Rolf Arnold, Anke Deutschenbaur, Doris Hug Concept/Editing/ Design Basel West Unternehmenskommunikation AG, 4012 Basle, Switzerland; Editor: Willi Näf, Claudio Zemp; Design: Thomas Aerni, Frédéric Giger; Lithography: Vanessa Tozzo Printed by Engelberger Druck AG, 6370 Stans, Switzerland Languages/­Circulation German 5,500, French 2,500, English 4,500 Picture credits Pages 1, 8,9: Nigel Downes; Pages 1 – 3, 18, 19, 22, 23, 28, 29, 32: Frédéric Giger; Pages 1, 20, 30: STUDIO GRAMANN, fotografie; Pages: 1, 10, 11: Grand Hotel Park Gstaad; Pages 1, 10: Christian Rochat; Pages 2, 6, 7, 32: ­O livier Wavre, Lausanne; Pages 3, 14 – 17: David Kempinski; Page 4: Corbis: Lino De ­Vallier/Demotix, ­Sergio Gaudenti, Louise Gubb, Nancy Kaszerman, Kurt Krieger, Shepard Sherbell, Thierry Tronnel, Steve Vidler, Alison Wright; Pages 12, 32: Hertha Hurnaus; Pages 26, 32: drxphotos; Page 27: Warren Wixen Real Estate, HLW International LLP, Michael Schmidt Photography; Page 30: Axel Linge ­A rticle No. 22044

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Hawa AG, 8932 Mettmenstetten, Switzerland, Tel. +41 44 767 91 91, Fax +41 44 767 91 78,

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