Hawaiian South Shore Your Surf Boutique For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie
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Your Royalty Reward Member Newsletter June 2014
Page 1! Who the Heck?!
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Page 2! RSC!
Who the Heck is David from Hawaiian South Shore???
Page 3! Help Backpacks! Page 4 ! Made in America
Hours! Mon - Sat! 10:30-7:00! Sun! 10:00-6:00!
Closed! Christmas New Year Day
808 597-9055
Email! sales@ hawaiian southshore.com
Parking! Located on the Makai side of the store
Sat & Sun OK to park on Mauka Side
When I get the chance I like to watch the surf contests online, the pros just make it look easy. I also like to listening to the MC because they break down the rides, strategies and mind games going on, especially when the big boys are surfing the man on man heats. But being on the beach, having front row seats is even better. Several years ago I went to Pipe with a good friend named Marc. We sat about 20 yards in front of the announcement tower. Randy Rarick, the Triple Crown director was the MC. I knew his voice because I’ve been super fortunate to work with Randy in my early days when I first opened shop about 18 years ago. He would let us keep boards on consignment and put in a couple good words about us. Back then other shops around us and in the Ala Moana area pressed the surfboard manufactures and clothing brands not to sell to us.They wanted to protect their area, and I totally understood but I dealt with it and charged ahead. Anyways, there was a long lull during the contest and Randy was talking story about something, then out of the blue he says “Hey, we have David from Hawaiian South Shore checking out the contest with us today” , “Dave say Hi” I tell you what, I think my face turned red, everyone on the beach looked over at me, and I just turned around and waved. Im sure all the pros in their tents were scratching their heads wondering Who the Heck is David?!! Randy was laughing and getting a good kick out of it. Even though I was embarrassed at the time, I remember that day because of what happened and now I’m pretty stoked it happened. Thanks
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com
Hawaiian South Shore Your Surf Boutique For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie
Last month I introduced a new Sunscreen that is Certified Organic, No Nano, Baby Safe, and Reef Safe. That’s broad spectrum with SPF35, which by the way I didn't know is 97% UVA and UVB protection. We’ve had a lot of good feed back and we are really glad we picked up the sunscreen. Reid Inoue a Local promoter who now lives on the mainland and owns three SUP magazines liked it so much he talk to the manufacture and he is going to help promote it. He gets sent sunscreen samples all the time and yes there are lots of organic sunscreens, but RSC is not greasy and for people doing sports in the water that’s huge. ! The other day I was talking to one of our loyal members Dr. David Cho who’s a board certified plastic surgeon at Straub Clinic and Hospital about sun protection and we did a sort of Q&A about Sunscreen and Skin Cancer. !
Q. Dr. Cho, what are your sunscreen recommendations? A. Thanks, David. That's a big topic and can be confusing without knowing a few pieces of background information. UV radiation reaches the earth in the form of UVA and UVB. Both types cause skin cancer, however UVB is the culprit for sun burn (think UVB = Burn). SPF rating primarily measures UVB protection, but does not measure UVA protection. Therefore, a bad scenario could occur -‐ a surfer uses a high SPF (above 50) but the sunscreen lacks adequate UVA protection. The surfer feels great without burning and decides to prolong his/her session, causing excessive UVA damage to the skin. For this reason many physicians recommend an SPF between 30-‐50. The sunscreen should protect against UVA and UVB.
Q. How do you know if there is UVA protection in the sunscreen? A. Look for labeling such as multi-‐spectrum, broad spectrum, or UVA/UVB protection. Look for ingredients such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone, ecamsule, oxybenzone, and sulisobenzone.
Q. Any recommendations for application of the sunscreen? A. The most common mistake is failure to reapply the sunscreen. Every sunscreen should be reapplied after 2 hours. This is a good principle whether you are surRing or just hanging out at the beach park. Another mistake is that we usually don't use a thick coat of sunscreen each time. The SPF ratings are based on scientiRic studies, however the average surfer might use less than the amount they used in the study. This basically means you are bumping down the SPF level.
Q. What does a skin cancer look like? A. A very common statement from my patients is "I had this 'thing' for 3 months and its not going away...it gets irritated...then better...then opens up..." They are describing a typical skin cancer. Unfortunately, skin cancers have many different appearances. It is best to see a doctor if you have a new growth, a change in an old growth, or a wound that doesn't heal.
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com
Hawaiian South Shore Your Surf Boutique For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie I usually don’t announce things early but in this case I’m doing so because I’ll need all the help I can get from you and all my members. I’m sure you know the brand Tom’s Shoe, if you buy a pair he’ll donate a pair to someone in a foreign country. Well for the past several years I’ve see so many successful companies follow this model to help the unfortunate in other countries and I thought why can't we take care of our own back yard. So after thinking about it and finally making the leap, I’m doing it. I wanted to help kids out with backpacks because they can use them for school and other things. These backpacks will be completed soon and shipped to us. Im hoping to have the bags by mid July if everything goes well. And to be honest I hope I can sell off 500 of them, I was not 100% confident I could do it on my own so I asked Jim from Rainbow Drive Inn, and with out hesitating he said “YES Of course I’ll help!!” What a relief it was to hear that. So if you need a pack back for back to school or something else please hold off until Rainbow Drive Inn and I get our backpacks because for each one you purchase,we are going to donate one to a needed kid in Hawaii. I’m hoping I can make a difference in some kids life and it will have a rippling effect thru our community.
Q. What are the types of skin cancer? A. It is easiest to memorize 3 types. Basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma. If you are a surfer in Hawaii, you can almost count on getting a basal cell or squamous cell cancer at some point. Use your sunscreen to reduce the frequency of this Dr. David Cho Charging problem. Melanoma is less likely to occur, but much more dangerous when detected in a late stage. Melanomas can often arise from a preexisting mole. Anyone with prominent moles should at least do a google search on the "ABCD's" of melanoma. This will give an idea of how moles change into melanoma, and literally can be a life-‐saver.
!Q. What areas of the body are the hardest to treat?
A. The face deRinitely requires the most attention to detail and artistic skill. The problem areas include ears, nose, lips, and eyelids. Its worth spending the money on sunscreen that doesn't bother the eyes and also using the lip balm. Good sun protection can save us from an operation.
!Q. Tell me about your practice at Straub?
A. Straub is a wonderful place for my practice. We do a large amount of cosmetic surgery as well as non-‐invasive cosmetic Rillers or Botox. We have one of the safest places in the state of Hawaii for cosmetic surgery. In addition to cosmetic surgery we also perform complex burn care. Straub is the only burn center of the PaciRic. I also perform children's cleft lip/palate surgery and women's breast cancer reconstruction at Kapiolani Hospital.
!Q. What made you interested in plastic surgery?
A. When I was a child I had to have 2 plastic surgery operations for my cleft lip. That sparked my interest in the Rield. I was always passionate about painting, drawing, and sculpture. Plastic surgery allows me to help other people by using my artistic skills. Whether it's cosmetic or reconstructive, I love seeing my patients happy with their results and pleased with their surgical experience. Q. One last super question what’s your favorite surf board? A. My 9'1" Dick Brewer gun or my 5'8" dumpster diver. Hard to say. 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com
Hawaiian South Shore Your Surf Boutique For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie Made in the USA is coming back. More manufactures are producing things in America and I think it’s a good thing. There are things from dog food, baby formula, and clothing. Of course it’s a more expensive but I think people now a days appreciates better quality and I believe the small manufactures put more effort into the quality. !
Birdwell Beach Britches has been around since 1961 and they’ve been manufacturing their boardshorts in Southern California since day 1. Not once have they been made over seas and I think that’s something. We now have Birdwell’s in our shop again. So if you’ve been searching we’ve got them back in stock after a 5 year hiatus. ! Come down and check it out. We have them in two colors Blue and the famous Red. We also have the popular tote bags in stocks. They’ll be listed on our website by the end of the month.
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com
Hawaiian South Shore Your Surf Boutique For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com