April newsletter

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Your Surf Boutique Since 1996 For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2015 Hours Mon - Sat But Mom it was Crying!! 10:30-7:00 
 Sun We had just moved from one part of Okinawa, which was the city to the outskirts of town, 10:00-6:00 which was more (Inaka) countryside. Closed Christmas Our family didn't have much money so we lived in a tiny busted up ThanksGiving two-bedroom apartment on the first floor. New Year Day Telephone 808 597-9055 Email

After a few months of school our landlord suggested to my mother that I walk to school with her son who also attended the same Japanese preschool. These short walks always turned into journeys. For example, one day I was walking home from school and I heard a Goat crying so I brought it

Sales@ home thinking it needed food, mom freaked out! Hawaiian SouthShore.com

I explained the situation and asked her to give it some bread. When she asked where I got it I

Parking couldn’t recall. Located Makai side of the store After three hours of searching we finally found the house. Upon hearing my story from mom Sat & Sun the owner laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes. OK to park on Mauka Side

Member of the Month Nui Uahinui When did you start surfing and what inspired you? Around 5th grade, “Baby Haleiwas” with my Morey Sponge, that thing was a rash machine. I was inspired by my older brothers, Joe and Kimo, I remember surfboards laying around in the back of our wash room, and some ol’school early 80’s photos of my brothers sporting the “Ehu afros.” Where do you usually surf? Tongs to Courts mostly, but I like Courts; good crowd, friendly people and a killer right especially since I’m goofy footed. What are your hobbies? Are you into besides surfing? Surfing is the ultimate hobby, other than that I enjoy coaching football, and being a full time husband and dad. What do you do for work? Honolulu City & County Investigator, with the finest agency in the business, and it’s not HPD. Although they are the true finest, much respect for them. Anything you want to add? I want to add that, “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.” Philippians 4:13 I’d also like to add I’m excited that South Shore has allowed me the opportunity to share some of my experiences with you guys and your newsletter. I’m very excited to see it published. You guys are definitely my #1 stop surf shop. 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com

Your Surf Boutique Since 1996 For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2015

For the past several months VIP Member Spencer Change has been contributing to our monthly newsletter and I asked him to give us a little background so you folks know who’s giving out advice for this section. Spencer Chang is an Orthopedic Surgeon at Straub Clinic and Hospital specializing in Sports Medicine. He went to medical school and residency in Orthopedics at the University of Hawaii. Chang went on to complete a Sports Medicine Fellowship Program at the UHZ Sports Medicine Institute in Miami from 2002 – 2003, where he worked with the University of Miami. Chang was one of a team of physicians who helped to put NFL running back Willis McGahee back together from an ACL, MCL, PCL, meniscal injury, and worked on several other athletes including NFL star wide-receiver Andre Johnson. Chang would go on to complete a 6-month fellowship in Foot and Ankle Surgery with Roger Mann, MD in Oakland. Sports Medicine is Chang’s passion, and he sees patients with both upper and lower extremity Sports injuries. He started covering ASP events in 2012, and this past Winter Season became the official Orthopedic Consultant to the Hawaii leg of the ASP tour, including the Triple Crown. In his my spare time Chang coaches the Pole Vault for the Women’s Track and Field Team at the University of Hawaii. He is currently in his 12th season there. He also serves as an orthopedic consultant at the University of Hawaii, Chaminade University, and Saint Louis and Moanalua High Schools. Chang is a national medical advisor to USATF pole vault development, and the event physician for the Annual Reno Pole Vault Summit. But what Chang really wants to do is surf! After 16.5 years of training, and finally getting some free time back, he has gotten back into surfing and Hawaiian South Shore been instrumental in helping Chang find his way! You might see him surfing at Concessions, or locations around the South Shore. Chang tries to work his way up North too, or maybe head out on his boat to Turtles. He 46 years old, 5’7” and 143 lbs. He’s purchased over 13 boards in the past year from Hawaiian South Shore. Surf Shades “Ocean Sunglasses” Only at Hawaiian South Shore I’m sure I don't need to tell you why you should be wearing Surf Sunglasses. Believe me we have many members the come in and tell us. I’ve even had Pterygium AKA Surfer’s Eye. I bet you are wondering if I wear surf shades to protect my eyes…to be honest I don't. But the only time I usually surf is early morning and evening. No I don't know if that lessens my risk, if you're an ophthalmologist you’re more than welcomed to weigh in on this in our next issue. Anyways the reason I was telling you all that is because we do carry Surf Shades and we are the only ones in Hawaii that carry the Ocean Surf Sunglasses. Reason is I like all the different styles and they are UVA, UVB and Polarized. Plus…we get an awesome deal from Ocean so we are able to import them in from Europe and still give you prices that start at just $45! You can use this shades not only for surfing but, Hiking, Fishing and Kayaking. They are lightweight and float. Come down and check it out. We have a huge selection in stock right now. 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com

Your Surf Boutique Since 1996 For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2015

WINNER OF THE MONTHLY DRAWING!!!! Congrats to Calvin Fukunaga of Mililani, our March Email giveaway winner! Members please check your email for our April contest Makes sure you check our email box for the next Free Giveaway I Would of Thought I Would Never Wear One I’m sure like me you hear it all over the place you need at least eight-hours of sleep a night. How the heck can you get eight-hours of solid sleep every night? If you’re one of those people that still gets eight-hours of solid sleep a night let me know how you do it and how long you’ve been doing it. Because up until now my sleep patterns have been far from regular, which as other people will attest to is the new normal. The reason I’m telling you all this is because I recently heard an interview regarding all the things to do before sleep. To be honest some of them I don't even plan on doing but others that caught my attention I may just give a try! The New York Times reported a two-week sleep restriction study found growing cognitive decline with every cumulative day of sleep deprivation. In the study, subjects that slept four or six hours per night were unable to pay attention as well as subjects that slept eight hours per night. After two weeks of sleeping six hours per night, the subjects were said to have the same level of cognitive impairment had they been drunk. “The Sleep-deprived subjects in the study insisted that they were fine and that they had adjusted to the new sleeping schedule. But the data proved them wrong. Your goal, when it comes to sleep, should not be figuring out how to perform better while sleep-deprived. You should be looking for ways to get more sleep.

So after I heard that last part I thought I do need to figure how to get more sleep but how…then I heard about the importance of room temperature. It should be 60F to 66F. Man I don't know about you but… I’m more Okinawan then Irish so I get cold and 66 is just way too cold for me. Now my Dad who is Irish and from Up state New York would love to sleep in that temp. So setting my thermostat to that was out. The person on the CD I was listening to went on and on and even suggested black out Curtains!! He said have you noticed that you can sleep in at hotels? One of the reasons is the black out curtains. I thought that would be cool to get curtains like that but I know my wife likes what we have now so I guess curtains are out. Then he said if you couldn’t get curtains get a night mask. I was like I AM NOT GOING TO USE A NIGHT MASK. Well it just so happened that I had to fly out the next day and I had a chance to use a night mask. The result? I slept like a baby on the flight and took one home. As they say, the rest is history!

320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com

Your Surf Boutique Since 1996 For the Finicky Surfer and Clothing Junkie The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2015

Do You Know How Your Royalty Rewards Card Works? I get this question often and I can totally understand, there are lots of member cards out there, but I believe we offer one of the best returns on your free membership; and now with a paid Membership we offer even more! As a Royalty Reward member you get: 5% back on clothing and accessories 25% off on your birthday 25% off on you member anniversary If you upgrade to The New Ali’i club, which several of our members already have, you get instant discounts such as: 5% instant savings on all Surfboard Purchases! 15% instant savings on all clothing and accessories purchases! I can’t think of any other program out there that can beat this! Hawaiian South Shore is taking care of local customers because we know you are the ones that make us who we are. Finally I’d like to thank the folks who give us reviews, THANK YOU for the kind words. "Attitude was up beat and friendly!!!” Kyle Pogue Honolulu HI " I don't get to surf as much as I used to since having kids. Naturally my visits to hawaiian south shore are less frequent than the past. So having the employees remember me means a whole lot ;) mahalo!!” Sunny Unga Honolulu HI "You guys are jus bottom line, a cool bunch of dudes. Knowing your regulars and remembering their names even when you don't see them for a while that's awesome to me and it's what makes people feel special. I can easily shop at any other surf shop but your rewards program and the superior customer service is FRIEKIN AWESOME!!!…" Lewis Somera Wahiawa HI 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6 www.hawaiiansouthshore.com

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