Jan 2013-Hawaiian South Shore Surf News

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New @ Hawaiian South Shore Hayden Shapes Hayden Cox is a self-made entrepreneur, literally. After starting as a shaper at the ripe old age of fifteen, Hayden has ridden a wave of invention into good fortune with his patented FutureFlex technology. The Australian native founded Haydenshapes in 2004, constantly researching and developing surf technology by taking the drawing board to the beach for old fashioned testing on the waves in Bali. The Psychedelic Germ is a Warren Smith signature model. Its a Bottom Nose – Starts with Vee highly responsive, shorter, wider board with added features that make it ideal for innovative surfing. I used the shred sled as a starting point to design this board, the main changes are the displacement hull, and side cuts. The hull softens the water flow through the entry of the board, it hits the ridge of the hull, and is dispersed into the single concave. This helps when taking off late, planing through choppy water or landing critical manouvers. The side cuts shorten the radius of your turn, meaning the board will draw a much tighter arc. When you bottom turn, you engage the 3 dimensional curve the side cut creates, which draws you up the wave face. You then transition onto your inside rail which pulls you around back into the pocket with ease. The rocker is flat in the belly, giving the board flowing speed, yet it kicks late in the nose and a little in the tail. The deep single concave in the center of the board blends into a double vee out the tail. If you want a shorter wider board that’s strikes the balance between performance and innovation the germ has all the features that you need to bring a whole new dimension to your surfing.

The Hypto Krypto is the most versatile board in the Haydenshapes range. It has a high amount of volume under the chest, which enables it to paddle like a dream. The way you surf the Hypto Krypto is on the open face, where you draw fast flowing lines. The outline resembles an old school twin fin in the nose, yet it draws back to a tight rounded pintail. The wider straighter outline up front will give you plenty of speed, yet the round pin tail allows you to turn tight in the pocket. The rocker is flat throughout, although there is a little extra lift in the entry, which helps when taking off late or turning in the steeper sections of the wave. The design of the rocker is focused around speed! You will find you will make sections that you never expect to make. The foil has plenty of volume around the chest and center area of the board, yet it refines out to a thinner, pinched rail to keep the board connected to the wave. The concave runs from a rolled vee in the entry to a slight single blending into a vee double out the tail which gives the board great speed and control from rail to rail. You will enjoy riding it from small average conditions to clean long barreling point breaks.

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Beginner to Intermediate Advice Paddling Out Efficiently

Paddling out into the surf is one of the best feelings. You finally freed up some time to surf, your whole session awaits you, the possibilities are limitless, today could the day you finally perfect that new move you've been working on. But that is a lot less likely if you get tired out after only an hour in the water. So stop wasting your strength on the paddle out and save it for the parts that count like catching the wave, riding to your fullest potential and of course high fiving everyone in the lineup after you nail that maneuver. Paddling out is a necessary evil, but if you do it smart, you can save up to 50% of your energy, which can easily allow you to double your session. The three tips to paddling out efficiently are: look for channels, don't extend your paddle back, time the sets & finally, paddle with purpose. 1. Look for Channels: this tip alone can save you tons of energy and frustration. Heck, even the pros couldn't surf many of the worlds best waves if it weren't for channels. 2. Don't Extend Your Paddle Back: This tip is for everyone that tries to milk out that last bit of juice from every wave they get on. You know who you are. You ride until the wave isn't really breaking and you have to do that awkward move where you pump up and down on your front foot trying to get back in the wave. It isn't good surfing, it won't help your session and quite frankly, you look like a ! kook. (After seeing you do that, do you think any girl could take you seriously...you know what I'm getting at) 3. Time the Sets: Every wave that you have to duck dive/turtle/push through will set you back a few feet. That is just what happens. ! 4. Paddle With Purpose: If you don't paddle hard when its time to get out, you will greatly increase the amount you have to paddle. As mentioned in tip 3 every wave you go through will push you back and mean more paddling. The slower you paddle, the more waves you will encounter. ! www.surfscience.com

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