Lost retail 2015

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2015 Lost in Hawaii Retail Price List Retail Price $620 Clear (no color) Tri Fin Base Price $645 Domesticated Series (Fatties & Hybrids) Fin Configuration $30 5 FCS ,Fusion FCSII, Future FINS ARE NOT INCLUDED

$20 Carbon Patch $100 EPS $1 Per Foot S­Glass 4oz $1.50 Per Foot 6oz Airbrush $50 Deck and Pin $50 Rail and Bottom only $75 Air top & bottom with Pin line on deck

Domestic (Fatties & Hybrids) $645 The SHORT ROUND The PUDDLE JUMPER The BEAN BAG SUB SCORCHER 2 (double wing swallow) SUB SCORCHER 2 (single wing swallow) SUB SCORCHER 2 (hip squash) V3 ROCKET STRETCH R‐V SPLIT TAIL R.V. The R.V. The LAZY TOY The E‐Z Up (lazy toy step‐up) The Couch Potato Uber Plank The Plank V2 Stub The Pelagic Round Nose Fish RNF 5 Monkfish Weekend Warrior Flashback Sub Blaster The Blunt

Standard $620 V2‐HP (High Performance) V2 Grinder The SUB DRIVER SUB SCORCHER 2 (double wing swallow) SUB SCORCHER 2 (single wing swallow) SUB SCORCHER 2 (hip squash) The SUB‐BUGGY DRIVER 2015 MINI DRIVER V2 SHORTBOARD BEACH BUGGY 2015 WHIPLASH ‐ TB 2015 V3 SQUASH IT V3 ROUND IT The ROUND UP The ROCK UP The DOUBLE UP F‐1 F‐1 STUB V2 Rocket The Rocket The Squashet

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