Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2017 Hours Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 Sun 10:00-6:00 Closed Christmas Thanksgiving New Year Day Telephone 808.597.9055 Parking Located Makai side of the store Sat & Sun OK to park on Mauka Side
I Didn’t Recognize You Guys! The guys who were a couple doors down from the shop, Signs by Dey, turned me onto a spot 21 years ago — a spot I call my home break.
us were so busy with other obligations, but we finally picked the date and place. We all thought 3660 on the Rise would be a solid choice. I arrived about five minutes late, and they started texting me to hurry up. I went into the restaurant and had a heck of a time trying to find them because the place was packed with people.
I’m glad they did because I was able to meet some successful business owners, and they were more than willing to help me personally and in the business. One person who took the time to meet out of the water was a no-sugar- One of the guys stood up and waved his hand. coating straight-talk type of person. That was As I got closer, I said in my loud voice, “Man, I didn't recognize you guys with clothes on!” something I appreciated. After I said that, a couple people looked over and my friends all started laughing at me. It After surfing there for several years, one of the guys wanted the regulars to have dinner took me a minute before I realized what I’d said! This is something I think only a surfer at a nice restaurant. Well, it took over three months to get this planned because most of can relate to. (I hope … haha.)
water to make your broth. And after conducting some research and talking to the sales associate, my wife found an even better way to use the seasoning.
It’s Easy to Use — and You Can Get It Here My wife likes to cook, and I think she’s pretty good. She is always finding ways to improve her cooking. When we go to Japanese restaurants here and in Japan, she usually asks how the dish is prepared and then experiments at home. Since she is from Kyoto, the flavors she likes are subtle and light compared to somewhere like Tokyo. Just to let you know, even the same brand and flavor of instant ramen tastes different in Tokyo. On one of our trips, she went to visit a company that recently opened in a department store. The company has been making packs of dashi, or broth seasoning, in tea bag pouches for a few years. My wife wanted to get a hold of some, so on a recent trip, she went over to the new store in Osaka. The company is originally from Fukuoka and has been around since 1839! Man, that’s a long time to be around. I guess they are keeping up with the times because I was really impressed with their store. When I see places like this, I always get inspired to be better and offer only high-quality items in my own store. (Sorry, getting off the subject here.) Anyway, the reason I wanted to tell you about this place is because the dashi is in these oversized tea bags, and you just place them in boiling
Kayanoya Dashi
She usually gets a two pack. The Kayanoya Dashi has konbu, bonito flakes, round herring, and grilled ago (flying fish from Kyushu). It’s dried and crushed into a powder. The other variety is the Vegetable Dashi. It is made with five different vegetables — onion, garlic, celery, carrot, and cabbage — and it’s dried and crushed into bite-sized pieces.
My wife likes to use Kayanoya Dashi in miso soup with lots of tofu, daikon, and other veggies. Instead of dipping the tea bag in the Vegetable soup, she cuts it open and pours it right in. Dashi Then she uses a dash of shoyu, mirin (sweet rice wine), and sake. The Vegetable Dashi is my favorite. My wife chops cabbage, carrot, zucchini, and mushroom, along with some corn and a pinch of Hawaiian salt and pepper. She opens the tea bag, pours the dashi in, and lets it simmer for 3 hours. It’s so good, and I imagine it’s pretty healthy. If you’re wondering where you can get this dashi, I have good news. About three or four months ago, they started selling it at Nijiya Market in Ala Moana, and at the one on University. A package has 30 tea bags and one bag is — enough for a six-quart pan! So a little goes a long way. My wife also cooks the dashi with ground beef, which is really good. Anyways, I hope you check it out and let me know if you make something good with it. — David
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2017
Member of the Month: CHANNING CHING
This month’s interview features our VIP member Channing Ching. Channing comes in often to catch up, and is one of our biggest supporters. This picture was taken in the store when we asked members to support us by getting a t-shirt and letting us take a picture. In return, we hooked them up.
He was the first member. Many thanks, Channing — it means a lot! 1.
When and what got you into surfing? I got into surfing my junior year of high school, through friends. I’ve always enjoyed the ocean. Growing up, our family and relatives spent time at my grandfather’s house in Punaluu right across from the beach on weekends. Whether we were fishing, swimming, or gathering seashells, it was a great time growing up. It was carefree and fun — there were no worries in life. 2. Did you have a time period when you weren’t surfing? If so, when and why did you start back up? I took a two-year break from surfing when I enlisted in the Army in the early ’70s. I resumed surfing after four years, once I completed my active duty service. Then I took a nearly 25-year break from surfing. I was disillusioned with the crowds, lost the desire dealing with that issue, and I was finishing college on the GI Bill in addition to working. I got the Stoke back, though, when my niece was home from college and her friend asked me to take them surfing. This was around the time the movie Blue Crush came out. I took them out to Waikiki, the perfect place for beginners. I caught a few waves that day, and I was stoked. I had my epiphany, and realized how much I missed surfing. In hindsight, being away from surfing made me appreciate what I was missing. 3. Where do you most often surf and why? I’m at Ala Moana Park on weekdays, surfing First Holes next to Courts. I like surfing there because I know the regulars, everyone is mellow, and the crowd factor is nice. 4. Where is your favorite place to eat after surfing? What is your favorite item? I enjoy eating Japanese food from Masa at the Maunakea Marketplace after surfing. My fave is the mahi mahi with bittermelon and tofu. In general, I love Asian food — especially Vietnamese pho. 5. Outside of surfing what do you do for fun? I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend. We love traveling. Our favorite go-to destination right now is
Japan. Last year we visited during the cherry blossom season. The year before we visited Florida, stopped at Cocoa Beach to pay homage to Kelly Slater’s hometown and the monument built for him at the Ron Jon Surf Shop; that was so cool. We enjoy going on walks, going to the movies, and spending time with our families and friends. 6. W hat do you do for work? I’m employed by the Department of the Navy at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam as a fuel technician. Looking forward to retirement in a couple of years, so I can surf more often. 7. I’m super-stoked you come in and support us. How’s the Straw Hat Wetsuit? I’m stoked I purchased my Straw Hat Wetsuit top. I’m very impressed with the quality and workmanship. Best of all, it’s very comfortable. With the North wind on the South Shore now, it can get quite chilly, and now I can stay out longer surfing. Thank you. 8. What size are the boards? How does it surf and what do you like about them? I ride 8’0 boards. One is foam, the other epoxy. I like that both get me into the wave easily, and I like their maneuverability. 9. Anything else you want to add? Since I got back into surfing after a nearly 25-year hiatus, surfing has blessed me so much. I had the opportunity to go on two surf trips to Taiwan, including one with my brother. Experiencing a different culture and cuisine has been great. I’ve met great people and gained new friends, plus it’s a healthy endeavor. All because of the Stoke!
Straw Hat is a local clothing company that specializes in quality t-shirts and wetsuits. The t-shirts are made in the USA, and designed and printed here in Honolulu. The wetsuits are 100% made in Japan. The rubber is crushed limestone, which makes the non-petroleum base suit. It’s sewn in a small factory that’s been making wetsuits for the National Defense Force and deep divers in Japan for the past 40 years. We’ve been selling them for over five years now and as long as you rinse it, dry it in the shade, and repair it right away if it tears, it will last. The rubber will not dry and crack from the sun. If you have not used the suit in a while, it might get a little stiff; but after wearing it in the water, it will soften up again.
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2017 This nubster was developed more than 12 years ago, tested and refined on the North Shore to smooth out turns and stabilize the board. It sits backwards compared to a regular FCS or Futures Nubster, aka the guitar pick. The standard way to use a Vector is to place it in the center fin box with your quad setup. This allows you to drive deep off the bottom like a normal thruster, and when you drive down the line it will feel stable. You won’t get the feeling of sliding when you are pumping the board. When you turn at the top of the wave, it will be a lot smoother. Recently, I picked up the Lost Round Nose Fish Redux and tried it out with twin fins, then rode it with the Future Vector fin (as shown in the picture with twin fins). I can’t believe this little fin gave the board so much more drive! It’s a good way to have that twin feeling, but you can surf it a little more aggressively. A setup that was suggested for country by Ryan, the owner and designer of Vector, is my regular thruster setup, with the Vektor fins inserted into the quad box. When I first saw this setup, I was skeptical and thought it would be way too tight. Ryan said his friends use it in hollow waves, and they like it because it holds a line and it’s fast. He also said it works for open-faced waves too. So the next day, I surfed it, the waves were double-overhead and the board turned like a normal thruster, but when I pumped down the line, it had some nice bite and I got more acceleration. We have them listed on our website — just go to The Round Nose Fish Redux hybrid surfboard features a very low overall centerline rocker, with modest single concave under the front foot, to keep the board planing at low speeds. The concave gradually reduces to flat up in the nose, allowing forgiving entry into waves and in and out of turns. The vee in the tail enables the board to retain its very low stringer-line rocker, while still being easy to turn, and gives the board so much control. The radical change from concave in the center, to vee in the tail creates an aggressive rail rocker that engages when the board is rolled onto an rail. It then feels like a board with much more overall rocker. Thus allowing tight radius turns on the face, and in the lip. Classic TwinFin influenced placement on the front fins. It can be ridden as a Twin/Quad or a 2+1 or however you like it. Enjoy! Hawaiian South Shore the exclusive Hawaiian Dealer In December we posted on Instagram – We finally got them in again after a three-year hiatus. Why did we decide to get them in again? Well, I’ve had mine for five years and they lasted; most people we’ve talked to have had theirs for three or four years and want more. We believe the quality is unmatched and super-comfortable with cool designs! @wzero808 commented “Nice! Mine are still good after seven years. I'm going to have to swing through.” Last week we found out from Moskova that we are the #1 dealer out of all the stores in the US! Super-stoked that all of our members stand behind and believe in what we carry. It’s well worth $35 when they last so long. Just for supporting us, we are giving you 10% OFF MOSKOVA underwear throughout the month of April. It’s an offer we will not be giving again. Wave Size: Small to med (1 - 6ft Hawaiian scale) Skill Level: Beginner to professional Fin set up: Single fin Construction: Construction: Epoxy unidirectional cloth (surfs like a regular fiberglass board but with way more strength). The board’s core is an EPS closed-cell foam with a T-shaped fiberglass stringer that is placed strategically so that the board has flex in the nose and twist in the tail. The flex in the nose adds more control when you noseride, while the twist in the tail allows for more speed and better turning. The strength of the board is comparable to three layers of 12 oz Volan cloth, but with way more flex and less weight.
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for April 2017
Exclusive T-shirts only at Hawaiian South Shore
MID SIZED MULTI-PURPOSE WAVE CATCHING PERFORMANCE FUN BOARD The Pickup Stick “mid size” shape perfectly lls the gap between a shortboard and a longboard. A smooth owing shape and rocker combined with a single to double to at tail contour for high performance shortboard style maneuvers and a concave for nose riding lift, re ned but forgiving rails and great volume all add up to non stop wave catching performance/fun. Whether you are rst timer looking for a board that will be easy to progress on, a weekend warrior that is looking for maximum wave time or if you are a ripper looking for that “transition period” mid sized fun/ performance option that takes an average day and makes it special, the Pickup Stick is always a perfect choice. “A timeless shape that will always have a place in your quiver.” - Jay Larson “You will constantly be picking it up because it is so versatile and fun… it works in all conditions and picks up every wave you want to ride.” - Pete Saari
7’0” x N16.85” x W21.25” x T14.75” (46.50 cl) JULIAN WILSON LIMITED EDITION RELEASE
We are super-honored to be one of only three shops in Hawaii invited to sell the Julian Wilson Limited Edition Breast Cancer Awareness Deck Pad and Fins! These products have been produced to help support JW, not only in raising awareness for breast cancer, but also to provide a financial contribution to some of Julian’s preferred charities. Along with collaborative ‘Pink’ products by Hurley and JS, a portion of the proceeds will go towards Julian’s annual charity donations, one of which is supporting breast cancer research and recovery.
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6