Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
I Would Never Have Guessed! Wow! Hours
Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 Sun 10:00-6:00
Bridge from Okinawa to Henza
Christmas ThanksGiving New Year Day
Henza village
Telephone 808.597.9055
Sales@ Hawaiian
Located Makai side of the store Sat & Sun OK to park on Mauka Side
While I was growing up in Okinawa, there was a period when I would stay with relatives in different parts of the island for weeks or sometimes months at a time. You see, my parents were in the hospital with my sister. I remember that one time, I had to stay with a relative on a very small island called Henza, which was connected to Okinawa by bridge. It took about 15 minutes to cross the bridge. When we crossed the bridge, there were pockets of small villages and vehicles we simply weren’t allowed in. We’d have to park down the street and walk to my uncle’s home. My uncle told me that if I wanted to stay with him, I would have to help around the house. He gave me chores to complete before breakfast, or I wouldn’t get to eat breakfast. At first, I didn't know what to think. But as time went on, I actually enjoyed my morning routine. I’d get up early to milk the goat, then run down to the next village to buy fresh tofu for the morning miso soup, and “chanpuru” (stir-fried veggies with lots of tofu) for dinner.
Tofu chanpuru
About a year ago, I had just finished surfing when I heard two guys speaking Okinawan in the parking lot. I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard anyone speaking Okinawan, but it sounds more like Chinese than Japanese. So, I asked the two men where they were from. First, they told me they worked on a boat in the Kewalo basin called “Nisei” – and it turned out they were from Henza! I was blown away, and I told them about my relatives and explained where my uncle’s house was. They knew exactly which house I was talking about, and they even knew my family. I would never have guessed that I would meet people from the same island, and the fact that they knew my family came as even more of a surprise. Now I see them quite Nisei docked at Kewalos boat harbor. often, and when I greet them, I feel like I’m talking to family.
We love getting reviews! Please send us yours to or our instagram @hwnsouthshore just like Vi did.
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
Meniscus Tears By Spencer Chang, MD Sports Medicine Fellowship Trained Orthopaedic Surgeon at Straub Clinic and Hospital WSL Orthopaedic Consultant
Meniscus tears are often caused by shear stress from twisting, pivoting, or impact loading. Sometimes these tears are more degenerative, and occur just with active living, but not by one particular traumatic incident. Of note, I’ve noticed that there is a higher rate of degenerative tears in smokers, and this is another good reason to quit smoking in addition to smoking causing cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, and being bad for surfing. Once a small tear is started, there is a propensity to propagate. The ideal situation is to preserve as much of the meniscus as possible. The loss of meniscal tissue, can result in a greater risk of developing arthritis.
The meniscus tear is a pretty common injury, and I see it in surfers as well. The menisci are crescent shaped cushions that distribute pressure more evenly in the knee. They are important in preventing abnormal wear and tear of the articular cartilage of When symptoms are persistent and they affect the knee, or arthritis. quality of life, an arthroscopy is often indicated. This is the most common The meniscus orthopaedic surgery tear can be quite performed today, and painful itself. certainly the most Symptoms include common procedure that I catching, locking, do. Most of the time, the pinching, swelling, tear is not repairable and buckling, and so it is trimmed to loss of motion. stabilize the tear, prevent Sometimes the the risk of propagation of meniscus tear is analogous to a rock in your shoe. the tear, and remove the offending disturbance. That rock can find a spot in the shoe where it’s not The recovery time from a partial meniscectomy can so painful. When the rock moves to a more be quick. When I worked on wide receiver Andre sensitive spot, it can be really painful. If you’re not Johnson, he was back playing in a week. Most doing a lot of activities, the pain might not be so cases take around 4 – 6 weeks to recover. bad. But the impact loading, twisting, squatting, pivoting, and heck surfing may aggravate the When the tear is in an area of good blood supply, it meniscus tear and cause pain. Sitting Indian style, is better to repair the meniscus. The recovery from and crossed legged may also be very painful. a repair is about 4 months. I perform most repairs using an all-inside technique, or done completely Although you can often treat the symptoms by arthroscopically. taking anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen or Aleve, the “Rock” doesn’t go away unless you When a meniscus is completely gone, or removed, take it out, and the symptoms will come back. The and no arthritis has set in, a meniscal allograft blood supply to the meniscus is poor and only transplant can be done. supplies the peripheral 25% or so of the meniscus. Most tears are in areas with a poor blood supply, So, if you’re having catching, locking, swelling, pain and so these tears don’t mend, even with stem in the knee, and difficulty surfing, you might have a cells and PRP injections. Cortisone injections may meniscus tear. We’d be happy to evaluate you. help the symptoms and inflammation, but they Please call us at the Straub Bone and Joint Center certainly don’t help the healing, and may even at 522-4232. Just say Dave from Hawaiian South make the tears worse. Bracing and PT usually Shore sent you! Also, if you have anything you want me to discuss on upcoming newsletters, shoot me don’t help much. an e-mail at 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
Surfboards Review This Months board review is from our Good Doctor Spencer Chang who’s been kind enough to contribute to our monthly newsletter for a while now. He recently purchased a 5’7” Libtech Lost Puddle Jumper which, by the way, is our best selling model for small waves. We were lucky enough to score an exclusive deal selling the Libtech boards on Oahu. For you folks on the outer Island freight is around $45. We don't charge packing fees or delivery to Aloha Air Cargo for these libtech boards. 5’3” Lost Libtech Puddle Jumper Review by Spencer Chang, MD The Lost Libtech Puddle Jumper is all that it is cracked up to be. I bought mine, wanting to have a groveler for really bad days, when the surf is tiny. I’ve found my groveler board. At 5’7” and 145 lbs, I usually get about 26 liters of volume for polyurethane boards. With EPS boards, I may dip down into the mid-24s. The 5’3” is the smallest stock Puddle Jumper available with 28 liters of volume. I figured I wanted more volume for small days so it would be perfect. The outline has a really wide template, but pulls in with a winged squash, and a lot of planing surface area. Rocker is pretty flat. Because of the wider tail, I figured it would work better as a quad. I’m currently using the Julian Wilson’s up front and Creature of Leisure, small rears. I took the board out in basically waist high to head high high surf at Concessions and Diamond Head. It worked great! It’s probably a better board for Diamond Head Cliffs. It’s easy to catch waves, and gets going pretty quick. One of the days was a little windy and bumpy, but the board seems to shock absorb really well, and there is no chattering like the Tuflite Surftech boards. There is remarkably good flex, and you really can jump on it like a trampoline. You do get a little pop out of the flex from this board. The 1st day I took it out, it was really shallow, and scraped the bottom a little. It didn’t penetrate to the core, which is closed cell and will not absorb water. It is damn hard to ding, but dingable.
The board turns really well and easily. The plane shape allows it to do floaters really easy, and free up the fins. Two of my friends in the lineup have also sworn by it. One commented that it is harder to go vertical on the board. I suppose this might be true, but you can certainly make the board go vertical. Put it this way, it is the most performancy groveler I’ve ever surfed. With regards to the Libtech technology, I think it is the real deal. I also have a 5’10” Libtech Vert with 25.5 liters of volume. On better days, this board works pretty insane. The combination of durability, flex, and now available shapes makes these boards pretty enticing. They make great travel boards, as they are the toughest boards to ding that I have ever surfed, including Tuflites, Firewires, Resin X, Hydroflex Boards, Hayden Shapes FiberFlex and Regular PU boards. By the way, I bought my Vert used from local North Shore shaper Chris Reid. His comment regarding the Libtech technology was that if he could make all his boards in this technology, he would. He was pretty sold on the tech in terms of performance and reproducibility. It is possible to get a magic board every time and replace it if you needed to. Unfortunately, you can’t have your local shaper pop you out a board in this technology or get a custom. But, chances are you can find one that’ll work for you with the current stock dims that they have. The main complaint I’ve seen is with the fin plugs. They do offer a little more versatility in where the twin tab FCS fins can be placed, but it’s sometimes hard to line these up symmetrically. On my last session, one of my buddies lost one of his fins as it just randomly popped out of the plug. Personally, I’ve just tightened the screws a little more and haven’t had any problems yet. I don’t think I’ll take this board out over head high, but I’ve definitely found my board for small days, or slopey waves with large crowds. For $760, I think it’s actually a steal. The board is super durable, and the price is comparable to or a little cheaper than most Firewires, Hydroflex boards, and Hypto Kryptos. I’ve been told the board has been selling like hotcakes, and I am not surprised. I would recommend it for everyone’s quiver. I would go a little over your average volume, and use this board basically for those days when it’s tiny.
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
Member of the Month Member of the Month is our Good Friend Cyril Hudd of Ewa Beach. He’s been coming to Hawaiian South Shore for well over 10 years. He always gives us good advice and he is always recommending our store to friends. It’s members like this that’s made it possible for us to be he for 20 years! HSS: When and what got you into surfing? Cyril: My surfing career began back in 1969 at the age of 9 years old. We lived in "Hau Bush", Ewa Beach with one of the greatest surf spots "Shark Country" in my back yard. My brother "Butch" was my sole inspiration because like all younger brothers, I wanted surf just like him! HSS: Did you have a time period you weren't surfing? If so, when and why did you start back up? Cyril: In 1973, my father was diagnosed with cancer and we moved to Waipahu where I attended Waipahu High School. Spent the last few years with my dad and started back up surfing in 1976 after his passing. HSS: Where is your favorite place to surf and why? Cyril: I have made "Officer's Beach" or better known as "White Plains Beach" my home break because my roots of my beginnings of surfing in Ewa Beach and the fellowships created over the last 30 plus years! HSS: Where do you usually eat after surf ? Why do you like that place? What's your favorite dish? Cyril: With so many great places to eat after surfing in Hawaii, it normally depends what side of the island you surfed. My all time favorite place to eat after surfing an unreal sesh with friends is "Rainbow Drive-In!" Rainbow's mixed plate is my fav!
HSS: What model are you riding? Try Cyril: I am riding 2 of Bruce's models. The first one is a design that has been resurrected and redefined from the past. The "Lean V8 Machine" is a planning hull, super V- bottom surfboard. Ridden as a single fin, the center box is glassed in 12" from the tail which moves the pivot point forward giving it a super loose, rail to rail, full of glide kind of surfing. With the center box placed way forward and the heavy vee bottom, moving your fin forward opens up a whole new world! I am currently riding a 8'2 x 24 1/4 x 3 1/4 V8 and using a 9.75 Greenough 4C single fin. I have been riding this board from 1'-5' and my surfing has become effortless and pleasurable. Catches waves with ease but the most prominent aspect about this board is the "endless glide"! The second model I am riding is called the "Mega Mini Max". A full outline groveler with a wide squash tail. The fin set up is with a Future five fin to give you options depending on the type of surf. Like all the rest of the wide, lowered entry rocker type surfboards, this model surfs unreal and gets you through any flat spot but also generates speed pretty quickly. This I would pick as my "go to" board for everyday surfing! I ride a 6'10 x 23.65 x 3 1/4 model. Pretty wide and thick so it can float my 220 lb frame. Just your fun 2'-4' everyday fun riding surfboard! In today's surfing world, we are moved by who's riding what and are they having fun. We have our heroes in the World Surfing League tour and I for myself will and always be a Kelly Slater fan. But just get out there and have fun! Regardless of what level you may be on, the stoke of surfing always has a good feeling! Aloha, Cyril S. Huddy – Surfer for life!
HSS: Outside out of surfing, what do you do for fun? Cyril: Spending time with my Ohana at the ranch! We have 3 horses and my wife BJ rides professionally. She is a full-on rodeo kind of girl! My son Pohaku (15) and my daughter Pohaikealoha (5) will ride occasionally and take care of our horses. HSS: What board company are you riding now? Cyril: Currently riding surfboards from Bruce Fowler/ Fountain of Youth Surfboards. He is based out of Northern California.
V8 Model 8'2 x 24 1/4 x 3 1/4
Mega Mini 6'10 x 23.65 x 3 1/4
320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
Leash History Today, surfboard leashes (or “leg ropes,” in the Aussie vernacular) are an ubiquitous part of the surf experience. But this hasn’t always been the case. In fact, prior to the early 1970s, the concept of a safety net for surfboards didn’t even exist. It was Pat O’Neill, son of famed wetsuit inventor Jack O’Neill, who is credited with creating the first leash—a piece Pat O'Neill’s first Surf Leash of surgical tubing tied around – Picture from his wrist, and attached to the board with a suction cup. Pat took his leash public at the 1971 Malibu Invitational, and was laughed out of the water by his competitors, who called his leash a “kook cord.” Many people believed that chasing your board was an integral part of the surf experience, and that the ability to swim to shore after a wipeout demonstrated one’s ability as a waterman.
connection to the board through a hole in the fin. Improvements continued to be made, with ankle straps being added, and fiberglass leash string bridges added to surfboard decks. In 1977, the first urethane leash was patented, laying the foundation for today’s modern leash. In 1979, David Hattrick’s latest iteration and patent won the Australian Design Award, and production companies introduced Velcro to the ankle straps. Then rail savers were added to protect surfboards from damage, and leash plugs became a standard addition to boards. Since that point, the basic design has essentially remained the same. Leashes have continued to be improved in regards to strength, lightness, and recoil, but in most respects we now use the same types of leashes that were used at the beginning of the 1980s — in much the same way that the basic structure of the modern surfboard hasn’t changed in the past 40 years.
The “ride everything” movement of the early 2000s saw a return to the retro designs of decades past, and in many communities it became popular to surf There were also reservations about the dangers of being once again without leashes. There is a level of “freedom” attached to a heavy piece of fiberglass. In fact, Pat’s legendary that is felt when surfing leashless — particularly when father Jack actually had one of walking the nose during traditional longboarding — and his early leashes snap and whip surfing unprotected in this way also forces the surfer to back into his face, blinding him complete maneuvers and waves, or pay the price by in one eye and resulting in the swimming after his board. Some big wave surfers also opt legendary eye patch that is now to go without a leash, especially in XXL beach breaks such part of the O’Neill legend. as Puerto Escondido, where a leash is more likely to result However, it was ultimately in a broken board. But leashless surfing is very much a acknowledged that the leash was subculture enjoyed by expert level surfers, and is not really driving progression, not hindering it, as surfers were able practical for the entry level or even intermediate surfer. to push their limits and go for bigger maneuvers without risking a lengthy swim — and catch many more waves Today’s leashes range from ultra-thin competition leashes per session as well. to standard six- and seven-foot “medium wave” leashes, to ultra thick cords between 10 and 20 feet long made While it took a while for the leash to become accepted specifically for big waves. But no matter what size leg rope by the surf community at large, enterprising businessmen you are using, one thing is certain: The leash remains one were not afraid to explore its potential. When the first of the most influential and progression-driving inventions commercial leash hit the market in the mid-1970s, it had in surfing history. been tweaked to include bungee cord in place of surgical tubing, an attachment for the leg rather than the wrist, and Free Parking for Hawaiian South Shore is located on the Makai side of the store next to Super Cuts. Saturday and Sunday you can also park for free on the Mauka side in any of the stalls. 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
WHAT’S NEW AT THE SURF BOUTIQUE Lifestyles by Supracor luxury care products featuring Stimulite® honeycomb A revolutionary facial sponge that not only cleans and removes make-up, but exfoliates and massages your skin, stimulating blood and lymph flow to decrease puffiness, eliminate toxins and promote cellular regeneration. Use daily for softer, smoother, younger-looking skin. The flexing action of the honeycomb cells removes dirt, make-up and dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and clean. Use the colored side of Spa Cells® to give yourself a rejuvenating facial in less than 5 minutes. Naturally anti-fungal, antibacterial and allergen free. Made in California from American-made, eco-friendly, advanced medical-grade materials. • Cleanses, exfoliates and massages for softer, smoother, younger-looking skin • Features both a soft and firmer version of Stimulite honeycomb • Perforated honeycomb cells create a lavishly foamy lather with just a pinch of soap • Or use dry, brushing your body with upward strokes towards your heart to promote blood flow to tissue • Naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal and mildew resistant • Rinse thoroughly after use; dries quickly — great for traveling! Stimulite Body Exfoliator $42 • Non-abrasive, medical grade material is eco-friendly and recyclable Facial Sponge $20
Hawaiian South Shore Designed and printed locally Butter Soft
Coconuts are nature's little miracle. Each year, the Earth gives us more than 20 billion of them to use as we please. Most of the time, the inner portion of the nut is made into food, medical and cosmetic products. The outer husk is considered waste and discarded; only to be transported to sit and rot in a landfill. This is an inefficient process that brings unwarranted harm upon the environment. Turns out that coconut husks blended with polyester are a perfect material to make boardshorts out of. Thanks to a process called Cocotex®, the overlooked “waste” is turned into an activated carbon fabric. And the properties of this fabric are everything you could ever wish for in a pair of trunks.
Surf bikinis designed to stay put and look rad while you're out taking a set on the head. Designed and sewn in the USA. 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
The other day I came into the shop I noticed, our manager, Nick’s face was super red. He started laughing and I couldn't help myself and laughed with him. I asked, why didn’t you use the Real Sun Cover Sunscreen? He said, “I did this sunscreen sucks!” I asked, “Did you shake the bottle before you used it?” Answer was no. I suggested he try that. “OK, I’ll try it one more time. I have a barbecue in two weeks.” After his barbecue he said it worked!! So if you use the liquid version make sure you shake it well. It’s an all natural sunscreen so there are no chemicals to keep all the ingredients together. Organic Sunscreen
UVA &UVB Protection
Made in the USA
RSC sunblock is made with all natural ingredients which will not wash off the skin and create a hazard for sea life and the oceans fragile reef ecosystem
RSC broad spectrum sunscreen provides protection against both types of these UV rays, providing the ultimate in protection against all types of sun damage.
RSC Skincare products are developed, tested, manufactured, packaged, and shipped from right here inside the USA.
I would have to run how long? Would you gorge on a couple slices of hot, cheesy pizza if you knew how bad it was for you? Of course you would. Past research has shown that people mostly ignore calorie counts when they’re posted on a menu. But maybe you’d think twice if you knew how much exercise it would take to burn it off: 3.5 miles, or 43 minutes, of running. There’s now a movement to label foods with their equivalent amount of the exercise in minutes it would take to expend the number of calories you take in from that food. According to a new viewpoint published in the BMJ, it’s one way to help fight skyrocketing rates of obesity and other weight-related diseases. (Rates of diabetes across the world have nearly doubled since 1980, according to a World Health Organization report released this week.) “This is what we’re up against,” says viewpoint author Shirley Cramer, chief executive at the Royal Society of Public Health in the U.K. “We need to think of different, more imaginative ways of giving people information and nudging behavior.” The icons, which are just an idea for now, would show a stick figure walking, running, swimming or biking next to the number of minutes required to cancel out calories consumed. A mocha coffee drink would take 53 minutes to walk off, while a blueberry muffin would require almost half an hour of running, according to the Royal Society of Public Health’s policy paper. “We want to think of ways of making it easier for people to make a healthier choice, or at least to understand the choice they’re making,” Cramer says. “By putting it together with physical activity, you’re giving people a positive option as well. People prefer that to being told not to eat something.” - 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6
Surf Boutique Since 1996 The Royalty Reward Member Newsletter for MAY 2016
320 Ward Ave. 112 Honolulu, HI 96814 NOW 7 Days a week Mon – Sat 10:30 – 7:00 Sun 10:00 – 6:00 Your Surf Authority
Free Gift with Purchase Puchase anything $40 or more to receive a 3 wrap bracelet. A $50 Value 20% OFF Protect your skin with all natural, reef safe, baby safe Real Sun Cover Sunscreen SPF32 = 97% UVA & UVB broad spectrum
20% OFF Scott Hawaii Since 1932 Scott Hawaii backs its products with a “lifetime of the sole” guarantee. Without question it is the best in the industry. 320 Ward Ave Tel (808) 597-9055 Open: Mon - Sat 10:30-7:00 / Sun 10-6