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DAVE'S STORY: What She Says is Law for the Whole Family In a traditional Okinawan family "Oba" (Grandmother) is the head Honcho and what she says law. She is well respected everywhere she goes. Not just my "Oba" but all the "Oba's" in Okinawa. You see the Okinawan women are pretty much the hardest working people in their homes. She is the first one up at the crack of dawn, she takes care of the family, does the cooking, cleaning and also works. So when she gets to a certain age everyone respects her for that and no one ever talks back to an "Oba" If you do someone will jump in and put you in your place. A couple times a year all my close relatives were all required to meet up and have dinner at Oba's house. After dinner the adults would tell the kids to go somewhere and play. The eldest of the bunch were always in charge. The adults would discuss any money issues, marriage issue pretty much everything personal and Oba would listen and she would make suggestions...or I should say lay down the law.
After my Oba passed away it changed a lot. No more family get togethers and everyone stopped communicating with each other. Having Oba in the house is so important. It's what makes Okinawa Okinawa. I miss that, now that I think about it having someone like that is important even if you're not Okiawain. We all need someone to lay down the law once in awhile to keep us in check.
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MEMBER OF THE MONTH Tim Steinberger Advice: Don't surf where I surf because everyone I surf with have warped minds (except me and Ed).
What got me into surfing: It was about 1965 or so, it was fun and a sport that I could do year round. They didn't really make wetsuits for surfing back then so you had to go to the local dive shop and get an O'Neill. Back then, the tops had "duck flaps". Only the old guys will know what that is.
Idol or role model?? My idol??? Jack Cassidy of Jefferson Airplane; Great bassist!
Gear/Boards: Right now, I have two Stewart's, a Redline and a Hydrohull. Both are fitted with Halos. When I first started out, the only one of the rack boards available were Hobie's and some unknown model that you could buy at Montgomery Ward. I have owned about 5 Hobie's over the years and a couple of Ricks. I do recall going to Dewey's shop and seeing the first Performers. Our reaction was "wow, check out the skeg," hatchet type and not made of wood.
Work and fun: I am trying to retire but have not been too successful at it. Mostly cause the wife doesn't want me hanging around the house and I don't want to hang around the racks with Mike, Glen, et al. My occupation is Environmental Engineer. I pretend to golf but that's more like putting holes in a really nice green field. I also participate in training and teaching karate, which I've been doing for about 25 years or so.
Most fun: There have been many candidates for this distinction over the past 50 years. Saturday dawn patrol is always fun mostly because of the early morning crowd of "crazies". And then of course, the post surf event of a Rainbow's breakfast.
Funny Story: There are lots of funny stories. Perhaps a recent funny story (in some bizarre way) occurred during one of the south swells. Before the group (the Boyz as one guy always refers to us, but more like uncles) goes in, someone always hold a finger up to signal last wave. Usually, we make sure that everyone in the group knows. Well, on this particular day, when we all ended up at our cars, one
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person wasn't there. We waited and then someone asks Chris (previous newsletter), "Where's Ron?" He replied that he didn't know. We told him that since he was the last one to show up at the parking area, we assumed he was with you. He was then informed that he has to tell Ron's wife that we lost him. The expression on Chris' face was priceless. "Why me??," it said. Ron did show up so he was off the hook.
What makes a good surfer: I would prefer to state what I consider a good surfer. That is someone who has fun, and is respectful to everyone else in the lineup.
Learn to be a good surfer/born with it? Like any sport, there are different levels of ability. If you can skateboard, you can surf. However, one may be great on a skateboard but average on a surfboard. So I guess the answer to that question is if you have a natural ability, then perhaps you are born with it. I was not born as a great golfer. But then, I was born in Roswell, New Mexico, what would I know about being born with the ability to surf, just seems alien to me. However, I do not have the born ability to golf. That's why I prefer to surf over golf. Plus, it's free.
Favorite place and why: I have surfed many places, California shorebreak, Mexico, Gulf Coast, Micronesia (I was the only person back then at the Palikar reef in Pohnpei), and Hawaii. I taught my son how to surf at White Plains beach. He rides a 6-0 now, mostly on the North Shore. I have never surfed a short board, even during the 70's and 80's when it was the thing to do. Just a die hard longboarder. My favorite break is Pops, cause I think it is the perfect longboard wave.
Words of Wisdom: Appreciate our Hawaii environment. There are so many great breaks throughout our state and it's all free. There are people who save for 10-years to afford to come here for 10-days. I just like to take the time to see the sunrise over Diamond Head and look at the mountains. We are living in every day in someone else's dream. And remember, when that rainbow appears over the water, that's Jimmy lighting up the sign. Rainbow's is open for breakfast!
SPENCER CHANGE The Ankle Sprain By Spencer Chang, MD Sports Medicine Fellowship Trained Orthopaedic Surgeon at Straub Clinic and Hospital 2014 ASP/Triple Crown Orthopaedic Consultant WSL Orthopaedic Consultant
With the advent of above the lip surfing, ankle sprains have become much more common in surfing.
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The lateral ankle sprain is the most common sprain in all sports. However, we see a higher rate of high ankle sprains in surfing. With this article, we'll focus on the typical lateral ankle sprain. This usually involves the anterior talofibular ligament and calcaneofibular ligament, and occurs from an inversion mechanism. Inversion means that the ankle rolls such that the sole of the foot points inward. Often times, the surfer will feel a pop or a snap, and it will be difficult to weightbear afterwards. There is usually swelling and some bruising associated with the injury as well. Occasionally, there is an avulsion fracture that pulls off with the ligament. The surfer usually sprains the ankle on a failed aerial or floater attempt. Treatment in my mind is somewhat controversial. Typically, most athletic trainers or physicians will initiate the RICE proctocol (Rest Ice Compression and Elevation), perhaps provide an Ace Wrap, crutches, and prescribe anti-inflammatory medications like Aleve or Advil. This will often get an athlete back to sport quickly. The problem is grade 2 or 3 ankle sprain are associated with either a high-grade tear with laxity, or complete tears with even more laxity. The position of comfort, with the ankle/foot pointed downwards and turned in (plantarflexed and inverted), places the torn ligaments in a stretched position. Consequently, if these ankle ligaments heal in this position, they will heal stretched. Sure, by keeping the inflammation to a minimum, the ankle will feel better more quickly. However, there will be persistent looseness of the ankle, which may make the athlete more prone to future sprains. As a result, these athletes will often continue to tape their ankles or brace their ankles. I often provide ankle braces for pro surfers, but taping in oceansports just doesn't work, as it loosens up very quickly. For grade 2-and-3 ankles sprains, I take a different approach. If the ankle joint is placed in a neutral position, that is 90 degrees with no tilt, the ankle ligaments will heal in their normal taut position and not stretched. I place my patients in a cam walking boot to hold them in this position for 10-14 days. They wear the boot basically all the time even while sleeping, removing it only to shower. While showering, the patients are careful to maintain this neutral position. When they return, the ligament is nice and taut, and they don't have a loose ankle. At this point I send them to therapy, and they can often get back to sporting activities with bracing within a week or sometimes earlier after the immobilization period. I may brace them for up to 3-months after the injury, just to protect the ligaments as they mature and get stronger. During the healing process, I recommend against icing and the use of anti-inflammatory medications. Inflammation is the first phase of healing, and it is important to not impede the process that will heal the ligament. With this treatment plan, the ankle ligaments typically heal in a taut position and chronic instability is not a problem. However, it is not uncommon for the ankle to become loose if the more customary approach of RICE techniques and early mobilization is utilized. If there is associated pain and instability of the ankle from multiple sprains and loose ligaments, there are 2 approaches that might help to get the ankle tighter.
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My partner, Dr. Kenji Yamazaki (a regular surfer at Concessions), uses a technique of injecting Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP into these loose ligaments under ultrasound. It is basically a controlled ankle ligament injury with the addition of growth factors to help stimulate a robust healing response. The ankle is held in a boot for about 2-weeks (similar to the acute ankle sprain protocol). And guess what, the ligaments seem to tighten up. When all non-operative treatments fail, I surgically treat these with an arthroscopy to clean up scar tissue, then surgically repair the ligaments and reinforce the ligaments with local tissue. Next time you sprain your ankle, call us at the Straub Bone and Joint Center at 522-4232. Just say Dave from Hawaiian South Shore Sent you! Also, if you have anything you want me to discuss on upcoming newsletters, shoot me an e-mail at
NATTO? HAVE YOU STARTED? A couple months ago a friend of mine Marc read my article about Natto (Japanese style fermented Soybean) and he forwarded me an article I thought you might want to check out. Below
Subject: Natto & Heart Attacks & Strokes All of us who've traveled to Japan and have had Japanese breakfasts may find this interesting.... "HEART ATTACK & STROKE" Our #1 killer has now been hunted down and stopped by Dr. David Williams. Dr. David Williams has scoured the planet and returned with solutions to virtually every common health problem. High cholesterol does not cause heart attacks or strokes, and lowering your cholesterol will not give you an ounce of protection from either one. Until now, if you had a heart attack or stroke, and if you were fortunate enough to make it to a hospital within a few minutes, the emergency room staff could often help. They could immediately inject you with a very expensive clot-busting super-drug to temporarily alleviate the blockage and hopefully limit the damage. But at $20,000 per catheterized I.V.dose, this miracle drug isn't in every hospital... and you won't know whether yours has it until it's too late. Dr. Hirokuki Sumi of Japan and his team of researchers recently made a ground-breaking discovery: They found that a 100 gram dose of a traditional Japanese food called "Natto" exhibits the same clot-busting activity as a $20,000 therapeutic dose of that super-drug. But while the drug is effective for only 4 to 20 minutes, the enzyme in natto maintains its activity for 4 to 8 hours.
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They have discovered the world's only natural clot buster. And that, my friend, makes Natto...The Discovery of the Century. Heart attacks and strokes are caused by blood clots. Plaque plays a huge role, but the most current research shows that plaque leads to blood clots, which are the real heart stoppers. Here's what happens. Despite having the same name, the plaque in your arteries is not at all like the crust your dental hygienist scrapes off your teeth. Arterial plaque is made up of oxidized LDL and other fats that glob together and penetrate the inner lining of your artery wall. New research also indicates that plaque doesn't actually coat the artery wall, it resides inside the wall. As it grows it can eventually rupture, causing a blood clot. If the clot floats downstream and blocks the flow of blood to your heart you have a myocardial infarction, aka a heart attack. If it hits your brain, you have a stroke. Natto stops both cold. Plaque is a toxic mixture of fats that festers and grows beneath a thin layer of cells. As it grows it gradually impedes blood flow. When it becomes inflamed it ruptures, causing a blood clot. When a clot gets lodged in a vessel in your heart or your brain, it blocks the blood flow and causes a heart attack or stroke. Natto increases circulation even in restricted arteries, it breaks and keeps clots from happening. The Japanese Secret for Heart Disease So, why haven't you heard of Natto? Because a simple, inexpensive, unpatentable Japanese remedy has no chance of breaking through the medical establishment's iron curtain. For years, the pharmaceutical companies have been getting millions of people hooked on ineffective and downright dangerous blood thinners and cholesterol-lowering drugs --- and getting millions of doctors hooked on the profits and perks that come from prescribing these drugs. What would they get for prescribing Natto? Nothing but a lot less business from a lot healthier patients. Historically, the Japanese have had dramatically less heart disease and greater longevity. These statistics have been used to illustrate the benefits of eating more fish. But this recent research on Natto shows what is probably an even greater factor in Japanese longevity. The potent enzyme in Natto prevents clots from forming. Not only major clots caused by ruptured plaque, but the thousands of tiny clots and blood-sludge that are the result of a natural, age-related decrease in your body's production of clot-busting enzymes. But what's even more astonishing, it not only prevents future clots, it dissolves existing clots--safely, naturally, and effectively. Dr. Sumi's research has given us the "magic bullet" clot buster we've all been praying for. I hope you're beginning to see the staggering implications of this. Never before have you been able to boost your circulation so safely and naturally, restoring it to the healthy pace of an 18-year-old's. Now, rather than waiting for an emergency infusion of a
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clot-busting super-drug, a very inexpensive daily amount of natto will keep you out of the emergency room in the first place. Plus, it will help protect you from a host of other problems related to impaired circulation, including macular degeneration, senility, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and others too numerous to name here. Circulation is the single biggest factor in determining your lifelong health or early demise, and Natto is your best method for keeping your blood flowing as strong as the Nile until the day you die--of something other than circulatory disease.
THE ORIGINS OF DAFIN DaFin, the name simply means the best. For more than 25-years it's been a household name among surfers looking for the best fins possible. In fact According to it's founder, DaFin is the only Fin endorsed by the USLA for live saving. South Shore recently had an opportunity to sit down with its founder, former professional surfer Andy Cochran to hear first hand how he started the company. "I was sitting with a bunch of guys discussing where surfing was going and how we could make it better," Cochran said. " We decided to try and make the fin better since nothing had been done with fins in 50-years at that time."
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This original brainstorming session with Cochran and some of his pals dates all the way back to the mid 1960s. However, it wasn't until the 1990s that this idea finally started to take off. After getting together an early prototype of his fin Cochran was met with positive reviews for functionality. Chief among them was the review of 9-time champion bodysurfer Mark Cunningham. "It cost us about $18,000 for our first mold," Cochran said. The former pro added that his fins were first and foremost designed for comfort. While DaFin in its early days may have been comfortable, other elements of its design at the time left many, including director of water safety in Hawaii, Ralph Goto with questions. Fast-forward about five-more-years past the Goto rejection, after a series of design and tweaking, Cochran had his new fin. Still, despite its improved design and still top of the line function, DaFin was not catching on with the mainstream surfing community. As more time passed however, that began to change. Today the company is known around the world for producing the very best fin on the market. Constructed using a unique proprietary process DaFin provides great resistance while maintaining flexibility in key areas. It is known for providing total comfort, power and control and is without a doubt a great seller nearly everyplace it is carried; and Hawaiian South Shore is no exception. We'd like to thank Andy for taking time to speak with us about his company's incredible journey and look forward to continuing to sell DaFin at our store and online for years to come.
THE REVIEW SECTION: New Future Fins Generations Series Futures has been slower than expected releasing a New "Generation" series of fins. It's made to fill the gap between the "Speed Generating" and "Balanced" fins on the ride number poster. If it sounds is...haha. Speed generating fins are for speed in small waves. The "Balanced" is a good all around fin for all types of conditions. So you ask why would they make something between the two? The Speed Gen. have a foil on the inside, giving them tons of speed and the "Balanced" are more flat and release off the top. They wanted to combine the two so you can get more speed and still use them in some solid surf. Right now only Hayden Tri and rear quads are available. Mid Oct Futures will release more. After receiving our first set of Thruster Hayden's one of our members instagrammed us wanting more info. Knowing he surfs often and gives honest feedback I let him demo a new set for two
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weeks. Here's what he had to say. From @thewayofthepineapple, It's been about 2 weeks using these futures HS1 generation series fins and there's exactly what futures describes more stability and drive than blackstix , great speed generating with a lot of control. I really love these fins they're definitely my go to futures setup. I have been using them in this country swell that came in. Some mushy days some punchy days and it performs in both. I feel like it's making my surf a little better. I'm really excited to try them out on different boards and different conditions.
How was the Board? Our Number one selling small to medium size wave board is by far the Libtech Lost Puddle Jumper model. Check out the review we had on instagram, he was stoked because we blew thru the first batch of boards and the only one that was left was the 5'7" and that was the size he was looking for. Instagram post: thunda_struck Thanks for bringing these bad boys in!! You guys saved your customers $100s on shipping individually!! hwnsouthshore Man you lucked out!!! Stoked the last board was your size it was destined for you !! Let us know how it surfs thunda_struck Still trippin'!!! Can't believe it was a 5'7!! Meant to be! An Update about 3 days later during a swell he talking to another customer - From thunda_struck to @thewayofthepineapple been riding it in waiks so far, almost head high at queens last night. Catches waves so easy but surfs like a shortboard. Single concave to double between the fins to V out the tail. Doesn't surf like a boat, it goes on a rail easy. The boxes they have are their own libtech ones, looks like an FCSII but they aren't. Board has a lot of pop off the lip too. Best purchase I've made in a while!
Another update from thunda_struck Quick report: board is still sick. Scored that glassy little chest high day at Rockies on Tuesday am, board rips and fits in the pocket so well. Been riding it all over town from knee high to the big day on the last big swell and it's very forgiving for a flatter rocketed wide nose board on the drops. Love this thing so much I'm neglecting the rest of my quiver! Also watched it bounce across the rock on the inside at rocky rights and no dings or scratches! Thanks
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@hwnsouthshore and @libtechsurf @mayhemb3_mattbiolos !!! hwnsouthshore@thunda_struck thank you very much for the report. What fins are using? thunda_struck Mayhem quad and thruster set. Rides more like a traditional fish as a quad. Swoops and has instant speed in anything. and full on shortboard as a thruster. 2 boards in one hwnsouthshore @thunda_struck thanks for that update! Mind if I use your comments in our next newsletter? thunda_struck For sure! You guys are great and always treat me well! Thanks for everything! @hwnsouthshore hwnsouthshore@thunda_struck cool thank you
I'm Really stoked on the Vissla Boardshorts. I personally wear them and the reviews we get from our Reward members are excellent.These boardshorts are upcycled odor-resistant, fast drying yarns from coconuts called Cocotex速 yarn. They are then blended with Repreve速, recycled plastic bottles polyester yarns to create the perfect boardshorts fabric that's fast drying, durable and comfortable. MEMBER SPECIAL for October 2015, Buy pair of boardshorts and get 20% off or if you Buy two get 30% off!
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