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Letter from the Director of Advancement

I hope this fi nds you safe and well during these unprecedented times. As we refl ect on HPA’s past year, I want to acknowledge the challenges of our current circumstances even as we look forward to connecting in brighter times. As individuals and communities across the globe grapple with COVID-19, all of us at HPA send good wishes for health and wellbeing to our entire Ka Makani ‘ohana. It is my hope that this report brings refl ection of where we have been and hope and trust in where we are going together...

2019 was a banner year for generosity at HPA, and it is indeed a pleasure to formally celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of so many from our ‘ohana. HPA alumni, families, and friends from within our community and beyond are coming together in record numbers for the school we all love, and it is remarkable to witness!

Because of you, the HPA Fund had its most successful year ever, and the percentage of alumni giving nearly tripled, from 5.8% to 14.5%. First-time donors to the school increased dramatically over previous years, and it is clearer than ever that when we all come together, we can make a diff erence for every student.

As an institution, HPA is working hard to honor our past as we invest in our future—to be fi rmly rooted in the traditions and values that have always defi ned Ka Makani even as we embrace our bold vision for sustainability. We are guided in this work by the legacies of the giants and pioneers of our golden era as well as our current Strategic Plan. Over HPA’s 70-year history, we have remained a home to spirited students, alumni heart, and connection to place–and we continue to thrive.

On behalf of this special school, I extend heartfelt thanks to each of you for your part in honoring our past and building our future.

Me ke aloha,


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