29 minute read
HPA Connections
Alumni News, Class Notes, Events, Giving and More
Members of the class of 2020 returned in June for an in-person convocation and celebration previously delayed by the pandemic.

Energy Lab named in honor of Michael and Jeannette Saalfeld P’14, ’17

On October 7, 2022, HPA gathered to honor Michael and Jeannette Saalfeld P’14, ’17 and the Saalfeld ‘ohana for their outstanding gift of the HPA Energy Lab. Their vision and investment created not only an award-winning building, but also a transformative learning environment that supports student-driven exploration and prepares HPA graduates to succeed independently in college research and beyond. The E-lab, as it is fondly known, helped spark the development of HPA’s signature capstone program and continues to elevate academics at HPA to this day. Mahalo nui, Saalfeld ‘ohana, for your tremendous generosity toward HPA students—those on campus today and those who will make discoveries here in the future, thanks to your leadership.

Chapel restoration nearly complete

The jewel that is Davies Chapel shines brightly once again! Thanks to the generosity of HPA's ’ohana, repairs on the building are finished. Comprehensive and meticulous work included the removal and restoration of every decorative ʻōhiʻa post, plus new roof, new gutters, window repairs, electrical re-wiring, interior LEDs, exterior paint, and much more! The bell tower installation awaits final permit approval (as of this writing). We look forward to raising the bells in early 2023.
Class Notes
James Klopp ’65 writes: “Karen, my Lady, has fought everything but cancer for the last 2-3 years...and is finally fairly healthy. We went RVing (first time in almost 3 years!) for a week with another planned in 2 weeks. Nice to get away and enjoy some time together with friends. Stock market still doing pretty well with a robot being built by a hired programmer, so maybe more crazy bucks coming along... remember my horseracing program? YES! That was EZ money, stock options a bit harder! But doable. Hope everyone is still doing well. Cheers, Klippity Klopp”
All is well with Bill Koch ’65 and his family in Nashville. Debby has retired for the third and final time, and Bill keeps on keeping on at the Nashville School of Law. “Lars and Margie Nelson recently paid a visit on their way to the West Coast,” Bill writes. “They had a chance to sample the food at the Loveless Motel and to experience the downtown honkytonks where one of Margie’s friends plays the pedal steel guitar. Lars also provided technical advice for a video studio the law school is building. This fall, I will be producing a program at the Library of Congress on the effects of COVID on the legal system, and then Debby and I will travel to London for the opening of England's legal year. We hope to be headed toward Hawai‘i next summer. Y'all come to Nashville. We'll keep the light on.”
Patrick Childs ’66 got to catch up with Philip Morgan ’66 at Kenji Burgers in Lihue. “Philip and I paddled outrigger canoe together for Kaiola Canoe Club, Kauaʻi, for a couple years before my arthritis finally brought me down after years being on the water,” Patrick writes. “As at Kamuela, Phillip is a great athlete and still in good, if painful, health like many of us. He still does youth counseling albeit on a reduced schedule, as I do law. I am in regular contact with Robin Rice ’63. Robin has been putting his doctorate in entomology to good use for the last decade or more. He is likely Hawai‘i's, if not the world's expert, on certain insects in the middle to south Pacific/Indian Ocean. He has more field trips under his belt than I can count. A great conversationalist and a good friend. I swear I cannot tell the difference between one insect species and another even under magnification, while Robin discourses eloquently about DNA.”
Harold Hughes ‘68 just returned from a hunting trip in Colorado with HPA classmate Randy Vitousek ‘68, and they had a great time!
Ted Blockley ’70 writes: “Cheryl and I retired last year to the Central Coast of California. We're grateful for our health and (continued on page 41)

After graduating from HPA in 2015, Bri Vallente ’15 attended Peninsula College in Port Angeles, Washington to continue her collegiate soccer career. Her team won both the Division and NWAC titles in 2016-17. “I was fortunate enough to score the golden goal in double overtime to bring the championship title home!...truly a feeling I will never forget,” she says. Bri then transferred to California State University, East Bay where she finished up her college soccer career and discovered her passion for kinesiology, biomechanics, and musculoskeletal anatomy. Her hard work in and outside of the classroom paid off when she was admitted to the University of Washington’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Program in rehabilitation medicine. This August, Bri completed her second year of didactic work and was presented with her white coat. She will now complete three different clinical rotations in Seattle before graduating and taking the national exam to obtain her doctoral license. Her ultimate goal is to specialize in rehabilitating (and returning to their sports!) athletes who have sustained anterior cruciate ligament tears of the knee.




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1. Noelani Kalahiki Butler ’72 and Laurie Smith-Wishard ’72 spent a week together on Kauaʻi after their HPA reunion this summer.
2. Kevin Donnelly ’87 is currently teaching and coaching in Kansas City. 3. The Class of 1977 gathered for their 45th reunion over the summer, and had a tremendous time together! 4. Rick Habein ’78 and his family. 5. Jessica Graybill ’05 is living in Joshua Tree, California and working for the Mojave Desert Land Trust. 6. Olivier Heuchenne ’86, his wife Anna, and their daughter, Linnea ’24, who just joined the ranks of Ka Makani! 7. Matthew Huddleston ’90 and Ava Huddleston ’22 at her HPA graduation. 8. Alexis Ounyoung ’22 wrote in to share a selfie.
9. Corrina Mahuna ’06, her husband Joshua, and their daughter CarliJean are raising cattle, horses, and sheep on their own ranch, JC Mahuna, in Waimea. 10. Jada Rufo ’88 recently visited Europe, and is working on her third book.
11. Leila Takahashi-Ruiz ’14 is in her 4th year in the Integrated Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program at UT Health San Antonio.
Small Footprint, Big Love

Cassie Quaintance ’93 was several decades into a global career in sustainable electrical solutions and management when Hawai‘i called her home. In 2017, after an “aha moment,” she and her daughter, Ava, a current senior at HPA, returned to Pa‘auilo Mauka from Denver, CO.
At the beginning, this was a return not only to her beloved home state, but also to her childhood house, where they settled with Cassie’s parents temporarily while Cassie looked for a job. The family homestead, which helped foster her interest in sustainability as a middleschooler, remains a physical manifestation of the Quaintance family ethos, and a life-long labor of love for Edward Quaintance ’66.
Back in the late 1980s, Eddie – who worked for many years as HPA’s maintenance supervisor – fell in love with five acres of land high up in the mountains that, as he says, “rang all my chimes. It’s a magical feeling, nothing out there but the ocean and 2,500 miles of trade winds coming on.” With no power and no water, the former pastureland demanded creative solutions from the start. “This was before there was a lot of equipment or knowledge about off-grid living,” he explains. To get water for mixing concrete for the foundation they used “a 55-gallon drum with a piece of roof iron stuck on to hopefully catch some rain. Eventually, we put in a catchment tank with a little 12-volt pump that we powered with solar photovoltaic panels.” As Cassie recalls, “He built his own solar system, and I was by his side asking a lot of questions and trying to figure out what that was all about. It was very influential.”
This intrepid environment also rubbed off on Cassie’s sister Jill ’03, now a marine scientist, educator, and boat captain. “We learned a deep
appreciation for what we had because our life was really simple,” she says. “We’d have to be mindful of how much energy we used. We saw that everything you use has a cost.”
This understanding carried over into both sisters’ activities at HPA. Camping and adventuring during Middle School Theme Week, plus turtle tagging at the Upper School, set Jill on her path to the natural sciences, as well as the travel that has been a constant in her life. “I went to Midway Atoll twice in high school to help the National Marine Fishery Service study the turtle population there,” she recalls. After past stints with organizations including the Nature Conservancy, her current post is Alaska with Expedition Voyage Consultants, where she’s educating people about marine life, including coral paleontology. She sees a direct connection between that early immersion in the natural world and her awareness of its delicate balance. “People aren't going to protect or understand anything if they don't know what it is. That's the first step.”
Meanwhile, in high school Cassie was the only girl on the HPA solar car team, run by now-retired chemistry teacher Matt Hughes. With a car built from the ground up, the team raced first in Hawai‘i, then in Europe. “It was very formative for me,” says Cassie. “I had some awareness that we live on an island in the middle of the ocean and we're importing all of our fossil fuels, yet we have access to all these different resources here that aren't being fully harnessed. We knew this was really important for our future. And being a young, altruistic person, at that age you feel a sense of frustration about why something isn’t being done about this. I still feel that way, but now I'm in a career that can actually impact the issue.”
Today Cassie is vice president of operations for Kevala, the company she joined upon returning to Hawai‘i. A provider of energy-use data and analytics, Kevala helps people and systems work towards a more sustainable grid. When Cassie was hired, it was a sevenperson startup with a contract to crowdsource data and map out renewable energy potential on O‘ahu, which entailed working with Elemental Excelerator (a Hawai‘i-based startup incubator), the state public utility commission, and the Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute (associated with the University of Hawai‘i), among others. After years of international corporate experience around the world, she says, “It was this sense of community that I had always yearned for. It was very fulfilling to get involved with projects that had a direct impact on Hawai‘i.” Five years later, Kevala has scaled to over 100 people; they now operate all over the US and internationally, and are working on a new contract in Hawai‘i as well.
Of his contribution to his daughters’ sustainability commitments, Eddie Quaintance says, “I’m proud of it, and I’m proud of the kids.” He also has a sense of peace from having lived his life according to the same principles, avoiding over-consumption in favor of living in and preserving a spot he truly loves. “It’s a small footprint kind of feeling,” he muses. Cassie and Jill have inherited that impulse, too. “The sense of community and interconnected complex systems is really important to me,” Cassie says of tackling what she calls “the broader energy solution”. “Coming home back to your roots, taking risks, feeling vulnerable, those are things that I've embraced throughout my life, and I learned that here.” Jill couldn’t agree more: “Our dad was a big part of that and our mom too. It’s something they instilled in us: if you can't find what you want, you can make it.” •

(continued from page 36) being able to enjoy hiking, paddling, and biking year round. We hoped our location would lure the kids and grandkids. The strategy worked; we like their frequent visits very much! Aloha, Ted”
Noelani Kalahiki Butler ’72 shares: “Our 50th class reunion could not have been any better. It was so wonderful to be on campus again and reconnect with classmates and their families. Thanks to everyone who made it happen. Got to spend a wonderful week with Laurie Smith-Wishard on Kauaʻi after the reunion. Now back to newly retired life in Florida!” Greg Rand ’72 says: “Janiece and I so enjoyed connecting with fellow classmates at our 50th, and reexperiencing the magical Spirit of Kamuela. A BIG Mahalo for all that joined in making the event fun and heartwarming.” Marty and Denice Sheffer ’72 “had a WONDERFUL time at the 50th class reunion. So awesome to see so many beautiful faces. Mahalo and aloha to all.”
The Class of 1977 had a really great turnout for their 45th reunion, and enjoyed catching up at their class party on Friday night, and also in smaller gatherings and the HPA luau over that week. Attending were: Andy Ashe, Paul Eblen, Tom Unger, Trevor Cockle, Jerry Takata, Charles Serafini, TJ Woosley, JD Morgan, Tim Richards, Robbin Harvey Trousdale Chock, Mary Ellbogen Garland, June Johnson Cleghorn, Mike Coelho, David Goodman, Kap Tachera, John White, McGrew Rice, Greg Warner, Ben Giese, and Sheila Crosby Powell. “We missed those classmates unable to attend,” Sheila writes, “and we shared fond memories of those we have lost over the years. We had a few other alums join us from other classes as well: Doug Herkes ’79, Ann Cobb ’76, Woody Child ’78, and Patrick Ellbogen ’78.”
Class Agent extraordinaire Sheila Crosby Powell ’77 collected and submitted a David Knowles ‘94 competed in

the IRONMAN World Championships in Kona on October 8, 2022, with a time of 12:22:59! After qualifying for his spot in IRONMAN 70.3 “Honu” David spent more than a year training for the 140.6 mile swim, bike, and run race. Born and raised on Hawai‘i Island, the race had a special significance for Knowles. “Growing up watching these world-class athletes compete in the crown jewel of Ironman events in my hometown made the race really special for me. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to be a part of it - great people, great vibes - it was truly a bucket list moment for me.” Congratulations David! Ka Makani represent!!
wealth of updates on her classmates:
Andy Ashe ’77 lives in Virginia, and retired from the US Navy after 40 years in January. His wife is retiring soon and they look forward to a more relaxing and travel-filled future! Paul Eblen ’77 has been enjoying his latest TV gig as Marketing Director at KHON2 in Honolulu since September. He continues to run, which he has been doing since his HPA days. He says, "Stan Shutes pops into my head almost every time I warm up pre-run. I can hear him call out ‘Ok, arm swingin’!” Paul's son, Chris, is now just a couple of years away from getting his PhD in Mathematics at Colorado, and his daughter Stephanie is doing quite well in the Seattle area with her husband and nine year old son. She works in sales at a mechanical contracting and design firm.
Tom Unger ’77 lives in Boise and is retired. His wife Patty has one more year as a speech therapist in the Boise School District. “Tom was able to visit his family on the Big Island during our reunion,” Sheila writes, “though ensuring covid didn't impact his Mom meant they couldn't participate in all our reunion activities—but we were so happy they were able to join our class party.” John White ’77 and his wife live in Hilo, and he still works up on Maunakea on one of the telescopes. After a relatively quiet time during the pandemic, he shared that work is really ramping up now, including a recent trip to Chile where he experienced a major snow storm. JD Morgan ’77 is retired and living in Kohala and keeping busy working on his house and yard. McGrew Rice ’77 is still running his charter fishing business in Kona. David Goodman ’77 lives in the Houston area and is still an airline pilot until mandatory retirement at 65. “Thanks for keeping the planes flying, David!” Kap Tachera ’77 is retired from Kona Community Hospital where she was the Head of Radiology, and is focused on her body-building and personal training business: Tuff Tita LLC. (continued on page 44)
We want to hear from you! Please submit your notes and photos to www.hpa.edu/giving/update by February 1, 2023 for the next issue of Ma Ke Kula.
In Their Wake
Kento Komatsu ’18 attended HPA from 9th through 12th grade. He played soccer on HPA’s historic 2018 BIIF Division I State Championship team and pursued photography, videography, and ukulele while he was a student. He went on to study documentary production with a minor in entrepreneurship at Chapman University. For his senior thesis project, he wrote and produced In Their Wake, a short documentary inspired by the passing of Komatsu’s classmates, teammates, and close friends, Ilan Naibryf ’18 and Malcolm Davis ’18.
How and when did you decide to make this film?
It was summer, I was in California, and I had just heard the news about Malcolm and then Ilan. I had been searching for a film subject; it was always on my mind. Then it occurred to me that I should tell the story about myself and this loss. This story just felt obvious, like there was no other option at that time.
What did you learn along the way?
My conclusion by the end was that everyone has their own journey, their own way of dealing with death, and this was my way: this documentary. I'm just 22, and it reflects my first experience of the death of someone close to me. The filmmaking process was a way to explore the feelings. Now that it's finished, hopefully people can find their own understanding and conclusions. I want the viewer to take whatever they want from the film and leave with that.

Given the deeply personal subject matter, how does it feel to be living with the final product?
Once I got into the editing room, I could just disconnect and create a story as a filmmaker, rather than as a friend. I was like a filmmaker-robot putting the pieces together. When I finally saw the film in the theater, all this pent-up emotion was released. Something clicked and it was a good moment of grieving together with family and friends. I was free to let my emotions out. I’ve been submitting to festivals here and there, and friends have been asking me what my plans are for the film. At the end of the day, if the people I care for liked the film, that’s what is important to me. If I can place it into a few festivals where more people see the film, then that’s just the cherry on top.
Did you work with other Ka Makani in bringing the film to screen?
I interviewed Ilan’s mom, Ronit Felszer ’87, and also Daniel Groves ’18. And I showed cuts to some friends—people like Michael Hanano ’18 and Maiki Kawakami ’19—to get their thoughts on the film. I also talked to a lot of guys on our HPA soccer team. But before I even pitched the idea of the film, I actually called Coach Braithwaite [former HPA teacher and coach of the 2018 team]. I had this feeling that I wasn’t in the right place to tell the story, like, Who is this random kid making a film about his friends’ deaths? He gave me confidence. He said I should make it for them. That really helped in pushing me forward.
Photo courtesy of Adrian Delcan
How would you describe the impact of friendships made at HPA?
That’s a great question. When you’re in high school or college it’s easy to think of your friends as a “connection” in terms of helping get you a job or something, but at the end of the day, my HPA friends are the closest I’ll ever have. Especially now that I am trying to work in the film business, which is a very tough industry, it’s comforting to have friends who are outside the business and to know that my friends are there for me. Whether they are coaches or classmates, the connections from HPA sustain you 100%.
Do you plan to keep making movies?
It's a tough business, but yes, I definitely plan to keep going. I don’t know if it will be documentary or narrative films, but I will continue this process, no matter what the subject is. •

Laura Hughes Tamasese ’01 and Tommy
Tamasese ’02 had a baby boy, Archer, last December! They love being parents of a busy, happy one year old. Laura has been working as a home health physical therapist for Queen’s North Hawai‘i Community Hospital since moving home to Hawai‘i Island in 2018. They are thrilled to spend lots of time with fellow Ka Makani on island, including Sami Tamasese ’99 (front row, far left, HPA cap), Peter Olsen ’97 (next to Sami), Jeff Hughes ’98 (back row, far left, holding Monti Hughes ’35), Noah Pobre ’35 (on mom Leslie’s lap, next to Jeff), Jacob Pobre ’98 (holding Braden Pobre ’31). [Laura is back row, middle, in black shirt, holding baby Archer; Tommy is back row, far right.]
(continued from page 41) Jerry Takata ’77, despite best-laid plans before the pandemic to retire, is still very busy running Takata Store in Hawī, where he and his family provided muchneeded food to the Kohala area. “I have to personally thank Jerry and his wife Kim for letting me stay in their ‘ohana for a few days at the end of our trip for the reunion after I contracted covid,” Sheila writes. “My husband was able to fly home as planned, but I had to stay a bit longer. The Takatas are true friends with so much aloha spirit.”
Sheila also shared that “Tim Richards ’77 is a local politician on the Big Island now, in addition to being a veterinarian and rancher. You really need to find a way to stay busy, Tim ;-)” Carole and T.J. Woosley ’77 are still in Bellevue, Washington. T.J. does commercial real estate investment and management with lots of community involvement (Rotary, hospital foundation board, etc.). Their twin sons are almost 25! They visit HI and WY often and travel as much as possible with more in the future!
“As for me,” class agent Sheila Crosby Powell ’77 writes, “I remarried in late 2019 on the Big Island, and my husband Matt and I live near Phoenix, Arizona. My daughters are 37 and 39 and live on opposite coasts (New York City and San Francisco Bay Area). I left my 40+ year career in the corporate world right before the reunion, and I am now doing HR Consulting as an independent consultant. So not yet retired, but I love having more flexibility!”
Douglas Herkes ’79 wrote in with sad news: “It is with heavy hearts that the class of ’79 shares that Paige Crudele Delima passed away recently. Wende Haserot Tostenson and I will be attending the memorial service for Paige and her husband Brian Delima in Hilo this Friday. Take care and enjoy every day!”
Olivier Heuchenne ’86 is “excited to share that our daughter Linnea has taken a year away from Mallorca to attend HPA for one year, and I am particularly proud that she has ventured so far from us for this lifetime experience!”
Kevin Donnelly ’87 is currently teaching and coaching in Kansas City.
You may see Jada Rufo ’88 at farmers markets in Waimea and Waikoloa selling her books Banana Girl: An Asian American Woman's Life in China, and The Zone. Jada spent fourteen years teaching in China. Banana Girl: An Asian American Woman's Life in China, is a memoir that takes place in a single school year in a small town in China. The Zone is a historical novel that takes place in 1937 Nanking, now Nanjing, during the period now known as the Rape of Nanking. Jada writes: “I have a third one in the works, an upcoming children's book soon to be released. This past summer I went to Europe for the first time on a Rick Steve's Europe tour. I visited Germany and Austria. I've always wanted to visit Salzburg, Mozart's hometown. Also went to Munich, Lake Hallstatt, and Vienna.”
We want to hear from you! Please submit your notes and photos to www.hpa.edu/giving/update by February 1, 2023 for the next issue of Ma Ke Kula.
Matthew Huddleston ’90 writes: “My oldest daughter just graduated from HPA. Hard to believe it's been 32 years since I graduated.
She is off to UCLA in the fall. It was very special for me to be part of that day—it brought back so many memories.”
Christopher Gregory ’96 says that “All is well. At the beginning of the year, I started my new job as Executive Director of the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline. With the pandemic finally settling down, we hope to get back to the Big Island and to see folks around the Denver/Boulder area. Let us know if you find yourself in Colorado.”
Jeff Hughes ’98 and his wife, Jen, moved to Hawai‘i Island last year with their daughter, Monti, who just started Kindergarten at HPA!
Jessica Graybill ’05 says: “I think this may be the first time I'm writing in to share an update! I'm currently living in Joshua Tree, California where I work for an environmental conservation non-profit (Mojave Desert Land Trust). Despite its inhospitable appearance, there is an abundance of native plants and wildlife that thrives here, and I am consistently inspired by their hardiness and the clever ways they've adapted to thrive in this environment. It's been a hot summer, and I am really looking forward to Fall so I can hit the trails again and explore the many interesting desert and mountain towns nearby with my husband and dog! I converted my garage into a pottery studio and am a ceramicist in my free time (MamaCoyote.com).”
Danielle Myrick ’05 is living in North Carolina and works in the health insurance field. “My husband is still in the Army. Our daughter, Kaylie, is 4 years old.”
Corrina Mahuna ’06 writes that she is “happily married to Joshua Mahuna and our daughter, Carli-Jean, will be turning 1 next month. Man, how has time flown by so fast? I have been working as a veterinary technician for Veterinary Associates for the last 10 years and love every minute of it. Our clinic works with everything: cats, dogs, goats, horses and cattle. Everyday is different and definitely not boring. It is a self rewarding job, helping all the different animals island-wide and also learning information that we can use for our own selves regarding our livestock. My husband and I are running our own ranch, JC Mahuna Ranch, where we are raising 75+ head of cattle, some horses and sheep. You can say I am living the dream life that I always had as a little girl. We are living in our beautiful Waimea town and working with livestock perpetuating the Waimea lifestyle. Life at HPA definitely seems like a lifetime away from when we were all walking the hill going to the pavilion and moving all the chairs down to the gym for finals. I pray that everyone not only in my class but all the students from previous years until now can appreciate the history and experiences that HPA offered to each individual. Much aloha and love.”
Teddy Quinn ’10 just started a new job as a political appointee for the Biden Administration working at the National Labor Relations Board. “My wife and I just closed on our first ever house in our dream neighborhood,” Teddy writes. “It's been a busy summer!” (continued on page 46)

Racey Biven ’00 (pictured here on his 40th birthday) is in charge of sales across Hawai‘i Island for Chambers and Chambers Wine Merchants, serving large hotel restaurant accounts and private clubs. He spends his free time in the ocean, fishing, or surfing, as well as working the family farm with his wife, Taylor, who manages her family’s commercial property in Waimea and can be found surfing on the regular. Their daughter, Emma, is living in Waimānalo on Oʻahu, loves to dance hula, and is applying to Kamehameha for high school next year. Puamana is in preschool in Waimea on Hawai‘i Island, and she loves the ocean and surfing and diving, as well as dancing.
(continued from page 45) Julia Noe ’11 got married in June to her partner, Dirk. Julia finished her 6th year teaching in the Bay Area, left San Francisco, and is now living on the Big Island. She has returned to HPA, and is teaching 3rd grade.
Leila Takahashi-Ruiz ’14 just started her 4th year in the Integrated Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program at UT Health San Antonio. She became a Ph.D. candidate after passing her qualifying exam in spring 2021, and is under the mentorship of Dr. April Risinger. Her lab is focused on the discovery and development of drugs for the treatment of women's cancers with particular expertise in drugs that target the cytoskeleton. “My dissertation project focuses on investigating the immunological effects of microtubule-targeting agents to improve the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer. This work has led to a second author publication describing how he destabilizer eribulin activates the cGASSTING pathway leading to type I interferon signaling in Molecular Pharmacology, and a first author publication on the synergy between eribulin and immunotherapy that has been submitted and under review. In addition to my thesis work, I have also undertaken multiple projects to characterize natural products that have efficacy against triple-negative breast cancer, which has resulted in three additional publications including a firstauthor publication. My multidisciplinary training, high degree of research productivity, and translational project led to being awarded as a trainee in the Translational Science Training TL1 program for 2022-2023. Alongside my research efforts, I have also worked as a teaching assistant and as a mentor in the laboratory and for new incoming students. This has all led to being selected as the Heather Menzie Junior Student of the Year and recognized by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the beginning of this school year. My future goals are to become an independent scientist with a desire to teach and mentor whilst conducting translational research.”
Silas Rhyneer ’18 shares that he is “Living in a new city! Was going to come back to Hawai‘i, but work had other plans.”
Christopher Chock ’19 is completing his fourth year at Gonzaga University, majoring in Electrical Engineering, and minoring in Physics. “I completed an internship on the Big Island with the Akamai Internship Program. It is a great project-based program that is geared toward engineers/ computer science/sciences majors.”
Class notes are edited for length and clarity, including adding diacritical markings and other minor adjustments, in accordance with HPA’s style guidelines.
In Memoriam:
In the past year, we were saddened to learn of the deaths of the following members of the HPA ’ohana. If you would like more information, please contact us at alumni@hpa.edu. We may be able to put you in touch with the family or friends of the departed. Please let us know about others who have passed at alumni@hpa.edu.
• Arnold “A.D.” Ackerman ’69 • Arrison Aquino ’09 • John Arrillaga Sr. • Deborah Baker ’72 • Patricia Clifford • Anthony Craven • Brian De Lima • Paige Crudele De Lima ’79 • Leningrad Elarionoff • Christine “Tepa” Farias ’95 • David Forbes ’59 • James Growney • Philibert “Ski” Kwiatkowski • Theodore Lindsey • Jean Weinrich McDonough ’77 • Paul Nakayama • Melvin Paio • S. Andrew Perala ’72 • Courtney Rapier ’12 • Michael Saalfeld • Mary Hugh Scott • Franz “Dick” Solmssen • Robert Tully ’68 • Hugo von Platen Luder, Jr. • Gregory Wick ’66

Curiosity, growth, wonder, and joy.
Brought to you by the HPA Fund.
When you make a gift to the HPA Fund, every HPA student benefits—from kindergarten to 12th grade, from the Ulumau garden to the art studio to the Energy Lab and beyond. That’s because tuition covers less than 80 percent of what it takes to deliver HPA programs. Generous gifts make our additional excellence possible. Together, our gifts help create extraordinary programs and a school community that helps each child shine and grow. Please join in support of our amazing students. Together for HPA! Thank you. To give online, visit www.hpa.edu/give To mail your gift, use our address on the back cover. Thank you! If you have already made your gift, please accept our sincere thanks! TOGETHER FOR HPA.