Celebrate Hula

Page 1

Hawaii Tribune-Herald April 24-30, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011 2



Index Welcome to the 48th Merrie Monarch Festival, 3

Complete list of participating halau, 4

■ A quick glance at the 12 Miss Aloha Hula contestants, 9

■ Three Hilo halau will dance in

this year’s competition, 20 Kahikilulani honors late kumu’s legacy, 21

The story of how Kalakaua became king, 24

‘Uli‘uli plays important role in the music of hula, 26

■ Festival’s royal couple represents tradition, 28

The legend of the goddess Pele and her migration to the island, 32

■ A complete list of previous festival winners, 34-35

Annual Royal Parade celebrates pageantry, 37

■ Don’t have tickets? Tune into K5 and watch live on TV, 38

MONDAY, APRIL 25 Noon — Hälau Keali‘i O Nalani, kumu Keali‘i Ceballos, at the Naniloa Volcanoes Resort 1 p.m. — Hälau Hula ‘O Hilo Hanakahi, kumu Pua Crumb, at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel TUESDAY, APRIL 26 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. — Hawaiian entertainment at the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center Noon — Unukupukupu, kumu Taupori Tangaro, at the Naniloa Volcanoes Resort 1 p.m. — Hälau O Mailelaulani, kumu Maile Canario, at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel

Hawaii Tribune-Herald

www.hawaiitribune-herald.com The site includes a special Merrie Monarch section that features interest-

judges 6:30 p.m. — Miss Aloha Hula Competition, followed by presentation of awards

Naniloa Volcanoes Resort

Banyan Dr.

Hilo International Airport

b b Edith Kanaka‘ole

Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium

Multipurpose Stadium

Kekuanaoa St.

Nowelo St.

= parade route


‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaii

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. — Hawaiian entertainment at the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center 11 a.m. — Hälau Hula O Kou Lima Nani E, kumu Iwalani Kalima, at the Civic Noon — Hälau Na Lei Hiwahiwa ‘O Ku‘ualoha, kumu SammyeAnne Young, at the Naniloa Volcanoes Resort 1 p.m. — Ke Ola O Nä Küpuna, kumu Haunani Medeiros, at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Hö‘ike at the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium 6 p.m. — Entrance of Royal Court 6:15 p.m. — National Anthem and Hawai‘i Pono‘ï by Ka Leo Wai, the Waiäkea High Hawaiian Ensemble, Kawika Urakami 6:25 p.m. — Pule by Kahu Wendell Davis 6:30 p.m. — Hälau O Kekuhi, kumu Nälani Kanaka‘ole 7:30 p.m. — Marshallese Iakwe Club, University of Hawaii at Hilo 8 p.m. — Merahi O Tapiti, Tiffany Dela Cruz

Exclusive Web coverage For more exclusive coverage of the Merrie Monarch Festival, visit the Tribune-Herald’s website at:

b b

Kanoelehua Ave. Kalanikoa St.

Judging isn’t easy for panel of dedicated experts, 18

Kameh ameha Ki Ave. lau ea Av e.

Manono St.

Free hula abounds this week in Hilo, 15

Hilo Bay . ve eA nu e nu aia W


Ho‘ike is a night of free, exciting fun, 14

SUNDAY, APRIL 24 Ho‘olaule‘a at the Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium 9 a.m. — Ha‘akumalae, Kekuhi Keali‘ikanaka‘oleohaililani and Manaiakalani Kalua 10 a.m. — Hälau Hula Ke ‘Olu Makani O Mauna Loa, kumu Meleana Manuel 11 a.m. — Hälau Nä Pua O Uluhaimalama, kumu Emery Aceret Noon — Hälau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua, kumu Johnny Lum Ho 1 p.m. — Hälau Nä Lei Hiwahiwa ‘O Ku‘ualoha, kumu SammyeAnne Young and Nä Lei Liko O Ola‘a, kumu Kimo Kekua 2 p.m. — Lori Lei’s Hula Studio and Wai‘ohinu Hula Studio, kumu Lori Lei Shirakawa 3 p.m. — Merahi O Tapiti, Tiffany Dela Cruz

Hilo Hawaiian Hotel

S na ha mo Ko

Hula Hands: Every movement has meaning, 10

ONGOING EVENTS 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday to Saturday — PIHA Native Hawaiian Art Exhibit at the Merrie Monarch Festival Office, 865 Piilani St. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday — Merrie Monarch Hawaiian Arts and Crafts Fair at the Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium (4 p.m. closing Saturday)

St. le oo Kin

Hilo dancer to represent Big Island in Miss Aloha Hula contest, 7


ing stories, hula photo galleries, schedules and more. The site also offers a fun and informative interactive Merrie Monarch poll that will change daily. The first poll is today, and the last will appear Sunday, May 1. Visitors are invited to vote each day, and results can be viewed immediately. ■

8:45 p.m. — Te Tu Mataora, Haimona Maruera and Kiritiana Hautapu-Fonotoe, from New Zealand THURSDAY, APRIL 28 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. — Hawaiian entertainment at the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center 11 a.m. — Hälau Hula Ke ‘Olu Makani O Mauna Loa, kumu Meleana Manuel, at the Civic Noon — Hälau O Kawänanakoa, kumu Alberta Nicolas, at the Naniloa Volcanoes Resort 1 p.m. — Hälau O Kou Lima Nani E, kumu Iwalani Kalima, at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Miss Aloha Hula Competition at the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium 6 p.m. — Entrance of Royal Court 6:15 p.m. — National Anthem and Hawai‘i Pono‘ï by Ka Leo Wai, the Waiäkea High Hawaiian Ensemble, Kawika Urakami 6:20 p.m. — Pule by Kahu Wendell Davis 6:25 p.m. — Introduction of

For more festival coverage on our website, use your smartphone to scan the code below.

FRIDAY, APRIL 29 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. — Hawaiian entertainment at the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center 11 a.m. — Ke Ola O Nä Küpuna, kumu Haunani Medeiros, at the Civic Noon — Hälau O Kawänanakoa, kumu Alberta Nicolas, at the Naniloa Volcanoes Resort 1 p.m. — Hälau Ha‘a Kea ‘O Akalä, kumu Paul Neves, at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Group Hula Kahiko Competition at the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium 6 p.m. — Entrance of Royal Court 6:15 p.m. — National Anthem and Hawai‘i Pono‘ï by Ka Leo Wai, the Waiäkea High Hawaiian Ensemble, Kawika Urakami 6:20 p.m. — Pule by Kahu Wendell Davis 6:25 p.m. — Introduction of judges 6:30 p.m. — Hula Kahiko Competition SATURDAY, APRIL 30 10:30 a.m. — Royal Parade through downtown Hilo Noon — To‘a Here, Romi Salvador, at the Civic Group Hula ‘Auana Competition at the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium 6 p.m. — Entrance of Royal Court 6:15 p.m. — National Anthem and Hawai‘i Pono‘ï by Ka Leo Wai, the Waiäkea High Hawaiian Ensemble, Kawika Urakami 6:20 p.m. — Pule by Kahu Wendell Davis 6:25 p.m. — Introduction of judges 6:30 p.m. — Hula ‘Auana Competition, followed by presentation of awards ■

Celebrate Hula Editor David Bock Staff writer Peter Sur

Photographer William Ing

Page designer Meg Premo

On the cover: Main photo: Halau Na Mamo o Pu‘uanahulu; Secondary photo: Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka Celebrate Hula is a copyrighted

© publication of the Hawaii Tribune-Herald

3 Sunday, April 24, 2011



Photos by WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Bring on the hula 48th Merrie Monarch Festival kicks off in Hilo


a few key people — the show must go on. Or perhaps the festival’s popularity is because of these things. See HULA Page 4

Hawaii Tribune-Herald

They don’t dance for money; dancers have invested thousands of dollars and countless hours pring — it is a time for preparing for this week. They renewal, a fresh start, a don’t dance for fame, or for the rebirth, a celebration of awards, although the promise life, when all the world seems flush with possibility and of both looms. They do it out of love for their culture, for hope. their ancestors, for their kumu, In Hilo, as it has for the last for their halau, and for them48 years, Easter Sunday brings a celebration of a different kind, selves. This is why, despite all one with hula and music. Forged of the challenges that have in the fires of competition, and faced the Merrie Monarch distilled through centuries of Festival in recent years — a tradition, people from around collapsing economy, soaring the Pacific will take the stage fuel prices, and the deaths of and take their place in history. By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer

Above: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela will be among the halau competing at the 48th Annual Merrie Monarch Festival at the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium in Hilo. At left: Kapua De Sa dances in the 2010 Miss Aloha Hula contest.

Sunday, April 24, 2011 4 Hawaii Tribune-Herald



HULA From page 3 When Halau O Kekuhi takes the stage on Wednesday afternoon — and every person in the stadium roars in approval — the excitement, the electricity, the power in the air will be beyond words. When each of the dozen women in Thursday’s Miss Aloha Hula competition performs her chant, the audience will hold its breath and marvel at the courage and grace she summons for a seven-minute solo performance. When, at last, the final halau walks off stage Saturday night and the accountants begin compiling the results, waves of relief will wash over the stands, and the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium will become a pa‘ina with 4,200 revelers. Watching over all of it is the Royal Court, led this year by Mo‘i Kane (king) Aaron Ka Pomaika‘i Kaleo and Mo‘i Wahine (queen) Kaleo‘onalani Mei-Ling Francisco. They represent Hawaii’s last king, Kalakaua, the original Merrie Monarch, and his wife, Queen Kapi‘olani. The essence of the Merrie Monarch Festival is not in a single moment or a single place. It begins today with a bang, takes a breather on Monday and Tuesday, and beginning with the Ho‘ike on Wednesday builds in energy and momentum through the weekend. Today’s free Ho‘olaule‘a kicks off the festival in fine fashion, with a stellar lineup at the Afook-Chinen Civil Auditorium. Beginning at 9 a.m., between 350 and 400 students of Keaukaha and Panaewa-area schools will be performing a ceremony “to be the face to welcome everyone into Hilo,” said Manaiakalani Kalua, one of the kumu hula of Unukupukupu. Students

Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka of Maui performs during last year’s festival. The ‘auana competition will be held Saturday night at the Edith Kanaka‘ole stadium.

WILLIAM ING/ Tribune-Herald

of Keaukaha Elementary, Ka ‘Umeke Ka‘eo and Ke Ana La‘ahana will present a series of welcoming ‘oli, or chants. Hei, or string figures, will tell the stories of the area, an awa ceremony will represent a symbolic feeding of the community and a hula palaoa, or whale dance, will be performed. “They’re going to be welcoming everyone through their chants and dances,” Kalua said. “Each of their chants has a connection to something significant about Keaukaha.” The must-see performance of this day is, of course, Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua, under the direction of the incomparable kumu Johnny Lum Ho. Hula performances by Halau Hula Ke ‘Olu Makani O Mauna Loa, Halau Na Lei Hiwahiwa ‘O Ku‘ualoha and Na Lei Liko O Ola‘a, first-time Merrie Monarch competitor Halau Na Pua O Uluhaimalama, the colorful children of Lori Lei’s Hula Studio and the Tahitian group Merahi o Tapiti round out the day. Monday and Tuesday are the “breather” days, with hula performances at the Naniloa Volcanoes

Resort and the Hilo Hawai“It’s been several hunian Hotel with Halau dred years since an entire Keali‘i O Nalani and halau has been outfitted Unukupukupu, among oth- in kapa,” said Maui kapa ers. Tuesday, the ‘Imiloa maker Lisa Raymond, who Astronomy Center begins contributed a kihei, or four full days of music, cape, to the halau. hula and workshops with Napua Makua, Nani Lim See HULA Page 5 Yap, Hokulani Holt and other hula masters. Wednesday morning, the official invitational Merrie Monarch Hawaiian Arts and Crafts Fair opens at the Civic. Later that night, the action moves to the main stage at the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium. The can’t-miss Ho‘ike is the mother of all exhibitions, with samplings of dances from around the Pacific. Halau O Kekuhi, Hilo’s own champions of traditional aiha‘a style hula, present a Miss Aloha special performance clothed in Hula 2010 Mahealani kapa, made in the Mika old way by masters Hirao-Solem of the lost art of kapa making.

COMPETING HALAU CALIFORNIA Halau Keali‘i O Nalani Kane & Wahine / Kumu Keali‘i Ceballos Los Angeles Na Pua Me Kealoha Kane / Na kumu Sissy and Lilinoe Kaio Carson HAWAII ISLAND Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani Kane & Wahine / Kumu Nahokuokalani Gaspang Hilo Halau Na Pua ‘O Uluhaimalama Wahine / Kumu Emery Ali‘ili‘iokalani Aceret Hilo Halau O Ke Anuenue Wahine / Kumu Glenn Kelena Vasconcellos Hilo KAUAI Na Hula O Kaohikukapulani Wahine / Kumu Kapu Kinimaka-Alquiza Hanapepe MAUI Halau Ke‘alaokamaile Wahine / Kumu Keali‘i Reichel Wailuku Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka Wahine / Na kumu Napua Makua and Kahulu Maluo Kula OAHU Halau Hula Olana Wahine / Na Kumu Olana and Howard Ai Puuloa Halau I Ka Wekiu Kane & Wahine / Na Kumu Karl Veto Baker and Michael Casupang Pauoa Halau Ke Kia‘i A O Hula Wahine / Kumu Kapi‘olani Ha‘o Kalihi and Kapalama

Halau Mohala ‘Ilima Wahine / Kumu Mapuana de Silva Ka‘ohao Halau Hula ‘O Hokulani Wahine / Na kumu Hokulani and Larry De Rego Waipahu Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela Wahine / Na Kumu Kau‘ionalani Kamana‘o and Kunewa Mook Kalihi and Waimanalo Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea Wahine / Kumu Kapua Dalire-Moe Kaneohe Halau o ke ‘A‘ali‘i Ku Makani Wahine / Kumu Manu‘aikohana Boyd Kanewai Halau O Na Pua Kukui Kane / Kumu Ed Collier Kalihi and Honolulu Ka La ‘Onohi Mae O Ha‘eha‘e Wahine / Na kumu Tracie and Keawe Lopes Honolulu Ka Leo O Laka I Ka Hikina O Ka La Kane & Wahine / Kumu Kaleo Trinidad Honolulu Ka Pa Hula O Ka Lei Lehua Kane / Kumu Snowbird Puananiopaoakalani Bento Honolulu Ka Pa Hula O Kauanoe O Wa‘ahila Wahine/ Kumu Maelia Loebenstein Carter Honolulu and Kaimuki Kawaili‘ula Kane / Kumu Chinky Mahoe Kailua Ke Kai O Kahiki Kane / Kumu O’Brian Eselu Waianae Keolalaulani Halau ‘Olapa O Laka Wahine / Kumu Aloha Dalire Kaneohe

5 Sunday, April 24, 2011



HULA From page 4 They are followed by three first-time performers in the Ho‘ike: The Marshallese Iakwe Club of the University of Hawaii at Hilo, Keaukaha’s Merahi O Tapiti and New Zealand’s Te Tu Mataora. A veritable smorgasboard of island dances will show the hula and its cousins on a night few will forget. Thursday brings the most coveted prize in all of huladom — the solo title of Miss Aloha Hula, given each year to the one dancer best able to represent her halau in the competition. Twelve women will take the stage, one at a time, and perform a hula kahiko, in the ancient style. They’ll chant to the gods and kings and queens of antiquity in what for many is a fierce, solemn performance. Then, after stepping off the stage, each woman must undergo a complete change and prepare for her graceful, moving hula ‘auana performance. The wahine who can pull off both styles is awarded an ipu heke, a seat in Saturday’s parade, and, more importantly, the title of the most accomplished hula soloist of

Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela, the overall winners from 2007 and 2008, respectively. The Big Island is wellrepresented by three Hilo halau, including one newcomer. Halau Na Pua O Uluhaimalama, under the direction of kumu hula Emery Aceret, makes his festival debut. The men and women of Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani return, as do the ladies of Halau O Ke Anuenue. Groups that have returned this year after a break include Kapu Kinimaka-Alquiza’s Na Hula O Kaohikukapulani, Manu Boyd’s Halau o ke ‘A‘ali‘i Ku Makani, Ed Collier’s Halau O Na Pua Kukui and Maelia Carter’s Halau Ka Pa Hula O Wa‘ahila. “I think returning after WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald a three-year hiatus, we’re kind of approaching MerThe kane of Halau Ke Kia‘i A O Hula of Honolulu perform their hula kahiko in 2010. rie Monarch as a very performances of the high- important world stage of ing the chants, rehearsing the year. The Big Island’s to the two days of group hula,” Boyd said. “And the moves, and living and est order, a night against representative in this con- competition, when the which every other hula this we are hoping to present breathing together. test is Stephanie Whitehall nine kane groups and 19 what we consider to be year is compared. Friday night is group wahine groups perform. from Halau O Ke ‘Anutraditional and rooted perAmong those compethula kahiko night, when The minutes that they enue. formances, yet fresh and spend on stage will barely the stars of the hula world ing this week: two-time The three nights of new.” defending overall winner unleash the full force of hint at the hundreds of competition are televised hours halau members spent their halau on stage. It’s an Ke Kai O Kahiki, along live on KFVE-TV. See HULA Page 6 with Halau I Ka Wekiu and hours-long succession of All of this is a warmup memorizing and practic-













HILO: 961-3015 811 Kanoelehua Ave.


KONA: 329-8517 74-5504 Kaiwi St.

Hawaii Tribune-Herald



HULA From page 5 Saturday night is the big finale — the group hula ‘auana competition, when each of the 28 competing groups throw on the glitz and flash one last time. Out go the sacred drums and sacred chants; in come the guitars and the powerful vocals of Hawaii’s greatest musicians, relegated for a night to become backup singers for the dancers onstage. Then, a little after midnight, it’s all over. The credits roll, the lights turn down, and the preparations begin for the next year. But the Merrie Monarch Festival is more than just the three nights of competition. It’s also the home of the island’s biggest parade, the best craft fairs, the greatest concentration of free hula performances, the heaviest rain, and so on. The air is tinged with energy and scented with flowers. There’s the sense that something great is about to happen. Boyd has worked with the Merrie Monarch Festival almost every year since 1979, as a dancer, color commentator, musician and kumu


hula. The kahiko performance from Boyd’s halau is a hula pahu, or drum dance, that Boyd composed to tell a portion of the legend of Pele and Hi‘iaka in their first meeting, and their three days together on Kauai. “I was trying to present a new composition, telling an old story in a traditional manner,” Boyd said. On ‘auana night, he’ll join his former kumu, Robert Cazimero, and three others in singing mele

that Boyd composed for his own halau, plus Halau Mohala ‘Ilima and Halau Ka Pa Hula O Wa‘ahila. “I’m very, very comfortable at Merrie Monarch because I’ve been there a long time, and I had a nice relationship with Auntie Dottie and Luana (the two most recent executive directors), and I love Hilo, and I have family roots in Kohala,” Boyd said. “I feel very comfortable and very much look forward to our performances.” So does the rest of the hula world. And in a few days, all of it will come together — a celebration that would make the Merrie Monarch himself proud.

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2 liter $1.79 ea. 20 oz. $1.39 ea. Halau Na Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu of Kapahulu, Oahu WILLIAM ING/ Tribune-Herald

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never visited our beautiful land, as well as to many others who, as tourists, have done so. The truth of the matter is that the real Hawaiian hula has little in common with the coarse imitations frequently served up to sightseers, magazine readers, and the general public.” ■

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the islands can not in any way be proud. The familiar picture of the lei-bedecked, dusky-skinned beauty, more or less adequately clad in her wreath and anklet of flowers, her bracelet of green, and the inevitable grass skirt expresses all that the hula means to those citizens of the Earth who have


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Lorrin Tarr Gill was a newspaper reporter, novelist and an editor and writer for the Bishop Museum. In 1923 she deplored the public’s misconceptions of the hula. “The Hawaiian hula as known to the world at large is a spectacle of which we who make our homes in

Email Peter Sur at psur@ hawaiitribune-herald.com. ■

Why wait in the emergency room for non-emergent care?

Hawaii Tribune-Herald


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Sunday, April 24, 2011 6


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7 Sunday, April 24, 2011



WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Stephanie Puakea Whitehall, the Miss Aloha Hula candidate for Glenn Vasconcellos’ halau, attends a rehearsal session session on April 5 at the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium in Hilo.

Embrace and C herish ‘o ka‘u nö ia ‘o ka pülama My sole duty is to embrace and to cherish...

Big Isle will root for Whitehall She’s the island’s sole entrant in the Miss Aloha Hula competition By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer


■ A complete list of the wahine competing for the title of Miss Aloha Hula, Page 9 Stephanie Puakea Whitehall — “Stew” to her hula sisters — is the Big Island’s sole representative this year. A member of Halau O Ke Anuenue, she’s 23, a junior at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, where she is majoring in history and dance and trying to become a history teacher. See MISS ALOHA HULA Page 8

Professor Kalena Silva exempliÄes the passion and commitment of UH Hilo instructors who share their expertise with the next generation of guardians of our culture and knowledge. Discover the unique “edVenture” that is UH Hilo...a very special place of learning, sharing, experiencing...

^^^ OPSV OH^HPP LK\ Dr. Kalena Silva, Professor of Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies, instructs students in Hula ‘Auana class. Photo by Ron Hughes Hawaii Tribune-Herald

he highest individual honor in the Merrie Monarch Festival is awarded Thursday night to the wahine who best expresses the essence of the hula. Each of the 12 dancers competing for the prestigious title of Miss Aloha Hula has spent countless hours fighting for the chance to be selected to represent her halau. She must perfect her own solo performance in the kahiko and ‘auana hula styles, and also perform Friday and Saturday in the group hula competition.


-From Ua Ao Hawai‘i written by Larry Kimura, chant melody by Kalena Silva

Sunday, April 24, 2011 8


MISS ALOHA HULA From page 7 She works full time, holding down jobs at Cafe Pesto as a hostess and waitress, and the Macy’s home merchandise section in Hilo. When not working, dancing or studying, she’s surfing. Whitehall’s love of the papa he‘e nalu, or surfboard, spurred her kumu, Glenn Vasconcellos, to choose a mele about the surfing spot of Oahu named Mamala. Mamala, some say, was named a chiefess and a kupua, or demigod trickster, an expert surfer who could change her form into a giant lizard or a shark as she wished. Mamala lived with her husband, Ouha, the shark man, near modern-day Honolulu until she was lured away by the chief Honokaupu. The legend tells of “a love triangle between a surfer girl and

performance, Whitehall will change from her More info ocean-blue kahiko costume ■ Name: Stephanie to one of fiery red for her Puakea Whitehall, 23 passionate hula ‘auana, ■ Halau: Halau O Ke “Ahi Wela.” “It’s talkAnuenue ing about the passion, the ■ Bio: Born on Oahu, love,” she said. And her costume “looks like it’s on raised in Hilo, 2006 fire.” alumna of Hilo High, The two styles, kahiko now studying hisand ‘auana, are as different tory and dance at the as night and day, or in this University of Hawaii at case, fire and water. WhoHilo. Works at Macy’s ever wins Thursday must and Cafe Pesto. Enjoys display mastery of the two surfing. forms of the dance, with■ Kahiko: “Kahi Kai a‘o out any backup from her Mamala” hula sisters. To be eligible ■ ‘Auana: “Ahi Wela” for this honor, the dancer must be 25 or younger, two chiefs,” Whitehall said, and be neither married nor and the mele speaks of a a mother. love affair at Mamala. The new Miss Aloha “It’s actually a chant that Hula will receive a slew of is supposedly passed down honors, including a golden from generation to genera- bracelet, a ride in Saturtion.” day’s Royal Parade, an ‘ipu Then, after her kahiko heke, a small cash prize

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ood Luck to All Halau

Hawaii Tribune-Herald


and an encore hula the following year. Most dancers, however, say they’re motivated by the chance to represent their halau. Whitehall was born on Oahu but has lived in Hilo

most of her life. She started dancing hula at the age of 5 and joined Halau O Ke Anuenue when she was 10. “I just felt she was ready” to compete for Miss Aloha Hula, Vasconcellos

said after one recent practice. “She has a passion for dancing.” “It’s a dream come true for me,” Whitehall said. Email Peter Sur at psur@ hawaiitribune-herald.com. ■



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One of these 12 women will be named Miss Aloha Hula on Thursday night.

9 Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Chantelle Lindsey Kau‘inohea Su‘a Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea

Chelsea Kehaulani Tacub Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela

Stephanie Puakea Whitehall Halau O Ke Anuenue

Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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Sunday, April 24, 2011 10




Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Lahela Rosario, 11, is a Waiakeawaena Elementary School fifth-grader. For the past six years, she has danced under kumu hula Emery Aceret’s Halau Na Pua ‘O Uluhaimalama. Here, she demonstrates various hula gestures.

makani = wind

ho‘olohe = listen

mana‘o = thought

pua = flower

aloha = love

manu = bird

mauna = mountain

‘aina = land

kaulana = famous


11 Sunday, April 24, 2011

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13 Sunday, April 24, 2011



Best of the best in 2010

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In-Store Live Entertainment, Hula Demonstrations & Ukulele Lessons through out the festival!

Discover Hawaii’s Largest Selection of Hawaiian Fashions and Gifts WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Kumu hula O’Brian Eselu acknowledges the judges as he takes the stage to receive the 2010 overall winner award for the kahiko and ‘auana performances of his halau, Ke Kai O Kahiki.

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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Sunday, April 24, 2011 14



Epic. Exciting. Free. Ho‘ike to feature dances from four regions of Pacific Western clothing. It wasn’t until 1950 that interest in reviving the art form began. he Ho‘ike on A couple years ago, the Wednesday night few people who have had is like an interexperience in kapa maknational potluck — but instead of food, the ing over the last several decades began sending feast features a medley of word out that they were dances, each exotic and hoping to clothe a halau. wonderful in its own way. Word went out to the 30 or This year’s showcase so known kapa makers, and features four courses about 24 committed themfrom across the Pacific, selves. and a stunning exhibition The kapa makers chose of the traditional dances Halau O Kekuhi because of Hawaii, the Marshall “we felt it was the most Islands, Tahiti and New culturally secure and Zealand. steady of the halau today,” Setting the tone for the said Marie McDonald, a rest of the week is Hilo’s kapa master who lives in own Halau O Kekuhi, Waimea and who helped to which, starting at 6:30 p.m., presents a set of 18th- organize the gathering. Kumu hula Nalani century dances and chants. The halau will open with Kanaka‘ole set out a few guidelines: The malo, or a name chant for Kaweloincloth, had to be 19- to loaikanaka, the esteemed 20-feet long. The pa‘u, or chief of Kauai. The mele skirt, had to be 3 feet by inoa “Aua Ia” refers to 7 feet. The wauke, or bark prophecies of changes to paper, had to be fermented, come, serving as an ominous warning to hold on to it needed watermarks, and important things, including it needed to use natural dyes. ideals, culture and land. There will be drum PETER SUR/ dances, including the Tribunefamous “Kaulilua,” and Herald hula from the keiki ‘olapa on farming, fishing and warring themes from the time of Kamehameha. But the real significance of these performances will be the dancers’ costumes of authentic kapa — cloth made from beating the The bark of certain trees Hoike — presented in a way isn’t that nobody living the today has ever seen. only Kapa was no free longer made in show. Hawaii by 1860, For more displaced by free events durable and in Hilo, see fashionable page 15. By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer

Hawaii Tribune-Herald


The kapa makers were turned loose. One of them was Lisa Raymond, an expert in the art of dyeing kapa. “It’s so much work,” she said by phone from Maui. “It’s an investment of literally hundreds of hours.” First, she said, the paper mulberry tree, or wauke, must be cultivated. It was harvested between 1 and 2 years and stripped of the outer bark, so that the inner bark could be used. It had to be soaked so it can

WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Halau O Kekuhi will kick off this year’s Ho‘ike with dances and chants. There’s plenty See HO‘IKE Page 15 of entertaining, free hula to experience this week in Hilo.

HO‘IKE From page 14 ferment over a number of months. It had to be beaten, dyed and have a pattern printed on it. To get the right shade of green for her kihei, or cape, Raymond and some friends used wood ash and 500 ma‘o flowers from the Maui Nui Botanical Gardens. Somehow, all the pieces came together — 17 pa‘u, three kihei and four malo, and a few spares. Kapa makers from Maui, Oahu, Kauai, the Big Island, Lanai and one in California worked on one piece each. Each is decorated differently. “It’s going to be so


Free hula abounds this week in Hilo

exciting to see the dancers wearing their pa‘u, and how they move with the bodies,� Raymond said. McDonald was present on April 3 for the first fitting of the pieces. “They were so beautiful, and so different and so appropriate for the bodies that are going to wear them,� she said. “It’s a collaboration between the artistic kapa making and the art of the hula,� McDonald said. “It has taken us more than a year to get pieces ready for the dancers to wear on Ho‘ike night.�

The annual Ho‘olaule‘a kicks off the week of hula. PETER SUR/ TribuneHerald


eople are still requesting tickets for seats in the nights of competition, even though it sold out four months ago. The requests have come from at least 24 states, plus France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Germany, Japan and China. So many of the people milling around Hilo this week won’t be at the Edith

Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium for the competition. Hence the focus on the free hula performances, beginning today and continuing until through Saturday. There’s the Ho‘olaule‘a, the giant allday kickoff celebration featuring some of the Big Island’s best halau not in competition, and one that is. There are performances daily at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel and the Naniloa Volcanoes Resort. The official invitational craft fair at

the Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium features free performances; check the schedule on Page 2 for more information. Wednesday brings the granddaddy of all free exhibitions, the Ho‘ike, with Halau O Kekuhi, the Marshallese Iakwe Club, Merahi O Tapiti and Te Tu Mataora of New Zealand. And as for the three nights of competition, that’s also free, if you have a television. If you aren’t full of hula by Saturday night, consider joining a halau. â–

15 Sunday, April 24, 2011


See HO‘IKE Page 16

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald


HO‘IKE From page 15 And that’s just the start of the night. Every year, the toughest job falls to whichever group follows Halau O Kekuhi in the Ho‘ike. On Wednesday, that will be The Marshallese Iakwe Club of the University of Hawaii at Hilo, which is is presenting a 30-minute set. “Iakwe” is the Marshallese equivalent of “aloha.” The Marshall Islands is an independent republic comprised of five islands and 29 atolls, divided into two archipelagos with a north-south orientation. More than 30 students are performing, said club President Ayako Yamaguchi. “We’re going to do a part where all the girls and the boys will march together (onstage) and do a dance entrance,” Yamaguchi said. The men will perform a dance together in which they’ll show how they collect the coconuts to make copra, the dried meat of the coconut. Then the women will do a dance on lei-making in the Marshallese way, Yamaguchi said. Their set will conclude with a co-ed performance to exit the stage. “We’re happy to share

Te Tu Mataora of New Zealand promises an exciting performance Wednesday at the Ho‘ike. The free event will feature dance groups from the Big Island and around the Pacific.

who we are, our culture, where we’re from,” Yamaguchi said. From the Marshall Islands the scene shifts to Tahiti, where perhaps a hundred vahine (men) and tane (women) present the story of the legendary pearl through the shaking of many legendary hips. Merahi O Tapiti is a Tahitian troupe based in Keaukaha and led by executive director Tiffany Dela Cruz. Formed in 2007, the group claims the dis-

tinction of being the first Tahitian pearls were Tahitian dance studio from first placed in the sky, the Hilo area to perform in to provide light for the the Ho‘ike. world. They were they Dela Cruz is originally from Kaneohe, Oahu, but moved to the Big Island when she was 11. A “Hawaiian who loves Tahitian,” she plans to bring the sounds of the South Seas to life. Dancers, drummers and singers will tell “the story of the Tahitian pearl, and how it provides light for the sky, light for the ocean.”

E Komo Mai Merrie Monarch!

See HO‘IKE Page 17


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placed in the ocean to light up the ocean, and then entrusted as a gift to humans.

“We plan on bringing about 100 people to perform. That’s children and adults,” from beginners to advanced, Dela Cruz said. The troupe will feature three styles of dance. There’s the ‘o‘tea, the hip-shaking, fast-paced, percussion dance. The aparima is characterized by singers and musicians, and the ahuroa is a style similar to the hula. Closing out the night is a Maori group from Aotearoa, on the north island of what is also known as New Zealand. Te Tu Mataora is “a family-oriented group with a belief and a desire to preserve and maintain our treasures that have been left to us by our ancestors,” said Haimona Maruera, the kaiako of the

April 24-30, 2011

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Sunday, April 24, 2011 16



17 Sunday, April 24, 2011


Best Wishes to All

2011 Merrie Monarch Participants!

HO‘IKE From page 16


A Kama‘aina Business • Seven Locations Statewide performance Wednesday night. “We are focusing on acknowledgement,” Maruera said.

“Our first (task) is acknowledging the people of Hawaii, and the sacred mountains and connections that we from Aotearoa will have with Hawaii, with Maui and the connections of the waka (canoes). And also, our waiata, our songs, our action songs, that we will be doing. We’ll be acknowl-

edging our generations that have passed on before, and our poi is acknowledging the excitement of treasures that connects us to Tangaroa (one of the great gods, analogous to Hawaii’s Kanaloa), that aligns us to be the same people.” They will also perform a medley of songs, the famous haka, and a final acknowledgment of Auntie Dottie Thompson and Uncle George Na‘ope and their own Maori matriarch, the late Pimia Wehi. The intent is to acknowledge all of them “and bringing together and sending them thanks for the treasures they have left for us all,” Maruera said. “A big aroha (the Maori equivalent of aloha) to the Merrie Monarch and the people of Hawaii.”


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ro‘opu (the equivalent of a kumu hula of a halau). “We have a traveling party of 52,” Maruera said by phone from New Zealand. “And we have 32 performers, and the rest — 14 children, and the rest are our elders and support people.” “We’re looking for a real good time. It’s all family and we’re all — as well as being honored and privileged to perform at the ‘Monarch’ — we’re definitely wanting to have a lot of fun ... and share what we have.” The ro‘opu is arriving in Hilo today and taking a tour of the island on Monday. Tuesday, they will perform at Kawananakoa Gym for the students of Ke Ana La‘ahana, Ka Umeke Ka‘eo and Keaukaha Elementary before taking part in a kipaepae ceremony in Hilo. Then comes their big

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Sunday, April 24, 2011 18



Judging may be toughest job in hula There’s no time to rest for panel By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer


halau had just finished performing its hula ‘auana last year when the kumu, backstage, gave his pronouncement: Good, but not good enough to win. But O’Brian Eselu was wrong. The men of Ke Kai O Kahiki walked away with the overall trophy for the second year in a row. Another kumu, Keali‘i Reichel, said he was “shocked” that the judges chose his halau as the best in wahine division. Then there was the rest of the field, too numerous to mention. Online message boards criticized the judging process and wondered why their favored halau did not win or place. Pointed barbs were lobbed at the judges for, among other things, awarding the same halau every year with all the hardware.

But is it fair criticism? Consider for a moment the judges’ task. One of the hidden strengths of the Merrie Monarch Festival competition is the requirement that each halau must create an in-depth document explaining the various layers of the hula performances and what they plan to present. It’s called a fact sheet, but some halau present a dissertation-length study on the origins and meanings of a chant. These fact sheets explain the kaona, or hidden meanings, of a performance that the casual viewer does not pick up. The judges somehow have to recall these fact sheets for the 24 hula performances Thursday night by the 12 Miss Aloha Hula contestants, the 28 group kahiko performances Friday night and the 28 group ‘auana dances Saturday. During each commercial break, they’ll have

to assign scores for each group’s ka‘i (entrance), interpretation, expression, posture, hand gestures, precision, foot and body movements, ho‘i (exit), authenticity of costume, adornments, grooming and overall performance. The criteria vary depending on the night. When they are done, the seven judges hand the

score sheets to a runner, who takes them to a team of certified public accountants seated stageside. The highest and lowest scores from each performance are discarded, except in case of a tie, and the five remaining scores are added together to determine the final results. Then the sniping begins. Or as Olana Ai calls it, “the

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to voice their opinion. And either by writing it or texting it, or vocalizing it, Ai said. She enjoys the drama of the competition. “Too bad that people have to feel that somebody lost, and I think that’s the saddest part. Because when you’re on stage, you don’t feel anything like that at all,” Ai said. “You feel that you have brought everything together, and you step on that stage, and it just rushes right through you. And that power just stays with you and you leave, and the audience is WILLIAM ING/ so wonderful. ... And when Tribune-Herald the judges are giving the award, that’s their kuleana. shrapnel of competition.” That’s their best opinion. She and her husband, How- And we have to just respect ard, are the two kumu hula it.” of Halau Hula Olana. Ai said the judges are “There’s always a second judging, and today, See JUDGES Page 19 more than ever, people love Judges take notes during last year’s Merrie Monarch festival. The job of a judge isn’t an easy one. This dedicated group of experts works tirelessly to judge dozens of performances based on specific criteria.



JUDGES From page 18 trying to do the best they can do for the culture, “and it’s just in a second that they’re putting down a number, and then the numbers are calculated without them in the room, so it comes out that way. And I can say that everybody has their sway, or their lean, but that’s their prerogative too.” Halau members dance for their family, friends and supporters, and to tell the story, Ai said. “We’re always wanting to express the story with all of our heart.” Whatever the score, “we don’t take it personally,” Ai said, adding, “They are who they are.” “They” are a panel of seven, with lifetimes spent immersed in their own respective traditions of the hula — Cy Bridges, Hokulani Holt, Nalani

Kanaka‘ole, Mae Klein, Joan S. Lindsey, Kalena Silva and Noenoelani Zuttermeister. Silva is the director of the Ka Haka ‘Ula O Ke‘elikolani College of Hawaiian Language, and a master chanter. He has filled the festival’s hot seat for a number of years. “The judging is very intense because it not only requires a lot of intense concentration during six, seven hours each night, every night for three nights, but it also requires that you really, very carefully observe the hula of people who have reached an extremely high level of proficiency. You know, they’re very good at what they do, otherwise they wouldn’t be at the Merrie Monarch,” Silva said. “We judges have to come prepared as well.” The challenge for Silva

and the other judges is best contained in the famous proverb “‘A‘ohe pau ka ‘ike i ka halau ho‘okahi.” — all knowledge is not taught in one school. Judges must determine how closely the performances hew to the various hula styles. “There are different styles, and I really enjoy them. I enjoy viewing a hula and being able to say, ‘Oh, yes, that is an ‘ami, the hip rotation of the Beamer style.’ Or ‘That is the kaholo (a hula step) from Maiki Aiu Lake.’ Or ‘That is the ‘aiha‘a, the low dancing style that you see from the Kanakaole family.’ I really enjoy seeing that because it gives depth and breadth to hula. If everybody did hula alike it would be extremely boring.” In judging the perfor-

mances Silva tries to honor the traditions of each of the halau to the best of his ability. “I think I look for what most people look for ... things that I recognize as being a part of hula, and being intrinsic and being a part of the hula. But I also look for spontaneity, and a joy, if required, if appropriate,” Silva said. “I look for what’s appropriate to the hula itself.” “There’s a whole gamut in the kinds of hula, and hula topics,” he said. “That would require ... an appropriate reflection of the way the dancers present it in a performance.” “Precision is a good thing, but not when it’s mechanical,” he said. Dancing together well to Silva does not mean mechanical precision, but rather it reflects “a sharing of a spir-

it of movement, both inside and outside. An inner movement that’s going on in the spirit inside, and then an outer movement that we see physically. And if that’s connected and coordinated, wow. That’s powerful stuff.” Judges can award up to 15 points in the interpretation category, giving them leeway to reward an especially powerful performance. The other categories have a maximum score of 10 points. Silva said he reads every fact sheet, but on competition nights he uses them more as an “assist,” while plugging in information from his own research and experience, and finally, after each dance, “judging in the moment.” He never considers the audience reaction. “That’s something we

(the judges) have talked about, and I think all of us agree that we are selected to be judges because, my understanding is the halau themselves have put up our names, and somehow we were selected,” Silva said. “And so I feel honored by that, and so I have to judge based on my honoring the halau; that is, not on maybe a passing fad or trend or ... spectacular move that might bring an audience to its feet. But I have to judge the whole hula in its entirety and based on a tradition of hula.” That tradition, he said, goes back perhaps hundreds of generations to the earliest Polynesian voyagers. The Merrie Monarch Festival “honors our ancestors and their work.” “We remember them, we respect them, we honor them.” ■

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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19 Sunday, April 24, 2011


Sunday, April 24, 2011 20


Hula, Hilo-style

Kumu’s presence still felt by halau

Three hometown halau will dance in this year’s competition

Group hopes to honor Fonseca’s legacy

By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer

By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer


Photos by WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Emery Aceret, center, watches his students make skirts for their kahiko number. Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani, and the next, and perhaps 20 times after that. Thirty years after his initial exposure to the hula, and a year after Fonseca died of a heart attack on Oahu, Aceret is leading his own halau to the competition. With Fonseca’s blessing, Aceret began teaching hula through a special program at the Lanakila Homes project with the Queen Lili‘uokalani Children’s Center. Fonseca chose the halau’s name: Na Pua ‘O Uluhaimalama, after the queen’s flower garden in Pauoa Valley, Oahu. It literally means “the flowers of Uluhaimalama.” And “na pua” is also a poetic reference “the children,” a nod to the halau’s origins. Aceret became a full kumu hula in 2007, charged with passing on the Na‘ope-Fonseca lineage to a new generation. Ten students, ages 13 and up, are competing this week. They come from Hilo, Puna, Paauilo and Waipio Valley. Keeping true

to their halau’s origins, the women will pay homage to Queen Lili‘uokalani, Hawaii’s last ruling queen. Their hula khaki performance is “Ka Kuaka‘i a Lili‘uokalani,” composed in 1988 by the late Malia Craver. It honors the queen’s journey to each island shortly after the death of her brother, King David Kalakaua. The tour, a traditional journey that monarchs took soon after their ascension, visited Hawaii Island, Maui, Molokai, Kauai and Niihau. The dancers will wear Kalakaua-era costumes in different shades of blue, representing the ocean. They’ll be performing with ipu heke, gourd instruments, which they made themselves. Their hula ‘auana selection, “Keolaokalani,” was written by the queen herself for the second son of Princess Ruth See HALAU Page 22

Above: The women of kumu hula Emery Aceret’s Halau Na Pua ‘O Uluhaimalama practice their 2011 kahiko competition number onstage at the Edith Kanaka’ole Multipurpose Stadium on April 14. At right: This year, Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani will be lead by kumu hula Nahoku Gaspang. At left: Glenn Vasconcellos of Halau O Ke Anuenue holds an ipu during a recent practice at the stadium.

ae Fonseca would tell the men and women of Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani: If anything ever happened to him, the show must go on. Then, on March 20, 2010, at age 56, Fonseca died on Oahu of a heart attack. The halau took the kumu’s words to heart that year, performing well enough to place in the kane ‘auana and Miss Aloha Hula competitions. They drew upon the kumu’s words in the hard months after the 2010 festival, traveling to Japan to perform in shows that had been arranged prior to Fonseca’s death. “With the help of the alaka‘i, we were able to fill all those promises,” said kumu hula Nahoku Gaspang. Gaspang was Fonseca’s own alaka‘i, or halau leader, and had known him for decades. A native of Oahu, she moved to Hilo in 1977 and joined Kahikilaulani the next year. “And I’ve been with him ever since,” she said. Fonseca was strict, in the manner of his own kumu, the late George Na‘ope. But halau members said it was for their own good. In 2007, Gaspang and five other students received Kahikilaulani’s highest honor — the ‘uniki, or graduation ceremony, certifying them as full-fledged kumu hula. But Gaspang is the first to admit that she is still learning. Nobody expected the transition to be so sudden. The halau needed a leader, and Gaspang was a natural choice.

PETER SUR/Tribune-Herald

Nahoku Gaspang, above, has taken over as kumu hula of Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani since the death last year of Rae Fonseca. “It was a hard choice for me to say, ‘OK,’” she said. Today, the halau tries “to keep his legacy alive and for the next generation,” Gaspang said. Though she knew her kumu for more than 30 years, she relies on a dedicated group of alaka‘i — No‘eau Kalima, U‘i Kamelamela, Roxy Kamelamela, Awa Duldulao and Hoku Moniz — to carry on Kahikilaulani’s legacy. In the early months, Gaspang asked the halau how they felt about her taking over for Fonseca. “I just didn’t want to step into something that I cannot complete or do,” she said. “It’s been OK now.” The alaka‘i have taken the lead in preparing the halau this year for the two nights of group hula competition. See LEGACY Page 23

Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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way from the lights and the music, they are your neighbors, brothers, daughters, classmates and coworkers — average people living average lives. But for a few minutes this week, they will kick off their slippers and move together as one under the harsh glare of the lights and the harsher glare of the judges. Three halau are representing the Big Island this year, and all of them are from Hilo. The ladies of Halau Na Pua ‘O Uluhaimalama make their debut in the festival competition. A year after the death of their kumu, the men and women of Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani will prove that the show must go on. And the women of Halau O Ke Anuenue are back, as the reliable veterans of the Merrie Monarch Festival. ————— Emery Aceret, now the kumu of Halau Na Pua ‘O Uluhaimalama, had a revelation in 1981. A born-and-raised Hilo boy, he was attending the University of Hawaii at Hilo when a friend took him to see the Merrie Monarch competition that year. “I thought it was pretty cool, and seeing men dance was new to me,” Aceret said. So he told his friend he wanted to join a halau — one led by kumu Johnny Lum Ho, who back then was sweeping the stage with the competition. No, the friend said, Aceret was going to dance with her halau, and with her kumu, a fellow named Rae Fonseca. Aceret said: “Who’s that?” He would soon learn. The next year, Aceret found himself dancing in the Merrie Monarch competition for Halau

21 Sunday, April 24, 2011



HALAU From page 20 Ke‘elikolani. The baby boy only lived six months, between February and August 1862. “The song is basically talking about that child,” Aceret said. “How the baby walks, how the baby moves, how the baby wiggles.” Uluhaimalama is also performing in the Ho‘olaule‘a on Easter Sunday, as the halau has done in the past. “My style of hula is basically that of Rae Fonseca, Uncle George Na‘ope,” Aceret said. “It’s all balled up into one,” with his own additions. One of the dancers, Kylie Andaya, 16, is a junior at Waiakea High. “I danced hula ever since I was 6 years old, so it’s pretty much my lifestyle,” Andaya said. “It’s what I’m known for by my friends and family. It’s my passion, my life.” Andaya has a personal connection with the halau’s ‘oli, the opening chant on kahiko night. “It’s talking about Lili‘uokalani, how she relates to God, and how she comes to God. It’s kind of similar to how I come to God. Hard to explain,” she said. ————— On the surface, Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani is honoring Kauai with a set of mele on both kahiko and ‘auana nights. But behind those songs and chants the halau is paying homage to Fonseca. The halau took its last major trip with Fonseca to Kauai before his death in 2010, and to Kauai they will return, in a metaphorical sense, in their performances Thursday and Friday. The men will perform “Hanohano Hanalei” in honor of Queen Kapi‘olani, said No‘eau Kalima, leader of the kane group. “Not only did we choose it for the island of Kauai, but the island of Kauai is one of kumu Rae’s favorite,

WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Glenn Vasconcellos’ Halau O Ke Anuenue of Hilo performs on kahiko night in 2010. favorite places. He loved that island,” Kalima said. “‘Hanohano Hanalei’ is a mele pana, a place chant. We describe in a dance the scenery on Kauai.” The queen, wife of King Kalakaua, “really loved

her people and for that we really want to show that in our dancing. I give thanks to what she gave to the Hawaiian people,” Kalima said. “It’s talking about places that people don’t even

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know in the chant,” said kumu hula Nahoku Gaspang. “And the boys bring the mele alive when they do it.” For the wahine, “Our kahiko is called “‘Ula Noweo.’ It’s in honor

of Kamoha‘i,” said Awa Duldulao, another halau leader. “We’ve come to find that Kamoha‘i was another name for Emalani, Queen Emma. ... This mele speaks of the different areas of Kauai that she had traveled to,” and evokes the smells, sights and sounds of the place. They will be performing with gourd rattles, the ‘uli‘uli, which they’ve made themselves, and which will reflect on the rain. Saturday, the kane group will perform “Ke Ka‘upu,” which was written by Prince Leleiohoku, the younger brother of Kalakaua. “It’s about a bird,” Kalima said, although Hawaiian songs are never just about a bird. “You’re going to like it.” “I think it’s going to entertain the peo-

ple,” Gaspang said. The wahine will perform “Lumaha‘i,” after the beach on Kauai’s northern shore that was made famous by the movie “South Pacific.” Kai Davis wrote the song, and his son will be in the audience on Saturday. “I’m truly happy and I’m pleased from the bottom of my heart,” Gaspang said. ————— Halau O Ke Anuenue is the old reliable standby of the festival. In past years the halau has been the Big Island’s only representative on the Merrie Monarch stage. This year they will present a pair of love songs. “Kaua i ka Nani a‘o Hilo” on Friday was originally written for King Kalakaua, said kumu Glenn Vasconcellos. “It See HALAU Page 23

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Sunday, April 24, 2011 22 Hawaii Tribune-Herald




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HALAU From page 22 was something that Uncle George (Na‘ope) taught to my aunt.” The hula master encouraged the aunt, to do her own version of it. Vasconcellos is taking it one step further and adapting his own version. “The girls are doing it with one ‘uli‘uli, kind of upbeat. It’s not a slow tempo chant,” Vasconcellos said. The halau’s ‘auana selection this year is the classic “Green Rose Hula,” written by a member of Johnny Almeida’s band and performed memorably by the late Aunty Genoa Keawe. “No ka pua loke lau ke aloha, no ka u‘i kau i ka wekiu,” the opening goes. “My love goes to the green rose, the blossom I esteem the highest,” is how

Mary Kawena Pukui’s translates it. “It’s an old song that people thought was written by Johnny Almeida,” Vas-


LEGACY From page 21 concellos said. But instead it was a member of his trio, Laida Paia. “It’s a love song, comparing the green rose to a lover.” For their costumes this year, “each girl had to go out and get plants and grow them and plant them so we can have flowers,” the kumu said. He hoped they grew well, but a few weeks ago the students were joking that they had black or brown thumbs. “That’s taking a lot of tender loving care, especially for those who are not green thumbs,” said Mokihana Kalaukoa, a member of the halau. Email Peter Sur at psur@ hawaiitribune-herald.com. ■

A member of Halau Hula ‘O Kahikilaulani dances a hula ‘auana in the 2010 festival.

“My hat is off to them,” Gaspang said. “I gotta make sure that when they go off on their own, they know what to do, when it’s their turn to spread their wings,” she said. “That’s why ‘Kahikilaulani’ is ‘the staff of the heavens,’ but also the branches that branch out.” But the leaves have not yet fallen from the branch. Fonseca was “everything to us,” Gaspang said. “Sometimes I get lonely without him.” So she calls on the other halau leaders for help. “They have been really on top of it,” she said. “They really work hard on it ... I want people to know that they are the ones that help prepare everybody for Merrie Monarch.” Kalima at first didn’t think he was going to

right to do.” And so the show will go on. “We all know what we have to do,” Gaspang said. “We all have a plan. And we got to do it.” Emery Aceret is the kumu of Halau Na Pua ‘O Uluhaimalama, which is making its debut in the competition this year. Aceret is another former student of Fonseca’s, until RAE FONSECA he became a kumu hula in 1953-2010 the same 2007 ‘uniki ceremony as Gaspang. dance this year, but as “Every time I do kahiko, the months rolled by, he I think about my kumu. changed his mind. “I needed to come back. And I was always a stickler on kahiko,” he said. “I I needed to do this. Merrie Monarch is challenging want to kind of fill in his shoes in that department. and it can be satisfying, ... Sometimes I can feel his and it’s fun. You’re with presence with me. I can your hula brothers and sisters for a long time,” he close my eyes and I can said. “I think for me, that’s hear him talking to me.” what I love doing. Hula Email Peter Sur at psur@ is part of my life. It feels hawaiitribune-herald.com. ■

23 Sunday, April 24, 2011


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Sunday, April 24, 2011 24



The unlikely monarch How Kalakaua, tireless supporter of hula, barely became king demic. Following the old Hawaiian custom of hanai, avid Kalakaua in which high-born chilhad no right to be king. He had dren were adopted by relatives at birth, Kalakaua to work for it. was taken from his birthHe was born of nobility, and his ancestors were place by the high chiefess Ha‘aheo Kaniu to her own close to the ruling Kamehome, one of the residences hamehas, but by the time he claimed Hawaii’s throne of the reigning king, Kamehameha III. he had wedged a permaThe royal court soon nent split between the two moved to Lahaina, Maui, dynasties. where Kalakaua lived until His father was the high he was 4. He then moved chief Caesar Kaluaiku back to Honolulu to learn Kapa‘akea, a great-grandat the newly founded Royal son of Kame‘eiamoku, one of the five Kona chiefs School, where, according who had supported Kame- to author Kristin Zambucka, “he was more noted for hameha I in his uprising his sense of fun and humor against Kiwala‘o. than for his brilliance as a His mother, the high scholar.” chiefess Analea KeoHe took his first military hokaloke, a cousin of instruction at the age of 14 Kapa‘akea, was the greatfrom an old Prussian solgranddaughter Keawe-adier, Captain Franz Funk. Heulu, another one of the five chiefs in Kamehameha Two years later, in 1852, Kalakaua received his first I’s council. army commission, with the The couple had many brevet rank of captain. Kalchildren, including the future Queen Lili‘uokalani. Born in 1836, Kalakaua was their third son, after Welcome Moses Kapa‘akea, who died at age 2, and James Visitors & Participants! Kaliokalani, who died at T TH HE E age 16 in a measles epiBy PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer


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About the “Merrie Monarch” Name: David La‘amea Kamanakapu‘u Mahinulani Naloiaehuokalani Lumialani Kalakaua Born: Nov. 16, 1835, in Honolulu Died: Jan. 20, 1891, in San Francisco Ruled: His Majesty Kalakaua I, 1874-1891

See MONARCH Page 25

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Julia Kapi‘olani, the granddaughter of Kaumuali‘i, Kauai’s last king. Kalakaua resigned from the post office in 1865 to become the chamberlain to Kamehameha V until 1869, when he resigned to pursue his law studies further. He was admitted to the bar in 1870 and appointed to a clerkship in the Land Office. But all was not well in the House of Kamehameha. The bachelor king was dying in December 1872, and his choice of an heir, the Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, turned down the throne. His death prompted William Charles Lunalilo, a grandnephew of Kamehameha I, to announce his candidacy and state that “I desire to submit the decision of my claim to the voice of the people to be freely and fairly expressed by a plebiscitum.”

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akaua was promoted to first lieutenant in his father’s militia, which numbered 240 men. He studied law under C.C. Harris, the future chief justice of the kingdom, and advanced through a succession of high offices. Kalakaua was promoted to military secretary under W.E. Maikai and then adjutant general. He became a major on the staff of Kamehameha IV, a member of the Privy Council of State in 1856, and the House of Nobles in 1858. Close friends called him “Taffy” and he was fond of singing, dancing and drinking. Returning from a trip to America alongside Prince Lot Kapuaiwa, the future Kamehameha V in 1860, Kalakaua was appointed third secretary to the Department of the Interior, and in 1863 became postmaster general. Also in 1863, he married a widow,


MONARCH From page 24 Kalakaua saw an opening for himself. He also announced his candidacy, promising “to preserve and increase the people, so that they shall multiply and fill the land.” Voters thronged to the polls on Jan. 1, 1873, and the result was a rout, a nearly unanimous vote — in favor of Lunalilo. The Legislature ratified the plebiscite, Lunalilo became king, and Kalakaua graciously accepted an appointment to Lunalilo’s staff and a promotion to colonel. “Whiskey Bill” was the beloved people’s king, but his reign was a short one, plagued by poor health and a mutiny of the royal guards. Lunalilo died Feb. 3, 1874, without naming an heir. Again, the kingdom faced a crisis. Again, Kalakaua threw his hat in the ring. Princess Bishop was named as a possible candidate, but her marriage to an American and her lackluster campaign left her far behind Kalakaua and

Queen Emma Rooke, the widow of Kamehameha IV. Kalakaua had spent a year courting public influence makers, and it paid off. Americans held their nose and supported Kalakaua over the pro-British queen. Newspapers printed editorials in his favor. Emma’s supporters plastered Honolulu with placards and broadsides. She had claimed that in Lunalilo’s last days the king had expressed “his wish and intention” that she be the next ruler. Mass meetings were held to support each candidate, and on Feb. 12, 1874, delegates of the Legislative Assembly elected the colonel over the queen by a vote of 39 to 6. All hell broke loose when the tally was announced. Hundreds of “Emmaites” stormed the building, and those delegates who supported Kalakaua were severely beaten. Carriages that were intended to take the delegates from the build-

ing were demolished and wielded as clubs. One of the delegates who was thrown out of a second-story window later died from his wounds. Angry mobs roved the streets of Honolulu, until 210 armed troops from American and British warships were called in to suppress the revolt. Most of the police sent to control the mob instead joined it. Emma graciously accepted defeat and urged the people not to commit any more acts of violence. The two candidates established formal, amicable relations, but the struggle between the two royal families was never settled. “Queen Emma never recovered from her great disappointment, nor could she reconcile herself to the fact that our family had been chosen as the royal line to succeed that of the Kamehamehas,” Lili‘uokalani wrote in her memoir. The next day, in the messy courthouse, the bat-


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tered delegates and other dignitaries gathered to watch Kalakaua take the oath of office as required by the constitution. It was a simple inauguration, with none of the pageantry that would mark the later years of his reign.

The 36-year-old king had work to do. Email Peter Sur at psur@ hawaiitribune-herald.com. Sources: Bailey, Paul. Those Kings and Queens of Old Hawaii: A Mele to Their Memory. Los Angeles: Westernlore Books, 1975.

Kuykendall, Ralph S. The Hawaiian Kingdom: Volume III. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1967. Liliuokalani. Hawaii’s Story by Hawaii’s Queen. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. Zambucka, Kristin. Kalakaua: Hawaii’s Last King. Honolulu: Mana Publishing Co, 1983. ■

25 Sunday, April 24, 2011


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May Day is Lei Day

Sunday, April 24, 2011 26



‘Uli‘uli: The rhythm of hula Small gourd containing pebbles plays important role in dance Dennis Keawe of Hilo displays some of his craftsmanship in his workshop. Keawe makes ‘uli‘uli — small gourd instruments used during hula performances.

By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer

Hawaii Tribune-Herald


Merrie Monarch Festival Workshops Tuesday, April 26

10am Mohalu - Music by Napua Makua 2:30pm ‘A‘a i ka Hula: A Contemporary Drama of the Historical Perspectives of Hula by Ke Kula ‘O Nawahiokalani‘opu‘u, presented in the Hawaiian language

Wednesday, April 27

WILLIAM ING/ Tribune-Herald

held the ‘uli‘uli in the right hand and gestured with the left. The rattle was shaken and struck against the palm of the left hand or parts of the body. In a standing hula, Tatar wrote, the ‘uli‘uli would be played in the same manner by the dancer. Rhythms might be more varied and complex. One ‘uli‘uli is used when performing a traditional mele hula, but with the advent of hapa haole hula, two ‘uli‘uli, one in each hand, were used. Dennis Keawe is a master craftsman who lives in Hilo, creating kapa, pahu, and other Hawaiian instruments. He distinguishes between two basic types of gourd rattle — the ‘uli‘uli,

which has the feathers, and dried, sanded and cleanedthe pu ‘uli‘uli, which does out fruit of the calabash tree. not. Modern ‘uli‘uli use as a gourd the la‘amia, the See ‘ULI‘ULI Page 27

11am What is ‘Uniki? by Hokulani Holt 1pm From Pa‘u o Hi‘iaka - Panel discussion with Hokulani Holt, Ulalia Woodside, Lono Padilla & Robert Ka‘upu

Thursday, April 28 10am Ka Lei Puakenikeni Music by Mark Yamanaka 1pm Performance by UNUKUPUKUPU

Friday, April 29

10am An Artistic Collaboration: Hula & Kapa by Halau O Kekuhi & He Hui Hana Kapa 1pm Papa Hula Workshop by Nani Lim Yap and Halau Na Lei O Kaholoku

In order to continue to offer more educational enrichment programs, a donation of $3 per session is suggested. Seating is limited. Regular admission rates apply for the ‘Imiloa Exhibit Hall and Planetarium.


he first hula performance that the James Cook expedition saw was in January 1778, on Kauai. In describing the performances, Cook wrote in his journal that “this Musik (sic) was accompanied by a song, sung by some women and had a pleasing and tender effect.” He continued: “Another instrument was seen among them, but it can scarcely be called an instrument of music; this was a small gourd with some pebblestones in it, which they shake in the hand like a child’s rattle and are used, they told us, at their dances.” This was the first historical mention of the ‘uli‘uli, one of a number of traditional musical instruments that were developed only in Hawaii. A number of halau are performing this year with their own ‘uli‘uli. The sound it makes evokes the famous Kanilehua rain of Hilo, or perhaps waves crashing on a beach. “In character it was a rattle, a noise instrument pure and simple,” wrote Nathaniel Emerson in 1909, “but of a tone by no means disagreeable to the ear, even as the note produced by a woodpecker drumming on a log is not without its pleasurable effect on the imagination.” The ‘uli‘uli is used for both sitting and standing hula. According to the anthropologist Elizabeth Tatar, in the seated hula, or hula noho, the dancer, in a low kneeling position,


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27 Sunday, April 24, 2011



‘ULI‘ULI From page 26 well,” Keawe said. The pu ‘uli‘uli can be also be made with la‘amia, but in pre-contact times the Hawaiians used coconut shells and small pebbles. The handle was made with dried lauhala leaves. In February 1778, shortly before he died, Cook wrote in his journal of a gourd rattle decorated with “beautiful red feathers.”

Tatar, the anthropologist, noted that in the 1920s the ‘uli‘uli was considered secondary in importance to the ipu, or gourd, in the hula. But an unusual court case in 1964

A dancer with BeamerSolomon Halau O Po‘ohala uses an ‘uli‘uli during a performance.

demonstrated its validity, and perhaps overturned Cook’s finding that it was not a real musical instrument: “A manufacturer of ‘uli‘uli decided not to pay the 10 percent excise tax on musical instruments and furthermore sued the federal government for five years of back taxes — the claim was that ‘uli‘uli was not a musical instrument. It was probably the first time a hula chant accompanied by ‘uli‘uli was presented as evidence. In 1966 the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco officially declared ‘the Hawaiian feathered gourd — known as the uli uli — ... to be a musical instrument.’” Email Peter Sur at psur@ hawaiitribune-herald.com. ■

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Merrie Monarch Festival


The gourds are small, usually 3 to 6 inches in diameter and attached to a handle, which usually ends in a circular disk of kapa (or cloth) fringed with chicken feathers. The la‘amia is not native to Hawaii; it was introduced by Don Francisco de Paula Marin, an adviser to Kamehameha I who is also credited with bringing the first coffee trees to Hawaii. The rattling sound can be made with dried ali‘ipoe seeds, shells or pebbles. None of this comes easily. Keawe estimated that it might take him two hours a day over the course of a month to make the ‘uli‘uli, or about 60 hours in total. “The gourds have to be cleaned out really, really

Sunday, April 24, 2011 28



Festival’s royal couple represents tradition Police officer is mo‘i kane; Keopuolani descendant to serve as mo‘i wahine over the festival. This week, mo‘i kane Aaron he king and queen Kaleo of Hilo and mo‘i wahine Kaleo Francisco of the Merrie Monarch Festival of Pahoa will represent Kalakaua represent one of the few traditions that have and Queen survived since the first cel- Kapi‘olani. ebration in 1964. Much has changed since those early days, when Spencer Kalani Schutte placed a crown on his own head and on the queen, Doreen Henderson, in a reenactment of King Kalakaua’s coronation. Photos by WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald What hasn’t changed Aaron Kaleo, left, and Kaleo Francisco will reign as king is the selection of two and queen over this year’s festival. At right: Conch shell upstanding community blowers signal the entrance of the royal court. members to preside By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer


Francisco is tall and thin, a former model who enjoys digging in the dirt and who co-founded a nonprofit organization to grow dryland taro and teach agricultural sustainabil-

ity. Kaleo is tall and burly, an 11-year veteran of the Hawaii Police Department who is also active in community sports organizations and the Special Olympics. On a recent day, Kaleo looked at a picture of King Kalakaua, perhaps feeling envious of the royal muttonchops. “I’m not sure I can get it to that size,” he said. Kaleo’s own beard is strictly to honor the king, he said, although he acknowledged it had some benefits. “Not shaving every day for weeks has been kind of a blessing,” he said. See ROYALTY Page 29

The Merrie Monarch Festival

...Electrifying Hilo with Hula for 48 Years!

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

The 2010 royal couple, mo‘i kane DuWayne Kaleo Kawai Holi Waipa, left, and mo‘i wahine Lisa Akana-Baltero, make their grand entrance into the stadium at last year’s festival.

once they take their seats around 6 p.m., they cannot rise until the end of the night’s competition. Kaleo said he learned a few “secret tips” from Waipa. “I’ll give it my best shot,” he said. Francisco is another story. “I know it’s going to be a hard time, not eating and drinking, because I love to eat,” she said with a laugh. “I actually rented the Merrie Monarch DVD from last year, and I was like, ‘This is really long.’” So she’ll have to be content with stealing glances at the food around her. Francisco was asked to serve in 2009, but because of a family emergency — the death of a son — she had to pass. In the meantime, she worked on her foundation, Ho‘ai Hawaii, and helped decorate the float of the Hilo Grandmothers Club for the Royal Parade; her mother is a member.

We’re honored to be a part of the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival for the past 28 years...

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Imagery by Linda Stevens


cause.” One of his sons, remain seated for up to six Austin Kaleo, 10, is also hours each night during serving in the court as a the festival. By tradition, See ROYALTY Page 30 standard bearer. “He’s kind of excited as well,” the father said. Aloha by the Bay The hardest part of the job is the requirement that the king and queen


orking w s d n a h y n t takes mad the scenes to in ... together fboerhHilo’s annual event prepare


ROYALTY From page 28 He’s already shaved it off once, shortly after the official portrait was taken, but the whiskers have returned with surprising speed. Both he and his wife are getting adjusted to it, although his employer will likely require it be removed after this week. Kaleo, 39, was born on Oahu, and he spent his childhood in Honolulu and California before returning to Hawaii and graduating from Aiea High School. Kaleo moved to Hilo in 1991 and in 2000 joined the Hawaii Police Department. A year ago, another police officer, DuWayne Waipa, served as mo‘i kane, or king, of the festival. Waipa suggested that Kaleo serve in the Royal Court, but Kaleo was reluctant. After thinking about it, Kaleo decided it was his duty to go. “It’s an honor,” Kaleo said, adding he wanted to “pay my respects to my kupuna, my elders, my tutu, my papa,” and to reconnect with his ancestors. “It’s a little nervewracking. It’s a little bit of pressure, but nothing bad. It’s all for a good

29 Sunday, April 24, 2011


Sunday, April 24, 2011 30



WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Ka La ‘Onohi Mai O Ha‘eha‘e of Oahu performs in 2010.

ROYALTY From page 29 Through her mother, Mei-Ling Manuwa Green, Francisco is descended from Keopuolani, the sacred queen who outranked her husband Kamehameha I by virtue of her high birth. Other women ancestors, from the Manuwa side, were renowned for their willingness to fight alongside the men in the old days. “I do have dirt under my nails. I don’t mind,” she said. This week, “I’m looking forward to see Emery

The Rev. William Ellis, an English missionary, lived in Hawaii between 1822 and 1823. During a visit to Lahaina on Maui, Ellis and other missionaries were teaching reading and writing to pupils at the home of Keopuolani, wife of Kamehameha I and mother of the ruling king. He describes what is known today as a hula kala‘au. “Just as they had finished their afternoon instruction, a party of musicians and dancers arrived before the house of Keopuolani, and commenced a hura ka raau, (dance to the beating of a stick). Five musicians advanced first, each with a staff in his left hand, five or

striking the small stick on way by couples through the the larger one, beating time crowd, and, arriving at the all the while with his right area, on one side of which foot on a stone, placed on the musicians stood, began the ground beside him for their dance. that purpose. “Their movements “Six women, fantastiwere slow, and though not cally dressed in yellow always graceful, exhibited tapas, crowned with garnothing offensive to modest lands of flowers, having propriety. also wreaths of the sweet“Both musicians and scented flowers of the dancers alternately chanted gardenia on their necks, songs in honour of former and branches of the fragods and chiefs of the grant mairi (another native islands, apparently much The Rev. William Ellis plant), bound round their to the gratification of the numerous spectators.” ■ six feet long, about three or ankles, now made their four inches in diameter at one end, and tapering off to a point at the other. ILO AWAIIAN OTEL “In his right hand he held a small stick of hard wood, six or nine inches long, with which he commenced his music, by




Merrie Monarch Celebration & Craft Fair APRIL 28-30 • THURS-SAT 8:00am-5:00pm

(Aceret and Halau Na Pua O Uluhaimalama) perform,” she said. “I’m looking forward to watch Halau O Kekuhi, because I absolutely adore Aunty Pualani Kanahele and Aunty Nalani (Kanaka‘ole).” She enjoys seeing the musicians, “soaking in” the atmosphere. “I just really like my Hawaiial culture. I feel so blessed,” she said. “I just embrace it. I think it’s great.”


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Email Peter Sur at psur@ hawaiitribune-herald.com. ■



Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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Who can tell the story of hula? The answer is simple: Many people, past and present.

CRAFT FAIRS WEDNESDAY ● Merrie Monarch Invitational Hawaiian Arts Fair: The official craft fair of the Merrie Monarch Festival, at the AfookChinen Civic Auditorium, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Hilo Shopping Center Common area, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. THURSDAY ● Merrie Monarch Invitational Hawaiian Arts Fair: The official craft fair of the Merrie Monarch Festival, at the AfookChinen Civic Auditorium. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Moku Ola Ballroom, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Naniloa Volcanoes Resort Polynesian Room. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Hilo Shopping Center Common area. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Hawaii Arts, Crafts and Food Festival Sangha Hall, 398 Kilauea Ave. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $2 admission; keiki 7 and under are free. FRIDAY ● Merrie Monarch Invitational Hawaiian Arts Fair: The official craft fair of the Merrie Monarch Festival, at the AfookChinen Civic Auditorium. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Moku Ola Ballroom, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hilo Shopping Center Common area. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ● Naniloa Volcanoes Resort Polynesian Room, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Hawaii Arts, Crafts and Food Festival Sangha Hall, 398 Kilauea Ave. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $2 admission; keiki 7 and under are free.

31 Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hawaiian author Dr. Ishmael W. Stagner weaves together an intricate account of Hawaiian history, folklore, spirituality and island living in KUMU HULA: Roots and Branches. Uniquely Hawaiian, hula's story began long ago and has been carefully pieced together by many, not only standing the test of time, but flourishing on a global stage. WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

Visitors inspect gourds for sale at a previous Merrie Monarch craft fair. Prince Kuhio Plaza Common area. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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SATURDAY ● Merrie Monarch Invitational Hawaiian Arts Fair: The official craft fair of the Merrie Monarch Festival, at the AfookChinen Civic Auditorium. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ● Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Moku Ola Ballroom, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Naniloa Volcanoes Resort Polynesian Room. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Prince Kuhio Plaza Common area. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ● Hawaii Arts, Crafts and Food Festival Sangha Hall, 398 Kilauea Ave. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $2 admission; keiki 7 and under are free. SUNDAY (May 1) Prince Kuhio Plaza Common area. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011 32



Pele: A visitor who stayed The legend behind the goddess island of Hawaii and found a permanent home there. Oral traditions say that another fire god had preceded Pele and was living at Kilauea. Aila‘au, the forest eater, was “the god with the insatiable appetite, the continual eater of trees, whose path through forests was covered with black smoke fragrant with burning wood, and sometimes burdened with the smell of human flesh charred into cinders in the lava flow,” wrote William Westervelt in 1923. The legends said he lived for a long time in an ancient part of Kilauea called Kilauea Iki, and was living in the great crater at the summit when Pele arrived at the seashore of Keahialaka in the district of Puna. The goddess wished to see Aila‘au and find a resting place at the end of her journey, Westervelt wrote. Courtesy estate of Herb Kawainui Kane “She came up, but Aila‘au was not in his house. Guided by her elder brother, Kamohoali’i in the form of a great shark, Pele voyaged with brothers and sisters in a great canoe from the ancient homeland. Pele carried her See PELE Page 33 little sister Hi’iaka, to whom many dances are dedicated, in the shape of an egg.

Best Wishes to all 2011 Merrie Monarch Participants!





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Hawaii Tribune-Herald


t may come as a surprise to many that Pele, perhaps the most famous Hawaiian deity, is not Hawaiian. The oral tradition calls her a stranger, a foreigner from the land of Kahiki, who became established in Puna with her strange and mythical family. Many versions of Pele’s migration legend have persisted long enough to be recorded. None should be seen as the authoritative version. The late scholar Martha Beckwith notes that “the Pele myth is believed to have developed in Hawaii, where it is closely associated with aumakua worship of the deities of the volcano, with the development of the hula dance and with innumerable stories in which odd rock or cone formations are ascribed to contests between Pele and her rivals, human or divine.” The following legends are adapted from Beckwith’s “Hawaiian Mythology.” In one version, Pele is one of a family of seven sons and six daughters born to Haumea and her husband, Moemoe, in some unspecified land. She longed to travel and, in tucking her little sister born in the shape of an egg under her arm, sought her brother Kamohoalii, the shark god. Kamohoalii gave Pele the canoe of her brother Pu‘ahiuhiu, with Keaulawe and Keauka as paddlers, and promised to follow with other members of the family. She traveled first to Polapola (Bora Bora), then

to Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll), Mokumanamana (Necker Island), and then Ni‘ihau, home of the chiefess Ka‘o‘ahi, where she was handsomely entertained. While on Kauai, she appeared in the midst of a hula festival in the form of a beautiful young woman. Falling in love with the chief Lohiau, she determined to take him as a husband, but continued traveling. She moved southeast, from island to island, trying to dig a home in which she could receive her lover. Finally, she came to Hawaii Island and was successful in digging deep without striking water. In another version, Pele was born on Kuaihelani, the daughter of Kanehoalani and Haumea. She stuck so close to Lonomakua, the fire god, as to cause a conflagration and her older sister Namakaokaha‘i, a sea goddess, drove her away. She took passage on the canoe Honua-i-a-kea with her little sister Hi‘iaka carried in her armpit. Along with her brothers, she arrived at the Hawaiian archipelago’s northwestern shoals. There her brother Kanemilohai was left on one islet and Kaneapua on another, but Pele took pity on this younger brother and picked him up again. Pele moved from island to island, pursued by her older sister, until the two sisters encountered each other at Kahikinui on the island of Maui. There, in a final battle, Pele’s body was torn apart and the fragments were heaped up to form the hill called Ka-Iwi-o-Pele (Literally, “the bones of Pele.”) Pele’s spirit took flight to the


By PETER SUR Tribune-Herald staff writer


A CHANT FOR PELE No Kahiki mai ka wahine o Pele Mai ka aina mai o Polapola Mai ka punohu a Kane mai ke ao lapa i ka lani Mai ka opua lapa i Kahiki Lapa ku i Hawaii ka wahine o Pele Kalai i ka wa‘a o Honua-ia-kea Ko wa‘a, e Kamohoali‘i hoa mai ka moku Ua pa‘a, ua oki, ka wa‘a o ke kua Ka wa‘a o kalai Honua-mea o holo Mai ke au hele a‘e ue a‘e ka lani A i puni mai ka moku a e a‘e kini o ke kua Iawai ka hope, ka uli o ka wa‘a? I na hoali‘i a Pele a he hue, e Me la hune ka la, kela ho‘onoho kau hoe Oluna o ka wa‘a, o Ku ma laua o Lono Holo i honua aina, kau aku I ho‘olewa ka moku, a‘e a‘e Hi‘iaka na‘i au ke kua Hele a‘e a komo I ka hale o Pele Huahua‘i Kahiki lapa uila Uila Pele e hua‘i e Hua‘ina hoi e.

33 Sunday, April 24, 2011


The woman Pele comes from Tahiti From the land of Borabora From the ascending mist of Kane, from the clouds that move in the sky, From the pointed clouds born at Tahiti The woman Pele was restless for Hawaii. ‘Fashion the canoe Honua-ia-kea, As a canoe, o Kamohoali‘i, for venturing to the island.’ Completed, equipped, is the canoe of the gods, The canoe for (Pele)-of-the-sacred-earth to sail in. From the straight course the heavenly one turned And went around the island, and the multitude of the gods stepped shore. ‘Who were behind at the stern of the canoe?’ ‘The household of Pele and her company, Those who bail, those who work the paddles, On the canoe were Ku and Lono.’ It came to land, rested there, The island rose before them, Hi‘iaka stepped ashore seeking for increase of divinity Went and came to the house of Pele. The gods of Tahiti burst forth into lightning flame with roar and tumult, Lightning flames gushed forth, Burst forth with a roar.

PELE From page 32 Of a truth, he had made himself thoroughly lost. He had vanished because he knew that this one coming toward him was Pele. He had seen her toiling down by the sea at Keahialaka. Trembling dread and heavy fear overpowered him. He

ran away and was entirely lost.” So Pele, arriving at the summit of Kilauea, dug herself a great pit at Halema‘uma‘u and called it home. Email Peter Sur at psur@ hawaiitribune-herald.com. ■


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Sunday, April 24, 2011 34



PREVIOUS WINNERS Though the first Merrie Monarch Festival was held in 1964, the hula competition did not begin until 1971. The kane, or men’s division, was added in 1976. The winners are listed below (* denotes the Overall Winner):

1971 Implements Division and Modern Division winner: Hauoli Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula Aloha Wong, Keolalaulani Hula Studio 1972 Ancient and Modern: Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio Implements: Puamana Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula Aulani Newalu, Halau ‘O Kahealani Photos by WILLIAM ING/ Tribune-Herald

Above: Halau Ke‘alaokamaile of Maui, under the direction of kumu hula Keali‘i Reichel, was the wahine division winner in 2010. At left: Ke Kai O Kahiki of Oahu was the overall festival winner and kane division winner for 2010.

1973 Kahiko, ‘Auana, Implements: Hauoli Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula Kalani Kalawa, Louise Kaleiki Hula Studio 1974 Kahiko, ‘Auana, Implements: Louise Kaleiki Hula Studio* Miss Aloha Hula Dee Dee Aipolani, Piilani Watkins Hula Studio 1975 Kahiko: (tie) ‘Ilima Hula Studio and Hauoli Hula Studio ‘Auana: ‘Ilima Hula Studio Implements: Keolalaulani Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula Leimomi Maria 1976 Kane: Na Kamalei O Lililehua Wahine: ‘Ilima Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula (tie) Ululani

Duenas, ‘Ilima Hula Studio, Sheryl Nalani Guernsey, Kaleo ‘O Nani Loa Studio 1977 Kane: Halau ‘O Kekuhi Wahine: Na Pualei O Likolehua Miss Aloha Hula Pualani Chang, Pukaikapua‘okalani Studio 1978 Kane: Waimapuna Wahine: Na Pualei O Likolehua Miss Aloha Hula Regina Makaikai Igarashi, Keolalaulani Hula Studio 1979 Kane: Waimapuna Wahine: Hauoli Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula Jody Imehana Mitchell, Ka Pa‘u O Hi‘iaka 1980 Kane: (tie) Waimapuna and Na Wai Eha O Puna Wahine: Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio Miss Aloha Hula Kaula Kamahele, Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio 1981 Kane: Na Wai Eha O Puna Wahine: Halau O Na Maoli Pua Miss Aloha Hula Brenda Alidon, Johnny Lum Ho Hula Studio

1982 Kane: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua* Wahine: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua Miss Aloha Hula Dayna Kanani Oda, Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua 1983 Kane: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua* Wahine: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua Miss Aloha Hula Geola Pua, Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua 1984 Kane: Na Wai Eha O Puna* Wahine: Halau Mohala ‘Ilima Miss Aloha Hula Twyla Ululani Mendez, Hauoli Hula Halau 1985 Kane: Na Wai Eha O Puna* Wahine: The Ladies of Ke‘ala O Ka Lauwa‘e Miss Aloha Hula Healani Youn, The Ladies of Ke‘ala ‘O Ka Lauwa‘e 1986 Kane: Men of Waimapuna* Wahine: Keolalaulani ‘Olapa O Laka Miss Aloha Hula Leimomi Nuuhiwa, The Ladies of Ke‘ala ‘O Ka Lauwa‘e

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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1987 Kane: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua* Wahine: Keolalaulani ‘Olapa O Laka Miss Aloha Hula Lisa Ku‘uipo Doi, Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua 1988 Kane: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua* Wahine: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua Miss Aloha Hula Sheldeen Kaleimomi Kaleohano, Hula Halau ‘O Kahikilaulani 1989 Kane: Kawaili‘ula Hula Halau Wahine: Hula Halau O Na Maoli Pua* Miss Aloha Hula Pi‘ilani Smith, Hula Halau ‘O Na Maoli Pua 1990 Kane: Kawaili‘ula Hula Halau Wahine: Halau O Na Maoli Pua* Miss Aloha Hula Natalie Noelani Ai, Halau Hula Olana 1991 Kane: Halau Hula O Ka Ua Kani Lehua* Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela Miss Aloha Hula Kapualokeokalaniakea Dalire, Keolalaulani Halau ‘Olapa ‘O Laka

1995 Kane: Halau Hula ‘O Kawaili‘ula* Wahine: Hula Halau Na Lei O Kaholoku Miss Aloha Hula Allison Kailihiwa Kaha‘ipi‘ilani Vaughan, Ka Pa Hula ‘O Kauanoe ‘O Wa‘ahila 1996 Kane: Halau Hula ‘O Kawaili‘ula* Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela Miss Aloha Hula Ku‘ukamalani Ho, Keali‘ikaapunihonua Ke‘ena A‘o Hula 1997 Kane: Halau Hula ‘O Kawaili‘ula Wahine: Ka Pa Hula O Kauanoe O Wa‘ahila* Miss Aloha Hula Kehaulani Enos, Halau Mohala ‘Ilima 1998 Kane: Halau Na Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu Wahine: Halau Na Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu* Miss Aloha Hula Lokalia Kahele, Na Wai Eha ‘O Puna 1999 Kane: Halau Na Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu* Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela Miss Aloha Hula Keolalaulani Dalire, Keolalaulani Halau ‘Olapa ‘O Laka

1992 Kane: Na Wai Eha O Puna Wahine: Na Lei ‘O Kaholoku* Kauimaiokalaniakea Dalire, Keolalaulani Halau ‘Olapa ‘O Laka

2000 Kane: Halau Na Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela* Miss Aloha Hula Tehani Kealamailani Gonzado, Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela

1993 Kane: Kawaili‘ula Hula Halau* Wahine: Hula Halau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua Miss Aloha Hula Maelia Lani Kahanuola Loebenstein, Ka Pa Hula ‘O Kauanoe ‘O Wa‘ahila

2001 Kane: Halau Hula ‘O Kawaili‘ula Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela* Miss Aloha Hula Natasha Kamalamal amaokalailokokapu‘uwaimehanaokek eikipunahele Oda, Halau Ka Ua Kani Lehua

1994 Kane: Halau Hula ‘O Kawaili‘ula* Wahine: Halau Na Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu Miss Aloha Hula Tracie Ka‘onohilani Farias, Na Wai Eha ‘O Puna

2002 Kane: Halau Ka Ua Kani Lehua Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela* Miss Aloha Hula Malia Ann Kawailanamalie Petersen, Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela


2005 Kane: Halau Na Kamalei* Wahine: Na Lei O Kaholoku Miss Aloha Hula Maile Emily Kau‘i lanionapuaehi‘ipoiokeanuenueoke ola Francisco, Halau Na Mamo ‘O Pu‘uanahulu 2006 Kane: Halau Hula ‘O Kawailiula Wahine: Na Lei O Kaholoku* Miss Aloha Hula Bernice Alohanamakanamaikalanimai “Namakana” DavisLim, Na Lei O Kaholoku 2007 Kane: Halau I Ka Wekiu* Wahine: Halau ‘O Kamuela Miss Aloha Hula Keonilei Ku‘uwehiokala Kaniaupio Fairbanks, Halau Ka Pa Hula O Wa‘ahila 2008 Kane: Halau Na Mamo ‘O Pu‘uanahulu Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela* Miss Aloha Hula Kalimakuhilani “Kuhi” Akemi Kalamanamana Suganuma, Keolalaulani Halau ‘Olapa O Laka

order in U.S. currency and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The cost of the ticket depends on where you are seated and for which nights. Third, send in your request on Dec. 27. Tickets are only accepted beginning the day after Christmas. Because Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, it is observed on a Monday. The tickets will be mailed out in February. For those who do not get in, take consolation in the many hours of free hula performances that take place during the festival, and remember that, as in any spectator sport, the view from the TV screen is often better than the view from inside the stadium. ■

Welcome to Hilo!

Plate Lunch Specials Daily! $

2009 Kane: Ke Kai O Kahiki* Wahine: Halau Na Mamo ‘O Pu‘uanahulu Miss Aloha Hula Cherissa Henoheanapuaikawaokele “Henohea” Kane, Halau Ke‘alaokamaile

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2010 Kane: Ke Kai O Kahiki* Wahine: Halau Ke‘alaokamaile Miss Aloha Hula Mahealani Mika Hirao-Solem, Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela



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2004 Kane: Halau Na Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu Wahine: Na Lei O Kaholoku* Miss Aloha Hula Natasha Mahealani Akau, Halau Na Mamo ‘O Pu‘uanahulu

Are you pawing through this insert looking for information on how to buy tickets to the three nights of competition? You are out of luck. Although the Edith Kanaka‘ole Multipurpose Stadium seats 4,200 in the stands and on the floor, about half of that number is offered first to the competing halau. The rest have been sold out for months, so even if you follow all the steps below, there is no guarantee you’ll get a seat. First, go to the official Merrie Monarch website at www.merriemonarch. com. Print out and fill out a ticket-request form. You may request a maximum of two tickets. Second, mail in the ticket-request form, a cashier’s check or money

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Good Luck to All Participants!

Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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2003 Kane: Halau Ka Ua Kani Lehua Wahine: Hula Halau ‘O Kamuela* Miss Aloha Hula Jennifer Kehaulani Oyama, Halau Na Mamo ‘O Pu‘uanahulu



Plan ahead if you want tickets to the festival

35 Sunday, April 24, 2011


Sunday, April 24, 2011 36



Keeping the dream alive In memoriam

Dorothy Thompson (center)

William Ing/Tribune-Herald

Best Wishes to all Participants

612 Kalanianaole Ave. RD-3370 • HILO • 935-2966 7:30am-4:00pm Monday thru Friday

George Na‘ope


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Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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It takes a dedicated group of people to coordinate the Merrie Monarch Festival. In this photo taken earlier this month at the Merrie Monarch office in Hilo, festival director Luana Kawelu sits with some of her team. In the front row: Kawelu, Missy Kaleohano, Daisy Kamohai and Daisy Spalding. Back row: Lei Andrade, Claudia Spillman and Irene Lopez.


421 Kalanikoa St. (Across Edith Kanakaole Tennis Stadium Open Tues-Sat 5:30am–1:00pm • Closed Sun/Mon

37 Sunday, April 24, 2011



Pageantry reigns at annual Royal Parade


he co-hosts of the KTA Super Stores cable show “Living in Paradise” will lead this year’s Royal Parade, including the celebrated pa‘u riders, through Hilo on Saturday. Derek Kurisu, the executive vice president of KTA Super Stores, is the founder of the Mountain Apple Brand, which features Big Island products to help local farmers market their products. His partner in crime on the TV show is George Yoshida, a retired teacher and government administrator, and

A Princess of Maui pa’u rider waves to spectators during a previous Royal Parade.

File photo

Festival means traffic changes A temporary one-way traffic pattern will be in effect from Wednesday, April 27, to Sunday, April 30, on Kalanikoa Street in Hilo. Traffic will be allowed to flow in the Puna or southerly direction on Kalanikoa Street between Kuawa Street and Pi‘ilani Street during the festival. Right turns only will be allowed on Kalanikoa Street for all entries to ingress and egress the Ho‘olulu Com-

former director of the Department of Parks and Recreation. “They are a colorful pair,” said parade coordinator Missy Kaleohano. The two grand mar- PUNIHAOLE shals are leading the 91-unit parade, which begins at 10:30 a.m. rain or shine. The route begins on Pauahi Street, turns right on Kilauea Avenue, continues on Keawe Street, turns right on Waianuenue Avenue and right again on Kame-

hameha Avenue, until it reaches Pauahi Street again. These streets will be closed to traffic as the parade passes; it takes about an hour for the full procession to pass a given point. “We have 18 floats this year,” Kaleohano said, from halau, commercial and community organizations. The U.S. Navy’s Pacific Fleet is sending its full band, a contingent of 24 people. Other entrants include local high school and intermediate marching bands, the Royal Court and the

newly anointed Miss Aloha Hula. The only notable cancellation is from Ikaho, Japan. Two or three officials of the Merrie Monarch Festival’s sister festival normally attend, but this year city officials are helping with efforts to house a number of tsunami evacuees and cannot attend. Mauna Loa Mac Nut Corp. is sponsoring the parade and Central Pacific Bank is sponsoring the reviewing stand. This year’s pa‘u queen is Pamela Namuo-Frendo Punihaole. ■


plex. Traffic will not be allowed to turn left onto Pi‘ilani Street from Kalanikoa Street. Traffic will only be allowed to turn right on Pi‘ilani Street to egress Kalanikoa Street. Regular two-way traffic will remain in effect on Manono, Kuawa and Pi‘ilani Streets. After 9 a.m. on May 1, traffic will be allowed to flow in its normal two-way pattern. ■



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Rod Cameron, artist for 2011 Merrie Monarch Poster, Signing: Sat 12-3 Poster models from 2010 and 2011 will be present during signing New exhibit of Rod Cameron Oils Merrie Monarch Week Nita Sweet, Hula art show and exhibit at Gallery and Cafe Pesto Portion of proceeds to benefit Japan Tsunami Victims/Red Cross. Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun 11:30am-9pm Historic Downtown on Beautiful Hilo Bay next door to Cafe Pesto 808-935-5670 • www.dreamsofparadisegallery.com Facebook/Dreams of Paradise Gallery


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Hawaii Tribune-Herald

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Can’t make it to the show? Watch it on TV Backstage,’” he said. “That will be a preview of what is going on backstage, followhe Merrie Moning the halau through their arch Festival hula preparations for the Merrie competition is the Monarch Festival. That will hottest and hardbe a half-hour, followed by est-to-get ticket in Hilo. ‘Merrie Monarch 2010,’ For those not fortunate which will be from 7 to 8. enough to snag a stage-side “Then, the ‘Backstage’ seat, KFVE-TV — K5 The show will repeat on TuesHome Team — broadcasts day from 7 to 7:30 as a all three nights of hula in little teaser just before the high-definition live from event.” the Edith Kanaka‘ole MulYamamoto has a crew of tipurpose Stadium. WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald about 35. There are eight This is the second year Spectators watch the stage with fixed gazes during a of a five-year deal between previous festival. For those unable to watch from the HD cameras in the stadium, including the remote-conthe Merrie Monarch Fesstadium, the event will be aired live on KFVE-TV. trolled overhead “spider tival and the Honolulu cam” and a “techno-jib” television station. Popular the Hawaiian language. Pua camera — a camera on a radio and television personis a hula master and a cul- boom, that can be moved ality Kimo Kahoano will tural resource. And Keahi both horizontally and vertiperform his usual double represents the majority cally. duties as primary host and of us who want someone “The jib is like salt and in-house public address to ask the questions that pepper; it’s like spice. You announcer for the event. we would ask if we were can’t use it too much, or it Hilo native Amy Kalili, standing there.” ruins everything,” he said. KAHOANO KALILI executive director of ‘Aha K5 General Manager The center camera will Punana Leo, a HawaiJohn Fink said viewers can be equipped with a long ian-language immersion his longtime involvement,” whet their appetite for the preschool organization, said telecast director Merrie Monarch with two will co-host. Kumu hula Roland Yamamoto. “He’s programs that air tonight. Pua Kanahele, daughter a tradition unto himself. “At 6:30 p.m., we’re of the legendary Edith Amy is recognized for her going to be doing a show Kanaka‘ole, will provide knowledge of the ‘olelo, called ‘Merrie Monarch color commentary, and Hawaii News Now anchor Keahi Tucker will do backstage interviews with kumu hula and their halau. “Kimo brings his understanding of the festival, By JOHN BURNETT Tribune-Herald staff writer


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5 Merrie Monarch Halau & Guests

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald


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lens for the first time this year, Yamamoto said. “It’s for the front view, which the judges see, and also to show the synchronous motion and the formations that I believed are choreographed for that view. They’re doing it for the judges,” he explained. “It’s theater in the round, yet the majority of the time, it goes to the front. “We’ve also added another camera right next to the stage, so we can

more of those shots that are close to the dancer that will give you the lens view that magnifies the drama of the motion. If you put a camera closer to the subject, the motion is more dramatic.” Part of Yamamoto’s job is attending rehearsals to map ideas for shooting the live performances. He said he has already seen numerous halau rehearse their performance numbers. See TV Page 39

Marcy’s Variety Store 30440r1

Sunday, April 24, 2011 38


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TV From page 38

A cameraman prepares for the Miss Aloha Hula competition during the 2010 festival. For the second year, the festival coverage will be hosted by Kimo Kahoano and Amy Kalili.


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the TV truck and a sound mixer will mix it, and we’ll a sound producer for “... It’s amazing have the effects and the music. how the tradition DJ Pratt from (the band) Kalapana, who’s an (audio) continues very engineer, will be the sound strongly.” producer. And Pat Ku, the — Roland Yamamoto, owner of Rhema Sound, be the separate music telecast director will and chanting audio mixer.” Yamamoto said the telecast “depends on the cooperation and generosity” of nical upgrade to improve festival organizers. the sound viewers hear at “Over the last couple of home. years, we’ve seen the festi“We are setting up an val go through generational entirely separate audio changes, and it’s amazing mixing station to do the music and also the chanter how the tradition continues very strongly. Much credit and drumming,” he said. goes to Luana Kawelu and “We’re feeding it all into her daughters and her supa separate board that’s in

porters in the office. It’s hard to imagine that the two key people who have made the festival what it is (Uncle George Na‘ope and Aunty Dot Thompson) both passed away within a few months of each other, and yet, the festival continues because its roots are so strong and the family has taken the reins and moved it forward.” Email John Burnett at jburnett@hawaiitribune-herald. com. ■



all participants in the


WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald

“A lot of halau, before they go to Hilo, they’ll find a place — like a gym or something — where they can block off the floor with masking tape and mark the floor exactly to scale, and get their entrances and their exits,” he said. “The kumu hula are creative and they even re-create those 8-foot sheets of plywood used to build the stage. Those sheets of plywood make lines, and they use those lines as guidelines to the dance.” Many of the state’s top musicians perform music for halau to dance to during hula ‘auana, or modern hula. Yamamoto said the broadcast will make a tech-

39 Sunday, April 24, 2011


Merrie Monarch Festival

At Hawai‘i Community College, The Hawai‘i Life Styles Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree focuses on particular Hawai‘i occupations that supported a vibrant, sustainable, highly scientific, and spiritually balanced island population years prior to Western Contact. These A.A.S Degrees prepare students to understand the depth and breadth of Hula, Mahi‘ai and Lawai‘a sciences that encompass an interdisciplinary local and global knowledge base. These experiences will allow the students to consider a wide variety of potential careers including but not limited to: environmental science, forestry, astronomy, anthropology, archaeology, biology, agriculture, art, music, education, social services, business, development, planning, and politics with an increased knowledge in traditional and contemporary Native Hawaiian ideology and practice.


to all Participants & Spectators of the 48th Annual Merrie Monarch Hula Festival


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UNUKUPUKUPU: • Is the name of the rigorous didactic and experiential hula curricula of Dr. Taupōuri Tangarō • Extends beyond the college halls, reaching our families and communities-local and global • Produces, organically, a network for support and lifelong, earth-centric learning • Its most empowering component is that the door to continued participation in hula is open far after college graduation. Here current and former learners, as well as their families, continue their individual and collective life journey through hula. • Has hula learners in West Hawi‘i, Kōhala, Hilo, in the City of Carson, California, and at three public charter schools: Ke Ana La’ahana and Ka‘Umeke Kā‘eo of Keaukaha, and Kanuoka‘āina of Kōhala MAHI‘AI Traditional Practice: The two-year Mahi‘ai Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) provides knowledge of the traditional and technical aspects of growing kalo, to perpetuate the cultural practices surrounding kalo cultivation and harvesting. Modern Skills: The Mahi‘ai program will develop the student’s skills in subsistence farming practices a well as traditional food preparation. LAWAI‘A The two-year Lawai‘a track provides students with the knowledge of the technical aspects of marine resources in either commercial ventures or for sustainable community fishing practices. Traditional Practice: The Lawai‘a program will develop the student’s skills in subsistence fishing practices as well as traditional shoreline conservation management. Modern Skills: Students will learn the fishing traditions as practiced by Hawai‘i Island fishing communities with special emphasis on ocean and weather patterns. For more information about our Hawai‘i Life Styles Programs, log onto: http://www.hawaii.hawaii.edu/humd/humhls/ Welina.html or contact Melanie Marciel, Native Hawaiian Success Counselor at (808) 974-7602, mmarciel@hawaii.edu. Hawai‘i Community College is now accepting applications for the Fall 2011-2012 school year: http://www.hawaii.edu/admissions For general information: http://www.hawaii.hawaii.edu • (808) 974-7611 Celebrating 70 Years of Excellence. ‘E Imi Pono. Hawai’i Community College.

Hawaii Tribune-Herald


811 Laukapu St. Bay 1

Traditional Practice: The two-year Hula Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) enhances the practice of hula in the community and halau hula (hula school), to perpetuate the cultural practices surrounding traditional Hawaiian dance. Modern Skills: The Hula program students will acquire skills in ancient and secular hula. Students will gain experience in performing and marketing hula.


Aloha & Best Wishes

Sunday, April 24, 2011 40

Aloha E Komo Mai! Merrie Monarch Visitors and Participants

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Hawaii Tribune-Herald



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