The Waters of Love
Duet from The Wedding at Cana
for Soprano, Tenor & Harp or Piano
ISBN 978-1-910623-65-7 Published by Hawes Music Ltd
1989 & 2022 Hawes Music Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Hawes Music Ltd.
The Waters of Love
Duet from The Wedding at Cana
for Soprano, Tenor & Piano
Duration: circa 5 minutes
The Waters of Love
The water of love flows from God’s heart; like rain, like a river to quench the parched. The strength of the tide, the still ocean deeps the pounding on conscience the caressing of dreams.
The water of love wells from man’s heart; sweet tears of love’s pain and hard tears of regret. The springs of forgiveness, the deep pool of peace are found in each person and yearn for release.
The waters of love, human and divine, when mingled create the most beautiful wine. In the glass of life’s living in the joy of our hearts the waters are joined and will never part.
Words: Andrew Hawes (1954 – )
This duet comes from the heart of the dramatic cantata The Wedding at Cana and was Patrick’s first major work, written for Pangbourne Choral Society, launching him on his career as a full-time composer. The cantata depicts the wedding at Cana of Galilee where Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine.
The words, written by Patrick’s brother and poet Andrew, shine a light on the moment when the water is actually transformed into wine and reflects on the presence of the divine in human love.
67 The Waters of Love
Also available from Hawes Music:
for SSAA and organ
Hath A Garden
Let Us Love for SATB choir and piano
Little Ones for divided soprano voices and organ
Peace Beyond Thought for unaccompanied SATB choir
The Edenham Eucharist
a communion setting (Common Worship, Order One) for celebrant, congregation, organ and optional SATB choir
The Heart of Mary for unaccompanied SATB choir
The Lord’s Prayer (from The Edenham Eucharist) for SATB choir and organ
The Stable Carol for divided soprano voices and piano
The Word for unaccompanied SATB choir