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Architecture for social Change- Chicken ville GORO

This report narrates the design of a chicken coop unit for the underserved communities of Goro Ghiorgis, Selam sefer. It comprehend a detailed literature review on Underserved communities as they are the communities this design is to adress. Moving on to the Design proposal is a thorough analysis and study of the communities choosen. For the sack of identifing the root cause of problems and areas that need modification for a bigger change with in the community. After the analysis the program that serves as a catalyst for change is proposed.


The major issues or questions the project tries to adress are Who are the underserved communities? How can architecture adhere to the described social problems? How can we Install Programs to bring equity? What is the advantage of installing the proposed program to the improvished settlements? The Objectivity of the project was further supported by casestudies of similar projects conducted in other contries and by its use of local material and labour for construction which, decreased the cost to an affordable number. In the following pages are the details of the project and a detailed literature review on the program.

Goro Ghiorgis is a site situated on a former stone quarry place. The residents here are informal settlers who settled here around the 1990s. This settlers although illegal have proper water supply and an air map. They build houses out of mud and CIS sheets and rent them out at times. This small city in a big city. It has schools, churchs, small market places and social gathering spaces with in it. This place is a unique place with its own dignifying character. The sites land form alone could be taken as a major life shaping entity. It has altered how blocks are arranged, how people and vehicles move and how water runsoff The sewage disposal is very poor given that no one has a proper sewage disposal line. It is disposed on to The major river running through it, Goro river , on the streets and the roof top of other residents at times . The river is currently being mistreated by its residents. Nonetheless people stereotype dwellers as loosers.This led to them becoming marganilized communities in the outskirts of Addis. This inturn leads to a socio- economic crisis which then leads to lack of information creating a barrier to opportunity.This communities are those who most need but least afford the services that architects give. The goverment built many initatives to change their quality but most of them have been around the bush. what this communities need the most is finincial and educational empowerment so that in the long run the rest will be taken care of.

-There is a high level of socal interaction it is in this communities that we find the primitive em tions of human beings( fear, desire, love and envy). In Ethiopian context we will find a pure and unclouded Ethiopian way of life. - The never ending chronic poverty. It is a vicious cycle. The chronic poverty leads to lack of education which in turn leads back to chronic poverty. In this order Architectures role will be creating space for the major society shapers. making them an active participant in the community. We as architects / designers need to majorly focus on spaces for all with in a community. people who are left and droped of the societies cycle have no place to go and communicate if not make a living.

Once the major plan layout drawn we had to think of means of construction and portability. This design is to be built as a Product by the local Metal workshops and carpenters Therefore as a product it should be made at any local metal workshop and be delivered to the site on a truck for this purpose the size should be able to fit any medium sized truck which is 2x3 meters. Following that we proposed a convertible design.

The spaces that are going to be depressed are the indoor outdoor spaces that is the living space and the Broiler space this spaces require a light weight wall that is easy to fold and get packed.

The color of the material used is brown and black. This is because we dont want the village to appear as a row of CIs boxes. Brown and black together will create an earthly and cozy feeling. Both for the chickens and the breeders. The curtains are also choosen to match the Color theme of the project. Further more there is a play on void and solid this is not a simple intuition it is for the purpose of proper ventilation and also to make the compacted space appear as though it is wide.

The structural system of the chicken coop is a joint between steel and wood. The primary support structure is steel while wood serves as a secondary structure. The wall is a cavity wall filled with cloth with insulation. The exterior cladding material is a CIS thorough profile steel clad while the interior is a Wood cladding for the purpose of temperature regulatiion. There are two types of floors in this design one that is a framed floor and another which is a framed folding floor which has a 1.2cm diameter steel road mesh as a structural support. The ceiling is claded with a chipwood and painted black to match the theme.

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