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Extension of a marine research center at Kristineberg Spring22, 4th year, competition nvestors
My aim is in this project is to create spaces that fullfills the needs of KMRC where sientific activities could be carried out. This happens through working with blue material and food in order to raise awarness about the sea and its creatures as treasures. As a result we can create empathy with it and contribute to a sustainable future.
I chose to therefore create a workshop and gallery spaces where different people from different backgrounds can meet and explore the ocean and its materials at the same time as being close to the already ongoing marine research and interact with the ocean environment.
Kr stineberg marine center
Local reference
Spreading awarness about the marine world which could help it thr ve as a home and a resource
Commercial projects
Platforms for research and collaborations as well as spreading awarness amongst the public
Increase ob oppurtunities, even demographic distr bution, decrease moveing out of Lysek l`s municipality, attract youngsters to other areas other than the town center
Flow in the area / Strengthen the marine center as an epicenter in the area/optimizing of using the area
Exploring, fam ies, art, food
Workshops and galleries
Restaurant lab
Conference space
Outdoor exihibition
Outdoor rest spaces for the staff
New accessible research platforms closer to the water and the existing marine center
Semi-open working spaces
Workshops to host the schools or artists
Local reference
A unique and strong architectural characteristic of the area was the pitched roofs in some places even alighned to create some sort of strong line that emphasizes them standing together as one.
The area was rich with algeas and mussles of different types. So a combination of mussle and algea cultivation was an explicit part of the project for working for circular economy and ecology
Technical section B-B, Scale1:20
Each of the functions is placed considering its relation to the outdoor space, distance to other related spaces and daylight conditions.
Each single space has its own significant function in the bigger context. That is why the different spaces and functions are important for eachother where they interact and are used as a part in a process.