Hayball COVID-19 Safety Plan

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Hayball COVID-19 Safety Plan Version 5 - 17 November 2021


Hayball’s COVID Safe Principles

– Hayball’s priority is the safety and wellbeing of all staff, clients, and the wider community – Our focus is on business continuity and ensuring the delivery of services in a format that ensures the safest approach for our staff whilst ensuring the needs of suits clients are meet, either through face to face or virtual communication – All advice and instructions to staff are aligned with Federal and State Government health advice and we reserve the right to implement stricter protocols to cater for vulnerable staff, clients, or collaborators with whom we work – All staff are responsible for creating and maintaining a COVID safe workplace by complying with the plan and advice provided by Health Authorities – State or local authorities may issue directives to respond to changing local circumstances. Employees should make themselves aware of and adhere to these directives in the first instance and we will update policy to address these requirements in due course. – We will continue to communicate regularly with staff and provide updates as required – Staff will Work From Home (WFH) or Work From Office (WFO) in accordance with the current government and health authority regulations and advice. Hayball will continue to support WFH as required.

Business Details Business Name:

Hayball Pty Ltd

Plan Authored by:

David Tweedie, Bianca Hung, Amber Lollo, Mitchell Harris, Steve Jones, Amanda Morrison

Approved by:

David Tweedie (Director)



Hayball COVID Safe Plan

For Public Health advice contact: health.gov.au – 1800 020 080 National Coronavirus 24-hr helpline and refer to the state specific health authorities nominated in the relevant annexure below. If there are any questions please contact COVIDSafePlan@hayball.com.au or speak with your Team Leader, HR or Site Director.



Hayball COVID Safe Directives - Staff

Meetings & Events:

All staff who have cold or flu like symptoms (however mild) or experiencing a fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties or wheezing, headaches, or any other respiratory infection must not attend the office or attend face to face meetings and should either WFH or be taken as sick leave.

– Teams meetings will remain the core communication platform during WFH/WFO and all meetings should remain online to allow for staff and external participants to attend. It is recommended that staff stay at their desks and connect separately instead of utilising meeting rooms if there are team members joining remotely for a better and equitable video conference experience.

On arrival all staff to the office will be required to have their temperature checked via the handsfree temperature device. If the scanner’s reading result is within the normal range of body temperature (equal to or less than 37.3°C) then it is considered safe to access the studio. If a staff member’s temperature is equal to or more than 37.4°C, the staff member will not be allowed to enter the studio to commence work.

– All internal meetings are to be via Teams when one person is not in the same physical location – All meetings with external stakeholders including clients and consultants may occur in the office only when the meeting is business critical and no virtual options are available. – Signage will be provided to all meeting areas outlining the maximum number of occupants and room procedures including:

If any staff are experiencing the above symptoms or exceed the temperature check, they must get tested for COVID-19 and self-isolate as required until test results are received and must inform their TL and HR of the result.

Room Entry Procedures

1. Observe meeting room maximum occupant numbers

All staff are strongly encouraged to receive a flu shot. All staff must have the COVID Safe app downloaded on their personal mobile phones.

2. Maintain physical distancing

Upon entry all staff are to utilise hand sanitiser as provided.

4. Sanitise keyboard/mice and common surface (tabletop and backs of chairs) with antibacterial wipes

3. Sanitise hands on entry

Physical Distancing & Equipment:

5. Do not share any pens or equipment in the room during the meeting.

– The number of staff within the office at any time is 50% capacity of workstations to ensure a minimum 1.5m physical separation

Room Leaving Procedures

– Allocation of workstations will be nominated to specific staff members to ensure the WFH/WFO roster and physical separation is achievable and once seating is allocated there can be no sharing or swapping of workstations

1. Ensure all personal belongings are removed from the room 2. Ensure the space is left tidy 3. Return seats to required positions

– The number of people within communal areas and meeting rooms is calculated based on 1 person per 4sqm and any furniture must be located to ensure a minimum 1.5m physical separation – No equipment is to be shared within the office including at individual workstations or meeting rooms including keyboards, mice, pens, rulers, trace or other personal items



Hayball COVID Safe Directives: Staff

Office Cleaning:

Personal Cleaning & Hygiene:

– Contracted cleaners will clean the office on a daily basis including all common area surfaces such as door handles, tap handles, light switches, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers, microwave buttons, fridge handles, meeting room surfaces including table tops and back of chairs to all meeting rooms/open meeting table spaces, printer buttons/touch panels and joinery handles/pulls on cupboards, doors and drawers

– Personal workstations are to be left neat and tidy daily to facilitate cleaning – No paper, pens, samples, folders, or other equipment are to be left in communal spaces – Sanitising stations will be located to all meeting spaces and though out workstation zones including hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes. Staff are responsible for ensuring the cleanliness and hygiene of their immediate work area throughout the day

– Contracted cleaners will clean individual workstations on a weekly basis

– Individual staff are responsible for using disinfectant wipes to wipe down desk, including surface of desk, keyboard, mouse, telephone, and chair arms before commencing work and prior to leaving their desk space

Outbreak Management: – If there is a staff member within the office (or who has been in the office within the past two weeks) who is diagnosed with COVID19:

– Staff must routinely wash their hands with soap and water in accordance with the WHO guidelines on handwashing after using the bathroom, before and after eating or using public transport

– The staff member must notify your TL, HR and director immediately – The office will be closed immediately, and relevant health authorities are to be notified. All staff must self-isolate and immediately get tested with attendance back at the office is not permitted until test results are known.

– Staff should avoid touching their face and follow cough and sneeze etiquette which includes covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue that covers your mouth and nose, dispose of the tissue immediately after use and if unable to use a tissue, sneeze or cough into your elbow, not your hands

– The studio manager is to arrange a deep clean of the studio immediately – The studio will only re-open after the deep clean and it has been determined that there are no further risks within the workplace – All staff must cooperate with state government Health directives



Hayball COVID Safe Directives: Visitors

Outbreak Management:

All visitors who have travelled in the past 14 days or have cold of flu like symptoms (however mild) or experiencing a fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties or wheezing, headaches, or any other respiratory infection must not attend the office.

If there is a someone within the office (or who has been in the office within the past two weeks) who is diagnosed with COVID19:

All visitors to the office must complete the visitor check in form with details provided to be maintained for a period of 28 days for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections only and will be stored confidentially and securely.

– All staff and visitors to the office will be contacted and advised

– The office will be closed immediately, and relevant state health authorities are to be notified

– The Site Coordinator is to arrange a deep clean of the studio as soon as possible – The studio will only re-open after the deep clean and it has been determined that there are no further risks within the workplace

All visitors to the office will be required to have their temperature checked on arrival via the handsfree temperature device. If the scanner’s reading result is within the normal range of body temperature (equal to or less than 37.3°C) then it is considered safe to access the studio. If a person’s temperature is equal to or more than 37.4°C, the designated screener must follow the procedure to manage a person with symptoms and the person will not be allowed to enter the studio. All visitors must have the COVID Safe app downloaded on their personal mobile phones Upon entry all visitors are to utilise hand sanitiser as provided and maintain physical distancing within the studio



Guidelines for Working From Office

Guidelines for the workplace and the actions that will put in place to keep your workers and visitors safe.

Business Details


Wellbeing of Staff and Visitors – COVID Safe Plan to include directive for staff who are unwell that they must not attend the office or attend face to face meetings and should either WFH or be taken as sick leave.

Exclude staff, volunteers and visitors who are unwell.

– Virtual meetings are to be prioritised and visitors to studios to be limited unless virtual meetings are not possible. – For any in office meetings visitors to be provided with Hayball’s COVID Safe Local Site Plan to include directive for all visitors who are unwell must not attend the office – Signage to be installed at entry of each studio. – COVID Safe Plan to include directive for staff including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning.

Provide staff with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning.

– Signage to be provided within each studio. Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate.

– Sick leave is to be taken in accordance with Hayball’s standard policy, if however, staff are required to self-isolate and are still able to work, WFH is permitted.

Communicate regularly with staff to remind everyone that you should not attend work if unwell with respiratory symptoms or fever. Encourage testing of all staff with symptoms in line with advice from Health Departments.

– COVID Safe Plan to include directive for staff not to attend work if unwell with respiratory symptoms or fever and to be tested. – Communication to staff be provided on Teams and via email



Guidelines for Working From Office

Guidelines for the workplace and the actions that will put in place to keep your workers and visitors safe.

Business Details


Physical Distancing Assign workers to specific workstations. If this is not practical, workstations and shared office equipment should be wiped down with disinfectant surface wipes between users.

– Staff members to be allocated fixed workstations with a directive not to share office equipment.

Consider physical, distance or other controls to protect staff and visitors at physical interaction points such as counters or service desks, to maintain social distancing.

– Daily flexibility of hours established as per below:

– Signage to be provided within each studio.

» Office hours – 7am-7.30pm » Core business hours – 11am-3.30pm » NB: 7.5hr days in one location i.e. home or office (or otherwise agreed based on reduced hours)

Where reasonably practical, ensure staff keep to the capacity limit of 1 person/2sqm.

– Seating reduced to meeting rooms to meet 1 person/2sqm. – Signage to be provided within meeting spaces

Use telephone or video platforms for essential meetings where practical.

– Teams to remain as the primary VC meeting platform and staff collaboration tool

Where reasonably practical, stagger start times and breaks for staff members to minimise the risk of close contact.

– Daily flexibility of hours have been established as per below allowing for staggered start times: » Office hours – 7am-7.30pm » Core business hours – 11am-3.30pm

Review regular deliveries and request contactless delivery and invoicing where practical.

– Studio managers to monitor all deliveries

Most lifts can safely take 2-4 people providing people can stand apart; display signs near lifts to advise and recommend physical distancing.

– Staff must adhere to any base building signage and requirements.



Business Details


Hygiene and Cleaning Provide alcohol-based hand sanitiser at multiple locations throughout the workplace, including entry and exit points.

– Touch free hand sanitising stations to be provided at entry points and central kitchen to each studio.

Provide disinfectant surface wipes to clean workstations and equipment such as phones, keyboard, and mouse.

– Hand sanitising stations, including alcohol-based hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes to be provided throughout workplace including end of workstation bays and meeting rooms/collaboration spaces.

Clean surfaces thoroughly, particularly all high contact areas such as doors, handles, kitchen surfaces, bathroom surfaces, printers and lifts with appropriate cleaning agents.

– COVID clean to be provided daily by external cleaning company for each studio including:

– Hand sanitising/cleaning stations, including alcoholbased hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes to be provided throughout workplace including end of workstation bays and meeting rooms/collaboration spaces.

» Door handles » Tap handles » Light switches » Paper towel dispensers » Soap dispensers » Microwave buttons » Lift buttons, where applicable » Fridge handles » Meeting room surfaces including tabletops and back of chairs to all meeting rooms/open meeting table spaces » Printer buttons/touch panels » Joinery handles/pulls on cupboards, doors, and drawers

Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels and consider putting up posters with instructions on how to wash hands.

– ‘How to Handwash?’ World Health Organization advice to be provided to staff and posters to be provided in bathrooms where possible.



Guidelines for Working From Office

Guidelines for the workplace and the actions that will put in place to keep your workers and visitors safe.

Business Details


Clean frequently used areas at least daily with detergent – COVID Safe Plan to outline daily cleaning regime and or disinfectant. Clean frequently touched areas and include directive for staff to clean workstations daily surfaces several times per day. and meeting spaces after each use. – Hand sanitising/cleaning stations, including alcoholbased hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes to be provided throughout workplace including end of workstation bays and meeting rooms/collaboration spaces. Maintain disinfectant solutions at an appropriate strength and use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

– Disinfectant solutions to be maintained on site for use by external cleaners.

Staff are to wear gloves when cleaning and wash hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water.

– Should cleaning be required by staff in addition to external cleaning gloves are to be worn and hands washed thoroughly before and after.

– Sanitising stations will be located to all meeting spaces and though out workstation zones including hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes.

Record Keeping Keep a record of name and a mobile number or email address for all staff, volunteers, visitors, and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. Ensure records are used only for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and are stored confidentially and securely.

– Staff roster nominating WFO days to be issued to all staff and provided on central Intranet. Staff to maintain standard office ‘Roll Call’ protocol when not in the office on nominated WFO days.

Make your staff and visitors aware of state based check-in apps and their benefits to support contact tracing.

– In line with State Government guidelines, visitors and staff are required to check-in using the state based check-in apps for contract tracing purposes.

Cooperate with State Health Authorities if contacted in relation to a positive case of COVID-19 at your workplace.

– COVID Safe Plan to include directive for relevant health authorities to be notified should an outbreak occur within the studio



Annexure 1: Melbourne Office Local Plan

Hayball COVID Safe Directives – Melbourne Staff – Hayball staff attending site visits or meetings (as permitted under current official restrictions) are required to have and provide evidence of their individual COVID-19 vaccination status in accordance with the current government requirements. – Hayball staff attending or working from the office are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 – Hayball staff attending in-person meetings or site visits outside of the Hayball Offices must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and must comply with all current health and safety regulations. – Staff are to wear a mask in the office at all times when required by current COVID regulations. – Staff should have a face covering with them at all times when out of the home. – Use of staff kitchen, glassware/cups & utensils: » All staff must sanitise their hands before using the kitchen » All glassware/cups, crockery & utensils must be rinsed and placed in the dishwasher, if the dishwasher is unavailable, dishes are to be handwashed with hot water and left neatly in sink for next cycle » No glassware/cups, crockery or utensils are to be left at workstations at the end of the day » All personal containers are to taken home daily and dishwashers are not to be used for cleaning containers and if left at the end of the day, any personal containers left at the end of the day they will be disposed of » If food is left in the fridge this must be clearly labelled and not shared with anyone else, the fridge will be cleaned on a fortnightly basis and any unlabelled items will be disposed of Outbreak Management: – If there is a staff member within the office (or who has been in the office within the past two weeks) who is diagnosed with COVID19: » The staff member must notify their TL, HR and director immediately. » The studio will be closed immediately with the relevant health authorities to be notified. » The studio manager is to arrange a deep clean of the studio immediately. » All staff identified as close contacts must immediately get tested with self-isolate until the mandatory quarantine period is over and a negative COVID test has been received, in accordance with current government regulations and advice. » The studio will only re-open after the deep clean, contract tracing, and it has been determined that there are no further risks within the workplace. » All staff must cooperate with state government Health directives

Updated 17 November 2021 Details Site Address:

Level 1, 250 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000

Site Coordinator:

Amber Lollo

Site Director:

David Tweedie (Director) 0448 990 801

State Specific Health Authority Victoria DHHS Contact Information: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus Phone: 1300 651 160



Annexure 2: Sydney Office Local Plan

Hayball COVID Safe Directives – Sydney Staff – Use of staff kitchen, glassware/cups & utensils: » All staff must sanitise their hands before using the kitchen » All glassware/cups, crockery & utensils must be rinsed and placed in the dishwasher, if the dishwasher is unavailable, dishes are to be handwashed with hot water and left neatly in sink for next cycle » No glassware/cups, crockery or utensils are to be left at workstations at the end of the day » All personal containers are to taken home daily and dishwashers are not to be used for cleaning containers and if left at the end of the day, any personal containers left at the end of the day they will be disposed of » If food is left in the fridge this must be clearly labelled and not shared with anyone else, the fridge will be cleaned on a fortnightly basis and any unlabelled items will be disposed of Outbreak Management: – If there is a staff member within the office (or who has been in the office within the past two weeks) who is diagnosed with COVID19: » The staff member must notify their TL, HR and director immediately. » The studio will be closed immediately with the relevant health authorities to be notified. » The studio manager is to arrange a deep clean of the studio immediately. » All staff identified as close contacts must immediately get tested with self-isolate until the mandatory quarantine period is over and a negative COVID test has been received, in accordance with current government regulations and advice. » The studio will only re-open after the deep clean, contract tracing, and it has been determined that there are no further risks within the workplace. » All staff must cooperate with state government Health directives

Updated 17 November 2021 Details Site Address:

Ground Floor, 11-17 Buckingham St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Site Coordinator:

Mitchell Harris, 0434 051 202

Site Director:

David Tordoff (Director) 0404 420 700

State Specific Health Authority NSW State Government Contact Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19 Phone: 13 10 50



Annexure 3: Brisbane Office Local Plan

Hayball COVID Safe Directives – Brisbane Staff – Use of staff kitchen, glassware/cups & utensils: » All staff must sanitise their hands before using the kitchen » For staff safety, all cutlery and crockery has been removed and disposable cups provided must be disposed of after use » If desired, use of personal glassware/cups be provided by individual staff is to be taken home daily » No glassware/cups, crockery or utensils are to be left at workstations at the end of the day » All personal containers are to taken home daily and if left at the end of the day they will be disposed of » If food is left in the fridge this must be clearly labelled and not shared with anyone else, the fridge will be cleaned on a fortnightly basis and any unlabelled items will be disposed of Outbreak Management: – If there is a staff member within the office (or who has been in the office within the past two weeks) who is diagnosed with COVID19: » The staff member must notify their TL, HR and director immediately. » The studio will be closed immediately with the relevant health authorities to be notified. » The studio manager is to arrange a deep clean of the studio immediately. » All staff identified as close contacts must immediately get tested with self-isolate until the mandatory quarantine period is over and a negative COVID test has been received, in accordance with current government regulations and advice. » The studio will only re-open after the deep clean, contract tracing, and it has been determined that there are no further risks within the workplace. » All staff must cooperate with state government Health directives

Updated 17 November 2021 Details Site Address:

Level 12, 324 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Site Coordinator:

Amanda Morrison, 0412 166 757

Site Director:

Liza Ringdahl (Senior Associate) 0402 236 554

State Specific Health Authority Queensland State Government Contact Information: https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/ Phone: 1300 362 128


Hayball Melbourne Level 1, 250 Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 3000 T +61 3 9699 3644 Sydney 11–17 Buckingham Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 T +61 2 9660 9329 Brisbane Level 5, 293 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 T +61 7 3211 9821

hayball@hayball.com.au hayball.com.au

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