Nottingham Trent University School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
Form Follows
fig. 1 [ , Typewriter, 2014]
HAYLEY SO N0677354 Product Design Design Studies
Form Follows
Obsolescence Abstract Introduction What is obsolescence?
Eradication of obsolescence Value of obsolescence Conclusion
Figure List Bibliography Appendices fig. 2 [So, Gamla Stan Old Town Road, 2017] Stockholm Trip, retro bicycle
2,491 words (excl. abstract, quotes and reference)
fig. 3 [Unknown, Brown shopping bags, 2017]
Abstract All forms will inevitably enter the state of obsolescence; it’s the natural process in which all forms surpass. There are 4 stages within the product lifecycle: introduction to the market, growth, maturity and decline. The state of obsolescence appears to be laced within the stage of maturity and leading towards the decline of the product. This process that occurs could be heavily induced or planned when designing. Throughout this essay, the author will explore whether form is affected by obsolescence and the impact generated via this upon the society as well as the planet. Though with this, planned obsolescence appears to be linked with the design management. Exploration into how management has influenced the form, in comparison to the nature of design with obsolescence as the collateral effect. It will cover: what obsolescence is, the eradication of obsolescence and value upon obsolescence. There’s the realistic balance of the whole situation, where obsolescence should not be the forefront though a balance is struck as is also a valuable aspect.
fig. 4 [Unknown, antique appliances, 2017] Old television
Introduction Obsolescence is “the process of becoming obsolete, outdated and no longer used.” (Oxford University Press, 2017) meaning that the form, “the visible shape or configuration of something” (Oxford University Press, 2017) created is nearing the end of the cycle. In ‘The Waste Makers’, Packard identifies that there are three forms of obsolescence: function, quality and desire (Packard, 1960). Pinpointing the trends and attitudes within the consumer society that influences a product to become obsolete. Within this, the three forms of obsolescence will be explored throughout, and whether eradication or retaining the value of obsolescence is what should determine how the form of an object is.
fig. 5 [So, Kimbolton Girls’ Afternoon Annual Reunion, 2016] An Instax Mini 10, a retro polariod camera
The design industry has helped propagate obsolescence within forms. This was instigated as a marketing strategy in which was a gradual introduction into the market. The marketing strategy of planned obsolescence was to ensure the sustainability of the industry in a crafty manner. (McDermott, 2007) This then leads to the obsolescence of the product through the three areas. Eradication of obsolescence could hinder the firm’s sustainability, so retaining the value of obsolescence is also key. Realistically, the balance would then create a harmony between the two of whether obsolescence should exist, helping alter what the form may be and become.
fig. 6 [MacAulay, Kitchen scales, 2016] Krups scales
fig. 7 [WDnet Studio, Modern kitchen - household appliances, 2017] Ovens in a modern kitchen
What is obsolescence? Inventions are revolutions whereas innovation is about change. There’s constantly research and development occurring for both pushed and pulled innovations. Change is key as plans and models are constantly reviewed and altered, there’s no perfect solution. “A design is a plan or model. An ‘original design’ is a new and unique plan or model.” (Holtzschue & Noriega, 1997) The design process is never-ending, the effort to create better versions has a collateral effect in which obsolescence occurs or within the process, planned obsolescence can alter how the form is produced. Revised versions of the concept may be to satisfy the needs of the consumer; user experience and interactions are important especially since it affects the desirability of the form itself.
fig. 8 [Pxhere, Data storage, 2017] Evolution of data storages
With can openers, the function remains constant; opening a tin can. However, the problems related to the product differs depending on the user – the demographic can affect how the product is utilised. Designers use ergonomics and anthropometric data to create a more ergonomic product that caters for the different consumers (youths, adults and elderly). Through this it’s pulled innovation, which resulted in the older versions of can openers to become obsolete due to the function and desirability. The previous designs flaws help guide how to create a form that suits the user, learning from one’s or other’s mistakes.
fig. 9
fig. 9 [Tastermade, Can opener, 2017] fig. 10 [Unknown, German antique, 2017] fig. 11 [Stephenson, OXO can opener, 2017]
fig. 11
fig. 10
[Apple, Apple’s latest products, 2017] Laptops, phones, tablets to smart watches
fig. 12
The marketing strategy has been implemented into different areas of the design industry. The electronics industry has bloomed massively over the last century since the introduction of electronics in the early 1900s, the advancement in technology has changed a lot with nearly on 8.3 connected devices in an average UK home. “Smartphones were revealed the most popular device with 2.1 in each home” (Terrelonge, 2016) showing that people have more of a disposable income allowing them to purchase more electronical devices. The contribution of society and heavy advertisement of products has changed the society’s perception into what has become the norm.
fig. 13 [Coca Cola, Christmas Ad, 1961] Santa Puppy
The perception of what Santa Claus looked like altered in the 1930s due to Sundblom, as there were many legends and myths to what Santa was like. “Perception is learned from a mixture of direct experience and cultural teachings.” (Holtzschue & Noriega, 1997) This example shows that advertising is a very powerful tool, creating perceptions that we follow today. Advertisements help generate the desire within the consumers, it aids the journey in which products are then bought. The reviews and recommendations enhance the product’s reputation, in turn becoming more desirable for the customer to purchase.
fig. 14 [Coca Cola, Christmas Ad, 1962] Coke Lore Santa Helicopter
The first patented telephone was in 1876, and these devices helped aid communication and had a heavy influence on how our smartphones and devices have come about. The portability of mobile phones in the 1980s was a key aspect, as people are constantly busy, with the hustle and bustle that everyday life brings. Society’s views and perceptions are constantly changing; the needs of the consumer adapt to the current situations. In the 2000s smartphones were developed as it
fig. 15 [Kreuter, Mobile phone timeline, no date] Evolution of mobile phones
brought about the portable computer that was small and easy to carry. Though the planning behind the designs were thought of especially, since the marketing strategy of obsolescence boost sales through clever ways to ensure firm’s sustainability. The strategy consists of creating forms that are desirable, more functional and the quality is improved compare to the previous.
fig. 16 [Grandmougin, Pokemon Go, no date] Playing augmented reality games
fig. 17 [Acko27, Short stories, 2017] ‘The company of strangers’
Through the use of research and development to create new technology when introduced to the market, it’s a working progress meaning other designs will follow through. The obsolescence of the quality and function may be planned, meaning that once it establishes ground in the market, a new version will emerge before the product starts wearing out. The new products may appear superior to previous versions (functionality, durability, appearance) which helps the product appear desirable in comparison, as Holtzschue and Noriega mentioned that “Aesthetic principles are explicit statements about what constitutes beauty. They are judgments stated as truth.” (Holtzschue & Noriega, 1997)
fig. 18 [Studio Kehator, Fax machine Close up, no date] Fax machine
Eradication of obsolescence
[Pzhere, Apple Products, 2017] Technolgy
fig. 19
“Aesthetic principles are explicit statements about what constitutes beauty. They are judgemenets stated as truth.
(Holtzschue & Noriega, 1997)
Typewriters were created in the 19th century have become obsolete, since the development of computers in 1950s grew. The idea was then adapted and altered to become more efficient, the QWERTY keyboard layout was also invented as a solution as the keys jammed when it was order a lphabetically. (Bellis, 2017) The modern computer we know now is a big advancement, with many functions and the ability to run lots of applications being incredibly useful. As typewriters became obsolete, they are now seen as being vintage or antique because trends are fluid in the way they come and go. With planned obsolescence, this would hinder what may have the potential to be a vintage item. Durability and life time of the product varies and when planned, this marketing strategy affects the environmental surroundings aswell.
fig. 20 [So, Royal Typewriter, 2017] Manchester Trip - Science Museum
The impact on the environment from planned obsolescence is already affecting the planet. Many products use finite materials, sourced unsustainably, with the manufacturing process and logistics using large amounts of fuel (increasing their carbon footprint). Another impact on the environment is how the product is dealt with at the end of the lifecycle. A large quantity of waste, dependant on the materials may end up in landfill sites, incinerated or recycled. Planned obsolescence has caused an increase in waste in landfill particularly
fig. 21 [Pxhere, electromagnet, 2017] Junk yard
in electronical waste, that is difficult to break down and decompose because of their components. The materials that end up in landfills may take a long period to decompose or may never break down due to their composition so may need to be incinerated. This is harmful and unsustainable as space will inevitably run out and sustainability of the materials, not being able to produce and procure enough materials to sustain for future generations. There are laws in place to help protect the planet’s resources, however some companies may have exploited countries which are corrupted to access their resources e.g. Shell in Nigeria.
fig. 22 [E-waste Asia, Electronic junk yard, 2016] Old desktop computers
Apple’s marketing strategy incorporates planned obsolescence which in turn aids the sustainability of the brand through their loyal customer base. “Smartphones are the most brand-driven product among those analysed. Some 29% of smartphone owners would prioritise brand over product specifications and price when next upgrading, compared to 23% for those with a tablet in their household and 14% and 12% for televisions and computers, respectively.” (Ballaben, 2017) In figure 24, the product deteriorates - obsolescence of quality (broken screens, microphone and battery) - causing consumers to consider buying new models due to the phone not being durable enough. Phone contracts help aid the industry in promoting the renewal of contracts, being an indicator that one’s phone needs to be replaced by one of the newer phones entering the market.
fig. 23 [CNN News, Internal Storage Apple, 2017] Comparison of iPhones
The differences in the evolution of iPhones have been minimal. The iPhone 7’s headphone jack removal caused an uproar due to how inconvenient it could be if one didn’t have wireless headphones. What has become obsolete is the earlier models (iPhones) and the iPod Nano due to the: consideration input when designing, desirability of the new technology and features. This helped mask the obsolescence which will inevitably occur. As technology advances the updates remain at a certain level if the model is ‘too old’ causing the devices to become obsolete.
fig. 24 [Pxhere, Broken phone screen, 2017] Screen damage
The market pull in which is driven by the consumer needs, it’s building upon problems that already exist to generate a solution that satisfies and exceeds the need. The needs of the consumers vary due to the attitudes of the society and the societies’ attitudes are constantly changing. Enabling the opportunity for businesses to exploit this to their advantage.
fig. 25 [Assaf , Reminising with old photographs, 2014] Film camera photographs
fig. 26 [So, Spoon Carving, 2017] Greenwood Working - NTU Makers club
Are designers being restricted in what they design? To an extent, they are. This is dependent on many factors such as the firm’s management and the availability of materials and technology. As within the design industry, the design management to an extent, dictate what can be made. As designers, they may not be free to be as creative as they could potentially be. The forms created and developed will also be limited, and thus in turn may become obsolete at a faster rate. The material limitation can restrict the quality of the product. The durability of the material varies, like fashion trends also become obsolete due to the desirability of the product, as well as the quality of the material due to wear and tear.
Technological push is a factor causing the obsolescence of function through R&D, so a new product can be created and introduced to the market. These innovative products could become a trend or just a fad (though it may not necessarily succeed). Many factors contribute to why products may flop, like the technology used may not be readily available/ refined for commercial use or the economic factors. flopped from being too advanced in technology for their time, therefore their downfall was in their timing. (Clark, 2001)
fig. 27 [Pxhere, Camera parts, 2016] Disassembled Canon camera
Value of obsolescence
The smart watch concept originated in 1930 by Chester Gould’s comics, then due to the technological push it was possible to create the ‘World’s smallest computer terminal’ – Pulsar RC-4000 PC in the 1980s. (Unknown, 2017; Unknown, 2010) In terms of the obsolescence of desirability, the older models are branded unfashionable, society’s impact upon perception is to define judgements as truths then make it the norm. This technological push was aided by the advancement in how technology was decreasing in size. Figure 29 shows the changes in the size of resistors, furthermore develops into more advanced electronic devices that can hold more data (figure 8).
fig. 28 [Kreuter, Smart Watch, no date] Leather strapped smart watch
fig. 30
fig. 29
fig. 31
fig. 29 [Pxhere, resistors, 2017] fig. 30 [Pxhere, smaller components, 2017] fig. 31 [Pxhere, motherboard, 2017
“ By 2003, 67% of American households had wireless phones at home as well. With multiple lines, cell phones, voice-mail, e-mails, fax machines all allowing for a steady flow of information in and out of our lives, being connected has become essential to our idea of domestic comfort. ” (Busch, 2005) Within society, these days, being connected via devices and the web is important. One may feel ‘lost’ without it, the dependency has increased, considering the movement of how being connected is important. There’s the strive for new technology to improve upon the original design. Through obsolescence, we have innovation that may improve the efficiency making tasks easier to complete. Designing forms with the knowledge that it will be altered in the future, tailoring more to cater the needs of the market.
fig. 32 [Kreuter, Mobile phone timeline, no date] Evolution of mobile phones
Nowadays, a high percentage of the population have mobile phones from the age of 11 upwards. The age of children getting mobile devices or using devices connected to the internet are becoming even lower. The number of children being given electronic tablets is increasing due to the ability to access apps and videos that can distract and entertain children. Within the UK’s population, many students have a minimum of 2 devices – a computer/ laptop and a mobile, with many having the latest models due to the desire to own fashionable items which have functions that can help aid their course.
fig. 34
fig. 33
fig. 35
fig. 33 [Unknown, Old wall hung telephone, 2016] fig. 34 [NQeDesigns, Business call, no date] fig. 35 [Unknown, Home telephone, 2017]
Like typewriters, the evolution of camera trends fluctuates, bringing vintage models back. Cameras that require film did become outdated with digital cameras taking over meaning that you can perfect your images without worrying about the cost of wasting film. Digitally editing photos, with the rise of computer usage, meant these film cameras’ function became obsolete as it didn’t match the function of digital cameras.
fig. 36 [Hershey, Canon camera, no date] Monk taking photographs
However, the imperfection of film photographs is a unique selling point as it encompasses nostalgia and individuality. Although film cameras became obsolete, they have now returned, and the fact that they became outdated makes the product more valuable as they’re also admiring its history.
fig. 37 [Trovato, Old camera, no date] Using film exposures
fig. 38 [Al, Throwing clay, no date] Pottery
Forms created can be beautiful artworks like ceramics and works of craft. Through this the process of making, there is the consideration of the life-cycle. As a cycle, it regenerates and repeats itself. “Symmetry and balance have been considered virtues in design for so long that the powers of imbalance are overlooked.” (Holtzschue & Noriega, 1997) With the cycle there’s always the decline and the end of a product. However, there’s still the possibility to help rejuvenate which may not be possible in all cases, such as floppy disks, due to advances in technology that no longer require them in our society. Forms created are not indefinitely made to last ‘forever’ the expiration date will always loom over (finite materials, wear and tear, etc.) therefore obsolescence is a natural process that occurs. Prolonging the lifetime of objects like ceramics that are made to contain and hold, that will one day break as the material gets worn down becoming more fragile,
“Wabi-sabi reminds us that we are all transient beings on this planet— that our bodies, as well as the material world around us, are in the process of returning to dust. Nature’s cycles of growth, decay, and erosion are embodied in frayed edges, rust, liver spots. Through wabi-sabi, we learn to embrace both the glory and the melancholy found in these marks of passing time.” (Lawerence, 2001) Wabi-sabi truly embraces the imbalance in which obsolescence also constructs. This imbalance counteracts the balance that would help create a harmony between the two (being sustainable and obsolescence).
fig. 39 [Modern Met Team, Wabi sabi, 2017] Pottery
fig. 40 [Smokrovic , Kingfisher, no date] Biomimicry
fig. 41 [Lovegrove, DNA Staircase, 2005] Fat free design
In terms of Design activism tackling real world problems with obsolescence, there’s a large impact on material usage with the wastage procured. Design activism involves raising awareness and finding solutions on how to tackle these issues, generating forms that are sustainable and considerate to the environment. Lovegrove’s fat free designs are organic, with heavy emphasis on ensuring the user’s needs are fulfilled as well as having a positive effect upon the planet, through researching material technology. Lovegrove takes large influence from nature. Biomimicry has helped create forms like a kingfisher’s beak for its streamlined form for the bullet train. With these forms, they have a longer product life cycle, and are therefore less likely to become obsolete, though these may become obsolete with the function and/or quality deterioration.
fig. 42 [Verma, Bullet train, 2015] Japanese Shinkansen
fig. 43 [Holmes, The technology S curve, 2013]
There are business plans in which companies use like Ansoff ’s matrix (figure 45) and utilise strategies to figure out what would be best for the product and market dependant. Through this it would then help the firm decide on what direction to take in order sustain and design briefs that will take into consideration the life-cycle of the product when creating the forms.
fig. 44 [Digitalton, Innovation Matrix, 2013]
fig. 45 [Smartinsights, Ansoff ’s Matrix, 2017]
The Boston Matrix shows the stages the product would enter, and progress through. Cash cows are the firm’s best asset in the terms that through this the profit gained can be used to reinvest into the problem child. The form of the product is pre-determined when designing, though it can be altered and tailored more so to the consumer and specifications the firm requires. When designing, all the factors would be considered and possibly forecast as well as being dependant on the design.
fig. 46 [Smartinsights, Boston Matrix, 2017]
fig. 47 [Onojeghuo, Rusting away, no date] An old school motor
Does form follow obsolescence? To an extent, obsolescence is the driver of what the form becomes. Obsolescence is laced within the maturity and decline of the product which may have been planned with the firm’s goals prioritised. The goals involve being profitable and sustaining the business using the Boston Matrix to identify what stage the product is at and what is advised dependant on the situation. Planned obsolescence creating obsolescence of function, desire and quality is a marketing strategy used to ensure the company’s growth. Even though there are environmental consequences created by planned obsolescence, there’s the need to be sustainable in terms of consideration to material choices. Fat free design takes this into account creating forms that aren’t led by becoming obsolete though the product lifecycle. It’s important to aim to maintain a balance between sustaining the business through planned obsolescence as well as being sustainable in the material choice and design.
fig. 48 [Pxhere, Record shop afternoon, no date] Vinyls making a comeback in the 21st century
Figure List
25 [Assaf , Reminising with old photographs, 2014] Available at: 26 [So, Spoon Carving, 2017]
01 [Assaf, Typewriter, 2014] Available at:
27 [Pxhere, Camera parts, 2016] Available at: en/photo/98985
02 [So, Gamla Stan Old Town Road, 2017]
28 [Kreuter, Smart Watch, no date] Available at: https://stocksnap. io/photo/FDDXRU4YSE
03 [Unknown, Brown shopping bags, 2017] Available at: https://pxhere. com/en/photo/722676 04 [Unknown, antique appliances, 2017] Available at: https://pxhere. com/en/photo/1367602 05 [So, Kimbolton Girls’ Afternoon Annual Reunion, 2016] 06 [MacAulay, Kitchen scales, 2016] Available at: 07 [WDnet Studio, Modern kitchen - household Available at:
08 [Pxhere, Data storage, 2017] Available at: en/photo/856481 09 [Tastermade, Can opener, 2017] Available at: 10 [Unknown, German antique, 2017] Available at: en/photo/1135871 11 [Stephenson, OXO can opener, 2017] 12 [Apple, Apple’s latest products, 2017] Available at: https://www. 13 [Coca Cola, Christmas Ad, 1961] Available at: 14 [Coca Cola, Christmas Ad, 1962] Available at: 15 [Kreuter, Mobile phone timeline, no date] Available at: https:// 16 [Grandmougin, Pokemon Go, no date] Available at: 17 [Acko27, Short stories, 2017] Available at: 18 [Studio Kehator, Fax machine Close up, no date] Available at: 19 [Pzhere, Apple Products, 2017] Available at: en/photo/758989 20 [So, Royal Typewriter, 2017] 21 [Pxhere, electromagnet, 2017] Available at: en/photo/1087307 22 [E-waste Asia, Electronic junk yard, 2016] Available at: https:// 23 [CNN News, Internal Storage Apple, 2017] Available at: https:// 24 [Pxhere, Broken phone screen, 2017] Available at: https://pxhere. com/en/photo/1364550
29 [Pxhere, resistors, 2017] Available at: photo/609053 30 [Pxhere, smaller components, 2017] Available at: https://pxhere. com/en/photo/1248436 31[Pxhere, motherboard, 2017] Available at: photo/915664 32 [Kreuter, Mobile phone timeline, no date] Available at: 33 [Unknown, Old wall hung telephone, 2016] Available at: 34 [NQeDesigns, Business call, no date] Available at: 35 [Unknown, Home telephone, 2017] Available at: informacje/42608-uokik-z-kontrola-w-netii 36 [Hershey, Canon camera, no date] Available at: photo/EC2R5XM722 37 [Trovato, Old camera, no date] Available at: https://stocksnap. io/photo/DD06423C20 38 [Al, Throwing clay, no date] Available at: 39 [Modern Met Team, Wabi sabi, 2017] Available at: 40 [Smokrovic, Kingfisher, no date] Available at: 41 [Lovegrove, DNA Staircase, 2005] Available at: http://www. edition 42 [Verma , Bullet Train, 2015] Available at: world/india-to-get-japans-bullet-train-deepens-defence-and-nuclear-ties20151212-glm788.html 43 [Holmes, The technology S curve, 2013] Available at: https:// 44 [Digitalton, Innovation Matrix, 2013] Available at: 45 [Smartinsights, Ansoff’s Matrix, 2017] Available at: https:// 46 [Smartinsights, Boston Matrix, 2017] Available at: https://www. 47 [Onojeghuo, Rusting away, no date] Available at: 48 [Pxhere, Record shop afternoon, no date] Available at: https://
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Personal Design History Timeline
Maker and the Craft
Mass Production and the Consumer Society
Modernism and Modernity
Post Modernism
The Computation Age
When I was younger, my Great Aunt made me a delicious Pandan cake every time I visited her. The recipe was passed onto my mum then myself. When the cake was getting made, the sweet aromas of baking filled the room as well as the whirling of the mixer going. Fascinated by the process, especially the Kitchen-Aid standalone mixer. How it was a stunning Kitchen equipment that fitted our kitchen perfectly and how the speed controls were important to understand in terms of what speeds were required for different ingredients and types of baked goods. In hind-sight I can now see the significance as it helped aid my love of baking. I was six when it was bought and this item has such a large significance in my life due to my love of food and so many of my baked creations have required the use of it. It has taught me a lot in terms of the ingredients, and the baking process. The Kitchen-Aid is cool grey in colour and a matte texture, in my opinion it completes our kitchen and this item is significant to my design history because it inspires me to create a product that holds such value in its environment. The design of the standalone mixer is simple, minimalistic yet stunning. This piece of equipment is still significant to me as I can refer to its design through its value as well as I would feel lost without this when baking especially meringue based creations.
Making origami has taught the maker: the patience, precision and the process of craft. Learning a physical craft especially like origami can be frustrating and infuriating due to the instructions can confuse the maker due to the non-verbal language conveyed. The at the end after trial and error, learning from one’s mistakes the result of the craft is satisfaction. The satisfaction of the final product after all the hurdles faced in the process, in the process you learn how small details can affect the result or obstruct the following step. Maker and an the craft, with this the craft itself can be seen as a one off production, unique. The process within is traditional, though may have a modern twist in order to help simplify the process. However being traditional, brings the craft back to its roots. When folding origami, there is an element of satisfaction and relaxation when one becomes absorbed in the making of the craft. Being a craft, the maker may leave marks that would indicate the maker’s hand in the making process. Though there is always the strive for perfectionism in that the maker would remove any marks and signals that indicate the craft. So the product would appear as if it were mass produced by machinery. When creating
The key to being successful in the consumer society with mass produced items/ products in quality and this incorporates the thorough planning of the whole process. Kaizen (continuous improvement) can be adopted to help refine the process and to strive for becoming more efficient. As an example, to experience mass production on a small scale, in groups manufacturing different difficulty level ratings of origami in same set amount of time. Naturally the harder the difficulty rating was the number of products produced decreased. Learning on the job, it was difficult due to the inexperience of the making the product. Quality was the key issue as time pressed on and teaching the steps to ensure everyone were on their way to mastering their step was time consuming. As time passed, the defective rate of products decreased and productivity increased steadily as everyone became more familiar with the steps. Quality insurance of the product being a key factor, there were quality checks midway and at the finish to ensure that the product fulfilled the customers’ satisfaction. In the consumer society, the demand of the product can become inelastic when the product is more quality over quantity as well as having a unique selling point. This would then create a higher demand, in which you can sell a few for a higher price and gain a profit. When bartering with other goods, we could get more of their origamis for a few of our origamis due to being a more difficult to make.
‘Functie’ is function in a funky way; being abstract, honest and moral are the three key main principles. Within our design, we have implemented a factor of sustainability though flat packed furniture design which counteracts the logistical issues of transportation and storage as well as immoral manual labour and carbon footprint concerns. We are inspired by minimal design that encompasses Scandinavian design. It is also an honest yet abstract approach with an aesthetic appeal and a strong sustainable quality; as it can be flat packed. In terms of tackling immoral issues for example harsh manual labour, our design avoids this by being more capital intensive, requiring little labour in terms of construction. Functie is a simplistic ideology in which captures different aspects , like sustainability and logistics. Flat packed furniture may be seen as a cheap alternative. However it can be dependant on the material choices and types of joinery of the food fabrication in which can alter this fact. Many modern aspects are encapsulated within the design that shows the clean cut nature of the design. How raw the design is but presented beautifully within the movement of functie.
The postmodern fashion, it a form of rebellion. The gold and silver is seemed unfashionable together, the norm is one or the other. The clash between the two is a disturbance and imbalance, generating the power of imbalance that is powerful stance towards being conventional. Rules were meant to be broken, the norm is dictated by society’s perception, wedding dress of rebellion . It stands out being unique and individual. Finding the rebellion of post modernism, , being unconventional , not following the normalities of life. Post-modernism is also the freedom of expression. The wedding dress incorporates the perception of space travel and the fashion of being clean cut and stark. With the skirt that is layered in a gladiator way, with a under-bust cummerbund style wrap complimented by the sleeves and accessories. The effect of wrapping showing continuality but the dress having sleeves and not having a top half taking inspiration upon discontinuity and being disconnected. The dress represents post modernism and how it is a rebellion, a statement piece. Not having natural flowers but the bouquet of materials utilised in the making of the dress.
Key features: Measures heart rate, GPS to track movement/location, accessible contact button and measures temperature The elderly market is often ignored with a lack of efficient and ‘easy to use’ designs available. With society slowly developing an ageing population, there is a strong demand for elderly innovation. Due to this, the grey pound is growing; they are more willing to spend money on technological advances. In order, for the user to understand the product, the design needs to be efficient, quick and simple to function. ‘Snap Safe’ is a thorough, developed technological wrist band that incorporates modern technology and smart materials in a snap. The product is made of thermo-chromic materials to monitor whether the body temperature is too high or too low. In addition to this, the strap is made from a shape memory alloy, providing versatility to each individual user. The GPS is also a strong safety factor, in which will help family members as well as emergency services to track the issue or problem. The user can also embed an accessible contact button, allowing quick and easy emergency contact, such as a family member or nurse/ doctor.