Limited Newspaper

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Issue No.1 F r e d P e r r y. c o m

Limited N









By Fred Perry

Spring Summer 2012













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3PTP[LK >HZ MV\UKLK PU (WYPS Working along side Fred Perry, Limited offers an In-store newspaper that connects directly with the consumer. Limited is an high quality newspaper that showcases recent events, current trends and style, along with the introduction of new artists, Limited is free and available throughout our independent stores around the UK.

From the tennis courts to the streets, Fred Perry is a global fashion brand that transcends the boundaries of style with a touch of simplicity and a wealthy sporting heritage. With 100 years of history in the books, 2009 marked the centenary year for the remarkably JOn VFOUJBM TQPSUT GBTIJPO MBCFM Built by Frederick John Perry, one of the world’s most historic UFOOJT DIBNQJPOT UIF #SJUJTI CSBOE IBT QSPEVDFE UIF m OFTU RVBMJUZ garments adopted by countless style experts, subcultures and sportsmen fanatics. This historic year takes us back to 1952 by paying respect to the style that started it all: the classic cotton pique polo. This timeless fashion piece has proven to be a true master for style conscious athletes from tennis courts to catwalks.


While the polo shirt has been a staple fashion item for years, the Fred Perry Shirt is iconic. Fred Perry’s on-court credentials boast impressive UJUMFT JODMVEJOH m WF UJNF 8PSME /P 1MBZFS UISFF UJNF 8JNCMFEPO Champion as well as the last British player to win Wimbledon. Considered by many as one of the greatest male tennis players of all time, it comes with no surprise that the classic Fred Perry shirt was a success when introduced at Wimbledon in 1952. Complimented by their trademark twin-tipping details and embroidered Laurel logo on the left breast. Fred Perry’s Laurel logo is an ancient symbol for victory, which represents three simple characters that sum up this style: authenticity, heritage and integrity.


A tennis court classic since 1952, the Fred Perry shirt became a status symbol for various subcultures and groups over the years including the Mods and Soul boys. With a diverse brand history MJOLFE UP TQPSUT NVTJD BOE FWFO GBTIJPO 'SFE 1FSSZ JT JEFOUJm FE XJUI sustained fashion. Bands and artists such as The Jam (Paul Weller) Oasis and even The Buzzcocks have all been spotted wearing the brand on various occasions. Whether sported on the tennis courts or simply to complement one’s casual attire, this high quality garment will sit well in your wardrobe for many years to come. Symbolic of the mark stitched slightly below the Laurel logo, Fred Perry reminds us of the brand’s power from the past century, while signifying an iconic style that will exist for generations to come. People have become tired of following and chasing the lateest trends and have begun to look for garments that have a meaning and class. 'PS UIFTF QFPQMF 'SFE 1FSSZ TIJSUT BQQFBM CFDBVTF JU m MMT UIF DSJUFSJB as being functional, smart and enduring. The shirt carries a unique history that sets apart from every other brand. Overall, Fred Perry once told royalty that his shirt was ‘the one that m UT "OE GPS NJMMJPOT PG QFPQMF JU JT UIF FOEVSJOH PG UIFJS QBTU CVU POF that is forever in their present.

Wimbledon is home to The Championships and has been shaped by the passion of its players, from the legendary champions of the past to the dedicated athletes of the present. Wimbldeon is famed for its green grass, white clothing and the club colours of purple and green. Its sporitng heritage combines the best of the old with innovative solutions designed to meed the demands of the modern game. 3 memorable tennis players are: 'SFE 1FSSZ XBT VOJRVF JO 8JNCMFEPO T SJDI IJTUPSZ UIF m STU Englishman for 25 years to capture the gentlemen’s singles and UIF POMZ QMBZFS UP XJO UIF m OBM JO TUSBJHIU TFUT UISFF UJNFT /P Englishman has won Wimbledon since Fred Perry last held above the championship trophy in 1936. Perry, the son of a Labour Member of Parliament and born in the northern town of Stockport, came to tennis through table tennis, at XIJDI IF CFDBNF B XPSME DIBNQJPO )JT m STU UJMU BU UIF 8JNCMFEPO UJUMF XBT JO B NPOUI BGUFS IJT UI CJSUIEBZ XIFO IF RVBMJm FE

and went on to win two rounds in the main draw.

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Then there is Roger Federer, is he the greatest male player of all time? This question has been debatable to many people throughout the years and regardless of his achievements or those of others, there will always be those for and against. However what is beyond doubt is the fact that Federer has made his mark both on tennis JO HFOFSBM BOE 5IF $IBNQJPOTIJQT )F m STU NBEF UIF 8JNCMFEPO crowd sit up and take notice in 2001 when he defeated Pete Sampras JO BO BNB[JOH m WF TFUUFS 5IJT XPVME CF UIF POMZ UJNF UIBU UIFTF UXP legends, with 13 Wimbledon titles between them, would meet on the Tour. Then there is Rafael Nadal who has seemed the perfect package to promote the game as he established himself in its higher demand. He is a champion, a ruthless on-court success and an off-court gentlemen; who is gracious in defeat, humble in victory. Yet something was missing. He might have won four French Opens and the hearts of the young and old in and out of the game but legendary status had not been bestowed on him. July 6, 2008, Nadal defeated Roger Federer to seal the men’s title. This was a win over m WF TFUT BOE BMNPTU m WF IPVST XJUI UXP SBJO EFMBZT UISPXO JO B ZFBS )F CFDBNF UIF m STU QMBZFS TJODF #KPSO #PSH JO UP XJO UIF 'SFODI Open and the Championships in the same year.


The All England Club and The Championships maintain an extensive community investment programme of donations, charitable DPOUSJCVUJPOT BOE PUIFS CFOFm UT EJSFDUFE QSJNBSJMZ BU IFMQJOH UIF local community, especially the London Boroughs of Merton and Wandsworth. In April 2001, the Club launched ‘The Road to Wimbledon,’ a DPNCJOFE MPDBM BOE OBUJPOBM KVOJPS UFOOJT JOJUJBUJWF BJNFE BU HJWJOH UIPVTBOET PG KVOJPST UIF DIBODF UP QMBZ UFOOJT BOE BU UIF IPNF PG The Championships. The successful London Olympic bid for the 2012 Games means that this Summer the Olympic tennis tournament will be held at Wimbledon. London has hosted the Olympics twice before in 1908 and 1948, with tennis being played at Wimbledon at the ‘08 games. In those early days Britons dominated the sport and a great part of the British medal tally consisted of those won on the tennis courts, indoors and outdoors. If you do happen to visit Wimbledon this year for the tennis, do not forget to take a behind-the-scenes tour of Wimbledon’s Grounds and experience the remarkable venues used during the Championships. Or visit the Wimbldeon Lawn Tennis Museum and embark on a multi dimensional tour of the traditions, the triumphs, the emotions and the sighs ansd sounds that have made Wimbledon the most coveted title in tennis. For more information go to wimdledon website at: www.wimbldeon.con

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Sunday the 17th of June, saw the launch of ‘The Evolution of Fred Perry’ which was shown to many press, buyers and celebrities, in which they saw an insight into the heritage and years of Fred Perry. It was a successful evening with many tennis stars showing up to the evening to share their memories of the brand and the tennis court. There was a spread of tea, champagne, cakes and canapés for the HVFTUT UP FOKPZ XIJMF UIFZ UPPL JO UIF HFOFSBUJPO PG JNBHFT BOE IPX Fred Perry has adapted. Aswel as the room full of images that told many stories about heritage, memories or time in Wimbledon, if you make your way to the back there is an extra room that showcases the Spring/ Summer Authentic and Laurel Wreath collection. You are able to purchase these products on the day, or you can visit the Fred Perry website to purchase them online. Along with the clothing, there is a booth in the corner where you are able to upload a story you have about the brand or Wimbledon and have it uploaded onto the Fred Perry website where you can share your story to the rest of the consumers that shop at Fred Perry. Many copys of the new In srote newspaper are on display that people can pick up and take away with them.

17th June 6pm Launch to the press

18th June Open to the public

19th June

20th June

21st June

22nd June

23rd June

24th June

Paper Boys send of Newspapers to local houses in Wimbledon

How to get to the Exhibition: Arthur Road, Wimbledon Park, London SW19 Nearest tube station is Wimbledon Park, or get the train to Wimbldeon station and head to Wimbldeon Village. Signs are posted to the Exhibition .

25th June

26th June

27th June

28th June

29th june

30th June

1st July

2nd July

3rd July

4th July

5th July

6th July

7th July

8th July 9th July Closing of the Exhibition

The Exhibition opens to the public on the 18th of June to the 9th of July, from 12noon - 6pm. Along with the opening of ‘The Evolution of 'SFE 1FSSZ UIBU UPPL UIFSF TIBMM BMTP CF UIF m STU JTTVF PG UIF JO TUPSF newspaper ‘Limited’ to pick up, free of charge. This newspaper gives you an insight into the brand, style and IFSJUBHF "OE ZPV BSF BCMF UP m OE PVU BMM BCPVU UIF MBUFTU VQDPNJOH music festivals and events. So if you know of anyone that has not got UIF m STU JTTVF CVU JT IPXFWFS JOUFSFTUFE JO QJDLJOH POF VQ UFMM UIFN UP head to Wimbledon Village or your nearest Fred Perry Store (which ZPV DBO m OE PO QBHF UP WJTJU UIF FYIJCJUJPO BOE UP QJDL VQ UIF First issue. The exhibition is free of charge, so no need to take out your wallet/ purse unless you want to treat yourself to a garment or two. Head EPXO UP 8JNCMFEPO UP FOKPZ UIF UFOOJT BSFB BOE PG DPVSTF WJTJU UIF Exhibition.

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Our featured stories section, shows some of the amazing images and stories that were selected for the 2011 Advertising campaign. Become part of Fred Perry’s unique street culture and music heritage. Go online to to upload your story now.

Following the incredible success of Tell Us Your Story, Fred Perry IBT UFBNFE VQ XJUI NVMUJ BXBSE XJOOJOH m MN BOE EPDVNFOUBSZ maker Don Letts. Don has been commissioned to produce six short documentaries that will track the unique relationship Fred Perry has developed with British street style and Subcultures. For your DIBODF UP BQQFBS JO UIJT VOJRVF TFSJFT PG m MNT XF BSF MPPLJOH GPS ZPVS PSJHJOBM BSDIJWF m MN PS WJEFP GPPUBHF GSPN POXBSET *U DBO CF GSPN BOZ PG UIF 4VCDVMUVSFT 0S KVTU ZPV UBMLJOH BCPVU IPX you started wearing Fred Perry and what it means to you.

3L^PZ 5IF NBUFSJBMT BOE QSPEVDUJPO WBMVF IBTO U DIBOHF JO m GUZ ZFBST BOE UIF LJOE PG TUZMF UIF CSBOE SFn FDUT UISPVHI JUT QSPEVDUT BSF as relevant today as they ever have been. I have bought Fred Perry for many years and it has been a somewhat timeless brand. I bought this top three years ago from a vintage shop because I wanted a classic Fred Perry polo with a twist.

)LU One of the reasons I really admire this fashion label is because you DPVME PXO 'SFE 1FSSZ QPMP GPS ZFBST BOE JU XJMM TUJMM m U FYBDUMZ UIF TBNF BOE OPU UFBS PS MPTF BOZ DPMPVS /PU POMZ EP UIFZ m U XFMM CVU when you wear Fred Perry people know that you have spent that little bit extra for the brand. Fred Perry is a versatile clothing line therefore it wears me for the occasion I choose.

(SL_ In this 1980’s picture is myself, David and Nigel at a family wedding; we near enough bullied the mobile DJ to play Two Tone all night. I even went home half way through the night to collect, my albums as the DJ only had a few singles in his box. I was the only kid there wearing a Fred Perry shirt, it felt really good. I’m 43 now and all 3 of us still dance the same at Scooter events.

(SL_ October 1980 and I had a ticket to see the Specials at Midsummer Common in Cambridge I was 13, with a short back and sides. I donned my 32-inch chest navy blue Crombie with a red hanky proudly folded in the breast pocket. My crowning glory was my wine red Fred Perry shirt in, as my cousin clearly pointed out, “it’s in West Ham colours”.

*PHYHU I have chosen this silky grey number with the buttons done up as a GPSNBM PVUm U * TIBMM XFBS PO B OJHIU PVU * BDUVBMMZ TUPMF UIJT JUFN PG my friend, as I liked the texture and the way it can be worn casually or as a sophisticated number. I see Fred Perry as a vintage brand that has its sport, casual and formal divisions that make the brand accessible to many different classes and people.

1HTLZ I think you gain a sense of loyalty to the brand as soon as you NBLF ZPVS m STU QVSDIBTF BOE GSPN UIFO JU CFDPNFT NPSF BCPVU BENJSBUJPO BOE B EFTJSF UP DPMMFDU NPSF 'SFE 1FSSZ UP NF SFn FDUT great British heritage in clothing and style. I read somebody from the brand referring to how trends are temporary, but style is permanent and this is the epitome of the Fred Perry polo shirt.

)LWW` I went to a Newcastle away game at Liverpool and saw a bloke XJUI B 'SFODI DSFX XIJUF 'SFE 1FSSZ NPOLFZ KBDLFU 8IFO * HPU home I sold my Adidas Preditors and bmx and bought every colour Fred Perry polo shirt from Fenwick’s kids wear department. I got heavily into the mod scene when I was 16 and it is this that IBT JOn VFODFE NF JO FWFSZUIJOH * EP ZFBST PO * TUJMM IBWF UIPTF all-important polo shirts to this day.

3H^YLUJL Ever since the age of sixteen, I fell in love with Fred Perry making NZ m STU QVSDIBTF PG B CMBDL BOE QJOL TIPSU TMFFWFE DIFDLFE TIJSU from then on the obsession grew. With a strong love for photography and graphic design, and the history that goes with Fred Perry all the way back to the mod culture and skins my mother being a former skinhead of her day and my father being a punk of his.

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Fred Perry Authentic Spring/Summer 2012 brings together pieces UIBU BSF EFTJHOFE UP CF XPSO PO PS PGG UIF m FME 5IF DPMMFDUJPO JT EJWJEFE JOUP UISFF QBSUT FBDI XJUI TQFDJm D MPPLT T DBTVBM XJUI that smart edge in the form of Harringtons and chinos. Relaxed sweats and cotton gingham shorts, as well as classic, more formal cuts from the 50s through to 70s. A certain amount of crossover with each story, these are the kind of easy to wear, classic British goods we’ve come to expect from the label.

Puppytooth checked shirt ÂŁ90

Relaxed Fit Twin Tipped Fred Perry Shirt ÂŁ60

Colour Block Jersey Dress ÂŁ60

Chinos ÂŁ85

Harrington Jacket ÂŁ175

Dungarees ÂŁ95

Puppytooth Checked Shirt ÂŁ90

Three Button Fred Perry Shirt ÂŁ70

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"T UIF TFBTPO QSPHSFTTFT -BVSFM 8SFBUI NFOTXFBS SFNBJOT GPDVTFE PO UIF m OFS EFUBJMT BT TMFFWF lengths become shorter and fabrics lighter-weight. A pure cotton pique shirt has been given a TUSFBNMJOFE FEHF XJUI B OFBU n Z QMBDLFU BOE IJEEFO CVUUPOT PO UIF VOEFSTJEF PG UIF DPMMBS UP NBJOUBJO a modernist look. Shirting has been pared back with overhead cuts, sharp collars and bold square checks; capturing the architectural undertone of this collection. “My guiding design principal is to develop an evolving wardrobe reinterpreting classic menswear, epitomised by Fred Perry, by partnering sharp, attitudinal design with proven traditional materials and construction.� Kenneth Mackenzie, Fred Perry.

Start Stop Tipped V Neck Sweater ÂŁ115

Graphic Printed Shirt ÂŁ80

Playsuit ÂŁ195

Giant Printed Dress ÂŁ195


Richard Nicoll offers a soft touch to womenswear this season, with lightweight cotton shirting offset by a palette of bold blues. With a touch of the traditional broderie anglaise introduced and tailored into pull-over shirts with neat stand up collars and contrast silver buttons. Featuring also in the collection is a silk blend playsuit (page, 44) with a sleek racer back that chanels the collection’s tailored athletic silhouette. The key pieces in the women’s collection include the butter cream Parka with ruched funnel neck collar, an essential Fred Perry product with detailing associated with Nicoll. For ladies who prefer wearing dresses, there are several stunning options: the drop-waisted shirt dresses in silk, either in dazzling blue or bright coral, the playsuits in insignia blue and sleeveless printed shirt dresses.

Parka ÂŁ250

Striped Crew Neck Sweater ÂŁ175

8IBU CFUUFS XBZ UP FOKPZ ZPVS TVNNFS UIFO CZ HPJOH UP B NVTJD festival, whether it is abroad or in the UK, in the sun or in the rain. Music festivals are currently where you need to be in 2012. It is where you get to see the old and the new artists and bands along with being able to relive your childhood years. The nostalgia comes rushing back once hearing a song that creates a memory of your past. It is where you can gain and make new memories and socialize with different people. On the right hand page is information to recent festivals, upcoming festivals and the prices of each ticket. To purchase tickets, visit the sites below:

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Bestival 2012 Robin Hill Adventure Park, Newport Thu 6th Sep - Sun 9th Sep From £179

Isle Of Wight Festival 2012 Festival Site, Newport Thu 21st Jun - Sun 24th Jun From £190

Leeds Festival 2012 Bramham Park, Leeds Wed 22nd Aug - Sun 26th Aug From £197.50

Latitude Festival Henham Park, Southwold Thu 12th Jul - Sun 15th Jul £82.00

Download 2012 Donington Park, Derby Wed 6th Jun - Mon 11th Jun From £75

Dot To Dot 2012 - Bristol Various Venues, Bristol Saturday 2nd June 2012 From £20

T In The Park 2012 #BMBEP "JSmFME Kinross Thu 5th Jul - Mon 9th Jul From £78.30

Dot To Dot 2012 - Nottingham Various Venues, Nottingham Sunday 3rd June 2012 From £20

Hop Farm Music Festival 2012 The Hop Farm Country Park, Tonbridge Thu 28th Jun - Sun 1st Jul From 55.00

Dot To Dot 2012 - Manchester Various Venues, Manchester Monday 4th June 2012 From £20.00

Reading Festival 2012 3JDImFME "WFOVF Reading Wed 22nd Aug - Sun 26th Aug From £197.50

The Great Escape 30 Venues, Brighton, 10th - 12th May 2012 From £35.00

V Festival 2012 Hylands Park, Chelmsford Fri 17th Aug - Sun 19th Aug From £86.00

Download 2012 Donington Park, Derby Wed 6th Jun - Mon 11th Jun From £75.00

Lovebox Victoria Park, London Fri 15th Jun - Sun 17th Jun From £49.50

BBC Radio 1’s Hackney Weekend 2012 Hackney Marshes, London Sat 23rd Jun - Sun 24th Jun Freew

Photography: Amelia Ellis

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Fred Perry Subculture teamed up with Dot to Dot, the UK’s leading inner-city new music festival, to bring you the best of 2012’s emerging acts and headline performances. Fred Perry Subculture launches a new concept in live music and club culture, for London, Sub-Sonic Live, celebrating Fred Perry’s unique relationship to music and street style. Dot To Dot, the UKs only tri-city traveling festival returned for XIFSF UIFZ BOOPVODFE UIFJS m STU TBMWP PG NVTU TFF BSUJTUT Renowned in its seven-year history for offering guaranteed crowdQMFBTJOH CBOET BMPOHTJEF UIF m STU MJWF HMJNQTFT PG TPNF PG UPEBZ T biggest acts.

Photography: Amelia Ellis

There was no need for raincoats, umbrellas or wellington boots as all the music was played in doors to thousands of people, who were dressed in all different styles. From people representing the Fred Perry brand to laid back casual attire, it was a day full of people experimenting with style. This festival was a mixture of diversity, with music targeting all different styles and interests, there was something different for everyone.

This is a festival spread across multiple venues, including O2 Academy Bristol, O2 Academy2 Bristol, Thekla, Louisiana, Trinity, Fleece, The Cooler and Start The Bus. However Some venues operate a strict 18+ policy. The festival began at 1pm and ended at 4am, long day full of entertainment.

In the run up to the festival, that took place in Bristol, Nottingham and Manchester (June 2-4), Fred Perry and Dot to Dot bought to you QSPm MFT GSPN BMM UIF IPUUFTU BDUT JODMVEJOH 5IF %SVNT 8BWWFT %PH Is Dead, Pulled Apart by Horses, Summer Camp and Clock Opera, UIBU JT UP OBNF KVTU B GFX 8BOU UP DIFDL PVU NBOZ PG UIF PUIFS CBOET that played this year at Dot to Dot then head to where ZPV DBO m OE BMM UIF JOGPSNBUJPO UP UIF GFTUJWBM

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4JODF CFJOH GPVOEFE JO 5IF (SFBU &TDBQF IBT CFFO m SNMZ established internationally as the leading event for showcasing new music. The festival Returned to Brighton on the 10-12 May 2012, The Great Escape presented 15,000 music lovers and festival-goers with over 300 new local and international key artists and sounds across 30 different venues throughout Brighton. The Great Escape is one of the key dates in the music calendar, if you missed out this year then there is always next year, make sure to book early. Targeted networking sessions, parties and sponsored lunches are run every day giving delegates plenty of opportunities to form new business relationships and to catch up with established partners. In addition to pre-publicized performances, impromptu street gigs spring up all over town. The Alternative Escape, numerous club nights, label parties, industry showcases, unique collaborations and outdoor gigs all add to the festivities.


The HUB Launched in 2011 and is based in the centre of Brighton BU +VCJMFF 4RVBSF BOE JT UIF m STU 5(& WFOVF BMM GFTUJWBM HPFST visit in order to collect their wristbands. From then on it becomes a great meeting place throughout the festival.

A few highlights from previous years include: Mumford & Sons, Crystal Castles, Friendly Fires, Hurts, Laura Marling, Bon Iver and The XX. As well as the wristband exchange, they run a licensed bar and an open-air stage which is programmed with live music and DJs through out the day. The Temper Trap, The Austines, Avalanche City and We are the Ocean all took to the stage this year to play many of their upcoming songs along with old memorable songs that the public all know and love. This year showcased even more inspiring, creative artists and bands and Great Escape are looking for more, so if you think you have what it takes to get up on stage and play in front of thousands, get in touch at the Great Escape website. For more information about the festival and to help make your decision on whether to purchase a ticket next year, take a look at the website.

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Ashford McArthur Glen Designer, Outlet, Kent, TN24 0SE +44 (0)1233 632 727

Liverpool Liverpool One, 6 Manestys Lane, Liverpool, L1 3DL +44 (0)151 709 9591

Bluewater Upper Thames Walk. Bluewater, Kent, DA9 9AQ +44 (0)1322 423 980

Livingston McArthur Glen Designer, Outlet, West Lothian, EH54 6QX +44 (0)1506 418 559

Brighton 2 Dukes’ Lane, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 1BG +44 (0)1273 776 023

Manchester 11 Police Street, Manchester, M2 7LQ, +44 (0)161 832 9874

Cardiff Unit E, Hayes Buildings, Cardiff, CF10 1AF +44 (0)29 2023 5239

Nottingham 48-50 Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham, NG1 2GP

Cheshire Oaks Unit 24, Cheshire Oaks Outlet Village, South Wirral, CH65 9JJ +44 (0)151 357 1383


105a Commercial Street, 0ME 4QJUBMmFMET .BSLFU London, E1 6BG +44 (0)20 7092 9875

Covent Garden 14 The Piazza, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 8HD +44 (0)20 7836 3327

8FTUmFME 8FTUmFME -POEPO Shopping Centre, London W12 7GD +44 (0)20 8743 8764

Glagow Level 3, 220 Buchanan Galleries, Glasgow, G1 2GF +44 (0)141 333 1851

Portsmoth North Promenade Building, Gunwharf Quays, Hampshire, PO1 3TR +44 (0)23 9287 5853

Liverpool Liverpool One, 6 Manestys Lane, Liverpool, L1 3DL +44 (0)151 709 9591

York York Designer Outlet Village, St. Nicholas Avenue, North Yorkshire, YO19 4TA +44 (0)1904 637 090

+44 (0)115 9506 967

F r e d P e r r y. c o m

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