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Graduated from BA

Acting (Musical Theatre) of Shanghai Theatre Academy. A popular contestant in the TV reality show 'SUPERVOCAL'. "Best Actor" in the 5th Academy of Musical Theatre Awards; Guest Professor of Nanjing Arts College Tianxing Musical Theatre Academy; Director of Shanxi Musical Theatre Association; CEO of Follies Art Studios Shanghai, Co-Founder of Follies Entertainment

Nanjing. In 2020, he held his solo concert Kingof a ThousandFaces, in 2019, he toured Tianjin, Shenyang, Zhuhai, Wuhan, Xiamen, Wuxi and Ningbo with the reality TV show ‘SUPER-VOCAL’ team, and in 2018, he took part in SayNoGoodbye Beijing concert, etc. Musical theatre credits include: IntoTheWoods, Ghosts,RockofAges, SpringAwakening,How toSucceedinBusiness WithoutReallyTrying, ThoroughlyModernMillie, and SweeneyTodd.

翟李朔天 Tao 音乐剧演员、歌手,湖南 卫视《声入人心》第一季 人气选手。第五届音乐剧





级音乐剧表演专业。上海 Follies Art Studios CEO,南 京Follies Entertainment联 合创始人。在2020年举办 《千面之王》个人音乐会, 2019年随湖南卫视《声入 人心》全国巡演天津、沈阳、 珠海、武 汉、厦门、无锡、 宁波站,2018年《不说再见》 北京工体演唱会等等。音乐 剧 作品包括《拜访森林》《人 鬼情未了》《摇滚年代》《春 之觉醒》《一步登天》 《摩 登米莉》《理发师陶德》等。

Musical workshop. TV credits include: Chimerica (Channel 4), ThreeBody Problems (Netflix). Film credit: Miu

邓陶 Tao


戏剧作品包括《Butterfly Lovers》(Tristan Bates Theatre),《Auntie Mame》(RADA Studio Theatre),《Red Lotus》

(Theatre 503),

《Teahouse》(爱丁堡艺 穗节),《Showstopper》 中文版工作坊,《Icon

The K-Pop Musical》工 作坊。电视剧作品包括

《Chimerica》(Channel 4), Netflix剧集《三体》。电影 作品:《Miu》。

Director's Foreword 导演前言

Drama is a passion for the beauty of freedom, and it is also my way of shouting to the world. The LGBTQ+ community often faces avoidance and non-acceptance within traditional Asian values, which restricts their growth. For this, I strive to voice for Asian LGBTQ+ individuals in my own way, providing them with love and strength through theatre.

戏剧,是对自由之美的执着,也是我 向世界呐喊的方式。酷儿群体在亚洲传统价 值观中时常遭受着回避与不认可,这样的环 境束缚了他们成长。我努力用自己的方式为 亚洲酷儿发声,用戏剧给予他们爱与力量。



Tao Deng trained at Royal Academy of Music, theatre credits include: Butterfly Lovers (Tristan Bates Theatre), AuntieMame (RADA Studio Theatre), RedLotus (Theatre 503), Teahouse (Edinburgh Fringe), Showstopper Mandarin version Workshop, IconTheK-Pop


Piano Accompanist

Lu Liu graduated from Guildhall School of Music & Drama where she gained Artist Diploma with distinction under the guidance of Carole Presland and Pamela Lidiard, she is now working as a professional accompanist at Guildhall School of Music & Drama. She performed as a soloist and collaborative pianist in Barbican Hall and LSO st. Luke’s Hall.

In June 2021, Lu was awarded the Tracey ChadwellMemorial Award for her outstanding performance of contemporary art songs. In 2018, she won the Alex MenziesMemorialFund Prize for thebestpiano accompanist by Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, where she completed her studies of two master degrees in piano solo performance and piano accompaniment.

刘璐 钢琴伴奏 毕业于英国市政厅音乐 与戏剧学院,在Carole

Presland和Pamela Lidiard 的指导下,她以优异的成绩 获得了艺术家文凭,现在她 在市政厅音乐与戏剧学院担 任专业伴奏。她作为独奏家 和合作钢琴家在巴比肯音乐 厅和LSO圣卢克音乐厅演 出。

2021年6月,由于她在 当代艺术歌曲方面的出 色表现,被授予Tracey Chadwell Memorial Award。2018年,她获得 苏格兰皇家音乐学院颁发

的 Alex Menzies Memorial Fund Prize最佳钢琴伴奏 奖,并取得了钢琴独奏和 钢琴伴奏两个硕士学位。

In "Blossoming (You Undo Me)", I accompany the protagonist Tao in his exploring and awakening. Through his story, I want to tell LGBTQ+ individuals: learn to love yourselves, accept yourselves, and embrace the fact that you are born to love and born to be proud. Love the person you want to love and become the person you want to be. Love is not confined to any specific form; it quietly sprouts in the crevices of life. Love is colorful, and it deepens our life.

在Blossoming (You Undo Me)中 我陪伴着主人公Tao探索与觉醒,通过他 的故事,我想告诉酷儿们,学会爱自己、接 受自己,生而为爱,生而光荣。爱你想爱的 人,成为你想成为的人。爱从不拘泥于任何 特定形式,它总在生活的缝隙里悄悄萌芽。 爱是充满色彩的,会堆叠起我们生命的厚度。

任他嘲笑与冷眼, 纵他讥讽并刁难; 生来荣光岂能改? 我命由我不由天; 自在如风难规驯, 岂受汝等定律严? 浑然一身魂魄在, 丈夫不必面羞惭。

—— 选自 Blossoming 主题曲 ThisiswhoIam

They look at us with eyes that mock, Eyes that judge, eyes that disapprove. I know who I am, I’m no longer part of the flock.

I know who I must be and I won’t be moved. There’s no time like this to be free! It’s time to be, It’s time to prove, Here I go. Ready for you.

Forgive me for living before I die.

Forgive me for not letting life pass me by. This is who I am. You told me I was wrong.

I am here to do everything I can. This is where I belong!

—— From Blossoming (You Undo Me) Theme Song ThisiswhoIam Lyrics



HUANG Presenter, Director and Co-writer

Graduated from BA Acting (Musical Theatre) of Shanghai Theatre Academy. Later, he pursued a postgraduate degree in Text and Performance at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts & Birkbeck University of London. After graduation from his BA, he was active in theatre industry as an actor and director and became a member of China Musical Association, his representative works from 2014 to 2016 include: NasriinGuysandDolls in Shanghai Academy of Drama Duanjun theatre; Starred in the Beijing Opera TheCovenantofLove; deputy director of Romeo andJuliet Mongolian version; One of the Chinese actors in Ultimate Broadway at Shanghai Culture Square. In 2019, Xun directed the youth version of LesMiserable and Cats, and starred in the hit comedy production EvaporatingBrains. In 2022, he won MichaelRoss Award with Blossoming (YouUndoMe).

黄勋 出品人、导演、


中国音乐剧协会会员,上海 暴走美梦艺术培训中心创始 人。本科毕业于上海戏剧学 院表演系音乐剧专业。后在 英国皇家戏剧学院和伦敦大 学伯贝克学院攻读文本与表 演专业硕士。本科毕业后, 他的表演和导演作品包括: 上海戏剧学院端钧剧场《红 男绿女》主演;京歌剧《爱 之约》主演;蒙语版《罗密 欧与朱丽叶》副导演;上海 文化广场开幕大戏《极致百 老汇》中方演员。在2019 年,导演了青年版音乐剧 《悲惨世界》、《猫》, 并主演了热门喜剧《脑蒸 发》。2022年,他凭借作 品《Blossoming》(You Undo Me)获得迈克尔·罗 斯奖。

Stephanie MARTIN Book & Lyric

Stephanie Martin was trained at the University of Birmingham and the Royal Academy of Music. Stephanie’s debut play Joy, premiered in the studio at Theatre Royal Stratford East and is currently in development as a feature film with the BFI. Alkaline premiered at the Park Theatre in July 2018. JuniperandJules (first run at Theatre503 in March 2018) was Show of the Week at VAULTFestival in January 2019. Juniper andJules transferred to the Soho Theatre in May 2022. Rage,butHope premiered at Summerhall, EdinburghFestival2019 before transferring to the StreathamSpaceProject. In March 2020, Stephanie was invited to speak at OxfordUniversity on the relationship between contemporary theatre and climate change. Stephanie was recently commissioned to write a play for Shakespeare’s Globe. Further credits include new musical FuryandElysium at The OtherPalace June 2023 and PassionFruit at New Diorama, co-written with Dior Clarke.

Stephanie MARTIN 编剧、作词

Stephanie Martin毕业于伯 明翰大学英语与戏剧专业, 曾在皇家音乐学院与伦敦戏 剧工作室接受系统培训。她 的处女作,《欢乐》(Joyful) 在皇家东斯特拉特福德剧 院演出,目前正根据该作 与英国电影学院合作开发 一部故事片。2018年3月 在Theatre 503首演的《朱 尼博和朱尔斯》(Juniper and Jules)是2019年1月 VAULT Festival的周最佳演 出,并在2022年5月转移 到Soho Theatre继续演出。 《愤怒,但希望》(Rage, but Hope)在2019年爱丁 堡艺术节的Summerhall首 演,而后转移到Streatham Space Project。2020年3 月,Stephanie应邀在牛津 大学就当代戏剧与气候变化 之间的关系发表演讲。近期, Stephanie被委托为莎士比 亚环球剧院写一部剧本。最 新的作品包括2023年6月 在The Other Palace的新音 乐剧《愤怒与极乐》(Fury and Elysium)和在New Diorama上演的《百香果》 (Passion Fruit),该剧与 Dior Clarke共同编写。

Xun —— Mei Lanfang's Fifty-Three Orchid Finger Movements,MeiLanfang'sgesturesfirstappearedin "MeiLanfang'sArtIsOne"writtenbyQiRushan


Music Producer

Graduated from BA

Acting (Musical Theatre) of Shanghai Theatre Academy. In 2013, he took a role in Ultimate Broadway at Shanghai Culture Square. He was the Arranger and Singer of SchoolSongofShanghai TheatreAcademy in 2014; Composer and Music Director of short film Iam theSea in 2015; Music Director of short film 43km in 2017; Composer and Music Director of the musical Tomorrow in 2019. He held his personal concert onX in 2018, and he released album BitPart in 2020. He took part in the variety show Singformmy Heart in 2021 and Global ChineseMusic in 2022.

洪浏 作曲 音乐人、歌手,上海戏剧学 院表演系音乐剧专业。2013 年参加上海文化广场开幕大 戏《极致百老汇》。2014 年歌曲《上戏校歌》编曲及 演唱。2015年短片《我是 大海》作曲兼音乐总监。 2017年短片《43km》音乐 总监。2018年举办《onX》 个人音乐会。2019年音乐 剧《明天》作曲、音乐总监。 2020年发布原创专辑《龙 套》。2021年参加综艺《唱 出我心声》。2022年录制 CCTV3《全球中文音乐榜上 榜》。

剧学院 MA 场景设计,2021 年毕业于台湾剧场舞美设 计BA。擅长用空间叙事及 视觉化,透过过去和现在的 表演设计方法,探索了身 体、空间和时间之间动态和 与创新的相互作用;并探索 多种实践和理论观点,试图 为实验创作和叙述创造新 的机会。代表作品:2023 《LFA TIME installation at GAGGENAU》项目助 理;2021《Spaceship Adventure》舞台设计; 2020 《God Knows》舞台 设计, 2020《十二怒汉》舞 台设计;2019《Her Solo》 舞台设计。

Introduction 作品简介

Blossoming (You Undo Me) is the UK's First Original Chinese Queer Musical, a musical about a young Chinese man discovering his queerness. A coming-ofage tale, covering sexual and personal awakening and self- discovery, an immigrant's journey and a chronicle of one family's changing dynamics. This is a crosscultural representations of queer characters across seven roles played by one actor, combining traditional Chinese opera with modern performance techniques, incorporating the singing and actions of Beijing operas, traditional Chinese puppet performance and Chinese opera freehand staging, delivering an exceptional musical entertainment with Eastern aesthetic expression.

have greater ambitions, as they propose dilemmas that everyone faces: Do you really know who you are? And are you true to yourself? Queer people are a sexual minority that do not confirm to mainstream perceptions of sexuality and gender norms, and public acceptance of this sexuality is not high in China at present. Queer people often live in a compromising situation, not fully understanding or knowing how to accept themselves. Director Xun Huang hopes to be the voice of queer people through Tao's journey and awakening, drawing heavily from his own life experiences. Xun Huang was born in China and joined the Shanghai Theatre Academy at the age of 19, majoring in musical performance, before later attending the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and Birkbeck, University of London, for a postgraduate degree in Text and Performance. Whilst rehearsing Blossoming, he was constantly searching for his true self and ultimately extends this exploration to every individual’s life struggles. Whilst this story focuses on minority groups, its themes resonate with all.

Doshel ZHANG

Dramaturgy Consultant

Graduated in 2022 from Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts & Birkbeck University of London, MA Text and Performance program (Directing Pathway). In 2019, graduated from University of Toronto and obtained BA Honors, double Majored in Cinema Studies & Drama, Theatre, and Performance.

As an independent theatre and film actress, director, and producer, she has been experimenting all kinds of creative form and style, trying to push boundaries in her works and to always explore potentials and possibilities.

Production credits: Director of musical Before/ After(2022); Producer of theatre FlightofALegless Bird(2021); Director of theatre Guo/MyFamily andMyCountry (2019), Si ShiZaiTongTang (2019), TheFarAwayUs (2020), and MissZhuLi (2020); Female lead of short films

TheMinuteBeforeIDie (2021) and DejaVu (2016), scriptwriter/director/ producer of short film You andMe (2017), etc.




《Blossoming》是英国首部华人酷儿音乐剧, 一个关于 亚洲酷儿在异国他乡对特殊身份自我发现和认同的故事,导 演跨文化视角为酷儿角色带来了新解读,同时他巧妙地将中 国戏曲与现代表演手法结合,别开生面地创造出一个演员饰 演七位角色的音乐剧,为中外观众带来了与众不同的音乐剧 新体验。其中包括京剧唱腔、学习梅兰芳大师的身段、木偶 表演和中国戏曲的写意表现,呈现了一个具有东方美感的音 乐剧。

As a member of Asian Queers, the director have been trying to outspeak an active voice for this group. Through his own journey and awakening, Blossoming ( You Undo Me) aims to inspire all audience to find their true selves, as the song at the end of the piece "To lovewhoeveryouwant,toloveandbewhoeveryou wanttobe", which is not just a problem for the queer community, but something that we can all relate to.

作为亚洲同性恋者的一员,导演长期以来感受到亚洲 传统价值观中对LGBTQ群体的回避与偏见,因而他一 直 在努力为这个群体发声。融合了他自己的旅程和觉醒, Blossoming (You Undo Me) 探讨的是个体如何自爱和自 我 接受的命题,正如作品结尾的歌曲所唱“Tolovewhoever youwanttoloveandbewhoeveryouwanttobe”,这 已经不再只是酷儿所面对的问题,而是所有人类个体都会面 对的共同命题,作品中流露出的对自由的真挚情感会慢慢唤 起观众自主追求本我的意识。

Media Review 媒体评论


Stage & Costume

Design & Set Making

Graduated from MA Scenography at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama 2022 and has a background in theatre set design in Taiwan (20172021). She is sensitive to space and proficient in storytelling and visualisation, she explored the dynamic and innovative interplays between the body, space and time; and multiple practical and theoretical perspectives to create new opportunities for experimentation and narration. Representatives: Project Assistant of LFA TIMEinstallationat GAGGENAU (2023); Set Designer of Spaceship Adventure (2021); Set Designer of GodKnows (2020); Set Designer of TwelveAngryMen (2020); Set Designer of HerSolo (2019) .

一是酷儿角色的探讨彰显对少数群体的人文关怀。 《Blossoming》中的主人公Tao来自中国传统家庭,一出 生就背负着传递香火的使命。人物的自我发现和性觉醒是作 品的第一主题,但主创者显然有更大的野心,他们提出了一 个所有人都会面对的困境:你是否真正看到了自己?你是否 忠于自己?酷儿是所有不符合主流性与性别规范的性少数群 体,在当下中国的公众接受度并不高,往往以妥协的姿态生 活,他们无法了解自己,也不知道如何接受自己。黄勋导 演希望通过Tao的觉醒之旅为酷儿发声,此次创作大部分 基于导演自身的生命体验,他出生于中国,19岁考入上海 戏剧学院表演系音乐剧专业,之后在英国皇家戏剧学院和伦 敦大学伯克贝克学院攻读文本与表演专业研究生,在排练 《Blossoming》过程中他也不断地在找寻真实的自己,并 最终延伸到对每个生命个体的探讨,最终这个以少数群体为 切入点的故事引发了更广泛的情感共鸣。

Secondly, my thoughts turn to the director’s delicate brushstrokes across this theatrical tapestry, and the sincere emotions weaved throughout. Blossoming was co-written by director Xun Huang with British writer Stephanie Martin, and the captivating story made Martin cry several times while reading and developing the script. Under the boot of capitalism and commercialization, queer people have become popular mainstream “consumer goods”, inserted into media and used to garner a wider audience. But Blossoming exudes empathy, in great part due to the sincerity of the director, but also that he does not significantly highlight the difference between queer and non-queer people. Although the work concerns potentially challenging topics, such as same-sex attraction and drag queens, these elements do not exist for the sake of it, but rather to deeply shape the characters. The work explores how individuals can learn to love and accept themselves.“To love whoever you want to love, and be whoever you want to be”; this is not just a problem experienced by the queer community, but something we all face in our own way.

士毕业于英国皇家戏剧学院 MA Text and Performance

专业 (导演方向);2019

年本科毕业于多伦多大学电 影学&戏剧双学位。作为 一名独立戏剧/影视演员、 导演、制作人,她一直在尝 试实践多元化的创作风格和 形式,不断在自我突破的过 程中求索、拓展,以寻求更 多的潜力和可能性。代表 作:2022音乐剧《Before/ After》导演,2021话剧《无 脚鸟的飞行》制作人,2021 话剧《狂人Mad Us》副导 演,2021短片《死之将至》 女主演,2020话剧《游子吟》 《朱莉》导演,2019话剧 《家国》《四世再同堂》导 演,2017短片《琉璃》编 剧/导演/制作人, 2016短 片《Deja Vu》女主演等。 出我心声》。2022年录制 CCTV3《全球中文音乐榜上 榜》。

OnJuly 15th, Xun Huang’s musical “Blossoming” premiered at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Blossoming is a story about Asian queer selfdiscovery and discovering one’s identity while in a foreign country. Director Xun Huang’s cross-cultural perspective brings new representations of queer characters across 7 characters played by the same actor, and he artfully combines traditional Asian theatrical forms with modern performance techniques. After reading through the relevant content, the following thoughts came to me:

7月15号,黄勋导演的音乐剧《Blossoming》在英国 皇家戏剧学院的首演。《Blossoming》是一个关于亚洲酷儿 在异国他乡对特殊身份自我发现和认同的故事,导演黄勋的 跨文化视角为酷儿角色带来了新解读,同时他巧妙地将亚洲 传统的戏剧形式与现代表演手法结合,别开生面地创造出一 个演员饰演七位角色的音乐剧,我看完相关内容,引发以下 思考:

Firstly, the exploration of queer roles demonstrates a deep concern for minority groups. Tao, the protagonist in Blossoming, belongs to a traditional Chinese family who expect him to have children and expand their family. The character’s self-discovery and sexual awakening are the principle themes of the work, but the creators clearly

二是《Blossoming》由黄勋导演和英国作家Stephanie Martin联合编剧创作,细腻的笔触让笔者在阅读剧本时几 度落泪。在资本化和商业化的挤压下,酷儿在主流社会中更 多成了博出位的消费品,但《Blossoming》却具有强大的 共情能力,这一方面来自于导演的真诚,另一方面在于导演 并未刻意突出酷儿与常人的不同,虽然作品涉及同性情感、 变装皇后等诸多大尺度话题,但这些元素并不为了猎奇而存 在,而是为了塑造人物。作品探讨个体如何自爱和自我接受, “To love whoever you want to love and be whoever you want to be”,这不仅仅是酷儿所面对的问题,而是所有人 都会面对的共同命题。

My third thought is of the combination of Chinese and Western cultures and styles. The seven roles of Blossoming are all played by actor Zhai Lishuotian, representing a significant challenge for both him and the director. To great effect on the stage, director Xun Huang skillfully unites traditional Peking operatic art with the viewpoint methods found in modern performance pieces. This particular viewpoint is a product of philosophy, in which the logic and rationality of Western philosophy is ingeniously combined with the rule of inaction found in Eastern culture. Further, Blossoming’s stage setting and music design also exhibit this cross-cultural synthesis with a combination of Chinese and Western temperaments. Indeed, Blossoming’s music design required a great deal of

陈品禕 舞美与戏服设计 舞美制作 2022毕业于中央演讲与戏

effort from its creators; the challenge of combining different musical styles with opera singing has been discussed by Xun Huang for many years, and the innovation of Blossoming is the marked result of this concentrated focus. In terms of the stage scheduling, the director also blends a wide array of opera elements, such as a freehand stage setting peppered with blank space, stylistic elements of a puppet show, and a range of performance interpretations, etc. The combination of Chinese and Western cultures in Blossoming will, no doubt, heighten the enjoyment of the audience.

三是中西合璧,厚积薄发。《Blossoming》的七位角 色由演员翟李朔天一人扮演,这对演员和导演都是极大挑 战,黄勋导演巧妙地将传统京剧艺术与现代表演中的视点方 法结合,成功地完成了这次挑战。视点方法从哲学转化而来, 东西方哲学在其中巧妙结合,西方文化中的逻辑理性和东方 文化中的无为而治完美地体现其中,此外《Blossoming》 的舞台置景、音乐设计也处处透着一股中西合璧的气质。

《Blossoming》的音乐设计耗费了主创人员大量心血。如 何将音乐剧曲风和戏曲唱腔结合是导演多年来探讨的课题, 《Blossoming》的创作进行了一次创新性的尝试。在舞台 调度上,导演也糅合了很多戏曲元素,比如舞台置景的写意 和留白,木偶戏元素、表演的念白处理等等,《Blossoming》 中西合璧的气质将会为观众带来双重愉悦的观剧体验。

Finally, I eagerly look forward to the opportunity of director Xun Huang’s Blossoming to be staged in China. Choosing a cozy and small theatre, allowing the actors and the audience to closely share this story and this experience; it would be a delightful feast for the eyes and ears.

最后,真的很期待黄勋导演的《Blossoming》有机会 能在中国上演,选一个温馨的小剧场,让演员和观众零距离 地来讲述这个故事,一定是一场视觉和听觉的双重盛宴。





Asian Entertainment

Blossominghasboththeaesthetic expressionoftheOrientalnationand theinternationalartisticpursuit.Anew starfromAsiaisrising.





China Entertainment



Cross-culturalperspectivebringsnew representationsofqueercharacter.

——Entertainment Headlines



Theatre producer, has worked for SMG Performing Arts Group (SMG Live). He graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London with MA in Culture Industry. He is currently studying for an MFA at Peking University. Before working in theatre production, he was a dancer, choreographer, and director and created theatre Chaos and Crying forFourSeasons for Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019 and 2022 respectively. In recent years, he has participated in the creation of the environmental theatre Waitingin Schrödinger'sBox and the spatial installation dance theatre ITIS. His production works include the original Mandarin musical production The Disguiser.


ThecombinationofChineseand Westerncultures,andthegradual accumulationleadingtosignificant development.

Global Entertainment

酷儿角色的探讨彰显对少数群体的 人文关怀。

搜狐网 Sohu

Theexplorationofqueer charactershighlightsthe humanisticcarefor minoritygroups.

Sohu 细腻的笔触,真挚的情感。


Delicatewordingand genuineemotions.

Chinese Entertainment Headlines

documentaries of the 2021 UK AHRC funded project TheSongofFemale TextualWorker, the film was exhibited in Leeds IndustrialMuseum and the overall project won thefifthconsecutive AHRCUK-ChinaCreative Industriesawardsuccess; Literary curator of the 2023 dance video Herstory 高辰也 执行制作 伦敦国王学院艺术文化管理 MA在读,戏剧博主。短剧 《本大爷的化妆间》联合编 剧;2021年英国AHRC资 助项目《纺织女工之歌》纪 录片之一编剧、导演,获选 该年联合国教科文组织《非 遗国际挑战》唯一中国项目; 2023年舞蹈影像《女史》 文学策划。

Daokou Liyun

Visual Director

秦楠 制作人 戏剧制作人,曾就职于上海 文广演艺集团SMG Live。 硕士毕业于伦敦大学金史 密斯学院,当前是北京大 学的在读MFA。在从事戏 剧制作之前,也曾是舞者、 编舞和导演,并于2019年 和2022年分别创作及制作 肢体剧《混沌》和《裂/ Crying For Four Seasons》 参与爱丁堡艺穗节。近年来, 他参与创作环境戏剧《在薛 定谔的盒子中等待》、空间 装置舞蹈剧场《IT IS》等作 品。此外,他参与制作的作 品有:中文原创音乐剧《伪 装者》。

Chenye GAO Executive Producer

Currently studying Arts and Cultural Management MA at King’s College London. Co-writer of short TV series UncleBen’sDressing

Daokou Liyun (Shaoyun Liu), leader and founder of Lǔ Lab. He is a director and communicator. MA Experimental Communication, Royal College of Art. BA Visual Communication, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. In 2020, he was invited to exhibit his animation UDrinkU Die and experimental pseudo-documentary Communication& Motivation at Huaihai SpiritWorld in Shanghai; in 2021, he was invited to exhibit his book design bluejoke and his animation UDrinkUDie at Xi'anDesignExhibition and selected as an 'Emerging Designer'; His producing work DearPleasePlay Me was selected for the 2ndNationalArtsand CraftsExhibition; and it was awarded theGrand Award at the Tomorrow's VisionAward-Hyper YouthAward; In the same year, interviewed and photographed by NumeroChina artand fashionmagazine; In 2022, DearPleasePlayMe was exhibited in the 'New YouthExperimentalArt DocumentaryExhibition' at the TaoXichuanArt Museum in Jingdezhen; In the same year, Lǔ Lab was invited by MartinGoya Business to hold its first solo exhibition Roomfor Lǔ.



刀口力雲,合作实验组创始 人兼组长,导演和传达师。 英国皇家艺术学院实验传达 MA,西安美术学院视觉传

达BA。2020年,动 画《喝了水就死》和 实验纪录片《聊天与 动机》受邀在上海淮 海“精神世界”展览; 2021年,书籍设计《blue joke》和动画作品《喝了水 就死》被西安设计展评为“新 锐设计师”;其担任创意

Room; Writer and Director of one of the
The costume design script. —————————

协助与制片的艺术作品《亲 爱的请演奏我吧》,入选第


日视线奖—Hyper Youth

Award”全场大奖;同年, 接受《Numero China》艺


2022年,《亲爱的请演奏 我吧》参加景德镇市陶溪川 美术馆“新青年实验艺术文 献展”;同年,合作实验组 受马丁戈雅生意邀请举办 首次个展“卤房Room for Lǔ”。

studying for a master's degree in arts and cultural management at King's College London. During the undergraduate period and after graduation, she participated in the production and stage management of drama performances for many times. Her representative works from 2018 to 2022 include: the executive producer of dramaOutpost and its national tour funded by the China National Arts Fund; the executive producer of TibetanChinese bilingual version of Hamlet directed by Pu Cunxin; the production stage manager of STA internship drama Gesang Rob&DolmaTsering (Adapted from Romeo and Juliet); the assistant stage manager of USCspringand autumndramaTroublein Mind and ThreeSisters

宋如月 舞台监督

Chuqiao PAN Director of Films and Images

Chuqiao Pan is a writer and director from Chengdu, China and graduated from MA Filmmaking at London Film School. Now he writes and directs fictions with his primary interest rooted in family dramas. And he hopes to bring as many of these to the audiences as possible.

Before being a fiction director, Chuqiao was a documentary filmmaker and cinematographer, who focused on the marginal groups in China, known for Silence



TelevisionFestival VisibleWings

2015(13th)SichuanTV FestivalInternationalGold


BestDocumentary Day, won FilmsAwards(LAFA)Best Musical/DanceFilm

2021. He's also a member in SichuanTelevisionArtists Association(SCTAA).



编剧、导演,伦敦电影学院 电影制作MA,四川电视艺









2015年四川金熊猫国际电 视节国际影视学生评奖纪录 片单元,2021年,其担任 摄影指导的舞蹈影像《One Day》获2021年洛杉矶电 影奖最佳音乐/舞蹈电影, 入围2021年巴黎戏剧电影 节舞蹈电影单元最终片单, 获2021年罗马短片电影节 舞蹈电影单元特别提及。

本科毕业于上海戏剧学院艺 术管理专业,曾于美国南加 州大学交换学习舞台管理, 现在英国伦敦国王学院攻读 艺术与文化管理硕士。本科 在校期间及毕业后多次参与 戏剧演出舞台监督及制作工 作,2018-2022年间的主要 作品有:中国国家艺术基金 资助项目话剧《前哨》全国 巡演执行制作;濮存昕导演 话剧藏汉双语版《哈姆雷特》 执行制作;上海戏剧学院实 习大戏《格桑罗布与卓玛次 仁》舞台监督;美国南加州 大学春秋季话剧《Trouble in Mind》《Three Sisters》 助理舞监。

Special thanks to: 特别感谢:

Michael Ross family providing supports

Blossoming (you undo me) The Creative Team of 2022 Version

Producer —— Xun Huang

Pianist —— Shenjie Zhang

Additional Lyrics —— Colm Molloy

Traditional Chinese Opera Part Lyrics —— Nagar Li

Visual Design —— Qianru Liu

Visual Photography —— Allen Wu

Stage Photography —— Louis Cao

Makeup Styling —— Xinya Huang

Stage Design —— Chi zhang & Xun Huang

Costume Design —— Siyu Li & Xun Huang

Stage Manager —— Doshel Zhang

Mum’s Recording —— Ener Cui & Ruoyi Yan

Looking forward to more collaborations! We look forward to receiving your suggestions and feedback.




Special Acknowledgement 特别鸣谢



Stage Manager

Graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy majoring in Arts Management and studied stage management at University of Southern California as the exchange student. She is now


LinkAge Arts is a theatre production company newly established this year in London, with Xun Huang serving as the company's director. The company is committed to creating unique works of art that transcend cultures, industries, and art forms. Let arts link ages!

LinkAge Arts是一家位于伦敦的新成立的 戏剧制作公司,创始人黄勋。该公司致力于 创作跨越文化、行业和艺术形式的独特戏剧 作品。


Linkage Arts linkage_arts 大勋的白日梦

OperaintheMidstof Changes was finalist in theBeautyacrossthe TaiwanStrait-YouthOnline AudiovisualWorksCreation CompetitionTop30; planning and executing the film exhibition and launch of the 2021GoldenRooster andHundredFlowersFilm Festival; Participated in the marketing and promotion of the variety show The CityofMusicals and the musical TheDisguiser

郭柔羽 媒体运营 郭柔羽,伦敦大学创意与合 作企业硕士在读。新闻专题 片《站在消失边缘的歌仔戏》 获全球永续报道奖短片类优 等奖;MV《停了的钟》入 围台湾艺美奖非戏剧类最佳 导演;纪录片《变革中的歌 仔戏》入围美在两岸·青年 网络视听作品创作大赛30 强;2021中国金鸡百花电 影节影展与发布会策划与执 行;参与综艺《爱乐之都》、 音乐剧《伪装者》市场宣传。


Currently studying for MA in Creative and Collaborative Enterprise at the University of London. The news feature Gezi OperaStandingonthe EdgeofDisappearing won the BestPrize in the Short FilmCategoryoftheGlobal SustainabilityReporting Awards; the music video StoppedClock was finalist for theBestDirector in the Non-TheatreCategoryof Taiwan'sEmmyAwards; the documentary Gezi

Let Arts Link Ages 让艺术连接时代

Edinburgh Fringe Festival:

2 – 13 August 2023, 12:00 / 19:30

Gilded Balloon Patter HooseDoonstairs

Venue 24

3 Chambers St

Edinburgh, EH1 1HT


London (Edinburgh Preview): 19 July 2023, 19:00

The Other Palace – Studio 12 Palace Street

London, SW1E 5JA

The UK's First Original Chinese Queer Musical

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