7 minute read

Kefa between Italy and the United States

HH: Who is your mentor and why is having a mentor important?

I have several mentors in different areas of my life for each aspect of business. I always have someone in my network who I look up to, and who is doing better than me. I use that to check what I am doing and see what areas I need to improve. For my Spiritual side, I also have a few I can take time to pray with and seek guidance as I acknowledge, I don’t know it all. Mentorship is important, as a mentor usually has gone through that very thing or journey that you are embarking upon. There is a long list with many names on that list.


HH: What advice can you give future women leaders?

I would advise a future women leader to have tenacity and to equip oneself with basic knowledge, education and subject matter one wishes to focus on.

Write your vision down, and focus on the pathways that will help you achieve that vision. HH: How can women be elevated as leaders in the health industry?

One of the Key Performance Indicators in the health sector is caring. Women are natural caregivers. Instead of women having an inferiority complex, they can adopt a strength based perception of themselves, and focus this strength.

Women can also engage in training to upskill, themselves and invest in business start up training, for example my Supported Living Start Up training program that enables a person to undertake this training and start a health care business. Details and links to that training are available.

Women have better choices of work life balance, when they are successfully running their own business.


Article written by: Cathy Dimarchos

I work with women across the Globe, successful entrepreneurs, women of power and influence and aspiring leaders. The word “leadership” is something that comes up a great deal. As it surfaces, the discussion often leads to their past, their experiences and then to how they relate to the word “Leader” today.

Women, as we already know, have not been raised to be in pursuit of a role that is a public figure, influential, or that holds power. We have been raised to be mindful, conscientious, softly softened and respectful and these are the benchmarks that we have been measured against.

It is not to say that they are bad traits, but we have not been encouraged to seek out more; to possess all of these and to lead- to stand up, be different, command respect and be firm. We can be all of these things, we don’t need to compromise one or any, but as young children, we have not been shown that it was possible, what’s more important is that we have not been encouraged to pursue any or all of these other things.

Being aware - being conscious is the first step. As I ponder on what was, I recognise what is.

This is where my journey begins. You see, like everyone before me, I choose to be different. I choose to stand up, I choose to be seen, and I choose to take others with me.

No path is ever straight, but we must first recognise what path we want to take. There comes a time in all of our lives where we need to own who we are and our outcomes. I know where I have come from and recognise that it has been a place of privilege to many, whilst to others it may not. I am aware that I may have not been shown options, but I was afforded a choice.

There is always the ability to seek out what you want, but first you must own where you are at.

A line in the sand

Be the change you want to see in gold colour text

As you read this article, allow it to sit with you. Allow it to evoke the energy and spirit that sits within you. Take a moment to pause and recognise what you have achieved and then ask yourself where you would like to go.

There is no miracle in you reading this article. But it has crossed your path for a reason. You have come to cross my path and this magazine as you were drawn to it and this is because you are ready to read it. Words can only resonate when you are ready to receive them.

This moment is the time that you will give yourself permission to be heard. Your inner voice, the one that has always been there, is now surfacing and resonating with your conscious self. Your voice as a child – the silent one, is asking you to recognise not only who you are, but who you choose to be.

Leaving in “Fast Forward” not at “Replay”

As you come to the end of this article, you ask yourself if not today – when? Familiarity in hitting the “replay” button is easy. You are safe and you will continue life not being seen, but I hear you, you want to step forward to be seen. So, if I were to ask you that instead of hitting “play” you press “fast forward” what do you do?

This is your opportunity to leap forward, not just take that baby step which one may have been encouraged to do as a child, but to take that huge leap that shows others that they can do it too. When we hit "fast forward" we create a forward path that creates a ripple effect that takes others with us. So rather than playing it small with baby steps, take that leap of faith and steer the charge bringing others with you.

Be the change you want to see

For all our future generation here today and the generations yet to be born, we are the champions of today who did not allow our past to chain us down, to define us, but to enable us to be the heroes of tomorrow, championing the voice of many. We can be the ones in history that hold the symbol of determination, grit, and inspiration.

As women we have the greatest gift of all; we are the ones that have changed the path in time, encouraged others but most importantly shown others how they can step forward into the world knowing that they are born into leadership. The decision you make today -the choices we make as a collective will impact tomorrow. So let us unite and celebrate as a collective knowing our daughters, our nieces and grandchildren will step into the world knowing exactly where they are meant to be.

I am Cathy Dimarchos and if you would like to step into the world being the woman you were born to be, reach out and connect.

www.solutiosn2you.com.au info@solutionsyou.com.au www.linkedin.com/in/cathy-dimarchosadvisor-and-mentor-to-successful-people0218a090/ www.instagram.com/cathydimarchos/? hl=en

Cathy Dimarchos

CEO Solutions2you


There's no doubt that LinkedIn is a powerful platform for business professionals. With over 350 million users, it's a great way to connect with potential clients and business partners. Not to mention, LinkedIn can be a useful tool for promoting your brand and sharing your company's story.

For years, LinkedIn has been the go-to site for job seekers and professionals looking to network. Now, it's becoming the social network of choice for women leaders. A study by Pew Research Center found that LinkedIn is now the most popular social network among women in senior positions. This is likely due to the site's focus on networking and professional development.

So if you're a woman leader looking to connect with other like-minded professionals, LinkedIn is the place to be.So, what does this mean for your business? If you're not already active on LinkedIn, now is the time to get started. Why? Because being featured on LinkedIn can help you build your brand, establish credibility, and generate leads. By creating a strong profile and engaging with other users, you can create new opportunities for business growth. 1.LinkedIn is a great way to network.

2.LinkedIn allows you to showcase your skills and accomplishments.

3.LinkedIn can help you develop and build your personal brand.

4.LinkedIn can help you connect with other women leaders for advice and mentorship.

5.People of all genders can use LinkedIn to learn more about the successes of female leaders and what leadership looks like for women across industries.

Whether you're a woman looking to advance your career or a man looking to understand and support the women in your organization, LinkedIn can be a great resource. Here are five reasons why women leaders should be on LinkedIn.

To help you get started, here are some of the Top 10 women leaders on LinkedIn who are worth following in 2022:

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