6 minute read
Creating Global Impact and Thinking Limitlessly
My Journey As
by Mandy Olowu

I learnt a long time ago that the power to choose is in our hands, the choice is always ours. Everyday we are prompted to awake from our slumber. We can always choose the way we want our lives and our world to be like, this means we can choose to live a life empowered by limitless thinking, knowing and believing all that is necessary for us to live our lives well, is at our disposal, or we can choose to do otherwise.
This is what led me to take a decision, I decided to change my mindset, I refused to dwell on those lies that say that a girl child is not enough. I chose the part of light and I became a point of light. I became like the phoenix bird and rose from the ashes refusing to burn.
My philanthropic journey started a long time ago, long before my marriage which by the grace of God is 32 years old now. I grew up in the Northern part of Nigeria with my grandmother in Katsina . Every morning we were graced with a gory sight of young children especially boys feeding from dumpsites. I have always wondered how God has kept them from all those illnesses that kill people. So my Nana called them out and fed as many of them as possible and this she did on a daily basis. It was great joy for me to see them fed and helped. So my journey started from there, each day I would join her to feed and care for these children and that gave me so much fulfillment.
Fortunately I married a man whose vision for a saner world aligned with mine. Along the years we continued in our own little ways, feeding, educating, and getting children off the streets refusing them to exchange education for a penny. Years later, God gave us a prophecy that we should revive the hope in the hearts of children and people who are disadvantaged and that charted the path of what we have today.
Our organization, Hope Ambassadors And Child-Care is a faith based and non government organization and our mission is to exemplify the love of God by meeting the needs of these children and people physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our vision is to restore the dignity of the poor, to revive the hope in hope because we believe everyone deserves the life of dignity. One of the major projects we are known for is our Water and Hygiene programs.

Long before the advent of Ebola, we decided to go around communities and schools to teach people/children the importance of hand washing.On getting into these communities, we found out that they didn’t even have water, so teaching them the importance of hand washing became a herculean task because we had to go in with our kegs of water and soap to teach them.
After a while, Ebola broke out and the recent one Covid 19, it then became very glaring that something had to be done quickly. So we began the journey of Clean Hands Save Lives in schools.
We built hand wash stations and donated to schools and from our statistics more children are attending school now because we now have reduced cases of infection and illnesses. We then continued into communities, sinking boreholes, providing clean water, and adding values to these communities through our Water-For-Life-Project. There is a village called Zagina in Kaduna State that has been in existence for over 280 years. This village has no experience of a borehole water system aside streams but Hope Ambassadors was able to sink a borehole system for the community and the impact was evident.

Our mandate is to go from community to community each month for as long as we can, sinking boreholes and providing clean water.
Right now we are imagining a world with limitless connectivity that will birth limitless possibilities. We are enlarging our tents, stretching forth and lengthening our cords and strengthening our stakes to other parts of the world, especially to other African countries where they also have shortage of water. We stand for inclusion, diversity and we promote collaboration.
For us Water Water Peace.F at Hope Ambassadors and Child Care Organization, means Life, Water means Hope, Water means Progress, means Longevity, Water means Love and Water means At Hope Ambassadors we think outside the box, our passion is to improve lives, and change the narrative of a community and the people for the better.

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