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ASTRACHEM of ASTRA Industrial Group (AIG) represent together considerable experiences and success which started in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 1988 and transferred later to branches and sister companies in Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and Central Asia Countries. The company offers a wide range of Agricultural inputs such as Agrochemicals, Fertilizers, Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Public Health Pesticides, Landscaping and Veterinary Products distributed through company branches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia other countries. We have always looked at the importance of quality to farmers for our ASTRACHEM products to be at similar level to products produced under licence at our facilities or those we distribute from multi-national suppliers such as FMC, and Chemtura (Formerly Crompton). ASTRACHEM has several branches and sister companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Egypt & Yemen.




ProAct® 50EC Emamectin Benzoate 5%(Avermectin) Non-systemic insecticide which penetrates leaf tissues by translaminar movement. Acts by stimulating the release of g-aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmiter, thus causing paralysis Target Pests: Lepidoptera larvae “Spodoptera litoralis , Spodoptera exigwa, Heliothis spp., Agrotis spp.”... Etc. Rate of use: 200 – 250 ml / ha. Vaulent® 150SC Indoxacarb 15% (oxadiazine) Insecticide active by contact and ingestion. Affected insects cease feeding, with poor co-ordination, paralysis and ultimately death by blocking sodium channels in nerve cells. Mode of action: Used for broad-spectrum control of Lepidoptera and other insect pests in cotton, vegetables and fruits. Rate of use: 200-400 ml / ha ®


Cobracide 400EC / Cobra 400EC Methidathion 40% (organophosphorus) Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide for control of a wide range of sucking and chewing insects (especially scale insects) and spider mites in many crops. Mode of action: non-systemic with contact and stomach action Pests: Scale insects, Mealybug, Aphids & others Application Rate: 75 - 150 ml / 100 L water


Montsan速 25EC / 200ULV Carbosulfan 25% / 20% (Carbamate) Systemic broad spectrum, potent insecticide / nematicide for foliar and soil insects. Uses: Controls a wide range of foliar and soil-dwelling insect pests including aphids, caterpillars, flea beetles, stem borers, leafhoppers, planthoppers, codling moth, scales millipedes, symphylids, wireworms, beetles, fruit flies, white grub & free-living nematodes in alfalfa, potatoes, apple, citrus, corn, deciduous fruit, coffee, rice, sorghum, soybean, sugar beets, sugarcane, vegetable, field crops & orchards. Mode of action: Contact and stomach action as Cholinesterase inhibitor (activity is due to in vivo cleavage of the N-S bond, resulting in conversion to carbofuran). Rate of use: 150 - 200 ml / 100 L of water (2 L /ha). Baton速 25EC / 100EC Bifenthrin 2.5%, 10% (Pyrethroid) Non-systemic insecticide / acaricide with unique stable chemical structure. Uses: Effective against a broad range of foliar pests, including Coleoptera, Diptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Lepidoptera and Orthoptera; it also controls some species of Acarina on vegetables, cereals, citrus, cotton, fruit trees, grapes and ornamentals. Mode of action: Non-systemic contact and stomach insecticide, binds to sodium channels, prolonging their opening and thereby causing insects death. It also has an acaricidal activity. Rate of use: 160 - 300 ml \100 L of water.


Burly速 100EW Zeta cypermethrin 10% (Pyrethroid) Non-Systemic insecticide with unique new active ingredient and chemical structure. Mode of action: Contact and stomach insecticide. Uses: Control of Beetles ,Aphids, and Lepidoptera in Fruits, Vegetables, Ornamentals and Field Crops especially wheat & alfalfa. Rate of use: 50 ml / 100 L water. Burly速 125C Carbusulfan 120 g / L + Zeta cypermethrin 5 g / L Systemic insecticide contains two active ingredients Carbusulfan is a Carbamate Systemic products & Zeta Cypermethrin is a Pythroid insecticide with fast knockdown and long residual activity. Mode of action: Contact and stomach insecticide. Uses: Controls Aphids and Fruit Worms. Rate of use: 100 ml / 100 L water.


Dozer速 235 EC Carbosulfan 12.5% + Imidacloprid 10 % + Zeta Cypermethrin 1% New systemic insecticides designed to control all sucking insects pests and has a good efficacy on Aphids, Whitefly and Scale insects. Uses: Effective against potato tuber moth, fruit worms, steam borers . Rate of use: 200 - 250 ml / 100 L of water. Acetaplan速 200SL Acetamiprid 20 % (Neonicotinoid) Systemic insecticide. Uses: designed to control socking insect pests such as whitefly, aphids, mealy bugs & others in Greenhouses and open field crops including tomato, peppers, cucurbits, grapes and citrus. Rate of uses: 500 ml / hectare. ActiKil速 500EC Pirimiphos - methyl 50% (Organophosphorus) Organophosphorus Contact insecticide. Uses: Controlling wide spectrum of sucking insects , scale insects and store products insects. Rate of use: 100 - 200 / 100 L water.


ThripGuard速 25, 35, 50 SC / ThripNil速 25, 35, 50 EC Fipronil 5%, 3.5% & 2.5% ( Phenylpyrazole) New insecticide with moderately systemic action. Mode of action: It is a contact product with wide spectrum activity. Working on Thrips, fruit worms, cut worms, steam borer, Red palm weevil on many field crops and fruit trees. Rate of use: 1 Liter / 1000 L of water. Primar速 25SC Thiamethoxam 25% Insecticide with contact, stomach and systemic activity. Rapidly taken up into the plant and transported acropetally in the xylem. For control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips, ricehoppers, ricebugs, mealybugs, white grubs, flea beetles, wireworms, ground beetle, leafminers and some lepidopterous species. Major crops for foliar and soil treatments are leafy and fruity vegetables, potatoes, deciduous fruit, coffee, citrus, maize, sorghum, cereals, sugar beet, sunflowers, peas, beans, soya beans and ornamentals. Mode of action: Contact, Stomach & Systemic Insecticide. Rate of use: 1 L / ha Slice 100EC Fenpropathrin 10% Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. used to control of many species of mites (except rust mites) and insects such as whiteflies, lepidopterous larvae, leaf miners, leafworms, bollworms and many others on pome fruit, citrus fruit, vines, hops and vegetables, ornamentals (including ornamental trees), cotton, field crops and glasshouse crops (cucurbits, tomatoes, ornamentals, etc.). Rate of Use: 150 ml/ 100 L water 10

Dingo S速 40EC Beta Cyfluthrin 2.5% + ZetaCypermethrihn 0.5% + PBO 1% Non-systemic insecticide has a rapid knockdown and long residual activity. Effective against whitefly and many other pests, especially Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera and Hemiptera on cereals, cotton, fruit and vegetables; also against migratory locusts and grasshoppers. Mode of action: Contact and stomach action. Acts on the nervous system. Rate of use: 1 L / 1000 L water (1L / ha). Dingo速 25 EC Beta Cyfluthrin 2.5% (pyrethroid) Non-systemic insecticide has a rapid knockdown and long residual activity. Effective against whitefly and many other pests, especially Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera and Hemiptera on cereals, cotton, fruit and vegetables; also against migratory locusts and grasshoppers. Mode of action: Contact and stomach action. Acts on the nervous system. Rate of use: 1 L / 1000 L water (1L / ha). Peston速 500 EC Phenthoate 50% ( Organophosphorus ) Non-systemic insecticide for control of several insects and mite species in citrus, olives, fruit trees, cotton, cereals, maize and some vegetables, Mode of action: Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Pests: Aphids, Scale insects, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs Thrips, whitefly, bollworms & stem borers. Rate of use: 100 ml / 100 L of water.


Imidor速 200SL / 350SC Imidacloprid 20% , 35% (neonicotinoid) Systemic Insecticide from a unique chemical group with unique mode of action. Acts as an antagonist by binding to postsynaptic nicotinic receptors in the insect central nervous system. It has a translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good root-systemic action. Uses: Control of sucking insects, including leaf and planthoppers, whitefly, aphids, thrips, Mealybugs and Scale insects. Also effective against soil insects, termites and some species of biting insects, such as weevils & beetles. Used as a seed dressing, soil or foliar treatment in different crops, e.g. vegetables, cereals, potatoes, cotton, maize, sugar beet, citrus fruit, pome fruit & stone fruit. Rate of use: 50 ml / 100L of water. Alphacide速 50EC / 100EC Apha Cpermethrin 5%, 10% (pyrethroid) Non-systemic insecticide controls a wide range of chewing and sucking insects. Uses: for control of a wide range of chewing & sucking insects in fruit trees, vegetables, cereals, vines, maize, beet, potatoes, cotton, soybeans, forestry, & other crops. Mode of action: Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Acts on the central and peripheral nervous system in very low doses. Pests: particularly Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera Aphids, Caterpillars, Whitefly, Thrips. Fruit worms and Red Palm weevil. Rate of use: 50 ml / 100 L water.


Hanaro速 100EC Bistrifluron 10% Chitin synthesis inhibitor. For control of whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum & Bemisia tabaci) and lepidopterous insects (e.g. Spodoptera exigua, Plutella xylostella, Stathmopoda masinissa, & Phyllonorycter ringoniella). Application Rate: 750 ml - 4L / ha. Lamdoc速 50 EC Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% (pyrethroid) Non-systemic Insecticide with rapid knockdown effect and long residual activity. Provides good control of insect-borne plant viruses. Uses: Control of a wide spectrum of insect pests in cereals, ornamentals, potatoes, vegetables & other crops. Pests: Aphids, Beetles, Thrips, Lepidoptera larvae, Coleoptera larvae & adults. Rate of use: 35 - 50 ml / 100 L of water. Pyrofin速 100 EC Pyriproxyfen 10 % (Juvenile Hormone Mimic) Insect growth regulator (IGR); suppressor of embryo genesis, inhibitor of metamorphosis and inhibitor of reproduction, working only on immature stage of whitefly. Target pests: immature of whitefly and egg stages. Rate of use: 75 ml / 100 L of water.


Deciban速 25 EC, 20 ULV Deltamethrin 2.5% (pyrethroid) Non-systemic, potent, fast-acting insecticide with contact and stomach action. Uses: Effective against a wide range of pests. Crop protection uses include: Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Lepidoptera and Thysanoptera in cereals, citrus, cotton, grapes, maize, oilseed rape, soya beans, top fruit and vegetables. It controls Acrididae, Noctuidae and pests of stored grain and timber (Blattodea, Culicidae, Muscidae). Rate of use: 50 ml /100 L of water Fender速 100EC / 200EC Fenvalerate 10%, 20% (Pyrethroid) Non-systemic insecticide / acaricide controls a wide range of pests, including those resistant to organophosphorus, carbamate, and organochlorine insecticides. Uses: Control of chewing and sucking insect pests in vegetables, cereals, fruit trees, and ornamentals. Mode of action: Non-systemic contact and stomach insecticide. Rate of use: 50 - 80 ml / 100 L of water. Mallet速 570EC / 960ULV Malathion 57%, 96% (organophosphorus) Non-systemic insecticide / acaricide for control of Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera in a wide range of crops, Mode of action: Contact, stomach, and respiratory action. Cholinesterase inhibitor. Uses: General use insecticide and for locust control. Application Rate: 200 - 250 ml / 100 L water 14

Cyguard速 75 WG Cyromazine 75% w/w Mode of action: Insect growth regulator with contact action, which interferes with moulting and pupation. When used on plants, action is systemic. Uses: Control of Diptera larvae in chicken manure by feeding to the poultry or treating the breeding sites. Also used to control flies on animals. Used as a foliar spray to control leaf miners (Liriomyza spp.) in vegetables (e.g. celery, melons, tomatoes, lettuce), mushrooms, potatoes and ornamentals, also used in drench or drip irrigation. BetaGreen速 25 ME Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% (pyrethroid) Non-systemic insecticide formulated as MicroEmulsion in water as a solvent, with contact and stomach action. Acts on the nervous system, with rapid knockdown and long residual activity. Uses: Insecticide effective against Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Homoptera on cotton, fruit, vegetables, cereals and other crops. Also against migratory locusts and grasshoppers, and in animal health. CyperGreen速 100 ME Cypermethrin 10% (pyrethroid) Non-systemic insecticide formulated as MicroEmulsion in water as a solvent, with contact and stomach action. Acts on the nervous system, with rapid knockdown and long residual activity. Uses: Insecticide effective against Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Homoptera on cotton, fruit, vegetables, cereals and other crops. Also against migratory locusts and grasshoppers, and in animal health.


Cyprine速 100EC, 250EC Cypermethrin 10% , 25% (pyrethroid) For control of a wide range of insects, especially Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera classes. Good residual activity on treated plants. Mode of action: Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Also exhibits antifeeding action. Pests: aphids, worms, whitefly, potato tuber moth (adults). Sender速 50 EC Esfenvalerate 5 % (Pyrethroid) Insecticide with contact and stomach action. with a very broad range of activity. Working on vegetables and frit trees. Target Pests: Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera and Orthoptera insects. FoliarOil速 930EC ( summer oil ) / BonOil速 965EC ( winter oil ) Refined Paraffin Oil 93% & 96.5 % Acaricide, insecticide, herbicide, adjuvant. Bon-Oil is used for control of overwintering forms (particularly winter eggs) on fruit trees vines and some ornamentals. Foliar-Oil can be used during summer under moderate temperature and as a surfactant and adjuvant to enhance the activity of some herbicides. Mode of action: Acaricide and insecticide with ovicidal activity & contact herbicide. Pests: Spider mites, scale insects and overwintering or summer eggs of insects & mites. Rate of use: 1 L\ 100 L of water.



Transact速 18EC, 36EC / AbaMeck 18EC Abamectin 1.8% , 3.6% (avermectin) Acaricide / insecticide, belongs to unique chemical group extracted from microorganisms. Compatible with Integrated Crop Management (ICM) programs for the control of mites, yellow mites, leafminers, psylla, suckers, beetles, etc... on ornamentals, cotton, citrus fruit, pome fruit, nut crops, vegetables, potatoes, and other crops.Contact and Stomach activity by stimulating the release of aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, thus causing paralysis. Has limited plant systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement. Pests: Mites especially red spider mites,. DeVour速 240SC Chlorfenapyr 24% (arylpyrrole) Acaricide / Insecticide with stomach and some contact action. Exhibits good translaminar activity. Controls many insects and mites, including those resistant to carbamate, organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides and also chitin-synthesis inhibitors. Used against Brevipalpus phoenicis (leprosis mite), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle), Helicoverpa spp., Heliothis spp., Plutella xylostella (diamond-back moth) and Tetranychus spp. in cotton, vegetables, citrus, top fruit, vines and soya beans. Hunter速 200EC Amitraz 20% (amidine) Acaricide / Insecticide. For control of mites and insects on several crops. Pest: All stages of tetranychid and eriophyid mites, scale insects, mealybugs, whitefly, aphids, and eggs and first instar larvae of Lepidoptera. Mode of action: Non-systemic, with contact and respiratory action. Rate of use: 150-200 ml/100 L water. 18

TransMatrin速 5 L Matrine 0.5% SL High efficiency, Broad spectrum natural acaricide / insecticide. Its function mainly by direct contact, subsidiarily by stomach poison. Once contact the pest, the nervous system is paralyzed immediately, then proteins will denaturalize, finally the pest will die of breathlessness. Low toxicity, Non residue and Green protection to environment. Containing abundant trace elements, which can stimulate crops to grow, become stronger, blossom, fructify and increase production. Mitoron速 250 EC / 500 EC Bromopropylate 25% & 50% Contact Acaricide product belongs to Benzilate chemical group working against Eriophyid and Tetranychid mites on vegetables, date palms, citrus, fruit trees and ornamentals. Sulfin 80SC Sulfur 80% SC (multi-site: inorganic) General use Fungicide / Acaricide Mode of action: Non-systemic protective fungicide with contact and vapour action. acaricidal activity. Pest / Diseases: Mites, particularly Eriophyid mites and Powdery mildew Ethio速 500EC Ethion 50% (Organophosphorus) Acaricide / Insecticide. For control of mites and insects in Date Palm, fruit trees, vines and vegetables. Active against mobile stages of mites, also against overwintering forms of many species. Mode of action: Non-systemic with contact action. Pest: Spider mites, aphids, scale insects, thrips, lepidopterous larvae, leafhoppers and other insects Rate of use: 250 ml/100 L water.



Fymate速 240L Oxamyl 24% Systemic Nematicide, controls chewing and sucking insects (including soil insects, but not wireworm), spider mites, and nematodes in ornamentals, fruit trees, vegetables, Cucurbita, beet, bananas, pineapples, peanuts, cotton, soya beans, tobacco, potatoes and other crops. Mode of action: Contact and systemic insecticide, acaricide, and nematicide. Absorbed by the foliage and roots, with translocation. Application rats: 4 - 8 L / ha



Fundazim速 500SC Carbendazim 50%( benzimidazole) Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Absorbed through leaves and roots system, with translocation acropetally. Use on vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, cereals, grapes and stone fruits. Target Diseases: Leaf glum, Rots, Powdery mildew, white leaf spot, Eye spots, Stem rots & Early blights. Rate of use: 50 g / 100 L of water. Radix 125 SC Epoxiconazole 12.5% w/v (Triazole) Preventive and curative fungicide. Inhibition of C-14-demethylase in sterol biosynthesis. Broad-spectrum fungicide, with preventive and curative action, for control of diseases caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetes in cereals, sugar beet, peanuts, oilseed rape, & ornamentals. TilZole 250 EC Propiconazole 25 % (Triazole) Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Uses: working on many fungus diseases such as Rusts, Leaf spots, Powdery mildew, Yellow rusts, Steam rust, Powdery rot, Eye spot and controlling also Fusarium, Raizoctonia and Sclirotenia diseases on wheats and vegetables crops. Terrazol速 300SL Hymexazol 30% Systemic soil and seed fungicide control of soil-borne diseases caused by Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium, Corticium & Typhula spp., etc. in vegetables, cucurbits, ornamentals & seedlings. Mode of action: Curative and protective action. Disease: Damping off, Application:100 - 200 ml/ 100 L of water.


Talent® 250 EC / Talent® 60 FS Tebuconazole 25%, 6% w/v (Triazole) Highly effective Systemic fungicide, steroid demethylation (ergosterol biosynthesis) inhibitor. With protective, curative, & eradicant action. Controls several fungus diseases on many crops. Good efficacy on rust, powdery mildew, Septoria spots, Fusarium and early blights and soil fungus. Trinol / Astinol 250EC Triadimenol 25% w/v (Triazole) Systemic fungicide with protective, curative and eradicant action. Absorbed by the roots and leaves, with ready translocation in young growing tissues. Controls powdery mildews, rusts and Rhynchosporium in cereals, and, when applied as a seed treatment, control of bunt, smuts, Typhula spp., seedling blight, leaf stripe, net blotch and other cereal diseases. Also used on vegetables, ornamentals, coffee, hops, vines, fruit, tobacco, sugar cane, bananas and other crops. Funraz® 400EC Prochloraz 40% (Triazole) Mode of action: Ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor. A protecting & eradicate fungicide effective against a wide range of diseases affecting field crops, fruits, vegetables & turf. Uses: used in cereals, oilseed rape, field legumes, citrus, tropical fruits/ vegetables & other crops against Alternaria, Botrytis, Sclerotinia, Pseudocercosporella, Pyrenophora, Rhynchosporium, Fusarium, Septoria, Erysiphe sp, Ascochyta Pyrenopeziza,Cercospora & Cochliobolus spp.,and against storage or transit diseases of when applied as a dip treatment. Sulfin® Sulfur 80% SC  Acaricide / Fungicide


Azox速 250SC Azoxystrobin (25%) methoxyacrylate Broad spectrum fungicide with protectant, curative, eradicant, translaminar and systemic properties. Mode of Action: Inhibits spore germination and mycelial growth, and also shows antisporulant activity. Uses: Controls the following pathogens: Phytophthora, Alternaria, Monilinia, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Plasmopara, Uncinula, Sphaerotheca,Pseudoperonospora, Mycosphaerella, Erysiphe, Puccinia,Leptosphaeria, Septoria, Pyrenophora, Pyricularia, Sclerotium, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Guignardia and Hemileia on vegetables, cereals, vines, cucurbits, potato, tomato, peanut, peach, turf, banana, pecan, citrus and coffee. Procure速 722SL Propamocarb HCl 72.2% Systemic fungicide with protective action for control of phycomycetous diseases (Pythium, Phytophthora, Aphanomyces, Bremia, Pseudoperonospora spp. and Peronospora) in vegetables, ornamentals, greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers & seedbeds. Mode of action: Multi-site inhibitor, absorbed by the roots and leaves, and transported acropetally. Rate of use: 100 ml / 100 L water. Ridoxyl速 240EC / 480 EC Metalaxyl M 24%, 48 % (phenylamide: acylalanine) Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action, to control diseases caused by air- and soilborne Peronosporales downy mildews on a wide range of crops. Soil applications to control soilborne pathogens causing root and lower stem rots . Mode of action: Absorbed through the leaves, stems, & roots. Inhibits protein synthesis. Rate of use: 10 - 20ml /100 L water. 25

Corval速 50SC Iprodione 50% w/w (dicarboximide) Contact fungicide with protective and curative action. Inhibits germination of spores and growth of fungal mycelium. Used for the control of Botrytis, Monilia, Sclerotinia, Alternaria, Corticium, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Phoma, Rhizoctonia, Typhula spp., etc. Mainly on sunflowers, cereals, fruit trees, berry fruit, cotton, vegetables, and vines as a foliar spray and on turf. Also post-harvest dip, as a seed treatment, or as a dip or spray at planting. Application Rate: 0.5 - 1Kg/ 1000L of water Sulex速 50WP Procymidone 50% w/w (dicarboximide) Systemic fungicide with protective and curative properties. Absorbed through the roots, with translocation to leaves and flowers. Inhibitor of triglyceride synthesis in fungi. Uses: Control of Botrytis, Sclerotinia, Monilia, and Helminthosporium spp. on fruit (including top fruit, strawberries and raspberries), vines, vegetables (including tomatoes, peas and beans), ornamentals, cereals, sunflowers, oilseed rape, soya beans, peanuts, tobacco, etc. Application Rate: 0.5 - 1Kg/ha Hexar速 50EC Hexaconazole 5% (Triazole) Systemic fungicide with protective & curative action for the control of Powdery mildew & many fungi, Particulary Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes e.g. Podosphaera, Venturia, Guignardia, Uncinula, Hemileia & Cerospora on vegetables, fruit trees, vines, ornamentals & other crops. Mode of action: Curative and protective action. Rate of use: 50 ml / 100 L of water.


Scorpio速 / Divizole速 250EC, 60FS Difneconazole 25%, 6 % ( Triazole) Systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action. Absorbed by the leaves, with acropetal and strong Translaminer translocation. grapes, stone fruit, potatoes, banana, cereals, ornamentals and vegetable crops. Target Diseases: Leaf spot, Root rot, Anthracnose, Black rot, Brown spot, Stem rot & Damping off. Rate of Use: 0.5 L / ha. Butanil速125EC, 250EC Myclobutanil 12.5% & 25% ( Triazole) Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis (steroid demethylation inhibitor). Used on many crops such as fruit trees: apples & grapes also used on vegetables, cereals and ornamental crops. Against Powdery mildew, Rusts, Scabs, Shot holes, Blossom blights and soil borne diseases. Rate of use: 60 ml / 100 L of water. NeVex速 250EC Flutriafol 70% (Triazole) Contact and systemic fungicide with eradicant and protective action. Absorbed by the foliage, with translocation acropetally in the xylem. Inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis (sterol demethylation inhibitor), causing fungal cell wall collapse and inhibition of hyphal growth. For control of a broad spectrum of leaf and ear diseases (including Erysiphe graminis, Rhynchosporium secalis, Septoria spp., Puccinia spp., Helminthosporium teres and Helminthosporium tritici-repentis) in cereals.



Glory 24EC Oxyfluorfen 25% Selective contact herbicide, absorbed more readily by the foliage (and especially the shoots) than by the roots, with very little translocation. Used to control of annual broad-leaved weeds and grasses in a variety of tropical and subtropical crops, by preor post-emergence application. Particular crops include tree fruit (including citrus), vines, nuts, cereals, maize, soya beans, peanuts, rice, cotton, bananas, peppermint, onions, garlic, ornamental trees and shrubs, and conifer seedbeds Rate of use: 1L / ha Roxar速 250 EC Oxadiazon 25% Selective Herbicides used pre and post emergence. Uses: Control annual and perennial broad and narrow leaved weeds at early stage in Onion , garlic grapes and vegetables. Rate of use: 2.5 - 4 L/ ha. WeedMaster 240 EC Diflufenican+Bromoxynil Octanoate+Ioxynil Octanoate Post-emergence herbicide for the control of a wide range of annual broad-leaved weeds, in cereals. Rate of use: 1 - 1.25 L / ha. Triocide速 525EC Ioxynil 7.5% Bromoxynil 7.5% Mecoprop 37% Post emergence cereal selective herbicide for control of broad leaved weeds in wheat and barley. Rate of use: 2-2.5 L / ha (200-400 L of water). 29

Tiller速 480SL Glyphosate IPA 48% (glycine derivative) Non-selective systemic post emergence herbicide. Absorbed by the foliage, with rapid translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil. Targeted weeds: broad spectrum herbicide, controls annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds. Rate of use: 6-8 L / ha. Bromox速 280EC / 240EC Bromoxynil 28% (hydroxybenzonitrile) Selective contact post-emergence herbicide with some systemic activity. Absorbed by the foliage, with limited translocation for control broad leaves weed. Targeted weeds: annual broad-leaved weeds, especially young seedlings of the Polygonaceae, Compositae, and certain Boraginaceae, in cereals and non-crop land. Rate of use: 2.0-2.5 L / ha. Application: 30 days after emergence of wheat and barley, when weeds are 3-6 leaf stage. Clemax速 240EC Clethodim 24% Systemic herbicide, rapidly absorbed and readily translocated from treated foliage to the root system and growing parts of the plant. Fatty acid synthesis inhibitor, by inhibition of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase). Uses: Post-emergence control of annual and perennial grasses in a wide range of broad-leaved crops (including such field crops as alfalfa, soya beans, cotton, sunflowers, peanuts, oilseed rape, sugar beet, and potatoes), vegetable crops, trees and vines. To be used with a non-phytotoxic crop oil concentrate. Phytotoxicity Good tolerance in broad-leaved crops. Application rate (a.i.): 1L / ha


Penmort® 330EC Pendimethalin 33% (dinitroaniline) Selective herbicide for control of most annual grasses and many annual broad-leaved weeds in cereals, onions, leeks, garlic, maize, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, established turf, fruit trees, and in transplanted tomatoes as pre-plant incorporated, pre-emergence, pre-transplanting, or early post-emergence. Mode of action: Microtubule assembly inhibition, absorbed by the roots and leaves. Plants die shortly after germination or following emergence from the soil. Target weeds: broad and narrow-leaved weeds. Rate of use: 3.5 L / ha. Application: Pre-planting. Malkin® 400SL / M-Cipal® 500SL MCPA 40%, 50% (aryloxyalkanoic acid) Selective, systemic, hormone-type, post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in cereals, under fruit trees, and on roadside, etc., Mode of action: Absorbed by the leaves and roots, with translocation. Concentrates in the meristematic regions, where it inhibits growth. Targeted weeds: broad-leaved weeds in narrow leaved crops (wheat, barley, turf…). Rate of use: 2 L / ha. Application: when weeds are in 5-7th leaf stage. 2,4 Kill® 500 SL, 720SL 2,4-D acid 50%. 72% (aryloxyalkanoic acid) Selective systemic post-emergence herbicide, for control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in cereals, orchards and on non-crop land. Mode of action: Synthetic growth inhibitor auxin (acting like indolylacetic acid) readily absorbed and accumulate at the meristematic regions. Targeted weeds: broad-leaved weeds. Application: when weeds are in 5-7th leaf stage. Rate of use: 2 L / ha. 31

Leafiron速 480SC Linuron 48% Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed principally by the roots but also by the foliage, with translocation primarily acropetally in the xylem. Uses: Pre- and post-emergence control of annual grass and broad-leaved weeds, and some seedling perennial weeds, in asparagus, artichokes, carrots, parsley, celery, onions, leeks, garlic, potatoes, peas, soya beans, cereals, maize, sorghum, cotton, flax, sunflowers, sugar cane, ornamentals, established vines, bananas, coffee, tea, rice, peanuts, ornamental trees and shrubs, and other crops. PrePlant速 480EC Trifluralin 48% (dinitroaniline) Selective pre-emergence soil-herbicide for control of many annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in several selected crops. It also can be used with other herbicides for control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in cereals (for more detailed information please contact any of our techno-commercial engineers). Mode of action: Acts by entering the seedling in the hypocotyl region. Also inhibits root development. Application: Weeds pre-emergence. Target weeds: broad and narrow. leavedweeds (pre-planting). Rate of use: 0.8-1 L / ha. Isotron速 500SC Isoproturon 50% (urea) Selective systemic Pre- and post-emergence herbicide, absorbed by the roots and leaves, with translocation for control of annual grasses (Alopecurus myosuroides, Apera spica-venti, Avena fatua & Poa annua) & many annual broad-leaved weeds in wheat (except durum wheat) & barley. Mode of Action: Photosynthetic inhibitor. Rate of use: 1.5 L / ha. 32

Mendor速 70WG / 500 SC Metribuzin 70% , 50% w/w (1, 2, 4-triazinone) Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by the leaves, with translocation acropetally in the xylem. Photosynthetic electron transport inhibitor at the photosystem II receptor site. Selectivity is due to metabolism (mostly conjugation) within the plant. Uses Pre- and post-emergence control of many grasses and broad-leaved weeds in soya beans, potatoes, tomatoes, sugar cane, alfalfa, asparagus, maize and cereals. Rate: 0.6 - 1.12 Kg / ha. Herbex速 400SL 2,4-DB (phenoxycarboxylic acid) Selective, systemic, hormone-type (Synthetic auxin) herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with translocation, acting like indolylacetic acid. More selective than 2,4-D, because its activity is dependent on b-oxidation to the latter within the plant. Uses: Post-emergence control of many annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in alfalfa, clovers, undersown cereals, grassland, forage legumes, soya beans, and peanuts. Rate of use: 4-5 L / ha. Axynil速 225EC Ioxynil 22.5% (hydroxybenzonitrile) Post-emergence herbicide for a wide range of annual broad-leaved weeds, especially young seedlings of the Polygonaceae, Compositae, and Boraginaceae, in cereals, onions, leeks, garlic, shallots, flax, sugar cane, forage grasses, lawns, and newly-sown turf. Mode of action: Selective contact herbicide with some systemic activity. Rate of use: 2 L / ha.


Fusban速 125EC Fluazifop-P-butyl 12.5 w/v (aryloxyphenoxypropionate) Quickly absorbed through leaf surface, and translocated through the phloem and xylem, accumulating in rhizomes and stolons of perennial grasses and meristems of annual and perennial grasses. Fatty acid synthesis inhibitor, by inhibition of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase). Uses: Post-emergence control of wild oats, volunteer cereals, and annual and perennial grass weeds in sugar beet, potatoes, vegetables, cotton, soya beans, pome fruit, stone fruit, bush fruit, vines, citrus fruit, pineapples, bananas, strawberries, sunflowers, alfalfa, ornamentals, and other broad-leaved crops. Rate of use: 1 - 2 L / ha. Narrowban速 200EC Sethoxydim 20% w/v (cyclohexanedione oxime) Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the foliage, and, to a lesser extent, by the roots. Translocated rapidly both acropetally and basipetally. Fatty acid synthesis inhibitor, by inhibition of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase). Inhibits mitosis. Uses: Control of annual and perennial grasses in broad-leaved crops, including cotton, oilseed rape, soya beans, sugar beet, fodder beet, sunflowers, spinach, potatoes, tobacco, peanuts, strawberries, alfalfa, flax & vegetables. Rate of use: 1-2 L / ha. Bromox M速 Bromexynil 20% + MCPA 20% Selective contact herbicide. Absorbed by the foliage, with limited translocation. Post-emergence control of annual broad-leaved weeds, especially young seedlings of the Polygonaceae, Compositae, and certain Boraginaceae, in cereals, ryegrass-seed crops, turf, and non-crop land. 34


INGO速 200 Super Wetter/ Spreader / Penetrant / Surfactant. INGO 200 represents new generation of non-ionic surfactants for use with wide range of Agrochemicals. INGO 200 allows spray solution to spread and penetrates plant surfaces instantly which allow using lowest recommended rate of agrochemicals efficiently, Maximizing instant effect of agrochemicals and decreasing effect of wash and run of spray solutions. As a result effected by prompt penetration. Captain速 20CS pH Regulator, Wetting & Spreading Agent to increase pesticides efficiency stability, distribution and penetration of chemicals and fertilizers and reduce the run off plant treated areas. Stick-To 90 Nonly phenol ethylene oxide condensate 92%w/w Multipurpose adjuvant (Spreader-Sticker-Wetting Agent), used with majority of Agrochemicals to improve their efficacy, enhances solubility / compatibility of Pesticides, Fertilizer & Trace Elements in spray solutions, and to improves absorption by plants and enhances chemical effectiveness and coverage of spray solutions.


C-Deck Spreader / sticker + Diethylene Glycol. C-Deck is used as a carrier in pesticide application in thermal fogging and ULV machines (odorless). GREEN TURF速 A grass colorant used to color tired ,discolored , and yellow turf during cold weather , is well known for use in private and public gardens , football grounds and golf courses. Turf Liner速 W/Y Used as colorant to mark lines and borders on turf in sports playgrounds and public and private gardens. TURFLINER White / Yellow is highly stable & does not wash by irrigation or rain water.



DORMEX速 Hydrogen cyanamide 52%, Is a plant regulator which hastens bud development of grapes, pomegranate and stone fruit which leads to earlier bud break, uniformity of growth and better management. Dormex is metabolized in plants in few days only, degradation in soil happens in short period. PreStage 8 Forchlorfenuron (CPPU) 0.8%w/v (PGR) Promotes cell division, differentiation and development; induces budding, breaks dormancy of lateral buds and promotes germination of apical dominance; delays ageing process; regulates the transport of nutrients and promotes fruit formation, etc. Used to promote fruit set increase the fruit size and yield of grapes, kiwi fruit, peaches; melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, potatoes and wheat, and promote branching in apples. Rate of use: Applied at 1-1000 ppm, depending on crop Q-SET Naphthalene Acetic Acid 0.45%w/w / Naphthalene Acetamide 1.2%w/w Plant Growth Regulator (PGR): To induce flowering, prevent premature flower and fruit drop and improve fruit setting in squash, melons, watermelon, tomato, aubergines, apples, pears, grapes, guavas, mangoes, citrus fruits, olives, etc. Gibberall 100T Gibberellic Acid 10% Tablets. A plant growth regulator (PGR) with a variety of applications, e.g. to advance flowering; improve fruit setting; loosen and elongate clusters; increase berry size; produce brighter-coloured firmer fruits; increase fruit size; control fruit maturity and increase the yield in grapes, strawberries, blueberries, sweet cherries lemons, clementines, tangelos, tangerines and pears. Also to induce uniform bolting and increase seed production in lettuce for seed; to break dormancy and stimulate sprouting in seed potatoes; to extend the picking season by hastening maturity in artichokes; to increase the malting quality of barley and also a variety of applications on ornamentals. Application rates up to 80 g/a per application, depending on desired effect.



Compound Soluble Fertilizers Norus速 High quality brand used by professional growers to maximize soils output. Only the purest elements of macro & micro nutrients are used to formulate this brand. Applying ISO procedures, farmers are always assured of the consistency of specifications & components. Suits all growth stages of the plants. Norus 20- 20-20+ TE, Norus 15- 30-15+ TE, Norus 28-14 -14+ TE Norus 15-15- 30+ TE, Norus 13- 5 - 40+ TE, Norus 12-12- 36+ TE Norus 12- 45-12+ TE, Norus 12- 4 - 24+ TE Libro速 High standards applied to ASTRACHEM products were always looked at NPK soluble products. Libro brand represents this concept & is well introduced in Saudi Arabia and North Africa to thousands of farmers. Libro 20-20-20 +TE, Libro 10-52-10 +TE, Libro 10-10-43 +TE Libro 15-15-30 +TE, Libro 15-30-15 +TE Farmer速 Developed by combining quality & price. This high value NPK brand is the best that grower's money can buy. Formulated in several formulae making it adequate for both open field and greenhouse farming. Farmer 20-20-20 +TE, Farmer 15-30-15 +TE, Farmer 15-15-30 +TE Farmer 10-52-10 +TE, Farmer 10-10-43 +TE


Trace Elements

TEFOL速 15 Fertilizer is a result of a lot of efforts and knowledge that were realized the design of this high satisfactory balanced product. It contains TE chelated by synthetic molecules from EDTA's, EDDHA's and DTPA's and organic chelating agents such as Amino Acids and Citric Acid and contains important growth enhancing products and stimulators. Use rate: 1.5 - 2 kg /ha CALBIT速 Foliar liquid fertilizer contains Calcium & Boron both chelated with amino acids to guarantee availability and mobility in the plant. Calbit is supplemented with unique biologically active growth enhancers that increase the growth of roots and plant establishment. Calbit aids in reducing ethylene formation which minimizes fruit shedding, consequently greater yield and improved fruit quality. The complexing, wetting agents and stickers in Calbit enhance the coverage of leaves and allow rapid absorption of nutrients through plant leaves and improve their utilization. Nours 7-7-7+TE liquid foliar fertilizer contains macro elements (N,P,K) and trace elements suitable for all plant stages.


Florablle Fertilizers Crop Shield速 750 Multi-purpose product, applying advanced technology, it is derived from phosphorus acid which forms kphosphite salt that is rapidly absorbed by a plant, it has a unique "Am-bi-mobile" makes both P, K extremely easily available. Further more it strengthens plants and enables it to withstand and resist disease factors. Calciphite速 114 Calciphite 114 is a result of extensive research and development work that concentrated on production balanced formula that contains Ca and P to help farmers planning nutrition and fertigation. Nutrimix 10SL High quality chelated trace elements mixed with amino acids, with low pH (2.5), that improve the availability of elements to plants. Nitrohumax (N: 43%, HUMIC ACIDE: 4%) A liquid fertilizer contains nitrogen and humic acid to enhance the plant growth and to boost the protein levels in the crop.

Humi-plus Liquid soluble mixture of NPK (16-8-8) with high quality chelated trace elements and humic acid at pH 4.9 - 5.5 makes this super mix an essential Tool for yield maximization. Humifeed 80% (80%humic acid) water-soluble humic acid to improve the plant absorption of fertilizer ions. Humacare 12% / Cruiser 12% Concentrate organic liquid containing 12% (w/w) of humic acid extracted from high quality (leonardite). Activates beneficial soil microorganisms.enhances seeds germination improves soil ability to absorption and water retention Excellent performance under stress conditions. Ferrostream 6% Ferrostream 6.1% Fe chelates EDDHA first class quality of Fe chelates water-soluble. Designed to adapt with different soil pH values.

Vantom 360 Liquid soluble mixture of NPK (16-8-8) with high quality chelated trace elements and humic acid at pH 4.9 - 5.5 makes this super mix an essential Tool for yield maximization.


Bio-stimulants & Supplements Rooter速 5 Concentrated liquid fertilizer, contains natural elements that activate roots growth that is reflected on fruit setting and yield. Rooter 5 contains elements that help plants to recover fast from stress (drought or high temperature stress). Vigro速 28 VIGRO 28 is a cereal specially biostimulant and the first of a new generation of products, it promotes tillering, prevent lodging, improve stress tolerance and enhance photosynthesis in wheat crop. Trigger 3 Foliar spray biostimulant for increasing fruit size of grapes, kiwi, olives, apples, mango and other fruits. It promotes cell division, differentiation and development. It also regulates the transport of nutrients and promotes fruit formation. Rezist Natural organic and stress-resistance enhancer, works by inducing plant systemic acquired resistance (SAR). It also furnishes plant with potassium and natural amino-acids. Rezist can be used on wide varieties of vegetables, orchards, rice and cotton. Very safe to use at anytime -No pre-harvest waiting period is required. Can be used in Organic Farming and Integrated Pest Management Programs (IPM) Katalyst Katalyst combines Nitrogen, Boron and Molybdenum in a premium biocatalyst formulation designed for foliar application to provide improved plant stand, increased vigor and higher yield. Katalyst has a stimulating effect upon plants under physiological stress in their early growth stages.


Fluid / Suspension Fertilizers Norus® 25-25-18+TE Acidic suspension (pH 1.8) balanced quantities of fertilizer elements suitable for all plant growth stages, the presence of adequate quantities and the quality of trace elements provide healthy growth of the plant.

Humi Retaj® / Rodohumax®40-10-10+HA+TE Water soluble fertilizer especially for forages crops (Rhodes grass, alfalfa, sorghum). It provides plant with the essential elements for growth and also contains humic acid, which improve the availability and absorption of the elements in the soil.

Norus® P 12-50-12+TE Acidic suspension fertilizer enriched by phosphorus element suitable for blooming stage, the presence of adequate quantities of trace elements providing healthy growth of the plant.

Norus UP 11-40-5+TE Norus UP is a totally soluble homogenous suspension fertilizer that creates reasonable effect on lowering pH level in soil solution, which plays an important role in mobility and absorption of nutrients. A significant blend of well-balanced chelated trace elements was added to boost biochemical processes in plants.

Norus® K 15-0-45+TE Acidic suspension fertilizer enriched by potassium element suitable for production stage, the presence of adequate quantities of trace elements providing healthy growth of the plant. Calnit® Mg Calnit Mg (16-0-0+24CaO+3Mgo+TE) Soluble suspension fertilizer it is a source of calcium and contains another macro- elements like nitrogen, magnesium and trace elements.

Norus Quadru 3-33-3+TE Norus Quadru is totally miscible homogenous fluid fertilizer with high-phosphorus content vital for root and shoot growth. A significant blend of wellbalanced chelated trace elements was added to enhance vital biochemical plant processes. Only high-grade phosphoric acid was used to guarantee best results.


Aggis® GX / Soluble Fertilizers Premium quality soluble acidic-fertilizer produced from the purest macro and micro elements, with carefully balanced magnesium, anhydrous sulphuric acid and chelated trace elements that add more value to this line.  Aggis GX18 : 18-18-18+ 1 MgO + 5SO3 + TE  Aggis GX35P : 10-35-10+ 7 MgO+ 15 So3+ TE  Aggis GX35K : 15-5-35 + 3MgO + 6SO3 + TE  Aggis GX24K : 16 - 8 - 24 + TE Aggis® TE Aggis TE’s: Distinguished specialty range of trace elements Chelated Micronutrients, dissolve rapidly and completely even in hard or cold water. Supplied as free flowing dustless microgranules. Used for micro and secondary nutrients deficiency treatment in field crops, forages, vegetables (greenhouses & open fields), fruit trees & ornamentals.

Aggis TE’s are known for high efficacy and stability in wide range of soil types and different pH ranges and can be used by foliar application or by irrigation systems.  Aggis TE-Fe6 (EDDHA)  Aggis TE-Zn14 (EDTA)  Aggis TE-HiMix14 (EDTA)  Aggis TE-Cu14 (EDTA)  Aggis TE-Mn13 (EDTA) Aggis Chelates are based on well-established EDTA and EDDHA chemistry which provides highly stable and biologically available micronutrient sources. Stability leads to rapid crop absorption and optimum biological performance. All chelates are compatible with a wide range of herbicides, fungicides, insecticide and a wide range of other crop care products. This enable convenient and effective tank mixing. They are also completely stable in the presence of soluble phosphates found in foliar and soluble fertilisers.


Single Fertilizers Amfos Amfos (12-61-0), mono ammonium phosphate water, soluble fertilizer with high phosphorus content that promote root development, and support the plant in blooming stage, plus ammoniacal nitrogen to stimulate shoot growth. Makfos Makfos (0-52-34), mono potassium phosphate, water-soluble fertilizer has an important role in root establishment & it improves the blooming & fruit setting & growth. Urifos Urifos (18-44-0) Urea Phosphate: acidic watersoluble fertilizer , with high phosphorus content essential for root development and enhancing flowering, and contain also nitrogen necessary for vegetative growth and phosphorus absorption. Magnisol 16 Magnisol 16 water soluble fertilizer, it contains 16% magnesium and 13% sulfur, it enhances chlorophyll production which is responsible for photosynthesis.

Calnit - N Calnit - K is an optimum source of calcium essential for cell wall development in plants. It is necessary for flower setting, fruit developmental and prevention of calcium deficiency physiological disorders. It also increases fruit shelf-life and shipping and storage ability.          

Potassium Nitrate (13-0-46) Sulfopotash Calcium Nitrate Potassium Thiosulphate Zinc Sulfate Magnesium Sulfate Manganese Sulfate Copper Sulfate Borax Sodium Molybdate



Frezno Seeds is distinguished for its highly advanced research and development, production and worldwide marketing of vegetable seeds. The headquarters are situated in California and occupying some 200 hectares of farmland. Facilities include comprehensive research and quality control laboratories. Frezno Seeds develops and maintains a wide scope of international activities, including marketing, research and development and production, in various countries around the globe while continuing to expand in new in other markets as well.




ASTRACHEM is introducing a new generation of water based public health insecticides manufactured with EcoSafe® Technology. EcoSafe® Technology has been developed in co-operation with strategic partners in the UK and Sweden with the purpose of introducing a line of public health insecticides in which mineral hydrocarbon solvents and volatile organic solvents are removed with better characteristics than traditional formulation (greater efficacy, safety, with low o dour, does not stain and exert a greater residual action). EcoSafe®: Advanced Pesticides Formulations Technology, Better Uptake, Better Spreading, Better Retention. For more effective and qualitatively improved pest control. LamdaSafe® Water Based Microemulsion Contains the active ingredient Lambda-cyhalothrin. It can be used as a space spray or as surface spray against a whole range of flying and crawling insects, both indoors and outdoors. DeltaSafe® Water Based Microemulsion It can be used as a space spray or as surface spray against flying and crawling insects pests, acts mainly as the contact pesticide, has a good stomach action, and long lasting residual activity both indoors and outdoors.


Actikil 500 EC Pirimiphos-methyl 50% (Organophosphorus) Wide spectrum Insecticides used for fogging and surface spraying, long lasting effect with contact and stomach action against flies & mosquitoes. Rate of use: Diluted 1 : 40 water. Trax速 220 EC Lambda Cyhalothrin 2 %, Tetramethrin 4%, Piperonyl Butoxide 16% Pest: flying insects. Rate of use: Thermal fogging: dilute 1:200 spray 5 L / ha. ULV: 1:19 spray 0.5 L / ha. LD50 acute oral (rat): > 2500 mg/Kg. Trax速 25 EC Lambda Cyhalothrin 2.5% (Pyrethroid) Pest: crawling and flying insects (cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, mosquitoes and flies) Rate of use: Surface spray 40 ml / m2 ULV: 1:11 spray 0.5 L / ha Thermal fogging 1:125 ( 5L/ha ) Toxicity class WHO(a.i.) II; EPA (formulation) II EC hazard T+; R26| T; R25| Xn; R21| N; R50, R53 LD50 acute oral (rat): > 3000 mg/Kg.


Beta Safe速 25 SC Water Based Suspension Concentrate It can be used as a space spray or as surface spray against a whole range of flying and crawling insects, both indoors and outdoors Advanced generation pyrethroid controls insects strains of resistant to organophoshates, carbamates and other pyrethroids. CyperSafe速 Water Based Microemulsion Contains the active ingredient Cypermethrin. It can be used as a space spray or as surface spray against a whole range of flying and crawling insects, both indoors and outdoors.


Klash® Super S-Bioallethrin 0.5 %, Deltamethrin 1.5%, Piperonyl Butoxide 15% Effective long residual control of public health and household insects, suitable for ULV machines and thermal fogging. Pest: Cockroaches, ants, flies, bedbugs and mosquitoes. Rate of use: ULV 1: 19 (1 L / ha). Thermal Fogging: 1: 99 (5 L / ha). Klash® 15EC, 20ULV Deltamethrin 1.5% ,2% Pest: flying and crawling insects (mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches,… Etc). Rate of use: 800ml/100L.for 1000 m2. ULV : 1:9 dilute with(C-Deck,diesel, kerosene) 0.5L/ha. Thermal fogging: dilute with(C-Deck, diesel, kerosene) 1:199 and spray for 0.5L/ha. Geothrin Plus® 100 EC / ULV Cyphenothrin 6% + D-Tetramethrin 4% Pyrothroid insecticide, strong action against flying insects specially mosquitoes and flies with low mammalian toxicity. Dilution rate : · ULV : 1/15 · Fogging : 1/159 · Residual spray: 1/119


Cygnet® Plus 270 Cypermethrin 10%, Tetramethrin 1%, Piperonyl Butoxide 16% Effective Long lasting residual insecticide for control of both flying and crawling insect pests. Pest: Cockroaches, ants, flies, bedbugs & mosquitoes. Toxicity class WHO (a.i.) II; EPA (formulation) II Hazard (Xn; R20/22| R43| N; R50) LD50 acute oral (rat): 5,000 mg/Kg. Rate of use: ULV 1: 26 (0.5 L / ha). Thermal Fogging: 1: 90 (5 L / ha). Permene® Plus Permethrin 10%, S-Bioallethrin 1%, Piperonyl Butoxide 11% Pest: Cockroaches, ants, flies, bedbugs & mosquitoes. Thermal Fogging: 1: 99 (5 L / ha). Rate of use: ULV , 1: 4.5 (0.5 L / ha). Snap 230SC Permethrin 11%, Tetramethrin 1%, Piperonyl Butoxide 11% Pest: crawling and flying insects. Rate of use: surface spray:100ml/5L.water. Thermal fogging: ( 1:200) \ ULV (1:9). Geothrin® 50 EC Cyphenothrin 5% (Pyrothroid) High performance against crawling and flying insects, rapid knockdown and long lasting residual effects. Dilution Rate: · ULV: 1/11 · Fogging : 1/119 · Residual spray: 1/99



Fendure® 550 EC Fenitrothion 50% + Tetramethrin 5 % Pest: Crawling and flying insects (mosquitoes and flies) adults and larval stages. Rate of use: Thermal fogging 1:4 sprayed 5 L / ha. ULV: 0.5 L / ha. Surface residual spray: 1 : 50 L of water / 500 m2 . Malchem® 570EC Malathion 57% (Organophosphorus) Pest: Cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, flies…etc. Rate of use: 200ml/5L.water sprayed over 1000m2 (surface residual).

C-Deck® Special carrier for space spraying applications (Ultra low volume and Thermal fogging). It is very safe for Human, Environment, Aquatic organism, odorless, not staining surfaces, easy to apply.

Permene® 100EC, 250EC71 Permethrin 10% , 25% (Pyrothroid) Pest: flying insects (bugs, mosquitoes, flies,….etc ). Rate of use: surface spray:100 ml /5 L of water. Thermal fogging: 1: 200 B-Mort® 25 Beta-Cyfluthrin 2.5% (Pyrothroid) Moderately safe product, have fast Knockdown action and long lasting effect as liquid. use: Controlling home insects and public health insects, and very effective against stored product insects. Rate of uses: 10 ml / 100 m2. 57

Diadem® 600EC Diazinon 60% (Organophosphorus) Pest: crawling and flying insects (cockroaches, ants, bugs, mosquitoes). Rate of use: 100 ml / 5 L water in 50 m2 (surface residual). Larvate® 500EC, 10SG Temephos 50%, 1% (Organophosphorus) Pest: mosquitoes larvae. Rate of use: 200 -1000 ml / ha (500 EC). 5-10 Kg / ha (10 SG). Cygnet® 100EC, 250EC, 250ULV Cypermethrin 10%, 25% Pest: Cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, flies and mosquitoes. Rate of use: 100 ml / 5liter water in 50 m2 Alphaquest® 100ULV Alpha Cypermethrin 10% Pest: Flying insects (mosquitoes and flies). Rate of use: ULV 1: 49 Spray 0.5 L / ha. Fendure® 500 ULV / 500 EC Fenitrothion 50% (Organophosphorus) Pest: Adult and larvae(mosquito, flies). Rate of use: 1:20 spray 5 L/ha.


Baton® S 120 Bifenthrin 5%, Zeta-Cypermethrin 0.5%, S-Bioallethrin 0.5%, Piperonyl Butoxide 6% Special formulation for controlling insects strains resistant to organophosphorus & carbamate insecticides. It is highly effective control for flying and crawling insects and giving rapid knock down. Baton® 100EC/ULV Bifenthrin 10% (Pyrothroid) Highly effective against crawling and flying insects. It has a long lasting and dependable action against insects resistant to other pesticide chemical groups. Rate of use: ranges from 20-50 ml / 100 m2 against mosquitoes. Baton® 30ME Bifenthrin2.5% + S-Bioallethrin 0.5% Synthetic pyrethroid insecticide formulated as water based MicroEmulsion. It is odorless with very low mammalian toxicity and very long lasting efficacy, controling a wide range of flying and crawling insects. Duo - Rat Wax Brodifenacoum 0.005% Redenticide wax blocks for use in humid areas and swage canals. Duo - Rat Pellets Brodifenacoum 0.005% Rodenticide – pellets for use in dry places Duo-Rat Products from : DouChem – Serbia 59

Cemort® 50 EC Cyfluthrin 5% (Pyrethroid) Acts on the insects nervous system, with rapid knockdown and long-lasting residual activity. Uses: Effective against many pests, specially cockroaches, flies mosquitoes, bugs, scorpions, termite, stored product insects, fleas and others. Toxicity class WHO (a.i.) II; EPA (formulation) II EC hazard T+; R28| T; R23| N; R50, R53 LD50 acute oral (rat): 10,000 mg/Kg. Rate of use: 40 - 80 ml /10 L of water (surface residual spray). Cemort® 15 ULV Cyfluthrin 1.5% (Pyrethroid) An effective insecticides with fast knockdown action and expanded protection period to control flying insects in public health , easy to use and apply. Rate of use: 0.5 L / ha. Pyridon® 400 EC Pyridaphenthion 40% (Organophosphorus) Public health insecticide with contact and stomach action. Pyridon is (organophosphorus) product, strong action against flying insect and larvae like sand fly mosquitoes and flies. Rate of use: Mosquitoes larvae : 1/1000 water Crawling insects : 1/250



                

Ectocidol 600 EC (Diazinone 60%) Ectocidol 200 EC (Diazinone 20%) Ectocidol 150 EC (Diazinone 15%) Cyperdip 100 EC (Cypermethrin 10%) Cyperdip 200 EC (Cypermethrin 20%) Mangetox 125 EC (Amitraz 12.5%) Mangetox 200 EC Amitraz 20% (Dip) V-QUEST (Alpha-Cypermethrin 10%) Deltamethrin 5% (Dip) Deltamethrin 2.5% (Dip) Deltamethrin 0.75% Pour-on Fenverlate 10% (Dip) Fenverlate 20% (Dip) Malathion 50% (Dip) Paraffin Oil Copper Sulphate Flumethrin 1% Pour-on






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