3 minute read
President’s Letter: Bittersweet
I decided to join the KCHBA shortly after becoming a builder in 2014 simply because it made sense. You’re a builder now. Why not join, I asked myself. I was soon amongst a who’s who of owners and general managers of highly regarded companies with names well-known throughout the local home building community; intimidated by the knowledge, experience, and clout these industry veterans wielded.
Over time I learned these men and women were anything but daunting and have since developed one-onone relationships with many of them that have positively impacted me as a builder and business owner. It was these same individuals I had the honor of working alongside as president of the KCHBA to achieve a handful of goals over the last year.
My year as president had its ups and downs but, overall, it’s gone by quickly and the highs have far exceeded the lows. I can’t help but reflect on each objective set forth during my inauguration speech last December.
I asked members to step up and do something new for our association, build new relationships and continue to strengthen the ones that they already had in place. Grow membership in which we achieved together. With each new member we become stronger as one in achieving our mission of delivering homes to Kansas City families.
I wanted to see the vision of Tommy, my predecessor, come to fruition, a strong unified Builders Council in which we all support and learn from one another to help grow and become better builders for the families we serve. I am proud to say that the Builders Council is going strong and as builder members we have learned to work together and help lift one another up. With the economic environment we now see ourselves in as a nation, it’s going to be more important than ever for us to continue to lean on one another and not be afraid to ask for help to better one’s business.
The biggest challenge I presented to membership was the goal of rebuilding the association and its image in the public view. We serve our community through our noble work of building houses that they turn into homes. Yet many are unaware of who we are or what we stand for as home builders.
One of the first things I did was ask our membership and the public to give feedback on what we were doing right as well as our shortcomings. The information gathered helped our Executive committee, board of directors, staff and volunteers from our membership to build a comprehensive plan to relaunch the KCHBA brand to educate Kansas City on who we are and what our mission is. I am excited to say that plan is being rolled out as you read this. Under the leadership of Dennis Shriver, we will relaunch the KCHBA to its membership and to Kansas City in the coming months and year.
I want to thank my fellow exec committee members, board of directors, HBA staff and membership from the bottom of my heart for your continued support this year. It was an honor to serve as your president and an experience I won’t soon forget.