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Member News


Christina & Derek Melgoza Krueger Development

Matt & Lacey Kinning KDB Investment Building

They are the proud parents of a baby girl, Decklyn Ann Marie

Born 6 lbs, 3 oz and 18.5 in long on September 30 to proud big brother, Kallum. They are the proud parents of a baby boy,

Ryan Michael

Born 7 lbs, 14 oz and 21 in long on December 2 to proud big brother, Parker and big sister, Madelyn. Grandparents are Mike & Mary Kinning, Kinning Design Build, Inc.

Thank you for your donation to this year’s Santa Cop Auction. Your generosity has helped us keep the magic of Christmas alive for thousands of Lincoln children and their families. We are so very grateful and wish you and your family the very best of holiday seasons! Thank you for your continued support through the years. We are thankful to have you in our community. Merry Christmas! Lincoln Police Union Santa Cop Program

#HBALThrowback Let’s go back to HBAL’s Installation & Awards Ceremony just one year ago. A time when we were able to see our members’ smiling faces in person! May 2021 bring us back together to network with, learn from and support one another.

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