Home Based Business Revolution

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Home Based Business Revolution A Business Model for The 21st Century?

Monday, 12 November 12

We all heard the saying: “Knowledge is Power�. But is it true? Does knowledge really = Power? I wiill prove why thiis assertiion is not accurate. Let me tell you a true story... I spent some time in South America and I was warned to be careful when travelling as there is a danger of being robbed without even noticing it. So I bought a good money belt, which served me well for almost 2 years. I never had an incident.

Monday, 12 November 12

One day I was talking with a newcomer and warned her about the stealing issue. I advised her to use a money belt (she already had one) and if she is on the bus to make sure that she doesn’t put any valuables on the floor or above head on the shelf. Shortly after our conversation she went for a 3 day trip. On her return I was enquiring about her trip -- for which she replied, “it was very good other than the fact that I was robbed on the bus” . I asked her how that happened. She told me that she left her bag on the flflo oor with all her valuables, money, passport and her laptop in it.

Monday, 12 November 12

So we both had the same knowledge yet with very different outcomes. The moral of the story? Knowledge in action is power but knowledge without action is just information. I will never forget my father, who after having two heart-attacks, was warned by his doctor to stop smoking and drinking spirits if he wanted to live, otherwise the next heart-attack will “surely” kill him. He had the information but without action that “information” was useless. Shortly after he died at the age of 47 years young.

Monday, 12 November 12

Knowledge without Action Is just information. The implication of this is enormous. If knowledge in action is power, then the lack of knowledge is the opposite, which is weakness or being powerless. And over the course of history we have seen how knowledge in action (or the lack of it) has shaped the life of humanity in one way or another. Which brings me to my next point.

Monday, 12 November 12

Before 1450 AD, information and knowledge was carefully controlled by the Church and the rulers. So what happened around 1450 AD? The printing press was invented. Before the printing press, a typographic hand printer could produce 40 pages in a day. With this new technology a renaissance printer could produce 3600 pages in a single day. That is a staggering 9000% increase in productivity.

Monday, 12 November 12

In just 50 years there were 20 million books printed. This explosion of information had profound effects on the lives of millions of people around the world. It impacted all parts of life and contributed to advancements in science, literature, business, social & political life - indeed all part of human endeavours were effected. Thanks to the printing press, the amount of information grew exponentially. A trend that continues to this day. The total amount of information is doubling at a exponential pace. To further illustrate this point, consider the following...

Monday, 12 November 12

All the information that Western Civilisation had up to the year of 1450, was doubled in the next 300 years. By 1900, in just one hundred and fifty years later it doubled again. The next doublling took onlly 50 years, etc. It is estimated that right now we create as much information in every two days, as we have created up to the year of 2003 from the dawn of Western Civilisation. Let me repeat that... We create as much information every two days, as we have created in over 2000 years. We can argue about the value of this information, as much of it would be useless no doubt, but this takes us to the important point I was referring to earlier. Monday, 12 November 12

Information Overload For most of human history, lack of information was holding back progress in many aspects of our life. Not only was there a lack of information, but the information was controlled by organised religion or various other powerful interests. Then one day something happened - a new technology emerged. A game changer like the printing press back in 1450. Except this time around the technological context was vastly more advanced. As a result this new technology effected everything in a profound way beyond anyone’s expectation. This like the printing press on steroids. Monday, 12 November 12

THE INTERNET Consider the following:

It took 64 years to reach 40% market penetration in the US for the telephone.

18 years to reach 50% for colour TV.

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It took less than 10 years to reach 40% for the Internet. And it took 5 years to reach 50% for Smart phones

Monday, 12 November 12

So we went from lack of information, to information overload in less than 20 Years. One of the most profound developments of the last 20 years is how the various technologies were integrated so that we can use them together in ways that only a few years ago were in the realm of Science Fiction only. So what are the implications and how can you benefifitt from a business point of view? These technologies are now available at such low costs compared to just a few years ago, that anyone can afford to have them at home. Something that a few years ago only the largest multinational corporations could afford, now you can have just for a few dollars. Monday, 12 November 12

The Home Based Business Revolution The combined effect of these technologies along with some other factors, paved the way to a home based business revolution - Worldwide. Although the Home Based Business (HBB) industry had been around for a long time, before the Internet, the types of HBBs were limited to just a few business models - such as MLM, Party Plan, Direct Mail, etc. The Internet gave rise to other business models, innovations in the existing HBB models, and also the integration of various business models into completely new ones. Monday, 12 November 12

But Theres a Catch! Wether you lack information or you have too much information, the result is just as bad. We are constantly being bombarded with information from TV, radio, print media and the Internet, etc. Is it any wonder that people find themsellves complletelly overwhellmed and confused? “Confusion is the mother of inaction”.

Unfortunatelly in the Home Based Busiiness Industry, confusiion is wiide-spread causiing a lot of frustratiion to countlless peoplle who want to buiild a successfull HBB. When people are confused they can’t make a sound decision - almost as if they’re mentally paralysed. Or they swing to the opposite direction and they jump into anything and everything, hopping from one business to the next - with unrealistic expectations of success. Monday, 12 November 12

An Opportunistic Mindset The Internet is like fifirre... fire can be our best friend or our worst enemy - destroying life and property. It’s s up to us how we use it. It is very easy to use the internet for wasting time & money... often getting into a confused state and jumping onto any opportunity that comes our way. We call this the “opportunistic mindset”. Or we can use the internet to develop, research and implement a plan, based on a “strategic mindset”. Which mindset do you think will give you a better outcome at the end of the day? Monday, 12 November 12

The Strategic Mindset Our goal is to give you the information you need in order to have the clarity, direction and guidance necessary for developing a strategic mindset - which is the foundation for success in the HBB industry. We developed the ‘H HBBportal’ - a free content-rich and easy-to-use, educational site - where you can get a better understanding about the industry, a strategic mindset, and the nuts & bolts about starting a successful HBB.

Monday, 12 November 12

Conclusion So we come to the end of this short overview. Our goal was not to give you a detailed plan on how to start a HBB - we can’t do that in just a few short pages - but to give you enough information to open your mind to the idea of researching this further. You can see that we are not into hype - there is plenty of that on the Internet- and we are certainly not promising you over-night success. It will take time and effort (work) to build a successful business. We encourage you to start your journey with us at the HBBportal - Click Here to Learn More. Monday, 12 November 12

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