HBCU Times Magazine

Page 44


On May 15, the city of Montgomery, Ala. hired Clark Atlanta University (CAU) alumnus Marshall Taggart Jr. as the first African-American executive director of the Montgomery Regional Airport. Taggart states that the education he received at CAU played a pivotal role in the hire that he calls “the pinnacle of my career.” Taggart, an Atlanta native, pursued a bachelor’s degree in accounting, and continued at Clark Atlanta for a master’s degree in public administration. He is scheduled to receive his doctorate in political science, also from CAU, pending approval of his dissertation. When asked about the unique accomplishment of obtaining all three degrees from an HBCU, Taggart stated that the process wasn’t unique at all. “The thought process is: HBCUs provide a quality education, great opportunities, and a way to matriculate in a very diverse environment,” he said. “We’re not a monolithic type of [entity], when you talk about an HBCU. I always came back to Clark Atlanta University because I always felt at home.”

44 | HBCU Times 2020 Winter Issue

Clark Atlanta, as a result of the 1988 merger of Atlanta University and Clark College, has two mottos: ““I’ll Find a Way or Make One” and “Culture for Service.” Taggart’s career pursuits and countless acts of service are indicative of his beliefs in those charges. Taggart served as the national president of Clark Atlanta’s Alumni Association and as a member of CAU’s board of trustees. Under his leadership, the alumni association expanded from 14 chapters to over 40 nationally. He also oversaw the creation of an alumni mentoring program, which has doubled in size over the last four years. These efforts culminated in his being awarded the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award by Barack Obama. Taggart takes pride in this achievement, as the election of the first AfricanAmerican president served as inspiration to him to use his talents and skills to serve others. There are very few African-Americans serving as directors of regional airports in the country. Despite his success, Taggart did not initially aspire to have a career in aviation. However, a chance meeting in 2000 with then-commissioner of aviation at

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