TYPES OF SLEEP APNEA You must to know! © Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved
SLEEP APNEA Recognize the 3 Types of Sleep Apnea That You Should Be Aware of Type of Sleep Apnea, has heard of sleep apnea or sleep disorders that attack many people in the world. Surely some of you have heard of the term. In general, sleep apnea itself is a condition in which a person experiences respiratory problems periodically during sleep. Although it sounds trivial, this condition of sleep apnea should not be underestimated. Need to be prevented until healing so that the condition does not worsen and disrupt the quality of your sleep. Then, what are the main causes of sleep apnea? According to national sleep foundation, As also has been slightly explained above that sleep apnea diagnosis is a condition a person stops breathing periodically. Termination of breathing usually occurs several times overnight to hundreds of times. If this happens rarely it might not have a big impact on you. But if this often happens overnight it will disrupt your sleep activity. Generally, some people will wake up from sleep when experiencing sleep apnea conditions. For more details about sleep apnea, the following will explain some types of sleep apnea, symptoms, causes, and how to treat each type. You can also join national sleep foundation to know more about the strategy of well sleeping in detail.
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About Obstructive Sleep Apnea The first type of Sleep Apnea is obstructive sleep apnea or commonly abbreviated as OSA. For the first type this is the most common type of sleep apnea encountered in many cases in the world. Generally obstructive types of sleep apnea sufferers are undetectable from the start, so it’s not surprising that only about 10% of people get this type of sleep apnea. Then what is the main cause of obstructive sleep apnea? According to several studies conducted by several experts, obstructive sleep apnea occurs because the airway is either partially or completely blocked during sleep. The obstruction of the airway may be due to the throat muscles and tongue not in general conditions during sleep. But there is not only that, obstructive sleep apnea can also be caused by a history of tonsillitis or being overweight.
About Central Sleep Apnea The last type of sleep apnea is mixed sleep apnea. As the name implies, this type of sleep disorder is a combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea sleep apnea. From several cases, it was shown that OSA sufferers who used CPAP devices also found central sleep apnea symptoms. Actually, if traced deeper, the phenomenon or case has long been noticed but no research has examined this phenomenon. But in 2006, researchers from the Mayo Clinic tried to conduct a study of 223 patients. The study showed that 15% of patients who experienced symptoms of sleep
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apnea believed to suffer from OSA also experienced CSA problems. So that it is indirectly known that 15% of these patients suffer from symptoms of mixed sleep apnea. Sleep apnea disorders often attack many people in the world. Most people still can’t even recognize the symptoms that appear in OSA and CSA sufferers. For those of you who feel yourself or the people around you experience these symptoms. Be sure to immediately do sleep apnea treatment by checking with a doctor who is an expert in his field. If you are immediately treated earlier, the type of sleep apnea that you experience is not getting worse. That was a little information about the type of sleep apnea. Hopefully the information above about types of sleep apnea is useful and can help you deal with sleeap problems! Original source click: Types of sleep apnea
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