Harrisburg Symphony Youth Orchestra The Harrisburg Symphony Youth Orchestra has a new music director, Gregory Woodbridge. Mr. Woodbridge is known widely throughout Central PA as conductor of the York and Central Pennsylvania (State College) Youth Symphonies. He is also the Orchestra Director at Hershey Middle and High Schools. Along with his many youth orchestra credentials, Mr. Woodbridge has also been selected as the new Assistant Conductor of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, working alongside Maestro Stuart Malina and the HSO musicians.
Fall Young Person’s Concert November 9, 2012 Young Person’s Concerts of the Harrisburg Symphony and sponsored by a generous contribution from the Hathaway Family Foundation In the 2012/13 season, the HSO will present two programs especially designed for school age students, one in the fall (November 9, 2012) and another in the spring (May 17, 2013). The fall concert is specifically targeted to older elementary age students (grades 3, 4, and 5), while the spring concert is designed for middle school age students (grades 6, 7, and 8). That said, Maestro Malina and the Harrisburg Symphony prepare terrific 45-minute programs that are enjoyed by young and old alike.
Youth Symphony Auditions The Harrisburg Symphony Youth Orchestra (HSYO) has just held auditions for the 2012/13 season. Over eighty musicians have been selected to take part in the HSYO. The Junior Youth String Orchestra comprised of string players in grades 6 – 9 (JYSO), conducted by Krista Kriel, will have over 50 students this season. Look for wonderful music coming from this group this season. Here’s the HSYO/JYSO schedule of concerts: Monday, Nov 12, 2012 7 pm The Forum, Harrisburg Monday, Feb 11, 2013 7 pm The Forum, Harrisburg Sunday, May 12, 2013, 3 pm The Forum, Harrisburg Tickets are available through the HSO box office, or by phone: 717-545-5527.
Students attending the November 9th Young Person’s Concert (YPC) are in for a treat. Besides having the opportunity to hear great music by the HSO musicians and fun topical concepts introduced by Maestro Stuart Malina, YPC attendees will get to experience the winner of the 2012 Rising Stars Concerto Competition, 17-year-old cellist Julia Rosenbaum, performing Tchaikovsky’s Variations on a Rococo Theme. Kids witnessing other kids on stage for a performance is a naturally magnetic happening we hope you and your students will not miss! Also on this program, we’ll be talking about the ways in which composers from different eras
Our annual Youth Symphony fundraiser, the HSYO Play-A-Thon, raises money to help underwrite costs of “coaching.” Each year, Youth Symphony musicians receive sectional training with Harrisburg Symphony musicians. Sectional rehearsals (strings, winds, brass, percussion) take place as a part of rehearsal preparation prior to each HSYO concert. Working with the pros can greatly enhance students’ technique and interpretive skills. Join us for this special performance in Harrisburg’s Strawberry Square, Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 12 noon.
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Musical Chairs! We’re thrilled to play the game of Musical Chairs here at the HSO. Musical Chairs subscriptions were developed with young persons in mind. The intent of this program is to ensure that school-age concert goers are having the advantage of attending concerts with their families or mentors at a greatly reduced subscription rate. Musical Chairs subscriptions cost just $35.00 per person for an entire season of Masterworks concerts – seven of them! Call the HSO office at 717-545-5527 to obtain your Musical Chairs subscriptions for your family or a family you know. The 2012-13 Masterworks season begins October 6 and 7 so now is the perfect time to get your full season subscription for $35.00 per concert-goer! To go along with the Musical Chairs subscription, the HSO’s Education Committee has created a program called Welcome to the Concert, which takes place 45 minutes prior to concert start – that’s 7:15 pm for Saturday evening concerts and 2:15 pm prior to Sunday afternoon concerts. We hope to see you at Welcome to the Concert
Fall YPC continued handle speed, that is, the Scherzo movement! We will travel through time from Haydn to Shostakovich, listening to Scherzo movements in music by these great composers. Sign up now for the 10:00 am or the 11:30 am performance. Each lasts 45 minutes and promises to be a meaningful, enriching, and musically
for a series of enrichment programs that will include visits with concert musicians,
concert-related activities. For 2012/13 we’ve added a special “passport” to the season, which will include HSO musicians in our version of baseball trading cards… Musician Trading Cards! Be sure to attend on opening weekend to pick up your passport for the season.
fun session with the orchestra. Young Person’s Concerts are free to attending student groups. Sign up on-line NOW on the HSO website: We are also taking reservations now for the May 17, 2013 YPC. The Spring YPC will feature an in-depth look at Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 (“Pastoral”). Students in attendance at the May 17 YPC will have the opportunity to take part in a feast of the senses – both visual and aural – with Beethoven’s masterpiece of springtime. You may complete the forms on this document and return them to the HSO office or register on-line for the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 YPCs.
Don’t forget that Student Rush Tickets are still just $5.00! Any student with valid ID may pick up a student rush ticket at the Forum box office one-half hour prior to concert start (assuming availability).
HATHAWAY FAMILY FOUNDATION YOUNG PERSON’S CONCERT REGISTRATION FORM FOR FRIDAY, NOV. 9, 2012 School/Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher/Contact Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ School District: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher/Contact Email_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher/Contact Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Total # Students/Chaperones Attending ______________________ # Busses/Vans transporting students to The Forum _________________ Note: 1 chaperone for each 15 students is recommended Performance Time requested: 10:00 am ________11:30 am ________ Special needs/accommodation requests: _______________________________________________________________________________ 800 Corporate Circle, Suite 101, Harrisburg, PA 17110 717-545-5527