The GovernEE Project
Good Governance in Energy Efficiency 1st June 2010 – 31st August 2013 Final Brochure
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
Quedlinburg Burgenlandkreis
Prague 11 District
CERE (Vienna)
Hรณdmezล vรกsรกrhely
C.E.T.A. (Gorizia)
Location of the lead partner Location of project partners inside the CE area
GovernEE: towards better governance in energy management of public buildings
On behalf of the GovernEE partnership, I would like to welcome Our Readers! As the Mayor of the Municipality leading the GovernEE project, I am proud to close the three-year long successful cooperation of our Central European transnational partnership that was created to address transnational aspects of good governance in energy efficiency (EE) and the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in historic buildings of public use. Building stocks are one of the major consumers of energy, EU strategies and programmes therefore propose numerous measures and lines of interventions in order to improve EE and promote the use of RES in buildings, especially regarding the public stock. GovernEE contributed to the rationalisation of energy use in dwellings managed by the public administration with a special focus on historic buildings. Furthermore, good governance methods have been developed to strengthen the responsibilities of policy-makers. Dissemination towards the general public has been efficiently achieved through the 12 Energy Days organised. Also, GovernEE continuously informed the public sector on energy issues and the need for adopting new behaviours. The project incorporated EE measures into decision-making processes of municipalities by promoting a cross-sectoral approach through training and coaching activities. The project elaborated a practical “Toolkit” to the attention of local governments and partners developed Local Energy Efficiency Action Plans prioritising on EE goals to help enhance policy makers’ planning competences. Building on the transnational cooperation, efforts were focused on the establishment of a knowledge network, as well as on testing several pilot actions linked to key elements of good governance. Relevant stakeholders from the public, private and the knowledge sector took part in the networking. The present Brochure introduces GovernEE’s achievements by presenting the partnership’s core outputs and pilot activities giving an outlook to the future.
Almási István Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely
The project partnership involves 4 municipalities, 1 district administration and 2 research institutions representing 5 countries from the Central European Region under the leadship of the Municipality of Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary). Duration of the project: 39 months (1st June 2010 – 31st August 2013) Budget: 2.172.324,38 Euros This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Transnational Territorial Cooperation Programme co-financed by the ERDF. CENTRAL is a European Union programme that encourages cooperation among regions of Central Europe to improve innovation, accessibility and environment, as well as to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of their cities and regions. The Programme invests 231 million Euros to provide funding for transnational cooperation projects involving public and private organisations from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. It is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and runs from 2007 to 2013. More information:
The Transnational Feasibility Study The Transnational Feasibility Study (TFS) explores the technological, financial, environmental, and institutional aspects of energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RES) based solutions in heating of public, in particular historic, buildings. Findings regarding possible interventions on increasing RES and EE while reducing energy waste are compiled in this main output and linked to the other results of the project. These include the pilot studies realised in Bologna and Quedlinburg, the conclusion of the best practices and the guidelines for the elaboration of local energy plans. Today a number of technologies are implemented to support EE measures and the use of RES in historic buildings without affecting the characteristics of the buildings. Historic buildings generally waste large amounts of energy in terms of heating because of old insulation materials and structures allowing outside dispersion. In Europe, the existing building stock is huge and renovations often consist of only structural, functional or esthetical improvements with no regard to energy performance levels and measuring. This is mainly due to expected additional renovation costs, binding conservation issues and legal constraints, the complexity of technical solutions and lack of knowledge incumbent to feasibility and operation on heritage sites. Targeted solutions and best practices show that the integration of EE and RES can also contribute to the protection of artistic and cultural aspects of historic buildings, as presented in the report. The report presents two best practices that are case studies developed in the ambit of the GovernEE project: insulation works of the Palazzo D’Accursio in Bologna and the integration of photovoltaic panels on Quedlinburg’s protected buildings’ roofs. Applicability beyond the GovernEE partnership: the project’s transnational value The most important aspect of the TFS is the transferability of its findings not only within the partnership but also beyond, on an EUwide scale. The TFS holds methodological description of technologies, EE interventions and RES plant installation opportunities. These include not only energy saving and efficiency targets but also aim for good governance in the Public Administration. Differences amongst the partnership showcase discrepancies between applicable national legislations and allow for the presentation of different options for interventions affecting public historic buildings. This feasibility study integrated with the respective local energy action plan (LAP) of a city municipality is therefore the best instrument to make adequate choices for similar projects and public investments. Best practices: evaluation of lessons learnt from pilot experience The TFS reports on GovernEE partners’ pilot projects by giving a summary of the reported best practices. Best practices are examined from technical (monitoring processes, plans, interventions), legislative (cultural heritage protection enforcement and procedures) and economic (payback time, profitability) point of view as well as from the perspective of knowledge sharing (trainings, energy management within PAs). The transnational added value of the study lies in the collection of lessons learnt regarding methods to monitor and explore necessities of historic buildings, or regarding the preparation of adequate intervention plans, reviewing bureaucratic processes, recommending case by case intervention methods, adapted training and funding, as well as adopting larger scale, EU-level legislative support.
Policy recommendations The Cross-sectoral Policy Recommendations and the Policy Recommendations regarding Historic Building Blocks are core outputs of GovernEE. They set out a series of requirements regarding the appropriate administrative, legal and financial frameworks enabling an effective decision-making and planning processes on energy efficiency (EE) and the use of renewable energy sources (RES) for public heating systems. The cross-sectoral Recommendations present an efficient joint proposal to address a common European challenge and aim to assist policy- and decision makers in taking operational measures to support effective planning. The key questions are how EE in heating could be improved in historic buildings and what measures should be taken to bridge legislative gaps in this domain. This latter, i.e. overcoming legal bottlenecks, is a highly crucial issue to be addressed when dealing with energy related decisions. Proposals are formulated on all relevant policy levels, European, national and local, of the public sector as a main energy consumer. The operation of Public Administrations (PA) often involves a building stock with historic dwellings and thus with inefficient heating systems. For them, initiatives in the field of EE and RES are of primary importance. Also, policy-makers in the public sector, in municipal institutions in particular, have a pivotal role in highlighting energy matters in relation to sustainable urban development and in setting good examples. In this respect, GovernEE paves the way for the improvement of the decision-making process and competence-planning, as well as the awareness-raising and commitment of policy-makers on all levels. These are important aspects of good governance, which is the overarching goal of GovernEE.
European level policy recommendations • Adoption of new Directives aiming to harmonize how EE and RES solutions can be exploited in historic buildings and to emphasize further the roles of Public Authorities in this respect • Creating dedicated funds and launching field-specific calls/tenders • Financing research at EU level in order to find tailor-made applications for historic buildings National level policy recommendations • Adoption of new regulations by the respective Ministries responsible for Cultural Heritage in consultation with the Cultural Heritage Offices / Conservation Departments based on a participatory process • Financing national level research on tailor-made solutions for historic buildings • Development and promotion of the „Energy Performance Contract” (EPC) which is an innovative and cost-efficient financing technique • Development of dedicated funds, instruments, incentives and subsidies applied to cultural heritage building renovation projects (e.g. progressive tax credits for EE and RES) • Adoption of a National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) as required by the EU Directive 2006/32/EC and a National Energy Strategy/Policy. Local (Municipal/Regional) level policy recommendations • Harmonizing the authorization and planning processes applied by Cultural Heritage Offices and Building Conservation Departments and rendering the processes more competitive, integrating energy-retrofitting (building renovation) and new technologies, and allowing for better involvement of investors and companies. • Creating and implementing tailor-made EE/RES 1) financial (with involvement of the financial sector) 2) technical, 3) administrative and 4) legal tools to harmonize and enhance procedures (i.e.: setting up an Energy Manager Office with cross-competences and decision-making authority to draw public and energy performance contracts) • Developing Local Action Plans for Municipalities • Setting up an Energy Database to monitor public dwellings’ consumption and related costs. • Making up-to-date information available through an Energy Manager or local energy monitoring agencies/consultants • Financing research at local level • Dissemination of good practices to impact on dwellers’ habits & behavior.
Guidelines for the incorporation of energy awareness into policies of municipal institutions Public Administrations (PA) have limited possibilities to raise policy-makers’ awareness on energy efficiency matters. Currently EE and RES related tasks are supported by consulting committees and advisory boards within municipal bodies. Appointing a team of staff members specialized in energy efficiency matters could give policy-makers a supportive framework regarding EE projects with a genuinely technical. Based on the experience gained in GovernEE and the outcomes of training and coaching activities carried out within the project, the main tools and actions supporting the PA have been identified as follows: • State of the art analysis regarding the municipality’s energy schemes incl.: EE of Buildings and Survey on the use of RES • Use of information , thematic resources (from energy agencies, public institutions, the EU) • Analysing and exploiting the results of EU or national level projects • Involvement of civil society (setting up Internet forums on energy, public debates linked to the planning of new measures) • National, regional funds, grants and programmes for the renovation of old buildings and RES/EE installations for heating • Finding and matching coopering partners (Energy Manager, International models, best practice sharing) • Training and Qualification including life-long learning and specialization programmes („all-rounder” engineers)
Developing Local Action Plans step by step • Knowing where we are: drafting the „Baseline Review”: The first step of an EE and RES Action Plan is to identify and assess the local situation in terms of energy and greenhouse gas emissions, together with existing national (local) regulation frameworks and policies. Aspects to be covered are thus both quantitative (number & volumes of buildings, evolution of their energy consumption) and qualitative (regulation framework, energy management policy, status of implementation, awareness level). • „ Energy catalogue” and „Energy database” of buildings and equipment: A further step in data collection concerning municipal buildings is to gather accurate and comprehensive energy consumption data related to the local authorities’ buildings and equipment with the involvement of all municipal departments. The data booklet should contain identification of each building and information relative to the equipment and main energy consumption parameters. •D eveloping the „Action Plan”: identifying measures and scenarios: the Covenant of Mayors’ Guidelines on „How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan” nowadays represents a common and well established resource for urban areas, including buildings owned by local governments in the EU. Within GovernEE, a more specific guidance is being provided for the management of the public building stock. LAPs include proposals for actions (description of technology & savings) regarding heating plants, insulation of buildings and RES. Monitoring of LAPs is part of the action plan.
Summary of Pilot Activities & Evaluations PILOT 1: ENERGY MONITORING The pilot on „ICT system to support energy efficiency measures” has been one of the main pilots of the project. By establishing adequate consumption measurements and control mechanisms it has enabled the partnership to monitor, observe and analyze the structure of the energy consumption sites involved in the pilot. Partner in charge: Hódmezővásárhely (HU) (Lead Partner) Partners involved: Prague 11th district (CZ), Burgenlandkreis (DE) Aim: • enable efficient monitoring and optimized EE management by decision-makers/municipal authorities • set up an Energy Monitoring Society Programme (EMS) to collect and compare the measured energy use of partner countries and develop common actions o support harmonisation of specification criteria for smart measuring systems in the EU and the development of guidelines for applications, interfaces and protocols o enable development of common energy saving plans & actions o facilitate knowledge exchange between experts Description: T his pilot focuses on the monitoring of energy efficiency in selected municipalities with the use of the so-called Automated Meter Management systems. This energy monitoring system provides continuous and up-to-date information to the owners about the energy consumption of their buildings. The system measures and monitors all utility consumptions (gas, heat, electricity, water) by 15 minutes intervals. It controls energy use according to energy consumption plans, which results in cost saving. When using the system there may be a 10-15% energy cost saving even without any infrastructure modernization. The process has three main components: • Collection, analysis, upload of energy data • Installation of a wireless consumption meter equipment • System operation, equipment maintenance System functions available for GovernEE partners: • utility consumption data report • utility consumption data comparison by time • utility consumption data comparison of different buildings • comparison of local and transnational partner consumption trends • 3-monthly reports for further cost saving planning • further saving possibility suggestions The investment enables municipalities to report energy data by type of energy resource, to monitor energy consumption and make annual planning and cost calculations, also allowing access to data of the concerned institutions and making comparative analyses; altogether the system enables overall optimised energy performance of buildings. Furthermore, a joint platform connecting the measurement results in the participating pilot sites has been established to form the basis of a future cooperation (EMS) and joint actions. Timeline: April 2011 - April 2013 Budget: • Hódmezővásárhely: 71000 Eur • Burgenlandkreis: 18000 Eur • Prague 11th District: 9600 Eur Pilot evaluation By providing continuous and up-to-date information on energy consumption, the ICT monitoring system pilot facilitates the formulation of correct energy strategies and plans, as well as the definition of consumption trends and cost estimations. During the implementation of the tool the key problems that occurred were the lack of willingness to use and install meters for monitoring, the discrepancies with energy suppliers on data ownership and the Privacy Law.
Pilot 2: Efficient use of RES in the heating of historic buildings PILOT 2.A) TESTING NEW INSULATION MATERIALS IN BOLOGNA Partner in charge: Bologna (IT) Partners involved: Quedlinburg (DE), CETA (IT), CERE (AU) Aim: • Testing new, innovative building materials, appliances and feasible alternatives in order to improve EE in historic buildings. • Shaping attitude of decision-makers to favour the use of innovative materials for protected buildings. • Contributing to the Transnational Feasibility Study and the Transnational Strategic Toolkit with transferable good practices • Provide estimations on the costs of energy retrofitting measures related to historic buildings. • Identifying possible interventions and the related cost calculations to support planning process and action plans of local governments regarding energy retrofitting measures. Timeline: Oct 2011 – June 2013 Budget: 69 000 Eur Description: The objective of this pilot investment is to apply innovative building materials, appliances, especially innovative high energy performance windows and new fixtures on the walls, ceiling and roofs of historic public buildings. The pilot is conducted on the historic building of the Municipality of Bologna, so called „Sala degli stemmi”, a wing of Palazzo d’Accursio which has suffered from serious weather conditions. The site hosts frescoed ceilings, walls and antique window-frames which have faced strong degradation due to rain water infiltration. The measures identified by the pre-feasibility study are: • Replacement of roofs waterproof insulation and proper ventilation • Installing thermo-conditioned insulated windows and frames with sun protected glass panels for conservation purposes
PILOT 2 B) TESTING ALMOST INVISIBLE PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS Partners in charge: Quedlinburg (DE) Partners involved: Bologna (Italy), CETA (Italy), CERE (Austria) Aim: • A llow for the development and installation of RES materials in historic sites adaptable to different surfaces on a transnational level • Elaborate know-how regarding EE and RES measures adaptable to historic buildings. Description: The investment consists of the installation of specific photovoltaic panels on the roof of classified historic buildings protected by the UNESCO World Heritage. The Municipality of Quedlinburg has been testing new types of photovoltaic panels matching the colour theme of the surrounding rooftops with lower degree of reflection, leaving the site in undisturbed conditions with regard to the conservation rules.
Timeline: Oct 2011 – Nov 2012 Planned budget: 71 000 Eur
Pilot 2: Efficient use of RES in the heating of historic buildings Pilot evaluation Both pilots in Bologna and in Quedlinburg, have highlighted difficulties in dealing with the protection of cultural and historical values and a need to improve EE measures to reduce current and future expenditures related to energy consumption. Some technologies are too invasive for conservation concerns; others are suitable, but often too expensive or do not reach the expected EE level. The lack of properly defined legal framework allows countries to ignore the related measures included in EU directives. Furthermore, cultural heritage offices or authorities often reject renovation projects due to the lack of guidelines on energy related measures and interventions on historical buildings. In the case of the Quedlinburg (Germany) pilot, solar energy panels had to be installed in a hidden/nearly invisible way on the roof of a listed historic building. This project showcases the bilateral discussion process between the municipality and the built heritage protection authorities. In this pilot the specific requirement to cover the entire roof area with tailor-made modules resulted in higher expenses. However a closer cooperation with the local conservation agency is likely to result in more suitable and cost-effective solutions. It is expected that obtaining a permission to install photovoltaic (PV) panels on listed buildings and in historic city centres will be a case by case decision in the future. Generally speaking, authorities responsible for the protection of the built heritage are mostly willing to permit PV solutions if those are in line with current street- or front views and the historic landscapes. The development of further innovative PV technologies is in process (tiles, foils etc.). As the public acceptance of RES solutions shows an expansively increasing tendency more and more legal requirements favour the implementation of such green technologies. Furthermore authorities are also moving towards new PV solutions involving possible investors and companies. As a result of the pilot, the nearly invisible PV solution applied is available for technical adaptation to similar sites. Efficient, designoriented products and module integration know-how are also available. This pilot demonstrated that power-generating PV modules can be considered as one of the most comprehensive ways to implement RES solutions even in the case of listed buildings.
Pilot 3: Training and coaching - Improving competences of local decision makers Partners in charge: District of Burgenlandkreis (Germany) Partners involved: Quedlinburg (DE), Hódmezővásárhely (HU), Prague (CZ), CETA/Bologna (IT), CERE (AU) Aim: • Strengthen the sense of responsibility of the public sector by improving competences of local decision-makers • Promote the adoption of sustainable, EE-committed measures, Sensitize the public and raise their awareness on EE and RES issues Description: Cross-sectoral policy making is strongly linked to improved decision-making and planning competences of policymakers, which should include EE considerations. The pilot conducted in each partner region consisted of training and coaching decision-makers of municipal institutions on EE management, as a key aspect of good governance. Three target groups took part in the workshops: facility managers, administrative staff and decision-makers. For the workshops a set of relevant materials (good practices, adapted local materials and general supportive information) was provided. Timeline: March 2012 – May 2013 Budget: 116 256 Eur Pilot evaluation Project partners were provided with comprehensive training material for the implementation of the training targeted to facility managers, staff of administration and decision-makers. The volume and the content of the trainings were adjusted to the different needs of the participating groups. Although experiences vary from partner to partner a generally positive feedback was given by all the partners regarding the trainings. The aim to sensitise decision-makers, facility managers and staff of municipality institutions on energy efficiency and to enhance their responsibility has been achieved. For further planning it is important to keep the attention of the decision-makers on the energy efficiency topic, thus further trainings/seminars are suggested to be organised with the following focus – and also considering the current demands and specific local conditions: • Facility managers: practice oriented workshop, debating current issues, ventilating, sharing experience and good practise • Administrative staff: practice oriented workshop, personal responsibility, specifying and demonstrating cost and other related consequences of misbehaviour • Decision-makers: cost saving possibilities resulting from the implementation of RES, cost effective solutions, local energy management issues
Knowledge Network: Roadmap for future cooperation Overview of a successful cooperation and information sharing The GovernEE project has enabled partners to implement EE and RES measures focusing on public buildings of historic value. Project documents and outcomes have improved the knowledge on best available technologies, best practises, feasible interventions and allowed for knowledge exchange and sharing of experience between partners. GovernEE will continue to share information and keep its knowledge network open to all stakeholders beyond the partnership and the project lifetime. To follow GovernEE please visit the online competence centre: What needs to be improved? • Legal framework at European and national levels: specific measures for EE and RES interventions on historic buildings • Involvement of and better cooperation with the authorities for the environment and historic building protection on the topic of EE/RES in historical buildings • Greater transparency from public utility providers on all utility consumption • Improve monitoring of energy consumption and building management • Increase the use of RES in public heating (incl. historic buildings) • Increase the use high-efficiency co-generation and efficient district heating and cooling systems. • Refurbishment of historic buildings with high EE level targets and RES solutions
PARTNERS Municipality of Quedlinburg (Germany) Markt 1, 06484 Quedlinburg Web: Contact Person: Katrin Kaltschmidt E-mail: Phone: +49 3946 905 731tners District Administration Burgenlandkreis (Germany) Schönburger-Str. 41, 06618 Naumburg Web: Contact Person: Jörg Perrmann E-mail: Phone: +49 3445 731 693 Prague 11 Metropolitan District (Czech Republic) Ocelíkova 672, 149 41 Praha 4 Web: Contact Person: Jakub Jezek E-mail: Phone: +42 0777 214 006 Municipality of Bologna (Italy) Piazza Liber Paradisus 10, 40129 Bologna Web: Contact Person: Patrizia Marani E-mail: Phone: +39 0512 194 884 C.E.T.A. Center for Theoretical and Applied Ecology (Italy) Via Licino 44, 34170 Gorizia Web: Contact Person: Francesca Visintin E-mail: Phone: +39 0481 280 240 Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment – CERE (Austria) Endresstraße 65/7/4, 1230 Vienna Web: Contact Person: Johannes Bachler E-mail: Phone: +43 1 888 38 38
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. §
LEAD PARTNER Municipality of Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary) 6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Kossuth tér 1. Web: Contact Person: Attila Nagy E-mail: Phone: +36 62 530 100