Internet marketing explained

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Internet Marketing Explained + Answers to the most asked questions about Internet Marketing

DISCLAIMER The publisher of this report has strived to provide accurate information, and up-to-date information at the time of writing. All the facts and information provided and discussed within this report have been researched thoroughly, and are as accurate as possible. Although all the information provided here is accurate and up-to-date, no guarantee can be given that the information will help you perform or improve your internet marketing strategies, but finding the answers to the most frequently asked questions about internet marketing can help you understand the process and strategies better, and can help you improve on your current internet marketing strategies. This report can be shared with your friends, colleagues and your contact list, and can also be given away for free on your website. Throughout this document, you will also find useful resources, tools and programs that can be used to increase the success rate of your internet marketing strategies, increase the visibility of your online content and drive more traffic to your website. You can also find some useful and recommended resources at the right of the page you are currently reading – simply click on the images to read more about each resource.


INTERNET MARKETING EXPLAINED In this section of the report, we will be looking at what internet marketing is, and defining the word “Internet Marketing”. By reading through this section of the report, you’ll be able to learn more about what exactly internet marketing is, how you can benefit from internet marketing and the importance of internet marketing for today’s businesses and websites.

DEFINE INTERNET MARKETING Internet marketing, in short, refers to any advertising methods used to promote products, services, businesses, websites and online content. This includes advertising through pay per click networks, blogging, backlink generation, content marketing and also email marketing.

WHAT IS INTERNET MARKETING Simply defining the word “Internet Marketing” isn’t going to tell you everything internet marketing is about. In this section, we will be going into more detail and discussing what exactly internet marketing is. As previously stated at “Define Internet Marketing”, internet marketing refers to any advertising methods used to promote something on the internet or through emails. To make things simpler, let’s divide internet marketing into 2 different groups. These are 2 different groups of people that uses internet marketing to promote something online. Business Opportunity Seekers The first group is “business opportunity seekers”. These are people looking for different ways to make money online, but they do not have a specific focus. Business opportunity seekers usually searches all over the internet to find new opportunities to try out – they then make use of different types of internet marketing strategies to promote these opportunities. Entrepreneurs The second group is “entrepreneurs”. These are people who already have a niche or opportunity they focus on, and they have all the proper knowledge and education to properly promote their opportunities. Entrepreneurs also make use of different internet marketing strategies to promote their opportunities, products and services, but are usually willing to pay more for their internet marketing strategies than business opportunity seekers, since they have one niche or opportunity they focus on promoting, instead of jumping from opportunity to opportunity.

INTERNET MARKETING AUDIENCE When you are working on an internet marketing strategy, you need to define your target market – the audience you want to promote your product, service or content to. Your target market, or target audience, can be divided into 3 different groups – these are also groups of people.

The Consumer The first, and most popular audience to target with internet marketing is consumers. You promote a product or service, usually through an affiliate network, that you want consumers to click on and buy – these products can be anything from tablets to hairdryers. Your goal is to use internet marketing strategies that targets consumers that’s ready to buy. The Business Opportunity Seeker When you create your own information product that you want to promote and offer an opportunity to others, or if you are promoting different affiliate opportunities, you will usually target business opportunity seekers. These people are jumping from opportunity to opportunity, and their always chasing new programs to sign up to – they need opportunities to make money, information on how to make more money, and tools to make even more money. Your goal is to use internet marketing strategies that targets business opportunity seekers that’s ready to buy or sign up to yet another opportunity. The Entrepreneur If you are promoting a very specific product, such as website traffic or SEO, or even a service like an online shopping cart, you might consider targeting entrepreneurs. This is people who already know what they are doing, and they are focusing on a specific niche, product, service or content. Entrepreneurs are also usually willing to spend much more than business opportunity seekers since they already have a focus in their online or offline careers, and their looking for ways to increase their current target market and improve on their specific niche, product, service or content.

“There’s 2 kinds of people in this world – those that think they can and those that think they can’t – they’re both right.” - Henry Ford

THE 4 DISCIPLINES OF A SUCCESSFUL INTERNET MARKETER In order to be a successful internet marketer and reach a higher quality audience with your internet marketing strategies, you will need to either already have, or develop 4 essential disciplines that will help you improve your success rate

MINDSET In order to be successful with your internet marketing campaigns, you need a successful mindset. You need to believe in yourself, believe in your strategies – any disbelieve or doubt can cause flaws with your internet marketing campaigns.

FOCUS You also need to be focused on your internet marketing campaigns. When working on your internet marketing campaigns, get rid of any and all things that could interfere with your work time around you so that you can focus on your work instead of losing focus.

EDUCATION Another important discipline to develop is to educate yourself properly. Education is like vitamin dosages for your brain – the more education you have, the more knowledge you’ll gain, the more your skill levels will increase and the more successful your internet marketing campaigns will be. Note that education doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go to a university to get the knowledge and skills you need – there’s thousands of online services that offers paid and free courses and information to help you educate yourself in any niche.

ACTION The final discipline you should have, or will need to develop in order to be successful with your internet marketing campaigns is “Action”. This simply means that you should teach yourself NOT to be afraid of taking action – finish what you start and execute your strategies without delay.

ANSWERS TO THE MOST ASKED QUESTIONS In this section of the report you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Internet Marketing. By reading, or even just skimming, through these answers you will be able to get a lot of your own questions answered, and you are sure to learn a thing or two you didn’t know before simply by looking at questions that’s asked and answers to these questions.

QUESTION: WHY DO 95% OF INTERNET MARKETERS FAIL, AND ONLY 5% SUCCEED AND MAKE MOST OF THE MONEY? Answer: Although the “5%” and “95%” are estimates, these numbers are actually quite accurate. The main reason for internet marketers to fail is because they do not have the 4 main disciplines of a successful internet marketer. Remember that only you have the power to change your life – and the way you think and act is what defines your own reality.

QUESTION: WITH SO MANY PROGRAMS AND OFFERS AVAILABLE, HOW DO I KNOW WHICH TO GO WITH AND WHICH TO PASS ON? Answer: Yes, there’s thousands of programs and offers available online that promises to help you increase the success rate of your internet marketing strategies, help you reach a wider audience and help you make more money. But the truth is – if you develop the 4 main disciplines of a successful internet marketer, you’ll soon start to realize that’s is way easier to stay focused on what you are doing and that it’s best to pass on most of these “get rich quick” schemes.

QUESTION: SHOULD I START OUT BY CREATING MY OWN PRODUCT TO SELL? Answer: There’s actually a debate going on about this question all over the internet. Some people believe that it’s best to create your own products to sell, why others don’t agree with this statement. The truth is that creating your own product to sell will require time, knowledge, education and much more – and if you are only getting started in the world of internet marketing, it’s a good idea to focus on affiliate marketing and promoting other people’s products. This will help you learn more about the industry and gain extra knowledge and skills – once you get the hang of things and are generating money from your affiliate marketing campaigns, you can consider creating your own products and adding the knowledge you have gained from your affiliate marketing campaigns into your own products. This will give you the ability to create higher quality products with much more potential.

QUESTION: HOW DO I AVOID INFORMATION OVERLOAD? Answer: Before telling you how you can avoid information overload, let’s first have a look at what exactly information overload is. Information overload is a term used when you are taking in so much information you don’t know what to focus on and what to pass on. This can cause your internet marketing campaigns to be less successful since you start losing your focus when you have too much information to deal with. Now to answer the question – How to avoid information overload. It’s really quite simple – as you develop the 4 main disciplines of a successful internet marketer, you’ll start realizing what you want to

focus on (niche). Simply stay focused on this niche and try to limit the amount of information you take in – rather than reading 100 ebooks or articles to help you gain knowledge, search for one or two ebooks or articles that focusses on the knowledge you need to gain and only read them. This will give you less information to process, thus help you stay more focused.

QUESTION: WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF AN INTERNET MARKETING STRATEGY? Answer: This question also opens up a whole new debate – people have their own opinions to share and their own success and failure stories, but in the end the most important part of your internet marketing strategies is your mailing list. Why? Simple – When someone lands on your website, they might not necessarily buy something, but they might want to enter their email address into your mailing list to receive more information. When you have someone’s email address on your list, you’ll be able to communicate with them, gain their trust and make LOTS more money from them than if they simply bought a single product on your website.

QUESTION: HOW SHOULD I SCHEDULE MY DAY TO BE A SUCCESSFUL INTERNET MARKETER? Answer: Every person is different, so every person will have their own “prime time” – the time of day they work best. Set this time apart for your most important projects and for the work that requires most of your attention. A Good way to start the day is by reading your emails when you get up, replying to any emails that needs a reply and thereafter moving on to your projects for the day. Be sure not to spend too much time reading and responding to emails, but you should at least respond to support requests and questions. You should also remember to set aside some time for breaks during your work time – this helps your brain rest and refresh for short periods of time. Working for long periods of time without any breaks can cause you to lose focus on what’s important.

QUESTION: HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO MEET OTHER INTERNET MARKETERS FACE-TO-FACE? Answer: Most internet marketers stay in their office and do all their internet marketing all over the internet without ever meeting or collaborating with other internet marketers in their niche. The problem is that these are not the 6 or 7 figure income generators. To really be successful and build a more successful team under you, you need to collaborate with other internet marketers in your niche, attend internet marketing conferences and network as much as possible in person. You can even set up your own internet marketing conference to get more people in your network – offer a free internet marketing session and help others understand how great the world of internet marketing is, and how much money they can make through the internet. Then ask them to fill out a form or sign up on your website – hand out a brochure or flyer at the end of your conference with all your contact information, including a link to your main website where they can join your team.

QUESTION: WITH THOUSANDS OF DIFFERENT PROGRAMS AND BUSINESS MODELS OUT THERE, HOW DO I CHOOSE A PROGRAM TO FOCUS ON AND AVOID JUMPING FROM MODEL TO MODEL? Answer: This question goes hand-in-hand with a previous question about information overload. The simple answer is to find a business model or program that works for you, and then focus on that specific model. By focusing on a single business model or program, you’ll be able to stay focused and avoid jumping from model to model. A more complex answer would be to develop your focus on one program or model and to avoid even looking at other programs or business models. As soon as you find a program or business model you are comfortable with, focus on that model and avoid other programs.

QUESTION: HOW IMPORTANT IS TRACKING AND TESTING FOR INTERNET MARKETING CAMPAIGNS? Answer: Vital! It’s so important to test your campaigns and track the progress of your campaigns – how else will you know how your strategies are performing, and how else will you be able to modify your campaigns to be more successful and make you more money. Depending on your business model and the program you are focused on, you will need to implement different tracking programs and testing strategies in order to improve on your current campaigns, bring in more leads, build a stronger network and in the end, make more money. This can be as simple as signing up for a free Google Analytics account and implementing Google Analytics code on your website. Google Analytics will give you lots of information about the visitors that lands on your website – including where they are from and on what type of device they are viewing your website on. You’ll also be able to set up conversion tracking campaigns on Google Analytics to test and track your campaigns in-depth. To track how well different ads and emails are working, you should use different links or landing pages for each of these. You can either make use of a program that can add tracking ids to your links, or you can use a link shortening service like Bitly or to create different short links to track.

QUESTION: SHOULD I OUTSOURCE SOME OF MY WORK? Answer: To answer this question, you need to determine how successful you already are first. Take a look at your income reports and the amount of leads you have. The truth is that it’s crucial to outsource some of the work for your internet business in order to be really successful – the more people you have on your team, the faster things will go and the more successful your campaigns will become; but if you are only starting out or do not have a good success rate with your internet business yet, you should consider doing things yourself until you make enough money to afford outsourcing your work. You can also consider hiring cheap freelancers at first to help you out and later on start building a team, but be sure to do proper research when finding cheap freelancers and have a look at their portfolios before even thinking about hiring.

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