Volume 7 Issue 1 2018 ‘In Cruce Salus’
-cail), unced ar sh o n o r (p l a é of Ár Sc nth edition e ge. v le e e th Cross Colle ly This is o H f o n o ti ublica rent a biannual p with our cur t c e n n o c ge to for the Colle s n a e m a is milies. Ár Scéal i and their fa n m lu a , ts n stude thers n of the Bro o ti a g e r g n o is n Irish C in 1890. Th Brothers, a e g n e ia ll o ic C tr s tory’ a s P The eans ‘Our S ed Holy Cro m d n h u ic h fo , w k l, ic a Ár Scé s we of St Patr een named ian theme a b ic s tr a a h P n o is ti th a public ontinue ritage. help us to c to , c li atrician He e P a h G ic r in r u o connect to continue to ut Holy articles abo e r tu a fe e d reports an ates. We ar d s p w u e l n a r s e r n e e v li and g Ár Scéal de unity events from our alumni. m m o C e g e ll utions Cross Co iving contrib e c e r to n e also op to st in order li g in il a m ct r u lease conta p bscribe to o u s s n io to it d e e k l li r Scéa If you would upcoming Á ll a f o y p o c . receive a 98081033 ) 2 (0 ll a c r o the College
CONTRIBUTE: Parents, Students and Alumni are invited to contribute to Ár Scéal by contacting the editor: belinda.jreige@syd.catholic.edu.au
Principal’s Message
Dear Holy Cross Community Ar Sceal (our story) was introduced as a means of connecting the wider Holy Cross Community, in particular old boys, to events, stories and developments here at the College. Our College has a long tradition of providing students with opportunities to grow in their faith, achieve academically and participate in a multitude of extra curricular activities. This year we welcome the new Parish Priest of Ryde Gladesville Parish and Chaplain of the College Fr. Greg Morgan. Fr. Greg’s official installation as Parish Priest was celebrated on Sunday the 10th June. The Mass and Installation was officiated by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, who reminded the Parish that he was an old boy (2 years) of Holy Cross College. It was a very well attended event and while hard to estimate numbers we did cater for eight hundred. Mr. Keogh and our College band performed, adding atmosphere to what was a great celebration of community. There is a great sense of hope and enthusiasm amongst the Parishoners, it was truly wonderful to be part of something that was so full of life. With Fr. Greg’s support we have begun planning a sacramental program for those students yet to complete their sacraments. So far, more than eighty students have indicated that they would like to begin this process. Their preparation will begin with the Feast of the Holy Cross later this year. Mother’s Day was celebrated with an evening Mass and high tea and it was a resounding success. Our guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Anna Dickenson, Principal of Loretto Kirrabilli, who was once the Year 12 Co-ordinator at Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield. Many mothers and grandmothers commented on how beautiful the evening was and how much they enjoyed spending time with their sons in prayer and celebration. Our Hospitality students and staff worked tirelessly on the evening catering for more than six hundred people, a great team effort.
We have this year introduced Year and House Masses on a Wednesday morning so that our young men have the opportunity to participate in the Mass and receive the sacrament of communion more frequently throughout the year. Our Camino to walk the ‘Patrician Journey’ has begun with Year 8 completing the first leg from Forest Lodge, Glebe to the Cathedral. Other year groups will each complete a section of the journey bringing to life the story we share and sharing the legacy of our Patrician Heritage. In curriculum news, after fifteen years at the College the Director of Teaching and Learning Mr. Michael Croucher has taken extended leave and we welcome Mrs Joyce Ison into the role for the rest of 2018. Throughout 2017 we undertook a full review of the way the College provides support, intervention and extends students at the College. Our third cohort of teachers has commenced the necessary training for the delivery of the Newman Selective Stream for Gifted & Talented Students in 2019 and while it is still an ambitious target, we remain on track. Our accreditation process will be beginning in the second half of this year. The College continues to be represented in the sporting realm and already this year a number of boys have been selected to represent NSW in the Combined Catholic College (NSWCCC) level in sports: Cricket, Swimming, Rugby Union, Football, Rugby League and Touch Football. Year 11 student Andy Li won both the Metropolitan Catholic Colleges and the NSW All Schools Golf Championship, an amazing feat. Our Bill Turner Cup Football Squad has already progressed to the Northern Region Semifinals in the state wide competition defeating Gilroy Catholic College 2-0, William Clarke College 5-1 and St Ives High School 2-0. Our Titration teams were unsuccessful in defending their title this year. Twenty-one students represented with two teams making the merit list. I hope you enjoy this edition of Ar Sceal.
Mr Phillip Stewart Principal
In looking for opportunities for our parents to engage, not just in College life but also in formation opportunities, this year our annual Winter Sleep-out was reshaped as a Father & Son Winter Sleep-out. The College managed to secure the services of Mr. Chris Doyle who donated his fee for the evening to St Vincent de Paul. Special thanks must go to Mrs. Rancic, Mr. Menniti, Mr. Szafjanski, Miss Jang, Mr. Whitty and Mr. Capistrano for volunteering to supervise this event throughout the evening and even cook breakfast in the morning.
College Captain’s Message
“Blowing out someone else’s candle does not make yours shine brighter.” Excellence is the gradual result of always wanting to do better. As a school, Holy Cross College has had a strong start to 2018 and experienced a great deal of success throughout Semester One. In Term Two the Year 11 & 12 student leaders launched an Anti-Bullying campaign, that was intended to hit home and have an immense impact on the way that students see bullying and how we inculcate the Patrician spirit in our relationships with one another at Holy Cross. Each College assembly in Term Two was dedicated to this cause with each gathering focussed on an aspect of bullying. Artworks and posters were posted throughout the school, spreading the campaign to oppose this unacceptable behaviour. In addition, all students have experienced ‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’, where during HCT (homeroom) we are given the chance to open up and speak about the five dimensions of health- physical, emotional, spiritual, social and mental, and how these aspects can impact on the balance of one’s health and wellbeing. This tied in perfectly with our anti-bullying campaign and what we are trying to achieve at Holy Cross College, providing opportunities for a healthy wellbeing. We all know what bullying is and looks like, but until we understand the impact of it, we cannot truly comprehend just how damaging bullying can be. Recently a group of young men from the College put together a short film showcasing the realistic effects of bullying. After speaking with the director of the short film, it was evident that the message they wanted to portray was much deeper than what it was initially perceived to be. As the video suggests, suicide is the second leading cause of death for those aged 15-24 years of age, and an astonishing amount of these accounts of suicide are a result of bullying. Bullying is an ongoing issue in schools worldwide and can present itself in many different forms including physical, verbal and cyber bullying. Ultimately, they all have the same devastating impact on the victim. Obviously, many students have heard the retric associated with bullying, but the reality is that we, as students of Holy Cross College, are responsible for our actions and must stand up against all forms of bullying.
Trust Listen Love
All students at the College are strongly encouraged to see the College Counsellor, Ms. Gooley, their Year Coordinator or HCT teachers. Even talking to a friend, sibling or parent at home can help solve the situation. Many young men refrain from talking to someone, particularly an adult, in fear that it will make the situation worse, but this is not the case. Talking to someone allows you to reflect on your actions and the actions of others, and more importantly, it creates an opportunity for the behaviour to change. All students are constantly reminded, that as a Holy Cross Brother, they are never alone.
Jake Papponetti College Captain
Above (From Left to Right): College Captain Jake Papponetti, Mr Gillies, Year 12 Coordinator & College Vice-Captain Coby Thomas
THE EMBRACE OF A PARENT Trust Listen Love “There is nothing like the love between a Mother/Father and a Son” This year’s theme for our parents has been the “Embrace of a Mother” and “The Hands of a Father.” Mother’s Day Eucharistic celebration and High Tea was an evening to remember. This evening was anchored in the three pillars of what a parent needs to do to develop their relationship with their son and practical ways they can embrace being a mother to their sons. Mrs Anna Dickinson, Principal from Loreto Kirribilli, was our guest speaker and spoke to the mothers and their sons about her relationship with the Patrician Brothers being a “mum” to many Patrician boys during her teaching career. She stated that “They need to trust, listen and love” their sons unconditionally. Mrs Dickinson gave insights into the struggles and accomplishments of motherhood and the commitment, imagination, love, hard work and continued awareness of what actually is going on in their son’s life. Embracing and empowering their son was very powerful. She ended her talk by stating “The greatest gift you can give your son is to believe in him.” Dear Mum, I want to tell you that I love you and few things I really never say Your affectionate warm embrace keeps me safe Your loving smile assures me that you are here for me Your helping hand reaches out to me when trouble comes my way You show me mercy, compassion and forgiveness like my Father in Heaven You teach me lessons in life To be the best I can be You tell me that I am kind, beautiful and smart Mum I don’t think you realise that you are my courage, my strength, my guide You are my best friend I will love you forever, and forever you will be the most wonderful mother to me I love you mum The Father and Son night was held on Thursday 7th June. Fathers and their sons joined together to bond and create new relationships with each other through sharing empathy with the homeless of Sydney and Australia.
Chris Doyle, our guest speaker, took our fathers and sons on a journey of discovery through stories and songs. The power of music revitalised our men of faith to “walk the talk.” We encouraged our dads to trust, listen and love their sons through a trust walk. Fathers and sons asked questions that opened new avenues for them to develop their relationships. Fathers and their sons also had time to build on their relationship through Laser tag game, board and card games. Quality time spent together enabled them to develop their relationships with each other. After the trust walk, fathers and their sons stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the significant landmark of the College, the Holy Cross statue of Jesus to pray the breastplate together, united as men of faith. As St. Clare of Assisi once said: “Gaze upon him, consider him, contemplate him, as you desire to imitate him.” This we did as a community of men at Adoration in the Chapel, it was a breathtaking and very spiritual moment for fathers and their sons to pray and contemplate their relationship with Jesus. Both events this semester have been profound for both Mothers/Fathers and their sons. Parents help their sons: grow, learn to be free, and confront life and the obstacles in their lives with trusting, listening and loving them unconditionally.
Mrs Ivanka Rancic Religious Education Coordinator
Above: Our wonderful staff who delivered the Mother’s Day High Tea!
College Captain’s Message
“Blowing out someone else’s candle does not make yours shine brighter.” Excellence is the gradual result of always wanting to do better. As a school, Holy Cross College has had a strong start to 2018 and experienced a great deal of success throughout Semester One. In Term Two the Year 11 & 12 student leaders launched an Anti-Bullying campaign, that was intended to hit home and have an immense impact on the way that students see bullying and how we inculcate the Patrician spirit in our relationships with one another at Holy Cross. Each College assembly in Term Two was dedicated to this cause with each gathering focussed on an aspect of bullying. Artworks and posters were posted throughout the school, spreading the campaign to oppose this unacceptable behaviour. In addition, all students have experienced ‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’, where during HCT (homeroom) we are given the chance to open up and speak about the five dimensions of health- physical, emotional, spiritual, social and mental, and how these aspects can impact on the balance of one’s health and wellbeing. This tied in perfectly with our anti-bullying campaign and what we are trying to achieve at Holy Cross College, providing opportunities for a healthy wellbeing. We all know what bullying is and looks like, but until we understand the impact of it, we cannot truly comprehend just how damaging bullying can be. Recently a group of young men from the College put together a short film showcasing the realistic effects of bullying. After speaking with the director of the short film, it was evident that the message they wanted to portray was much deeper than what it was initially perceived to be. As the video suggests, suicide is the second leading cause of death for those aged 15-24 years of age, and an astonishing amount of these accounts of suicide are a result of bullying. Bullying is an ongoing issue in schools worldwide and can present itself in many different forms including physical, verbal and cyber bullying. Ultimately, they all have the same devastating impact on the victim. Obviously, many students have heard the retric associated with bullying, but the reality is that we, as students of Holy Cross College, are responsible for our actions and must stand up against all forms of bullying.
Trust Listen Love
All students at the College are strongly encouraged to see the College Counsellor, Ms. Gooley, their Year Coordinator or HCT teachers. Even talking to a friend, sibling or parent at home can help solve the situation. Many young men refrain from talking to someone, particularly an adult, in fear that it will make the situation worse, but this is not the case. Talking to someone allows you to reflect on your actions and the actions of others, and more importantly, it creates an opportunity for the behaviour to change. All students are constantly reminded, that as a Holy Cross Brother, they are never alone.
Jake Papponetti College Captain
Above (From Left to Right): College Captain Jake Papponetti, Mr Gillies, Year 12 Coordinator & College Vice-Captain Coby Thomas
THE EMBRACE OF A PARENT Trust Listen Love “There is nothing like the love between a Mother/Father and a Son” This year’s theme for our parents has been the “Embrace of a Mother” and “The Hands of a Father.” Mother’s Day Eucharistic celebration and High Tea was an evening to remember. This evening was anchored in the three pillars of what a parent needs to do to develop their relationship with their son and practical ways they can embrace being a mother to their sons. Mrs Anna Dickinson, Principal from Loreto Kirribilli, was our guest speaker and spoke to the mothers and their sons about her relationship with the Patrician Brothers being a “mum” to many Patrician boys during her teaching career. She stated that “They need to trust, listen and love” their sons unconditionally. Mrs Dickinson gave insights into the struggles and accomplishments of motherhood and the commitment, imagination, love, hard work and continued awareness of what actually is going on in their son’s life. Embracing and empowering their son was very powerful. She ended her talk by stating “The greatest gift you can give your son is to believe in him.” Dear Mum, I want to tell you that I love you and few things I really never say Your affectionate warm embrace keeps me safe Your loving smile assures me that you are here for me Your helping hand reaches out to me when trouble comes my way You show me mercy, compassion and forgiveness like my Father in Heaven You teach me lessons in life To be the best I can be You tell me that I am kind, beautiful and smart Mum I don’t think you realise that you are my courage, my strength, my guide You are my best friend I will love you forever, and forever you will be the most wonderful mother to me I love you mum The Father and Son night was held on Thursday 7th June. Fathers and their sons joined together to bond and create new relationships with each other through sharing empathy with the homeless of Sydney and Australia.
Chris Doyle, our guest speaker, took our fathers and sons on a journey of discovery through stories and songs. The power of music revitalised our men of faith to “walk the talk.” We encouraged our dads to trust, listen and love their sons through a trust walk. Fathers and sons asked questions that opened new avenues for them to develop their relationships. Fathers and their sons also had time to build on their relationship through Laser tag game, board and card games. Quality time spent together enabled them to develop their relationships with each other. After the trust walk, fathers and their sons stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the significant landmark of the College, the Holy Cross statue of Jesus to pray the breastplate together, united as men of faith. As St. Clare of Assisi once said: “Gaze upon him, consider him, contemplate him, as you desire to imitate him.” This we did as a community of men at Adoration in the Chapel, it was a breathtaking and very spiritual moment for fathers and their sons to pray and contemplate their relationship with Jesus. Both events this semester have been profound for both Mothers/Fathers and their sons. Parents help their sons: grow, learn to be free, and confront life and the obstacles in their lives with trusting, listening and loving them unconditionally.
Mrs Ivanka Rancic Religious Education Coordinator
Above: Our wonderful staff who delivered the Mother’s Day High Tea!
Mother’s Day Mass & High Tea
Mother’s Day Mass & High Tea
Father & Son Sleepout
Father & Son Sleepout
A Great Start For Year 7
Year 10 Elective History Excursion
A Great Start For Year 7
Year 10 Elective History Excursion
HCC Sports COLLEGE SWIMMING CARNIVAL The College has had some excellent personal performances over the past few weeks in many different codes of sport. Andy Li once again showed what a talent he is by clinching the MCC Opens premiership for Golf. Peter Renouf of Year 11 was selected for NSWCCC Baseball to compete at the NSW All Schools tournament later this year. Peter is an outstanding prospect who has caught the eye of many talent scouts recently. We wish Andy Li and Peter Renouf all the best for their future NSW tournaments. On Friday the 16th of March Holy Cross College and Marist Sisters Woolwich teamed up together to compete at the NSW All Schools Mixed Touch Football Championships. The team performed exceptionally well and progressed through
the pool rounds undefeated and then won the Quarter Final 4 - 3. This then moved Holy Cross/ Marist Sisters into the Semifinal where they were defeated 5 - 3 by Warnervale High School, who had a Pan Pacific experienced mixed team. The boys and the girls are to be congratulated on their excellent behaviour and commitment to the day and I look forward to the next instalment of Holy Cross/ Marist Sisters Touch team. Our MCC Football teams have had a great start to the MCC season. We have welcomed Old Boy Arthur Diles on board to help out our coaches and elite players in a development role. Arthur is the current Western Sydney Wanderers Youth League coach and the College is excited to welcome him back and see what he has to offer.
The College had a great day at our annual Swimming Carnival with a new and improved format which celebrates both our elite swimmers and general students in novelty events. For the first two hours of the day our elite swimmers showcase their talents in front of the very loud and supportive school. The amount of school spirit and supportive chanting was amazing and I know our elite swimmers were really motivated as a result. My focus for the next few years is developing our swim team from the bottom up to eventually take the MCC title. This means attracting new young swimmers to our elite training team. This carnival also saw the swimming of the first Patrician Splash which was a handicapped race based on PB times over 100 metres for our elite swimmers. It was truly an amazing race and I was so excited to see how it progressed and how it has already become the most sort after swim trophy in the College. Well done to Zane Watson who won the inaugural Patrician Splash. We look forward to the second instalment of the Patrician Dash at the athletics carnival. A huge congratulations must also go to our super swimmers in Gabriel Lim and Eden Horne who broke four long term records between them at the elite carnival. Congratulations to all the students involved through their swimming and support at the carnivals.
Recently, the College held its annual Old Boys Schoolboy Cup Match with Holy Cross College playing St Dominic’s College, Penrith in a Round One clash of the 2018 Schoolboy Cup. It was a tremendous occasion with thousands of Old Boys, friends and family packing into Olsen Oval along with students from both schools. It was a great game with Holy Cross convincing winners 34 to 12. In particular, Holy Cross was best served by its captain Coby Thomas and very strong middle of Ben Cody, Trent Kurnoth, Beni Teaupa and Sosaia Teakaraanga. Once again, congratulations to the team and college on putting on such a great occasion for everyone past and present of which they should be very proud. Further congratulations must go to the following students who have progressed to NSWCCC level in the following sports • NSWCCC Soccer • NSWCCC Rugby
Christian Cirino (Year 11) Liam Kawa (Year 11) Jason Smyth (Year 11) • Steven Tabua (Year 11) Joshua Fraser (Year 12) Joshua Rizk (Year 12) • NSWCCC League Brendan Tumeth (Year 10) Beni Teaupa (Year 12)
AGE CHAMPIONS FOR 2018 Age Under 12 Under 13 Under 14 Under 15 Under 16 Opens
Name Jonah Watson Jonathan Crook Zane Watson Gabriel Lim Eden Horne Jackson Bursill
Above: Victorious Schoolboy Cup Team
HCC Sports COLLEGE SWIMMING CARNIVAL The College has had some excellent personal performances over the past few weeks in many different codes of sport. Andy Li once again showed what a talent he is by clinching the MCC Opens premiership for Golf. Peter Renouf of Year 11 was selected for NSWCCC Baseball to compete at the NSW All Schools tournament later this year. Peter is an outstanding prospect who has caught the eye of many talent scouts recently. We wish Andy Li and Peter Renouf all the best for their future NSW tournaments. On Friday the 16th of March Holy Cross College and Marist Sisters Woolwich teamed up together to compete at the NSW All Schools Mixed Touch Football Championships. The team performed exceptionally well and progressed through
the pool rounds undefeated and then won the Quarter Final 4 - 3. This then moved Holy Cross/ Marist Sisters into the Semifinal where they were defeated 5 - 3 by Warnervale High School, who had a Pan Pacific experienced mixed team. The boys and the girls are to be congratulated on their excellent behaviour and commitment to the day and I look forward to the next instalment of Holy Cross/ Marist Sisters Touch team. Our MCC Football teams have had a great start to the MCC season. We have welcomed Old Boy Arthur Diles on board to help out our coaches and elite players in a development role. Arthur is the current Western Sydney Wanderers Youth League coach and the College is excited to welcome him back and see what he has to offer.
The College had a great day at our annual Swimming Carnival with a new and improved format which celebrates both our elite swimmers and general students in novelty events. For the first two hours of the day our elite swimmers showcase their talents in front of the very loud and supportive school. The amount of school spirit and supportive chanting was amazing and I know our elite swimmers were really motivated as a result. My focus for the next few years is developing our swim team from the bottom up to eventually take the MCC title. This means attracting new young swimmers to our elite training team. This carnival also saw the swimming of the first Patrician Splash which was a handicapped race based on PB times over 100 metres for our elite swimmers. It was truly an amazing race and I was so excited to see how it progressed and how it has already become the most sort after swim trophy in the College. Well done to Zane Watson who won the inaugural Patrician Splash. We look forward to the second instalment of the Patrician Dash at the athletics carnival. A huge congratulations must also go to our super swimmers in Gabriel Lim and Eden Horne who broke four long term records between them at the elite carnival. Congratulations to all the students involved through their swimming and support at the carnivals.
Recently, the College held its annual Old Boys Schoolboy Cup Match with Holy Cross College playing St Dominic’s College, Penrith in a Round One clash of the 2018 Schoolboy Cup. It was a tremendous occasion with thousands of Old Boys, friends and family packing into Olsen Oval along with students from both schools. It was a great game with Holy Cross convincing winners 34 to 12. In particular, Holy Cross was best served by its captain Coby Thomas and very strong middle of Ben Cody, Trent Kurnoth, Beni Teaupa and Sosaia Teakaraanga. Once again, congratulations to the team and college on putting on such a great occasion for everyone past and present of which they should be very proud. Further congratulations must go to the following students who have progressed to NSWCCC level in the following sports • NSWCCC Soccer • NSWCCC Rugby
Christian Cirino (Year 11) Liam Kawa (Year 11) Jason Smyth (Year 11) • Steven Tabua (Year 11) Joshua Fraser (Year 12) Joshua Rizk (Year 12) • NSWCCC League Brendan Tumeth (Year 10) Beni Teaupa (Year 12)
AGE CHAMPIONS FOR 2018 Age Under 12 Under 13 Under 14 Under 15 Under 16 Opens
Name Jonah Watson Jonathan Crook Zane Watson Gabriel Lim Eden Horne Jackson Bursill
Above: Victorious Schoolboy Cup Team
PRESERVE OUR PRIDE! During the College’s quasquicentennial anniversary in 2016, the College set out to “connect generations” – not only during this anniversary year, but for the future years in the life of the College! One of the best ways of achieving this aim is to share memories with each other. In this light, the College Archives urges old boys and members of the College community to go through their treasured College possessions and send any items “back home.” The College Archives would love to receive any of the following items in good condition: • Anything relating to the Holy Cross Preparatory School or Holy Cross College Cadets; • Photographs and films relating to academic and cocurricular life of the College; • Postcards and correspondences, particularly from the ‘boarding era’ between students and their families; • Pieces of uniform, including especially, blazers, bags, hats, shirts, sweaters and sporting apparel; • College Annuals, particularly those from 1891-1940s; • Items of religious significance; • Trophies and sporting programs; • Exercise/work books used by students; • Textbooks used by students, especially those imprinted with the College name; • Event programs, catalogues, handbooks, flyers, booklets and posters; • Student newspapers and magazines; • Pins, pennants and other collectables; • Items and documents relating to the Patrician Brothers; • Items and documents related to the City of Ryde; and • Items and documents related to World War I and World War II.
Items will be securely housed in the College Archives, and may be placed on display or used in future College publications. Items will be attributed to the donor. Please contact me via email (archives@hccryde.nsw.edu.au), or phone (+61 2 9808 1033), if you are interested in making a donation. Your support of this initiative is very much appreciated! In Cruce Salus, Zach
Dr Zachariah Duke Honorary Archivist Old Boys Community and Development
U12 State Champions Rugby League
The old “G Block” before it was demolished in
2014 to make way for the FLP and Lovegroves
An Excerpt from Sancta Crux By Donald McKenzie, Student 19th November, 1909 As long as in the sky’s dim height, We see the Southern Cross shine bright, We’ll know that here in Ryde’s broad land Still Holy Cross shall proudly stand. And if with kings our way lie thrown Or toil we o’er life’s thorns alone, This be our prayer, through good or ill, Whilst steadily we mount life’s hill.
“Lord of the Universe: Maker of all; Thou at whose word nations rise, or fall: Guide thou our College; protect her from harm, And never withdraw Thy sustaining right arm: Remember, O Lord, that whatever befall, She places Thy name and Thy power before all. Remember Australia, the land of the Cross, And never commit her to damage or loss. Remember Old Ireland, so green and so fair; Remember the Order who started from there: Remember their work through the world’s wide sphere: This prayer of the student, O Maker hear.”
Holy Cross College, Ryde Address: 517 Victoria Rd, Ryde NSW 2112 Australia Phone: +61 2 9808 1033 Fax: +61 2 9809 7207 Email: info@hccryde.catholic.edu.au Website: www.holycrosscollege.org