2020 Request for Proposals (RFP) Child Care Stimulus Grant Program

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2020 Request for Proposals (RFP) Child Care Stimulus Grant Program APPLICATION INFORMATION Please note that * indicates a required field which must be completed in order to submit your application. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Full Name* Email Phone* Legal Business Name* Primary Mailing Address* City* State* Zip* I have visited the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) website to learn more about this funding opportunity. (Yes/No) Grant Options*: There are two options for applicants, although the grant program and application form is the same: 1) Child Care Stabilization Option, or 2) Child Care Reboot and Reopen Option. Providers may apply for one of these options, or both if you are a multisite/service providers with open and closed sites/services. a. Stabilization = Licensed providers must be currently open and operating for at least 30 days prior to applying b. Reboot and Reopen = Licensed providers must agree to reopen within 15 days of grant award, or November 1, 2020 which ever date is sooner c. Both

11. Total Request Amount* We will consider the proposed budget as well as the needs of each provider. You may request a maximum of the amount listed for your licensed provider type. Please use the Maximum Grant Award Calculator Worksheet to determine the maximum grant funds that applicant can request. Upload completed calculator when submitting your application. Please use the budget template to submit a simple project budget request. Applicant shall not duplicate expenses in the budget already covered by another funding source. Maintaining records of expenses such as invoices and receipts for at least three years after the grant award start date is the responsibility of any grantee awarded funds, and HCF may request documentation of expenses (receipts, invoices, etc.) to assure that we are meeting standards outlined for the CARES Act funds. If awarded, the Project Budget time period is October 1-November 20, 2020 to expend all funds. Note: Grants amount will not pay for administrative costs and indirect costs or for the purposes of entertainment, perquisites, campaign contributions, or lobbying activities. If costs are determined to be inappropriate or unallowable, applicant will have to repay HCF the grant and/or subject to appropriate action under state law. Please indicate below how you anticipate using the grant funds. Please select all that apply. a. Cleaning services, and cleaning and disinfecting supplies (soap, bleach, hand soap/sanitizer)


b. Personal protective equipment (masks, gloves—often referred to as PPE—or thermometer) to maintain safe environments c. Lease/rent/mortgage payments (must cover the business-related portion) d. Utilities/insurance payments (business-related utility or insurance payments only) e. Payroll expenses for employees to maintain or resume child care operations (i.e. operational costs including employee salaries). Expenses are not limited to those whose services are dedicated to interim cleaning, or health and safety protocols. The hours charged to the payroll expense are documented and available audit purpose by HCF. f. Staff training g. Reopening costs needed to safely operate the child care facility, including making minor improvements to the provider’s environment, and purchase equipment (e.g. hand washing station, air filtration and purifying) or supplies to better respond to health guidelines. h. Purchasing supplies for caring for children, diapers, wipes, infant formula i. Other (please specify) 12. Supplemental Request Amount OPTIONAL: If additional funds are available, all eligible applicants will be considered for additional funds. Your proposed Supplemental Budget (March 15-September 30, 2020) should not exceed your initial maximum budget request. Use the same budget template to submit a supplement project budget request (separate tab(s)). No duplication of expenses already covered by other funding sources shall be allowed for supplemental awards. Expenses can be from March 15 through September 30, 2020. If no supplemental funds are being requested, please enter 0. Note: Grants amount will not pay for administrative costs and indirect costs or for the purposes of entertainment, perquisites, campaign contributions, or lobbying activities. If costs are determined to be inappropriate or unallowable, applicant will have to repay HCF the grant and/or subject to appropriate action under state law. Please indicate below how you anticipate using the grant funds. Please select all that apply. a. Cleaning services, and cleaning and disinfecting supplies (soap, bleach, hand soap/sanitizer) b. Personal protective equipment (masks, gloves—often referred to as PPE—or thermometer) to maintain safe environments c. Lease/rent/mortgage payments (must cover the business-related portion) d. Utilities/insurance payments (business-related utility or insurance payments only) e. Payroll expenses for employees to maintain or resume child care operations (i.e. operational costs including employee salaries). Expenses are not limited to those whose services are dedicated to interim cleaning, or health and safety protocols. The hours charged to the payroll expense are documented and available audit purpose by HCF. f. Staff training g. Reopening costs needed to safely operate the child care facility, including making minor improvements to the provider’s environment, and purchase equipment (e.g. hand washing station, air filtration and purifying) or supplies to better respond to health guidelines. h. Purchasing supplies for caring for children, diapers, wipes, infant formula i. Other (please specify) 13. Have you had prior experience receiving federal grants? If yes, please describe briefly what the funding was for and how much was received in 2019? 14. Do you have formal procedures in place for purchasing goods and services and financial budget status monitoring?


15. Is your organization currently providing services in any of the following locations? Below, please select all that apply. a. Central Oahu b. Hawaii Island (excluding Hilo) c. Kauai (excluding Princeville) d. Lanai e. Molokai f. North Shore, Oahu g. West Maui h. West Oahu i. Windward Coast, Oahu 16. Family Child Care – Geographic Location Please select all geographic locations in which you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. (Hawaii Island, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, Other, Statewide) 17. Family Child Care – Number of Sites Please enter the number of sites you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. 18. Family Child Care – Number of Children Please enter the number of children you/your organization currently serves under this license or registered child care service. If not open, enter 0. 19. Group Child Care Home – Geographic Location Please select all geographic locations in which you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. (Hawaii Island, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, Other, Statewide) 20. Group Child Care Home – Number of Sites Please enter the number of sites you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. 21. Group Child Care Home – Number of Children Please enter the number of children you/your organization currently serves under this license or registered child care service. If not open, enter 0. 22. Group Child Care Center – Geographic Location Please select all geographic locations in which you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. (Hawaii Island, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, Other, Statewide) 23. Group Child Care Center – Number of Sites Please enter the number of sites you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. 24. Group Child Care Center – Number of Children Please enter the number of children you/your organization currently serves under this license or registered child care service. If not open, enter 0. 25. Infant and Toddler Center – Geographic Location Please select all geographic locations in which you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. (Hawaii Island, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, Other, Statewide) 26. Infant and Toddler Center – Number of Sites Please enter the number of sites you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. 27. Infant and Toddler Center – Number of Children Please enter the number of children you/your organization currently serves under this license or registered child care service. If not open, enter 0. 28. Before and After School Care Program – Geographic Location Please select all geographic locations in which you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. (Hawaii Island, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, Other, Statewide)


29. Before and After School Care Program – Number of Sites Please enter the number of sites you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. 30. Before and After School Care Program – Number of Children Please enter the number of children you/your organization currently serves under this license or registered child care service. If not open, enter 0. 31. Exempt A+ Provider (HIDOE Contractor) – Geographic Location Please select all geographic locations in which you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. (Hawaii Island, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, Other, Statewide) 32. Exempt A+ Provider (HIDOE Contractor) – Number of Sites Please enter the number of sites you/your organization operates under this license or registered child care service. 33. Exempt A+ Provider (HIDOE Contractor) – Number of Children Please enter the number of children you/your organization currently serves under this license or registered child care service. If not open, enter 0. APPLICATION NARRATIVE These answers are defaulted for this application. Please skip to the next question. Project Title: Child Care Stimulus Grant Application Name: CARES Act – Child Care Duration (in months): 2 Area of Interest: Education – Early Childhood Impact Sector: 6E1-Access to Quality Early Childhood Education Gender: All Age Group*: Select the age group that your project primarily serves. • All Ages • 5 & Under • 5 & Under ->0-3 years • 5 & Under ->4-5 years • Adults (Age 18-64 years) • Adults (Age18-64 years)->18 – 24 years • Adults (Age 18-64 years)->25-64 years • Seniors (Age 65+) • Youth (Age 6 – 17 years) • Youth (Age 6 – 17 years)->11 – 13 years • Youth (Age 6 – 17 years)->14 - 17 years • Youth (Age 6 – 17 years)->6 – 10 years NARRATIVE QUESTIONS 1. Please provide a brief description of your program. Please include how long you have been operating your child care or after-school program, the age range of children you serve, and the number of employees and the types of staff roles you have at your facility (home for family child care providers). (max 2,000 characters = 1/2 page)* 2. Briefly provide a narrative description of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your program (you may choose to share about loss of revenue, declining enrollment, increased expenses, etc.) (max 2,000 characters = 1/2 page)* 3. Describe the overall project you would complete if awarded grant funds. If you have not reopened, please include a description of your plan to reopen no later than November 1, 2020. The grant program goal is to provide relief and


4. 5. 6.






ensure child care facilities are able to meet the additional health and safety measures set by DHS for reducing risk of exposure to COVID-19 for children, families and staff. (max 2,000 characters = 1/2 page)* Provide a description of any anticipated challenges with completing the proposed project. (max 1,500 characters = 1/3 page)* Do you provide any nontraditional hours or full year service? (Yes/No) Please briefly describe the hours of operation in a week and months out of the year. (max 500 characters). * If you are open, do you currently serve any of the following populations?* (Select all that apply) a. A child age 2 or under b. A child with special needs or developmental delays c. Not applicable d. Not currently open Do children enrolled in your program, or recently enrolled (pre-pandemic, January 1 to March 15, 2020) in your program receive any of the following tuition assistance? * If yes, please enter the number of children receiving each type of tuition assistance. If not, please enter "0". a. Child Care Connections Hawaii (CCCH) subsidy b. Preschool Open Doors c. Pauahi Keiki Scholars d. Quality Care for Hawaiian Keiki (QCHK) Child Care Subsidy (Maui) Is your program is accredited by any of these groups? a. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) b. National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) c. National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) d. Other. If other, please note accreditation. Have you or your staff participated in professional development or training in the last year? If so, please select the organization that provided the training.* a. Learning to Grow b. PATCH c. Not Applicable d. Other. If other, please note training. Have you applied for any loans or grant programs? *This information will help HCF understand any other funding you have received. Business experience must not be duplicated by utilizing or requesting the same expense across funding sources (we ask that you do not double-dip). * a. Department of Human Services’ Child Care Emergency Contract Program b. Hawaii Community Foundation’s Home Based Child Care Provider Emergency Grant Program c. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan d. Paycheck Protection Program e. County CARES Act Funds f. Aloha United Way COVID-19 Rent & Utility Assistance Program, or Helping Hands or Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement Family Emergency Assistance programs g. Unemployment Insurance, PUA h. Other. If other, please note Loan or Grant Program If applicable, please disclose and explain any pending litigation to which the applicant is party, including any outstanding judgement. (max 2,000 characters = 1/2 page)*



Applicant understands that by checking the boxes below applicant agrees to the following eligibility and criteria requirements should grant be awarded to applicant's program. * Applicant must agree and check all the boxes to have a complete application a. Applicant must be a child care facility licensed by or registered child care program (including before/after school programs) with the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Human Services (DHS), or a legally exempt A+ provider (HIDOE contractor) that is in good standing with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. b. Applicant is currently compliant with the applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination against any person or any basis and the state labor law 103-55, HRS. c. Applicant’s program is open or will be open by November 1, 2020 and currently serving families and agrees to stay open for a minimum of six months after receipt of the grant award. If program should be required to close at the direction of the state health department or other authorized officials, applicant will need to notify HCF to determine how to handle the grant award on a case by case basis. Applicant agrees to reopen once the local health department or other authorized officials determine it is safe to do so. d. Applicant will serve, continue to serve, or agree to serve upon request, children receiving child care subsidy assistance from DHS. e. Applicant will update Hawaii Community Foundation (via monthly online survey) of operating status, available space for children, impact of the grant and other necessary information. f. Applicant will use the DHS Guidelines for Child Care Facilities to Reopen or Continue Care (updated June 9, 2020) called "Guidelines for Child Care Facilities updated June 9, 2020". Additionally, the applicant will utilize health and safety practices that prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Hawaii Department of Health guidelines as much as possible. g. Applicant’s proposed project and budget is free of nepotism and conflict of interest (Nonprofit applicant please submit organization bylaws or policies outlining how these issues are addressed) h. Applicant certifies that none of the expenses are being paid using other federal, state, or private (philanthropic) funds. i. For sole proprietor businesses (usually home-based providers), a W-9 form will be submitted within five business days of grant award notification.

ATTACHMENTS The following attachments must be uploaded to the online application: Nonprofit • • • • •

Maximum Grant Award Calculator Project Budget Worksheet Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) Certificate of Good Standing Board of Directors List Bylaws

For-profit Business • • • •

Maximum Grant Award Calculator Project Budget Worksheet Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) Certificate of Good Standing Business Registration

Questions? Email CareGrants@hcf-hawaii.org or call 808-792-3105


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