5 charitable giving annuity powerpoint

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“If I could show you a way to make a meaningful charitable gift and improve your financial situation, would you be interested in hearing about it?”


A charitable gift annuity is a simple way to make a gift to charity and in return receive fixed payments for life AND an immediate tax deduction


When you establish a CGA with HCF, you will receive a fixed payout for life for up to two (2) beneficiaries....called annuitants. The annual payout rates is based on the age of the annuitant(s) at the time of the gift. The income tax deduction is provided in the year the gift is made. The exact amount of the deduction depends on the age of the annuitant(s), the associated payout rate of the annuity and the current IRS discount rate. HCF will compute all of this for you. Much of the payout is usually income‐tax free, which increases its after‐tax value. You can also use appreciated assets to fund your CGA, giving you the opportunity to minimize or defer your capital gains tax liability associated with the appreciated asset further increasing the value of the gift annuity.



a. Predictable & Sustainable – enhance fixed income stream from retirement and other income sources; diversify portfolio b. Tax Benefits – provide income tax deduction; defer capital gains taxes on appreciated property c. Charitable – benefit Your Charity Hawaii and their mission d. Simple to Do! – write a check; sign an agreement








Anytime someone makes you a “promise” you want to know how good that’s going to be... c. So let me tell you a bit about what you should be concerned with...what questions to ask.... i. Proposed payout – set by ACGA ii. Assurance of payments – backed by HCF; investment returns and related expenses iii. Assurance of benefiting charity – function of payout rate and investment returns; does not replace a direct gift to charity.




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