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NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Kristen Bonilla 808-535-7982 or 808-341-4789 kristen.bonilla@hawaiipacifichealth.org

HAWAI‘I PACIFIC HEALTH 2020 EMPLOYEE GIVING CAMPAIGN RAISES NEW RECORD TOTAL OF MORE THAN $1 MILLION TO SUPPORT PATIENT CARE AND THE COMMUNITY A portion of the amount raised by employees, along with a $100,000 matching gift from Hawai‘i Pacific Health, will go to the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund for Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 recovery efforts HONOLULU (November 12, 2020) – Despite all of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spirit of giving is stronger than ever across Hawai‘i Pacific Health (HPH). Employees generously donated their own money to help patients and the community by raising $1,140,341 for the 2020 Hawai‘i Pacific Health Employee Giving Campaign, a new record total for the annual campaign. With a campaign theme of puzzle pieces, employees truly embraced the overall message that “like pieces of a puzzle, when we all come together anything is possible.” The record amount marks the fourth straight year that staff members have raised more than $1 million through personal gifts and pledges. There were nearly 4,000 participants this year, which also marks HPH’s 19th Employee Giving Campaign. The 2020 HPH Employee Giving Campaign is also supporting the community’s needs beyond health care. From the total funds raised through the campaign, 10% was designated to go to the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. HPH will also make an additional $100,000 match to the Hawai‘i Community Foundation for a cumulative total of $214,034 from the organization and employees. The Hawai‘i Resilience Fund is rapidly deploying resources to community-based organizations and health care partners who are working on the ground to address the COVID-19 pandemic in Hawai‘i. “The record-breaking outcome of this year’s Employee Giving Campaign demonstrates how our physicians, nurses and staff members are not only committed to providing quality health care, but they also want to contribute to the economic recovery of our broader community,” said Hawai‘i Pacific Health President & CEO Ray Vara. “We are extremely proud of our employees’ generous contributions in honor of our patients and community. As a not-for-profit health care system, we know how invaluable every donation can be, especially at this time.” “On behalf of HCF and our Board, we are extremely grateful for this generous gift raised by HPH staff and doubled by the company’s additional match,” said Micah A. Kāne, CEO and President, Hawai‘i Community Foundation. “It is not lost upon us that our essential healthcare community has been on the frontline of the pandemic, making this gift and their sacrifice even more profound.” -more-

Hawai‘i Pacific Health Foundations | 55 Merchant Street, Suite 2600 | Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813

Employees understand and see firsthand how much HPH, as a not-for-profit organization, relies on philanthropic support for its facilities and services, which is why many staff members organized additional fundraisers to increase donation dollars. Even though events had to be virtual, they were very successful. Hosted fundraising events across the system raised $73,071, with Pali Momi Medical Center’s Karaoke Contest generating the most. The staff created a website loaded with their own music videos then encouraged fellow employees to vote by making a donation in honor of their favorite Pali Momi singers. The talent lineup included everything from singing surgeons to an original song debut by a nurse’s two sons. In total, Pali Momi’s musical masterpieces drew $11,220. Other notable events included a virtual ZOOMba class, lucky basket drawings, cookbook sales that featured 100 recipes from Straub Medical Center’s clinic staff members, and food sales that were generated by orders at local restaurants to help support the business community. This year, the majority of the campaign money benefited the following programs and services at HPH’s four medical centers, many of which would not be possible without the generous philanthropic support of employees and the community: 

Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children’s Child Life and Chaplain Services programs, which help patients and families cope with their hospitalization. These programs provide visits from child life specialists, educational support, integrated services and 24/7 access to chaplain services.

Pali Momi Medical Center’s Cardiac and Emergency Care Fund, which will provide equipment, education, and training to support emergency heart care for Central and West O‘ahu.

Straub Medical Center’s Kokua Fund and Cardiac Care Fund. The Kokua Fund offers patients emergency assistance by providing medication, medical equipment, transportation and more for those in need. The Cardiac Care Fund will help upgrade the cardiac catheterization lab to complete the Heart Center expansion.

Wilcox Medical Center’s Malama Fund, which provides medication, medical equipment, transportation and more for patients in financial need on Kaua‘i.

Kapi‘olani Children’s Miracle Network, a program that provides support for patient care, specialized medical equipment, emergency transport and preventive education for patients and their families.

HPH employees also had an opportunity to support the community in other ways through the campaign by donating to Aloha United Way and Kaua‘i United Way. ### LINK TO DOWNLOAD PHOTOS AND VIDEO:

https://hawaiipacifichealth.box.com/s/vmsetrjywojbhv1mm9h1fw9asay552g7 Campaign photos feature employees with puzzle piece messages. Video footage features campaign funding areas and shows employees with puzzle piece messages.

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About Hawai‘i Pacific Health Hawai‘i Pacific Health is a not-for-profit health care system with over 70 locations statewide including medical centers, clinics, physicians and other caregivers working together to create a healthier Hawai‘i. Its four medical centers – Kapi‘olani, Pali Momi, Straub and Wilcox – specialize in innovative programs in women’s health, pediatric care, cardiovascular services, cancer care, bone and joint services and more. Hawai‘i Pacific Health’s employed physicians and advanced practice providers are unified under the Hawai‘i Pacific Health Medical Group, which includes nearly 700 health care providers brought together under one operational structure to provide consistency and excellence in patient outcomes and patient experiences across the system. Hawai‘i Pacific Health is recognized nationally for its excellence in patient care and the use of electronic health records to improve quality and patient safety, including being recognized as the nation’s only three-time winner of the prestigious HIMSS Davies Enterprise Award of Excellence for outstanding achievement in health information technology. Learn more at HawaiiPacificHealth.org. About Hawai‘i Community Foundation With over 100 years of community service, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) is the leading philanthropic institution in the state. HCF is a steward of more than 950 funds, including more than 280 scholarship funds, created by donors who desire to transform lives and improve communities. In 2019, HCF distributed more than $63 million in grants and contracts statewide, including more than $7 million in scholarships. HCF also serves as a resource on community issues and trends in the nonprofit sector. To learn more about HCF’s response during coronavirus, please visit HawaiiCommunityFoundation.org/Coronavirus.

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